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Wim Hof: They’re Lying To You About Disease & Inflammation!

Jun 30, 2024
very soon you will be in the ice birth with me, but I don't like the cold that's great, yeah, oh God, stay with your breath. The jump has defied logic time and time again, is able to withstand extreme cold and even raced to the top. Everest in our underwear has shown that we are all capable of pushing our minds and bodies beyond what was thought possible. They call me the ice man. What is the purpose of living happiness, strength and health? Your rest is, but this society is sick and we can't deal with stress, it exhausts us, but if we listen to our body we can change it through science.
wim hof they re lying to you about disease inflammation
So what is the first step? Breathing exercises are about managing our emotions and feeling like we are above them no matter what, but we have never done that. we learned in our school how to do it next through the power of the mind we learn to make our bad feelings go away the



injected you with eoli you did not have a negative immune response you took volunteers you trained them in your techniques and when


were injected their The responses were similar to yours. Everything is possible. How do you do that? First we have to whim.
wim hof they re lying to you about disease inflammation

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wim hof they re lying to you about disease inflammation...

Was there ever a time when the pain was too much for you? My wife took her life and that led me to depression and I couldn't. Don't do anything, there are so many people who are going through different forms of grief, what would you say to those people? The only way to top that is we just hit 6 million subscribers on Dver Co um so my team and I would like to do something we've never done before as a little thank you and we'll call it the di Subscriber Raffle. of Co and this is how it works in each episode this month, we will choose three current subscribers at random and send one of you will receive a value of 1,000, one of you will come to see D behind the scenes live with our team and one of you will have a 10 minute phone call with me to discuss whatever you want to talk about if you are a subscriber you are in the raffle thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to do something that my team and I love to do it is the greatest honor of my life and I hope, I hope it continues.
wim hof they re lying to you about disease inflammation
Future Let's get to the episode, what is your mission? My mission is to bring love and power, very simple, but then through signs so that there is no speculation about it, in all the songs you hear, love is the greatest power and everything you have. I know, but we should be able to feel it and since we can no longer feel that, being too consumed by consumerism, by a very hectic and stressful everyday life, we get confused in everything, we are exhausted in our energy, our energy is depleting. a system that is a being finally divided in its wealth and therefore people are not able to use their energy to raise the correct values ​​in the family, which is patience, empathy, creativity, love compounded by happiness , strength and health. because there's confusion in that area so uh, I thought, hey, I'm going to start somewhere here and now I'm going to change the world and I see wars, I see unhappiness, I see depression, I see pollution, I see abuse, I see uh, all of that. and people think that's normal and we have to live up to those realities and I think no, it's sick and what I'm going to do about it.
wim hof they re lying to you about disease inflammation
I'm going to start looking inside myself because I believe that every uh mother in the world should be able to bring happiness, strength and health to their children and keep them there, so that's my mission to bring them and because no one listens to A person like me say that from the ceiling we have love, power and everything. That's why I study science, but first I entered the cold and got to know it because I intuitively felt that the cold can lower my thinking. What happens to the nature of society when you look at society right now? that makes you sad or worried about what happens to the way we live, the way we have built this thing called society, so a society is very complex, uh, uh, opportunistic, uh, over time, nobody is able to track where the problems are, how.
It's come up, it's too complex, too confusing now and there, I say, hey, okay, this look at the Establishment is that perfect, it's this paradise. Noh, there is nothing wrong with our knowledge, understanding and intelligence, but the way we use it we have to change our Consciousness and our Consciousness is our way of perceiving, perceiving is what we see and what we are able to deal with and not We can deal with the stress that comes into our lives, it consumes us, it drains us and there we are and look what we can do, we can leave. to the Moon we can go to Mars we can build bridges we can create AI all those things but we can't create happiness, strength and health, we have to reset ourselves, so let's massively stop in the world and raise our consciousness to be good to each other, not to be competitive if I am an individual who listens to this and follows your methods, what can you promise me will be the result in my daily life? much more energy, that's number one, two, you will feel alive, what is the purpose of living life is to love life as it is pure, without thoughts, without confusion, it is not there, just feel alive when you wake up from the bed, you feel good, this is a new day, what I'm going to do, I'm going to change the world. today because I feel very good and although I am not completely at this moment I know that it is coming and I want it I want it very much and you know what is called purpose and that purpose I am, I am living it and that The purpose is stronger than my thought and this society is not driven to fulfill the purpose of each and every one of them is to have the society kept the system kept controlled by a couple of people all the energy for what where is happiness where is strength where is health all days when I live my purpose and I want to change the world I want to bring love and power and I'm doing it with mathematical precision with the impossible mission things I found I tested in comparative scientific studies showing that suddenly we have much more control instead of being controlled by the system that oppresses our purpose The energy of Our Lives and connecting with that purpose is like love when you feel love for your woman for your love your sex this this you don't Think that that is the power and that power you should be able to live and feel for life itself every day, but we are too blocked.
