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We Survived a 24 Hour YouTuber Race

Jun 26, 2024
For the past 2 years there has been a group that has been threatening our territory in Buck Mall Park. These rookie drivers have been trying to take the crown during the 24-




and are called Mr. Frogs, Your Frogs. your frogs your frogs your frogs come on frogs I have been racing at Bore Park for over 16 years and it is now our home for karting videos so I have put together the best of the best not to win the


but simply to defeat the Mr. Frogs the team will be doing more than 1,600 laps brutal weather conditions unexpected turns and pressure reaching the boiling point this is our Buckmore park and this is our version of the story this would be our quadrant headquarters for the next 24


s here we could see our Throughout the race we maintained constant communication via our radio system with the driver and it kept Rel relaxed between our runs.
we survived a 24 hour youtuber race
However, the production team had a big surprise for us waiting for us in the parking lot, come on, that's incredibly awesome on our tour bus, we have everything. VIP experience 16 beds with air conditioning and her, you and me then here, what kitchen works, multiple lounge areas and complimentary drinks, they even had a gaming setup, a Playstation 4 doesn't work, take it out and like that, we were ready to face . Mr. Frogs, okay, at first I know this looks bad, right, I realize it's okay, it's probably not a good look, the rivalry wasn't real, but now that we're here, the quadrant as always is still In my heart, I think you already know.
we survived a 24 hour youtuber race

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we survived a 24 hour youtuber race...

We are all friends off the track, why can't we be friends on it? Judas, a scariot, also known as wiy, is on the team, so obviously I'd like to see him do pretty badly, there's some tension that I can feel every time I pass by and look at Max into his beautiful eyes. I think you're a handsome guy, but I'm going to have to crush your soul too if you take into account the context in which we've had about seven or eight members. The last few years, this year we have five. Ethan Bazinga has almost been finished off by his own lungs.
we survived a 24 hour youtuber race
Alex has been suspended and K Frezy is so slow that we took him off the car after our briefing with all the drivers and were ready for qualifying. but there was just one problem that we haven't addressed yet, the rules remain the same, we have to have the car with a minimum weight of 70 kg. Ria doesn't meet that threshold, she needs to have a seat that's 20kg heavier, so Matt behind the camera has been like lead straps and asbestos, all kinds of chemicals, here's your seat, oh my god, of course, How could I forget the chair?
we survived a 24 hour youtuber race
That thing is loaded with about 20 kilos of lead, if that turns into an advantage, a lower center of gravity, I really hope that she still has that Nimble there, she's going to start the race, the reason why not we have to load the seats right away at the start of the race everyone is more grouped together and that's where mistakes happen if she turns and then we're done so if she's at the back of the group and consistent then she we haven't lost so long. We wanted to give r as much time as possible for her to get used to the extra weight. in the car and just like we planned we were starting from last place yeah so it's your typical drag racing maneuver essentially what you want is to have your bronzes first we're basically going to get all the rookies out of the way and then we were going to Returning to fight for the title late, we knew at 5:30 that Buckmore Park would face a big storm, so getting our rookie drivers out first while it was still dry meant that as soon as the rain started to fall and the sun started to set, we were able to start climbing back up the order with our professional drivers, the fuel tank of our car could only last 2 hours, then we had to stop in the pits to refuel and exchange drivers, but since it was Ria's first time and Nan were participating in an endurance race like This they could only drive for 30 minutes.
We had a big challenge ahead of us and now it was time to line up on the grid, so you can basically call us a dress rehearsal for the mod, essentially for me, practice that we are missing. In the engine department we are missing a couple of horses but you know what we make up for with Talent, the main theme is that it is going to rain a lot, it wouldn't be just another book 24 Without Rain, right? I'm looking forward to the The rain because it's probably going to be stronger in the rain than it is in the dry and your frogs will sneak away from them if we're on 29th and their 30th, which they will.
