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May 22, 2024
we're taking, we've lost this, we could have lost our for all of us Josh, I can't believe what you just did there, I actually can't believe it, what a shot, that's a quality connection, that sound. and I saw it, I saw it Oh my God, oh, they've taken their pictures, they're taking it from there, oh my God, they're up there, yeah, and we're here, oh my God, we should, can we take accomplices, now, what a way to end the video If one of us holds this, yes or not even no, honestly, up and down to the middle of the hole, here it's like a W for us, what you use, pitch and


, it's 120, oh My goodness, no way you definitely leave it safe. play, it's in play, oh my gosh, I start walking that way, you did it, right there, it's on The Fairway Cal, look, move on and on this Fairway H Cal, what has happened to me on this hole?
big wedge 3v3 youtuber golf match
I feel like I can't do anything. it's the worst thing oh my gosh we might have to pick up oh this is good because if they have one person left unless he draws a blind and throws it in the ring like we've already shot in front of them if he puts it. Yeah, but if they put it right there, then it's a hard foot, come on, seriously, please, yeah, focus, focus, funny, right on the green, we're done, hell, bro, it's nowhere to be seen, buddy , what happened on the green, I didn't even hear that, yes, we won a hole, we, one, no, this is a disaster, this is gone, tit, I need to go look. my ball, oh yeah, thanks, I'm glad you caught that on camera Cal C, let's take mine, uh, let's take mine now, just go, we'll get it later, we'll get it later, no, I thought that we were taking it. don't take take take Simons wait why because it's closer no M his is his it's up there you have a light pole in the middle yes, but it's better brother we've lost no no no this us this is the one we want the opposite It's going to take your years to go there to come back if we've lost let's go I'm doing it I'm doing it and my cart will stay there just put this and my cart will stay leave the cart there brother die in the sticks a little big that have traveled miles the sticks They are a little big, what did you have? uh, you little cheeky pee, okay, yeah, I mean, damn, man, what hit the flag, hit the flag, okay, Simon, oh my God, don't worry about it, guys, guys, Simon, guys, bro. guys brother, where was this?
big wedge 3v3 youtuber golf match

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big wedge 3v3 youtuber golf match...

Yeah, oh no, oh no, oh no, let's pick up, man, no, hell, guys, if you end up walking away, oh my god, so how many takes have you had? Seven, oh can we have the hole we've had? a shotgun, we can, we can, we make our boat, yeah, take your PT, take your boat, okay, continue, Josh, you know what your housemate is, do it. I want to see you both. it's all you if he goes to SN this you know he's not going to S come up here when he goes he had a by the way he already had a birdie before Oh, he needs, he needs a lot, oh yeah, okay, yeah, okay, that's how it you make your go that's stopping dead that's too soft isn't that okay wow how hard did you hit that Harry yeah you actually hit him a lot?
big wedge 3v3 youtuber golf match
They putting that in to win us, yeah you actually do man? I miss this being yours, your rules put us out of our misery, yeah, I can't lie to you, we've had the worst hole, we, that's the best hole, bro, I can't believe it there in the dark, that's crazy, y'all They deserve it. It was pitch black, guys, it all comes down to this, the sixth hole, if you go and beat us on this hole, you take us to a TI switch, um, this is a 511-yard par five, it's your honor, guys, Hit him, no, let's go first, right? we get some measurements on this, okay, I've looked into it, okay, although it's in SC, what's the line.
big wedge 3v3 youtuber golf match
I assume it is the tree that is illuminated. I don't think so. I think it's around the corner, yeah, that tree. That's illuminated is that there you see, can you see? You see through the middle of those two trees, oh oh, did the club break? I thought his club was gone, mate, something broke on that club, by the way, Harry, this is your moment, man. The whole round we've been waiting for you to actually put your penis on the table and now is the time when the distance on that thing is mental, that might be good and that's fine, we can look for it, can you, where am I?
Aim, that's the main thing, no, no, nowhere yet, well, no, don't hit him yet, don't hit him yet, please, goodbye, is he leaving? He's going to look for his ball. oh no, oh no, she will. plays well as a security blanket no, there's no sa, that's not even a blanket, what is it? That's why we love you, yeah, you've cleaned them, you've cleaned them with so much class and over and over again we say wow, you're close to him, it's okay guys, we have a dance there, you're so elegant and classy, ​​it's crazy, oh yeah, Harry falls, Harry, that could be in your dome, where's Harry, oh my days, it's there, I think we took this, I mean, look, it's.
I don't know if I can clean this up, but I'm cleaning up the bush a little bit, but like it could be hit, I mean, you'd have to put the needle through these trees, but to be fair, if you hit it up there, one of us will pass through the trees. There is a world where you pass the needle as if there were a shot. There is a shot. Do it. Play a risky tactic, it would only require crushing them. and hit it through the trees, I mean, you have no recoil because this thing is here like it's not really, we're exes of theirs, we're next to them, can I hit this just for fun and see what would happen, sure, but we won't use it no matter what, although no guys.
I'll be honest with you. I'm having a bit of a stinky career. You change right now. I'm going to do it. Should I turn it over? Turn it over right now because if there is, it's time to turn around, it's in the final hole when all we have to do is draw, see, I love that it's there, I don't know what's there, but I think so, that's perfect. Five irons in the ship's pipe, now we can go for it. I was going to say if there's just one difference I should make, but the thing is Mike, there's an opportunity here, it's like, if you take out all of Bush, oh, this is going to make me mad if this goes through, even though we have to decide.
We have to decide first we shouldn't take this well, okay, it's the fun, then the fun, what do you think is so fun? Only you think you take Randy's point, yes, because we have leveled them right now, so definitely not. It doesn't count, it doesn't count now what you do, I tell you what it does, man, if I hadn't hit that tree, we'd be in the money, oh no, they hit the tree, they took theirs here. I'll go pick this up. up, pick it up, yeah, yeah, that tree wasn't on the