The cold takes you out of this thinking brain, it takes you directly to the deepest part of the brain. Because you're doing it by going to the call, then you need to turn it on in the deepest part of the brain, the survival part, the brainstem and, uh, to combat the danger of the cold, but it's there once it's there and You are doing it. connecting is that, sorry, what you're saying, that the way we live our lives is too comfortable, so we're not reaching those kind of deeper levels of our brain, we're optimizing the discomfort. of our lives at every opportunity we have you at every opportunity you know I arrived here today in a nice, warm car I arrived at a nice, warm building I had a nice warm shower oh, very soon you'll be in the ice bath with me, it's, it's going to be nice , you know it's going to be nice, but that's what makes the difference is that we choose if we go to the cult and the cold won't get to us, we address the problem before it arises within us with the cult, which is a very uh way Negative aggressive power inflicted on our bodies is an impact when you say that if we go to the cold before the cold gets to us it is a metaphor for life are you okay?
You mean come on, we get uncomfortable and if not? Then our lives will face discomfort in another way, yes, and then we are not prepared, yes, of course, and that, and many people may agree with this in this system, but many more people do not agree with this and for those. we stand up, those of us who have the wealth to be and feel good, great, that is wealth, we should be able to defend those who cannot whims, when did this start, when did this start for you, because many people I know in this program show you.
You know that their first trips or kind of pivotal moments in their lives go back to maybe when they were 12 or 13, but your journey starts even earlier. The first domino that fell seems to fall when your mother was giving birth to you. Oh yes, unconsciously. It started at my birth, my mom told me I'm one of the unexpected twins back then we didn't have Echo charts and all these tools so they didn't know there was another twin baby there exactly and that's why I was almost born too. late they discovered me almost too late and uh then I came out while they were pushing uh the bat with my mother to the operating room in the hallway like purple because almost suffocated coming out in the cold of the hallway very traumatized it started There it started with a trauma and let me tell you that I became a Seeker because of that trauma.
People become Seekers. If they have deep trauma, they will always seek compensation. They will always try to seek relief in one way or another, not directly. to trauma but avoiding it indirectly and they don't know that it directly and profoundly influences your behavior in life I just want to make sure I'm very clear about this your mother had two identical twins and the doctor only knew that there was one baby there So when they finished giving gave birth to your brother, your identical twin brother, they went ahead with the procedure and then at the last minute, while they were in the hallway, they found out that there was another baby there and that other baby was at risk and that's why.
Every type of traumatic experience, you feel like it embodies a trauma that turned you into a Seeker looking for answers in the universe, rejecting conventional thinking and that takes us through this very curious type of childhood. to the point that he describes when he was 17 years old, when he was in Amsterdam next to a very, very cold lake and he feels cold when he jumps into that lake, yes, yes, uh, cold and C. There are no words to describe it because he gets carried away by intuition. you're guided by a way that the body is able to work out whatever is inside because you can't identify yourself thinking about what's going on because I was a baby back then but it always blocked me, turned me into a seeker and uh in that moment when I entered, I just follow intuition, it's a feeling and there I felt, this is it, this is what I've always been trying to find as a Seeker, my intuition had led me to emergencies, uh, to enter that water to face my trauma and that.
It's activating an innate ability of ours to deal with and process whatever is happening deep in the brain, in the deepest tissue of the brain, where there is trauma present that we haven't learned how to access when you first entered the water. cold, yes, you reacted like I reacted when I got into the cold water now, was it you? you will smile beautifully like you do now yes and you will go with me there is a moment when you will feel a little but I am there we are there you are my brother you are your uncle I am your family I want you to feel good I love you I I I am here to make you strong strong strong that means staying in the eye of the hurricane when that's when the stress is greatest when you first got into the cold water you said it seemed to answer a lot of your spiritual questions yeah oh yeah all that spiritual questions they did in the Cold War that first time answering everything that has been propagated by all the religions, all the Asian disciplines and doctrines that Nirvana and key of enlightenment for uh whatever they call it uh by name uh that is just our mind, let's feel strong , let's be strong, let's be healthy, let's be happy unconditionally, that's what I felt at that moment, this is it and they weren't words that came.