FL is in the air ready to go down, she leaves and we go towards the bmore 24 Hours park and it's a good start, come on, she's coming in. Ria had a clean start and was already gaining positions when suddenly, oh someone's on a wall, AO down there made Chris MD had spun his car, we were now leading ahead of Mr. Frogs, Ria had moved up two positions in the first few laps Chris went out first on his first lap appearance, which wasn't good, you know what we should work on together guys, that's what I was saying, but the added weight to our C started to affect its handling.
The cart is now going to be out there for 24 hours. It's all a cruel trick. We are lulling these frogmen into a false sense of security. They think they are home and they are wrong and they are dirty. Ready, no, listen, we're not last right now and if us and my stin don't last, that's a win, you know what too? Because you're so tall, that's bad for the arrow, just a bad quadron, yeah, close now, I mean, what. Can you really expect that to be the place where he yells the least? Go Go. I'm excited, man.
Should be good. I hope that obviously 2 hours are the same. The goal is to turn as little as possible. The goal, personally, knowing my own abilities and those of some of the others, I feel like it might be a slightly optimistic goal, now that r comes into the pits as fast as we can, we replace the seat when n headed towards it. The track was fun, I feel like I did well at first, then I think I got a little slower, there's some hair pain. It always seems like our B enemies waste time against me once, so I'll remember. that after ria's impressive start, it was up to niran to keep up the pace. 1 hour has passed.
We're lost five laps down, there are no major mistakes to speak of, so yeah, he's not doing too bad, the main mistake is obviously the trimming we have to do. Making a lot of changes early on has hurt our run, but now we're going to try to fix it so there's still potential for Quadrants to come back to this. They're going to have to dig deeper Steve, what do you think I can do? I think if we stay within 10 laps I think it's okay, oh, absolutely fantastic start. I like the fact that it's dry now, even a little sunny, which is a bit hard to say in England.
Steve looked at this forecast a moment ago. and uh, it was literally the opening of Heaven an hour into our race. I think we were all completely worried about the weather forecast. I think we were hoping for a nice, easy dry race, but it doesn't look like we're going to get that with the rain approaching quickly and the dial. Back at the last place, it was time to send our Arab out to make the most of the dry track while we still had it. We are seven laps behind the overall lead. We've got 22 and a half hours left, so there's plenty of time for Us, uh P, who in achieving some decent lap times, it was crucial that Arrow stayed consistent to close the nine place gap between us and the frogs.
I think the only advantage frogs have over quadrant is that yes, quadrant has fast drivers, but I don't. I don't know if they've run more B. A lot of it is because it rained for a lot of this race, so we have rain and anti-fog, so this will repel water from the visor so it doesn't stick to the visor, so you have good visibility and this will prevent fogging up, we are about to install our secret weapon, okay GT Steve will come in and take us to R 11 laps back, get a nice slow motion, I think you have this on Red Master. when he is wet and we can only use slick tires, that will be a big help for the experienced guys.
He will be an absolute demon in the wet right now. Steve, we all know it. You know, he could blow all the smoke out his back. like he needs it, but there's no point, we just all know it's going to be quick. I just hope that Steve can pull off a miracle, but Arrow ended his shift discouraged, it was all up to Steve to pick up the pieces from the rookies who started from last. Places are really playing around now, you know, up to 29th place, there's a bit of ARG bargy. Steve says have one of them work on the steering wheel.
Yeah, look, that wasn't track limits, that was Talent on the inside, since that's super GT on the inside looks to push the secret weapon is in full effect, this was the plan all along guys, oh, How tasty, sorry, beauty, there goes Super G every time we look at Steve, he's overtaking, he's seconds per lap faster, he's moving. another position gained this man is actually not from this earth look at that, yeah how did that become an overtaking maneuver because Super GT someone else is tearing it up, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, yeah, yeah, he's got it , do you have it, another maneuver? dividing the field I think we're actually faster on the track and this is our lap time, that was George Russell, that's cool, my god, bro, no, man, how many times no, it's not spins, it's the reception, I'm blocking it completely.