course, tree, man, oh that's wow, man, what a good shot, you hit it so well, everything goes left, even though you played your ball, No, he didn't, oh, that's right. we said take it back I said what's that where it was that's cool you took your back here you took a shot no no we can see it was there anyway yes you accepted that by the way it was actually there.
This is nothing, you didn't ask us, you didn't ask us for permission, I mean, most people would say you have to shoot anyway, you're about to witness a luxury masterclass, go on, no, about the bunker, the bunker, it was overdone, I think. No, he was left on the bottom, he threw him back, oh, did he make it worse? Li, yeah, oh, well, then fix it, but this is if B does it now, we hit the shot, yeah, like a little bit of fun, yeah, okay. okay, sorry, okay, go ahead, Disney, cook up a hybrid of this, oh yeah, we're in a dangerous place, what should I do?
I think he goes there, drives there, let's play chicken, let's cross halfway. yeah no no no not really I'm going to hide I'm out in the open now wait you bastard look at this guy we're in the line of fire here get out of the way oh my god what was that hybrid? yes, yes, there it is, it's back, what a shot, what a shot, Harry oh oh, that's a good shot, that was a very good shot, oh yes, you're back, that's great, I can't get over it, I'm going to try. It's fun, it's so sexy, how do you do that?
Yeah, bunker, uh, yeah, yeah, no, we, yeah, this is position A1, I got like 80 yards, 80 yards, man, this is a 52, but this is the club I've been telling you about. about that just reeks of that's money, that's absolute, oh my god, look at him, come in, come in, come in, can't tell how close that is, he just did that, hands in hands, game over, finished. Game over, game over, by the way, we must like to put our chips in, that's it, that's it, and that too sit too far away, oh, isn't it so mad that that's your 50?
That's just because I'm a small guy. Did I hit it further than you? I'm going to give this a spin, sorry, come on, baby's first attempt at a spinning approach shot, no, no, it might go away from the flag, it might spin, okay guys, good luck, let's put these lots together. a coffin, I'm going to try it and since you know, if it fails, go in, you can create the craziest moment of all time, okay, it's not bad at all, oh no, it's pretty bad, yeah, I'm bad at this kind of shot. It's your territorial type of shot, come on bro, good shot, it's rolling down, oh okay, practice the swing, good price, practice the swing, practice the swing for me, it's actually not bad at all, okay, They killed the VI, they destroyed that Vibe.
Cal Cal ruined that whole night. all of that even he took that shot oh Randy oh I read it wrong it's that he's giving him the line that's crazy they went that way yeah of course that doesn't make sense I know I think he you I think he did it I I did it I did all, oh no, oh Lord, I don't know how to understand what happened there. I think if you aim for that side of the hole and it will come this way, maybe in line with me, both your weights are wrong too, this would be a fairy tale ending this would be Absolut Ely unreal mini


world champion hit it oh, that was it, pool, yes unless you three consider this a fight, yes we lose so it will just destroy our birdie boy again.
I really want a birdie. oh, this is a solo birdie, is it in no?, oh yes, oh no, it's up to Lu, okay, the video with a birdie, ends with a man birdie, package C, if you left it short, it you left it short in the last part. stupid the guys we won and well done guys well done well done well done well done good game good game good game good game good g g good game good game make sure you subscribe here we go oh oh oh don't forget here we go all the right one, yeah, that one comes in

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