For me it was a pure opening of my feeling of not being corrupted to think that for many years you lived like a squatter. Was it from 17 to 20 or around mid-20s that you lived like a squatter? 0 You were your best time in my life with no money at all I was in society living outside of society outside I had no money I lived off scraps from the market and I loved it it was a party time it was a party every day with all these other people who are free thinkers don't think in a time, have a sabbatical time, a sabbatical time, in this way the system is maintained through the Paradigm through a certain way of thinking, if you leave it at the moment you start thinking, thoughts and emotions can arise without this. helmet in this heavy helmet that's interrupting your flow you are your expression and then you can't trust that expression you're lost you're missing out on who who you are there I was able to think freely without even thinking about it I played the guitar and the halls uh I did yoga all of these posts in the yards naked and in the winter I became so strong if you just let the life force express itself you become so strong what is the life force for anyone who doesn't know anyone has it, yes, like here and right now, yes I like it, I was talking before I came on this podcast.
This man was 76 years old and suffering from Li Limes


and wanted to climb Kilamanjaro in record time without having any problems. experience in climbing 76 years limes disease I suffer from this condition doing a mountain that normally takes between five and nine days fully dressed because up there at 6,000 m it isyou will find such a tremendous experience of yourself from the depth that comes to the surface and that is just the depth that comes to the servant, that is all and it is beautiful. I'm so curious how that happens, so CU. I've had many friends who are very focused on breathing using your techniques, obviously I told you that before I started recording.
My partner runs a breathing studio called Barley Breath Work, which she is involved with. her life to use breathing to heal people, but I would like someone to explain to me, you know, if I take the wheel and go through those kinds of unconscious breathing patterns, um, why does that unlock trauma? because when I go to my when, um, I've been in my partner's breath work sessions when they end, people talk about very deep forms of trauma that they suddenly encountered and I wonder how the breath works, how it unlocks those things, what It's, where is it hidden, you know, I don't understand the breathing. connection with our trauma, so traumas are a stored chemistry, it is not processed, it is when an experience happens and you cannot deal with it, you cannot process it, you do not understand that it is being stored and it becomes stored biochemistry, stored capacity of the body It is just there in our deepest tissue, but our conditioned mind and body cannot reach that depth by simply thinking that yes, but we are overthinking it and we know something is wrong inside us, but we cannot connect with it now. we change the patterns that we normally adopt with our breathing and thinking, that become slow, that control our heart, it is a conditioning H if we are in that conditioning and we start simple and that makes it so beautiful that it is so simple and uh H how It's uh uh, so uh, suddenly it's able to enter this Tau to regulate our mood in depth thanks to the cannaboid receptors of a taxi.
The last study we did is a historical study. A landmark study by Professor DBU Divar in Detroit shows that cannabinoid receptors are a part of the Outgoing Network, the Outgoing Network, is what makes all the networks in the brain work together and, with that, we control areas H with which we normally have no connection, so what deep breathing does is activate. the connectors in the body called cannabinoid receptors through which deeper realities of our physiology are opened and that is something natural that happens when we are at peace no longer in the trauma of the accident no longer we are at peace now We should be able to discover what has been accumulated, that is a natural capacity of ours to do that, but we have never learned in our society, in our school, how to do it and not even in Psychiatry do they give you pills and give you medications. that generates a lot of money but it does not solve the problem people become catatonic people also become my wife after treatment in psychiatry the first wife turned her eyes like those of a zombie yes, a zombie this is blasphemy this is scandalous in psychiatry that They still do that now.
Many psychiatrists, cognitive psychologists, talk about cognitive therapists and say that when cognitive therapies no longer have a solution, we breathe and that simply brings a solution, so it is simple, very effective, but it is not like that. Earning money makes people understand I feel so much better How is that possible? And that's simply how it works. We just did The Landmark study with compelling findings that we actually found that interception interception. Focus is suddenly able to regulate our mood a lot. better so that we can listen if we listen to our body and we feel bad, we can change that, now we find the key to how to do it, first of all, you do the breathing, called of course, called training, not too much, never too much. just relax, we are quite capable of even taking like Patrice Eva, who absolutely hated him because when she was young she received him as punishment.