Actually, you're not going to lie to yourself. I think I felt this amount of pressure from probably the classic British weather of the 2015 C World Championships, living through the drama. Well you know as a racing driver you have your up and down days in the wet, I've been known to be kind of Aon Center and uh also absolutely horrendous now with Steve coming in after a season for the history books, now we were p25, who depended on CLM to continue the much-needed momentum to try and cover. Gentlemen frogs who are currently in 12th place, number 30 now returns to the quadrant of the track looking to make up the lost ground at the moment, they are currently in 25th place overall, fantastic.
Here comes from uh super GG Mr. Steve Brown, I'm beat up, my wrists are done. but that was very fun. They love that man, what a man he is, that's him, you're like five six seconds faster than most people imagine being that good man. I don't look at my best right now, it doesn't matter, he cooked like that. Difficult, never mind with Clen taking a bath at night and the rain continuing to fall, the chances of us catching frogs gentlemen also seemed like an increasingly difficult traffic, yes, I think the sexy frogs have really surprised me, I think we have done a fantastic job.
Clearly, the practice they've put in pays off as a team. Mr. frogs, we have practiced a lot. We're not good brewers, but we know this place. Buckmore, we certainly are Buckmore. Merchants even look at them there. As someone who grew up competing, liking what they are doing is pretty impressive considering the lack of experience. I have less than no interest in not beating that team if they don't beat our 23. I'm implementing some sabotage, all I know. is that they are the enemy and must be destroyed Clemington back Clemington back every time it was slow, isn't it literally, it was torrential at the end.
It's okay mate, I love you, but the pace is a dog, mate, after some words of encouragement from the team James was making up good time and staying well on p25, he sent his frogs down to p113, giving us the opportunity to catch them as usual in the quadrant, the weather continued to get worse, there is literally a river on the main street. slicks, make sure it stays the course and we'll find out. I have to go out and produce some magic. I thrive on humidity, dirty boy. Steve and I head to the RV to have a little gear.
Steve has a previous 3. :00 a.m. period I have a return period at 5 a.m. in the car 2 hours or maybe more oh and now we're losing power apparently things are starting but I'm going to bed this is an amazing surprise oh oh lovely Oh, it's perfect for my height, literally perfect. I'm going to sleep like this, coughing at how I feel while Arv and Steve got some sleep and James' season was coming to an end. Now it was the turn of our resident racing driver, Max. to show us how it's done, but not before some late-night drama, Mr.
Frogs, with a black flag, they were in the pit lane for 30 seconds. I think Chip has someone in yellow flying condition or something, he went out, got into a battle and then got captured. The engines died and I think they lost about two laps, so now we're closer than I know. It's going to seem crazy to be less than 10 laps behind them, but with Steve having two more stints, brother, this is possible. I am enthusiastic. On my stin I only did one lap in practice and thenThey told me to slow down because we didn't want to pass the pro cot.
I think Max is going to be good in the wet, he has a little more body. weight than he used to have in these Euro formula days and that transfers to speed in the rain because he can move that weight, move it over the different tires at certain times. I won't grab there. I won't grab there. I win. You don't grab, you can move that weight, so I think Max will pick up there with that kind of pullout stuff. It will be a great experience. It's the first time racing competitively since 2020 for me, so I'm just going. to enjoy the whole experience, it felt good, hand it over to Max and see how we can go.
Max had managed to gain us a couple of positions and we were now only nine positions behind Mr Frogs, everything was going very well, it's not looking good guys. We have a Black Flag, a Black Flag right now, that's not what we need. After a small setback on Max's part and a valuable lesson learned, we returned to the track to try to recover Claw. lost time we are now on the first page of the leaderboard we have all reached the first page come on come on everyone has gone crazy here it's amazing oh for love we just got another Black Flag for love black flags have been a bit There's a problem, okay Max, we're going to have to box for another Black Flag, we're going to have to box for another Black Flag.