You have to take it well and open yourself to the natural capacity to assume it. Will was the best, absolutely best taken in ice water for 16 minutes where he was and he wanted to stay there and the BBC said oh no, this is too dangerous, please come out, yes, yes, you don't have to, you have to come out, patri , okay, okay and He was just coming out and you know what I felt on his skin, they didn't even call it so just for context, that power, that power, it's so simple to people who don't know that Patrice is a good friend of mine, Patrice has been to. this podcast before and um, he told me that the whims techniques had really changed his life, especially his relationship with cold water, he was like me, he told himself that because of his I don't know his race, where he came from , his DNA was.
He didn't get to spend time in cold water, but I think what he discovered on a whim was that that was actually a trauma because when he was younger his father used cold water as punishment, so he had this trauma with cold water and after doing your program. and spending time with you, he was the best at staying in cold water and when I was with him recently he was amazing, he jumped into the cold water without flinching, you know? and he told me that throughout his career as a Manchester United player he was always the one who never went into the cold recovery pools at Manchester United after the game, he always avoided it and I only wish I knew what he knows now about the power of cold water because then I would have been able to recover better as a player, that's what he told me.
I have the studio here in front of me that you described there. I think it's the Michigan Brain Over Body Study, which was the first study and then it came. In a second study, in the first study, they compared me to 74 test subjects per person and they all came in with a perfusion vest that is used when firefighters go to work, they have cold water running through a full perfusion vest. of tubes, so it is a vest where they pump cold water. Yes, okay, then they can withstand the heat of the fire better. Okay, fight the fire, so they took it in body scans, fmri scans, and they pumped cold water into these vests while the. people were immobile in these FMs, so every time cold water was pumped, the skin temperature of the body would drop and then it would warm up again, the skin temperature would rise and that correlates in the brain with stress and uh uh.
Oh, and those stress mechanisms, when cold is pumped you can see very clearly on the monitor of these people who connected people with electrodes, you could see on the monitor the way the brain was activated. Oh, these are the stress mechanisms and now it's the heat oh now it's the uh the wellness areas of the brain H insula activated and the and the and the gray by aqueduct whatever the names are I call it the positive and negative register of uh from stress and or Wellbeing, yeah, those parts and no one could change that. What if we could make feeling good part of the brain at work when stress hits?
So what if we could feel and choose to feel good when stress hits? Ah, this has never been proven. in psychiatry, so they had this experimental module there and then, no one could make possible a different brain scan when stress comes through the cold that is pumped to the skin and then the part of the brain that is stressed is activated, no one could do that that does not activate. it didn't leave and I couldn't I didn't feel the cult when it came in because I warmed my body voluntarily no one believed that was possible um until you did it I just want to say that the first study that was done and published in In 2018 it was carried out at the University Wayne State in Michigan and scientists looked at how the body and brain reacted to temperature changes whenever someone felt cold.
They usually have an automatic body response, but you can also see that response in the brain narrowing the blood vessels to protect the organs uh increased energy and pain signals to test if you could control that um those responses to the Cold scientists created a full body suit in which they would pump cold or warm water into their body. In normal test subjects, their skin temperature would rise and fall with the change in water temperature, which is what would expect When Whim underwent the experiment without his breathing techniques, his skin temperature changes were very similar to normal people, however, when he used breathing and meditation techniques, he maintained a sustained skin temperature of 34 °C for 25 minutes, which was never thought to be humanly possible.
When they put him through a pet scan to see what was happening inside his body, scientists saw that the intercostal muscles, which are the muscles between the ribs, burned a lot of glucose and released heat into the body, which kept the body warm. By observing Quirks, brain scientists saw that he did not have the same unconscious reaction to cold that normal people's brains did when he breathed. The technique involved the sympathetic nervous system releasing adrenaline and activated the area of ​​the brain stem, which is that area that you describe before the aqueduct, gray hemisphere that perceives pain, the activation of the brain stem released cannaboids and opioids and these chemicals gave a sensation of wellness. and reduced anxiety and this study showed that the treat had control over the brain's autonomic nervous systems and the brain's automatic responses to cold.
The results of this study have been tremendous and have demonstrated the enormous potential implications for the IM immune system. System disorders like diabetes and arthritis in psychiatry, so the TDR of that study really showed that we have control over the stress that we encounter throughout our lives, we have control over the impact that it has on our physiological systems, but also already You know. our brain and how we experience it because you couldn't experience the cold yes, the pain of the cold, the stress of c and it wasn't about the cold, it was about how to deal with stress stress can come in many ways, emotionally, physically, spiritually , it can come in many ways, in the end it is biochemical stress, it becomes biochemistry, neurotoxins, etc., it accumulates, it gets into the body, it creates blockages, it drains and you don't know what to do with it and then the medications arrive, the pills and it just makes it worse, worse and in addition to the side effects, I used the cult when I was with my wife, who died, to get my emotional agony out of the way and, uh, it was the door to open my healing. my spiritual healing of myself as a puppy of my children just to be happy with them and give them energy and well-being without this traumatizing Darkness that surrounds us, so I found it through the cult, but it's not about the cold, it's about I recovered.
Mastery over me to get my emotions back uninterrupted because we should be able to guide our emotional state at any time when we feel bad naturally and that's what this shows and now in this study, they did another study and then they saw even without me, now people can do this and that's what I wanted, which is the Landmark study that was done last January, published in TW 24 and, uh, six years after covid and everything H, and now they see compelling evidence to go ahead and do these The studies are much larger because their potential is that we discover that the key called interception is so strong that we can control our emotional well-being through whatever stress there is, but it's not just our emotional well-being, it's also our immune system.
Of course, that goes with it too. I'm not a healthy person, a happy person, you know, isn't it interrelated? I just want to highlight this because this for me, when I heard this many years ago, I thought this was uh, I thought this. It can't be true, but in 2010, when you were 51 years old, you participated in a study at the Randbound University Medical Center in the Netherlands, where you were injected with a bacterial toxin, directly from ecoli in previous studies of 100 healthy people responded to that injection with a flu-like response, which is what you would expect to get the flu if you were injected with that, yet when you were injected with that bacterial toxin, you didn't have any other negative immune response. for a minor headache, your blood results also showed the release of cortisol, adrenaline and the chemical messenger il10, which is an anti-inflammatory proprotein, all of which helped you fight off that bacteria, however, to prove that you were not only you.
Being some superhuman scientists, they gathered 30 male volunteers, 12 were put in a control group, which meant they were just normal, and 18 were trained by you. You took 18 of them to Poland for 4 days to train them in meditation, cold exposure, annual breathing techniques and when they were injected with the um bacterial toxin, uh, the dead strain of ecoli, the trained group had a significantly lower immune response. , he recovered faster and his body responses were similar to yours. This was a major scientific breakthrough and demonstrated that people could voluntarily control their automatic system. nervous system and immune responseWe have the ability to respond and these are the tools, then suddenly we feel like we have the wheel of the ladder in our hand, how do we do it?
However, you coach someone to stop being a victim in their own life in one session, how do we just breathe? Yes, and then we entered the ice birth. Yes, they suddenly feel power. I'm sorry you're yelling. You can shout. Yes, it is power. people feel being silent in that ice bath, oh, overcoming all that stress and suddenly they feel like they are on top of it and suddenly they are able to overcome this concept of this dangerous cold power energy that comes to Uncontrolled, this anxiety is suddenly. a complete stop on that and with that comes that paradigm that always thought that was impossible to control.
Suddenly, it's a piece of cake that then becomes a domino effect, a cascade of uh uh feelings of hey, if I can do that. I can do that I can do that I can do that so you can develop your personal responsibility by taking control of the cold and not oh absolutely and in just one day okay guess what whim upstairs I have two ice baths I've always been bad With the cold it's always a story I've told myself my whole life, so since you're here and since I had two ice baths upstairs, could we go up and get in those ice baths and you can show me? how to dominate the cold so that the cold no longer dominates me follow me in this I am just a brother from another mother in this yes we are like a family family people have the ability to transmit their energy M it is logical it is nothing Woa, it is real and you'll feel it's real today here on the ice just follow me in there and pretty soon you'll take the reins yourself let's do it right okay so when we have two ice baths there's a certain temperature here. they have to be, it doesn't matter, this is the right temperature, very cold temperature, yes, like this, like this, so tell me about what we are going to do and how we are going to prepare.
Is there a way? I want to do it in a minute. horse St with you I haven't done this before so you need to train me yes your voice I want to hear you yes why are we doing this because you're going to go into the ice and then you feel why it's okay because it's The feeling has to go into your feeling now, it's okay, so command your body to do it. Feel strong mhm, yes mhm, we bring happiness, strength and health to everyone. MH, yes, mhm, okay, order yourself to be strong, this is to see if you are able to make your body start to be strong from within.
MH, right, mhm, so let's go. in mhm sorry, stay with your breath we are friends, come on, we show the world from the inside is the power to let the body do what the body is capable of do exhale long exhale long exhale you're doing well look hey, you did it Don't think of it like that, but you are doing it right, yes, let your body do what it is capable of doing. It takes about 20 seconds longer than your body adapts from the inside, which means the hormonal system has suddenly found a way. to oppose the impact and that makes your body strong, that strengthens your immune system, that makes your emotions under your control, the deepest part of the brain is now inside, because you are doing it, it is under your command and that It is to restore the natural power of us.