I think Max had two on his shift, that's like one an hour, so he a lot of times he didn't do it. slow down enough on yellow flags typical racer going to a car race raised his hand and thought Oh that's enough when he came in he apparently went too fast and got another Black Flag for basically not doing that black fly correctly after more penalties than a World Cup final, it was time for a man from Down Under to put his Sim racing experience to good use. The quadrant will make his pit stop, which is a ride from someone whose legs are Hur a little good job, oh wait, nevermind, not a good job. took penalties, bad work, Max, probably the toughest conditions I've ever raced with him, to be fair, normally what I used to do, they wouldn't even let you drive in that, but oh brother, I had my contacts all the time with the visor. open I'm so tired now that it was actually destroyed during the race, each team needs to perform a mandatory 10 minute service stop, this allows the Buckmore staff to perform an oil check, apply new tires and perform general maintenance on the car on the way back to the race. and with the new C service on the runway, Ben was doing his best in dark, wet conditions, all good, right at 3:00 a.m., just woken up from a beautiful dream, something like that, now I'm going out for 3 hours. to get soaked, so you love it.
FR, come on, buddy? Well, Mr. Will and E just went out. I'll be sure to clear him plenty of times when I meet him at the track in a minute as we do today's race. I just want to thank our sponsor, Razer Kishi Ultra, this is Razer's latest USBC gaming controller for Android, iPhone and iPad Mini. Simply connect your device to the controller and it will give you full access as if you were playing on a console controller with analog sticks. activate the d-pad and more means you can play wherever you want discover thousands of compatible games through the Nexus Nexus app like Call of Duty mobile grid Autosport and recfest, whether you're on a long-haul flight or even waiting for your next flight on the way upgrade your mobile gaming experience with Razer Kishi Ultra click the link in the description to find out more now let's get back to Ben stin in the rain with quadron holding firmly on P22, it was time we reintroduced our not so secret weapon but Steven made a name for himself on the track and the press wanted a piece, we have some big questions so I thought I'd go over some of those CA or BBN creams, who would win if in a fight, a silverback gorilla, Conor McGregor.
I can hear again how we get along we're Steve the kitchen he's Steve Steve it's a consistent problem 105 it's ridiculous like he's a good second faster than anyone else M how are we doing hello hello buddy how are you? He is beating me, how are we? where we are? so we are good in 25th place now no 21 21 2 slap position Steve is consistent with the crack 105 oh my goodness yes you joke driving early in the morning quadrant now we were in p21 however the fatigue really was starting to show up for Steve and after a gring 2 and 1 half hour shift it was time to hand the RS back to Arav.
Good stuff, dude, good stuff, come on, dude. I need to sit down, I don't know if I can do more with Steve not sure if I could do another period and the Frog was still six places ahead of us on page 15 the idea of ​​beating them seemed to get further and further away oh my god it hurts Every part of me, my wrists were in agony after about 20 minutes and I could barely grip the steering wheel, but then I still had 2 hours left in the stint, as soon as I got out of the car I was completely destroyed and I'm glad I didn't have to come out again, oh my god, at first I thought I had done something wrong, I realized. our camera broke, it was basically hanging and they gave us a black flag just because it was dangerous.
I had to go into the pits to take it off and then move on. I mean, what can you do? It's just bad luck for the camera to fall. It's no one's fault with our original strategy out the window, it was time to adopt a new rivals to friends game plan. A friendship has blossomed between Quadrant and Mr. Frogs. We've resigned ourselves to the fact that we're probably not going to do it. They beat Seor Frogs now that they have driven very well, it looks like Seor Frogs could be on the podium in their last race, while Quadron is not quite ready for that, we have changed our stance, we are going to help them.