This is what we are going to bring to the whole world because we love people and we bring happiness, strength and health no, it is power, this is power, but silent, beautiful, how simple can it be. I'm not a sorcerer or anything like that. magician life is magic yes let's go to life look he was afraid of the cold hey the cold is not mine I have a warm body it's just not mine look at them now you can't buy this you can get this happiness health and strength you can get it you just go to the cold and the cold doesn't get to you have you done it yes yes I love it what time of day do you do it in the morning in the morning and how long did you sit here in the morning?
Sometimes I stay. My birthday was when I turned 60. I thought I would show the world that I am strong. Sorry for the French, but I'm staying 60 minutes. in the ice water and I had happy moments and 61 I did 61 minutes 62 I did 62 minutes 63 I was 63 and when I turned 64 I thought it was boring, I'm not going to do this anymore, yes, your nature is inside and that's the whole message and with that comes a strengthened immune system a strengthened cardiovascular system problems related to cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death in our society through this way of approaching it connection with the depth of the brain the deepest part of the brain and if you are Able to go to the deepest part, where else can't you go?
So if I did this once a day, do you think I would be better equipped to deal with the stress of work and the stress of life, yeah, of course, man, and you wouldn't. It is not necessary to spend so much time in an eye bath. Two three minutes are enough. We've been in for six minutes and it no longer feels cold, although I actually feel a little warm. Strangely, my legs feel like they are hot. but I don't know if that's just because my body shuts down or something like that, yeah, okay, I think it's time for me to go up harder, did you do that?, it went down incredible, thank you very much, the first one was very interesting, um, the first 20 seconds of That Process is so fascinating because I had to face so many things.
I had to deal with a lot of natural reactions that told me to stop and get out. You know, my body went into a panic phase and it's funny because, as I reflect. In that feeling of Panic it was like a wall and it was a wall that I had to make a decision whether to go through it or go back and I say this because I believe that in a large part of Our Lives we are surrounded by these walls and In many of our lives, in reality, the walls close in on us and what I learned in the first 20 seconds of that process was that that wall was something that I created myself, it was a product of my imagination and while I was sitting there. for five six minutes my body almost told me I'm sorry, I was


, I was


to you, something was lying because in five six minutes I'm completely fine, yes, but in those first 20 seconds a panic signal went off and told me I'm leaving. and I find it so fascinating, it's like there's something about breaking through a wall, mhm, that you once really believed was real, that illuminates your mind and discovers what other types of self-limiting beliefs are currently limiting you on a daily basis. life, you know, I could, I couldn't say it better, self-limiting, belief, the beliefs that come at a certain time become blocks, they become patterns, they become a condition and that conditioning prevents us from going through things when they come to our attention. lives because they are too stressful, they are reflecting what we have created through our self-believing, limiting way of thinking, so we see it outside and we do not enter it, we no longer go through it and therefore we no longer find these things in our lives. lives as life lessons, are no longer there and there we limit ourselves and narrow ourselves, so what we have discovered now through these practices is that we can control our bodies so much.
It is better to go through the self-limiting conditioning of the H drive because most of the time it is when we are taught that we have to follow rules, ethics, morals, etc., at a certain point we have a belief system that is not necessarily who we are. deep down and this is where this Society is suffering greatly from not having connection with this invisible purpose of ours that is there, but we are behind the wall and simply by doing this you see that you have the power to break through these walls. you have the power to become exactly who you are and what you are, that's what the C shows, it doesn't show what you think, it shows you who you are and what you are and from there you will see that the walls in your life of whatever it is invisibly what's haunting you will go away is partly why it seems like a lot of people in society right now are choosing discomfort because you know we've taken a path as a society and gone towards comfort. and then you have this counter movement of people who are now doing Ma ultramarathon races and cold diving and doing things to intentionally make themselves uncomfortable, it seems like it's for me, it's for me.
I observed it as a countermovement yes and it is and it is but H the thing is H now that we are showing on posters with Professor Vibe of divar mainly in Auto music uh that we found a key and the key is the innate ability that we have to command much better to our body in our emotions because in the end it is not about going to extremes but about managing our emotion and feeling that we are on top of it no matter what happens and being able to transmit it to our children, in a reactionary way, all of that, we come to these extremes and all that is a reaction of our mass paradigm that finds too much comfort now, hey, let's get to it, but that's reactionary human, it's that we are actually here to learn. have an absolute Hal over our emotion that is directly connected to our purpose because from the beginning or the problem, the conflict is the conflict with our soul and our soul is about when we realize our soul and the unlimited power of the Mind that helps us find the fulfillment of that soul and that is unique for each person, what are the other things that are basic to your daily routine?
Eat once a day, eat once a day. Yeah, okay, so you wake up, can you run? I through a perfect Hof day, yes, in the morning, I wake up next to my wife and my son, the youngest is six years old and, in fact, a new one is coming. I'm 65 years old, but hey, I'm alive. I'm sorry and I have a yes. I met a younger woman eight and a half years ago, we are very happy together and she says don't talk about it and I'm sorry but I'm very happy. My oldest son is 42 and my youngest is going to be zero very soon so that's life.
I wake up and look at my loved ones next to me still sleeping and wow, like angels, what time did you wake up? 5:00 5:00 mid afternoon 5 uh mid afternoon 4 around there why then early, that's me now sometimes I just sleep until 9:00 okay, I'm not really tied down well, but uh uh time is serving me I'm not doing my time in the morning I do my exercise as a ritual and I like my coffee In the morning I start without sugar, just coffee, a little milk and well, what are those exercise routines? You saw me doing the split.
By the way, I want to break a world record in three thirds of August in Germany with 4,000 people doing this and I do. you use weights or anything, yes, yes, use weights before, it's not right. I did pushups, it's like weight, yeah, your own weight, so you can do that or dumbbells and uh uh, I have a bar where you normally put the weight on MH. this is about 10K, yes I do it in a circle mhm like a stick, if you do it 500 times you really go deep, you get to your pain. If I exercise, I do it up to the pain threshold and then I push through the pain. so okay that's body awareness that body awareness I want to know feel feel like I'm alive not know how to feel like I'm alive when it's the first meal of the day uh later in the day so no breakfast no no no no no breakfast no lunch why not have lunch because I feel full I feel too much this is also part of the conditioning I could also enjoy a very good breakfast very good breakfast is very nice you know with the sea and sit there relax wow some eggs some this something that nice coffee hello how are you reading the newspaper or looking at the phone is enjoying life I could do that but I really enjoy the feeling that I'm fasting inside a little bit that I'm going against it like the cold if you go to the cold then the cold doesn't reach you, yes, when the appetite comes, only DeLay.
So you fast because you're doing kind of intermittent fasting there as they call it you go yeah but I did this since I had a little kid again intuition yeah intuition is just how you felt yeah because the external narrative is that you have to eat three meals a day maybe four meals a day you have to have breakfast you know lunch dinner no no no yes that was just done above, it's made up, uh, you should feel that any animal in the world doesn't eat when it doesn't need to eat because it doesn't. believe, you only eat when you feel and when you feel like you need to eat, your eyes get bigger, more and more alert, the adrenaline starts running, they become sharper, then all systems are working, that's how you automatically exercise everything the body, that's how I live my life and I always thought it was a little strange, but Now it's 1 p.m.
I haven't eaten anything today, sometimes I'm a little later in the day, I mean yesterday this week it was 5 or 6pm. I think it was 700 p.m. yesterday. my first meal and I'm fine, I don't know what you know, but yes, you enjoy life, you enjoy the energies, I concentrate better, I have better conversations, yes, yes, all that if you fast a little longer and then you become It's clearer and it's a nice feeling. Once upon a time, if you had a business idea, it was exceptionally difficult to get it off the ground, but now, in the age of Shopify, it's exceptionally easy, as many of you will know that Shopify is a sponsor of this podcast if you don't.
I don't know, Shopify is an exceptionally simple web platform for anyone who has an idea that wants to transact on a global scale, so things like these conversation cards that we sell we've sold using Shopify and it only took usa couple of clicks to get them. So why we choose Shopify for several reasons but I think one of the biggest ones that is not appreciated is that their checkout system converts 36% better compared to other platforms and this is what I am going to do to eliminate the cost? If you go to Bartlet, you can try Shopify for $1 a month.