Our team's radio broke down a little, the quadrant came to the rescue, our mobile home, the place where we were supposed to sleep, had no beds in it, the quadrant came to the rescue again with a double-decker bus, it's raining heavily out there, we can barely see but quadrant to the rescue again when they came with this little spray to prevent fogging. If we achieve this podium, it is likely that we would not have been able to do it without them, they clearly put the practice into the preparation their pace and consistency have been very good certainly less penalties than us everything we are going to do now you know, give them our support James comes out Now there are 6 hours left, we are going to return home with Steve confirming that he would not be able to do another stint James decided to take his place everything was going well and we even did a great lap of Mar Stone a thousand or so laps everything seemed hopeful and everything was going well until something It broke me.
What happened with James coming in? without warning due to injury we currently had no one on the court so the team had to abandon Clen went back out for a surprise season which was a tough season, man had some pace but an old recurrent lesion R is ugly. 2016, in my real Glory Days, I had a huge stack in Las Vegas. I went under a wall at about 92 mph. I broke my neck, dislocated my shoulders, and broke my wrists. Both dolls actually gave me a knee and also gave me a third degree burn on my leg. I woke up. and my leg was resting on the exhaust pipe.
I never thought it would bite me in the butt 8 years later, but here we are, having admitted defeat, there was now only one hope for the YouTube community, clams, now it's the second to last place they opted for. There is no radio so we just came here to check how he is doing, as Clen was put on the last few laps of him, it was time for Max to prepare for his last few stints of the race. Mr. Ranas has gone from our rivals to people we are trying to support and we want them to win now and say goodbye after these long 24 hours the car of the driver of quadrant number 30 against Mr.
Ranas this is the battle that everyone wanted see for a long time and they are Now we are close together on the circuit, but when I caught up to Chip I couldn't help but give him a good fight, give him a few pushes here and there, heads down, floating sideways towards him and he has one of them and he with hand. Oh well yes, it's to say sorry and a thumbs up from Chip, he's really good sportsmanship, it was lovely to see, but then I also showed him a different racing line to help him out. There was a lot of grip on the outside that we maintained.
It was flat, so when he was behind me I just signaled for him to follow me. There were 3 hours left. Unfortunately, Ben lost his place because Max had to finish the race. I think he's still sleeping, so now we're on our way to the RV to try. Wake him up, okay, I think we found him. I miss your Ben, hello, hello, buddy, oh, morning, buddy, hello, buddy, yeah, good buddy, so the WP set up is um, you fell asleep a little bit. I miss your space, oh okay, I'll have some. It's been about 50 times since we got here and I think he's going back to sleep.
Hi, hi, it's only on Tik Tok, we actually need to get Ben into the cart now. I think we're going to run out of fuel in a second, so at most. is going to jump and Ben is going to take us home, let's go and with a good night's sleep under his belt, Ben was ready to conclude our trip in Buckmore and the quadrant team returns to the circuit right now, car number 30 opens passed. Back with the rookies coming out last the final hour was about to begin now the end was in sight for our races and the quadrant had PA in the rookie league but Mr.
Frogs now in P2 had everything to play for. I've run the numbers. Look at them. I said you don't understand them. We have 10 laps to play on the team above us. Just give up on that dream when there are nine laps left. Let's go through the quadrant. The day was coming to an end and the team seemed a little delirious. It looked like Senior Frogs would have to settle for P2. Our trip on the Buckmore 24 Hour Race didn't go as planned, but our time here did. It wasn't in vain, he did it, he did it, I'm sorry Ben, you've been black-flagged for driving, he said, "Don't kid me, we're kidding, we're kidding, 24 hours, it ain't got a name, that'll go around the curve of the Café and he will take victory in the race for money. park 24 hours there were lessons learned friendships were formed and a broken wrist but we are in quadrant that is what we do and next year we will come back stronger than ever we started last we did not finish last thanks again to Razer for sponsoring this video ciao and see you in next woo

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