I've seen Shopify completely change people's lives, and for many of you, I think it could change yours if you look at our society and these types of people. Of stories we've told ourselves about how we're supposed to live, yeah, what are the others? Is there anything else that's really fundamental that you think people should question? You have told me about breathing. about discomfort when breathing is one of them, you have told me there about fasting and is there anything else that you know, whether it is relationships, our work or our purpose, which in your opinion is just a lie, oh yes, our energy is running out. exhausting like stealing and uh uh uh uh we should have all the energy to bring happiness, strength and health to our children and feel bright and brilliant in life, but we don't because we have to do this, take the stress and think This thought about who did this, whatever did this, is a massive paradigm that is taking over our energy bodies and with that our emotions and with that our life force and there is the true philosophy that serves that paradigm where one becomes happy and strong. and healthy and is able to transmit it you are only good if you are able to be happy strong healthy inside and then transmit it radiates that to others there you go beyond your ego and that we do not live we survive In this society we live in a competitive world , we have all kinds of rules in this and that, but do we really feel brilliant and, at our best, are we able to give love with full conviction that it is good and that others are good?
We don't believe it there and that is what we are going to bring when you say that you need to know how to live in your purpose, how do I know what my purpose is? Do I have to go look for it somewhere? Did you know? be happy strong and healthy to rest is simply to be happy strong and healthy and the purpose will follow yes, that is the purpose the characteristics of purpose should not conflict with your soul happy strong and heal healthy then you become happy strong and healthy no I don't need work so hard for that a couple of exercises more than enough if I do my exercise and I'm not training all day it's 10 minutes 15 minutes but I'm ready this morning because later I have a keynote speech and I have to go to the record label.
I have to meet someone who runs the government at the School of England. I have to meet them and something more. I thought it's okay. today I have to be ready so what I am doing I breathe like a morning in bed and I clean myself so deeply that I am ready to take on anything that comes and that way I will serve absolutely and especially I will be with you, which is a pleasure , great pleasure, we are serving a purpose here, unequivocally clear, we have a closing tradition on this podcast where the last guest leaves a question for the next guest and my last guest left a question for you that is inside the Diary of a CEO and the question you are left with is what can you do next week to show your friends or family that you care more than your job oh oh work like a job from 9 to 5 is work because my job is my life, my job is my mission and in the end it's not work.
I feel like I have to do it, so next week, more than my work, I will continue with what I am doing here and now. Do you believe in balance between work and family life? You know, people say you have to balance work and personal life, yes, my wife is talking about that, but I don't, I don't feel like I'm busy with my mission and my daily life at the same time. Without work I don't have a night until five. I think you don't have a night until five. Do you know that we represent our own realities?
I believe our power is stronger than we were led to think. That is why we have a power that is stronger than man is. -fact coming to us we are stronger and that's why we go and uh we don't work, you know, yeah, we work the game, we work society, we work at all, but hey, it's not like 9 to 5 and we have to obey and this and that we don't do that because you have a perhaps inexplicable U genetic power in you that can make you who you are what and what you are now and you have a great responsibility but also that great ability to respond and that is more than 9 to 5 that person this is my last question today that person who is in that N9 to 5 and is struggling and is trapped and has been conditioned by the school University the wishes of his parents who were also, you know, his parents were also conditioned in that Anyway, what would you say to those people as a final message to those people?
Oh yeah, guys, just do what Stephen just showed you. They thought they were not capable. I can't do what Iceman is doing or what Stephen has or what he is. doing and I can't, man, you can do that too, the most precious of all, the greatest wealth you can embrace, it's your happiness, your strength and your health, and you can get it every day, anyone, that's you , it's love, it's a powerful whim, thank you, thank you. So much for your time, you have been a legend, an icon and an inspiration to me, to my partner Melanie, um, and to so many people, I mean all these people written on the cover of the book.
In fact, I think every one of these people. I've sat here with Joe and Ben to be for Russell all of them and uh Russ oh Fern, I've sat with her too and we chat and James Nester, ah, the seven people in your book. I've gotten to know and many of them have mentioned the profound impact their work has had, and before we sat down today, I was watching so many videos of people describing how they changed their lives in a really profound way, in the name of everything you did. , that's your job, he, you do the study, you study the people who come because next week or tomorrow I don't know when new people will come in and you will study again.
M, yeah, that's amazing, thank you for everything you're doing. By doing this because you are Pro, you are providing a counter-narrative and a counter-solution in a world where it seems like there is only one and that current solution is failing many, so thank you for that whim, we have to change the narrative and we will. because we want to make people happy, strong and healthy and independent of everything that is happening, we have to restore everything here we are here we are thank you I am going to tell you a little secret that is in the Diary of a COO Cup, this cup that is in front to me when I interview these people sometimes for 3 hours and sometimes three people a day and the response is perfect.
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