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Big Pharma VS Wim Hof | Mulligan Brothers Documentary

Jun 16, 2024
People just don't understand, they call the police, they think there's a man in the water for people who don't know who you are, you've achieved a lot of world records, you dedicated your life to helping others reach their full potential I've been radical in my life but we fight against stupidity you have a very fascinating life my friend definitely crazy crazy about my wife in a beautiful way Mulligan Brothers has a mission to inspire change we have always believed it They are the people who rise from darkness to Triumph those that can inspire generations united by our own battles and the same goal.
big pharma vs wim hof mulligan brothers documentary


and I have the mission of traveling to the ends of the world to bring you these stories with which we began the journey in Amsterdam. the Iceman who has the same mission as us to inspire change, this project was made possible thanks to the support of Brass Monkey, they helped take our film crew to Amsterdam to film the project and although their ice baths are of top quality and are at the forefront of technology. Tech, I've just been asked to share an important message, listen to your whim, and then go get your cod, which Hoff has been rejected on, except most movements don't face the billion dolls that the


ceutical industry, the great farmer, has corrupted the healthcare that it is now.
big pharma vs wim hof mulligan brothers documentary

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big pharma vs wim hof mulligan brothers documentary...

Focused on price, our prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. They get a drug that is effective against a serious disease, multiple sclerosis, cancer, and people will pay almost anything to get it. It is a very cruel business model, because if you can. You don't pay for it, you don't understand it. Is there a reason they don't face an H? Is there a reason why you stick to drugs? Yeah, hey, a person with cancer costs a million dollars a year, so you don't want to. lose those customers the estimated global cost of cancer between 2020 and 2050 will be 25.2 trillion Cancer drugs are the most profitable for large farmers 530,000 American families declare bankruptcy each year due to medical bills, that's 66 .5% of all bankruptcies oh yeah yeah I got you Do you think they will ever go towards this kind of thing?
big pharma vs wim hof mulligan brothers documentary
It will only stop if you stop, if you adopt these techniques and you find that you have a completely different possible internal control if it doesn't work, again, blame me, but don't do it. Prejudices, do not succumb to the existing paradigm, the existing knowledge and the system, because you are more than that, everything is within you, it is what we bring. Inspire and change. There was a time when everyone took you seriously, like maybe you liked him. TV interview and it was like everything fell into place the moment everything changed they injected me with an eoli bacteria before I 16.34 people got sick and then I came I was number 16.35 and I was the only one who I didn't get sick and then they said yes, but you're the Iceman, you're a freak of nature, you're a super human and I said no, no, no, no, I'm a simple guy and I know we can do a lot. . more than we thought is possible against the disease our main conclusion is that we know for the first time very clearly and undeniably demonstrated that a person is capable of controlling his atomic nervous system and his immune system voluntarily and that was really something that in the textbooks is not possible, it is a scientific advance and what we found are very impressive and beautiful resorts and we are convinced of that and it is something really special.
big pharma vs wim hof mulligan brothers documentary
Why do you remember it before? Attention and respect as recognized as before. that when you first started this message I guess sometimes they ridiculed you and laughed at you and stuff like that do you remember those oh yeah oh yeah it's the day uh yesterday um I've been radical like that a lot in my life and being abandoned by an idiot or a stranger and only now do I have the respect of everyone and no one can move anymore. I am teaching teachers and doctors from all over the world. Your health care and understanding have Difficulties and unresolved problems and conditions Conditions of the human body and mind Nature has no What is the reason for wanting to help other people?
What is the reason for going down the positive path compared to what you said we talked about before some people resorted to suicide? the negativity yes yes I met her there and I remember well she was sitting there in the v Park and I had already noticed her she sees it but you don't know exactly but it happens and suddenly I felt her hands on my neck giving me a massage man that's how it is let go at that moment and you just entered and uh we danced we danced and without alcohol nothing of that and I remember that I carried it on my uh uh neck through the Amsterdam Hall for like kilometers it is also a demonstration, you know it is love, love is a powerful man, you just get it and we were there together for a year and then she left back to Spain 8 months later.
I received a message. I want to return to you. and she said oh wow yes she returned to Spain and 6 months later being pregnant and I don't know myself without knowing I received a letter crossed out everything together I was on the uh Train to Paris and from Paris to P Basco we had four children, there I am now and for me she is that rock when she had that rock, all the other rocks weren't there, that was a full-fledged Mary with a whistle and a baby hair in her hand, I think she is our guardian angel when When we spoke for the first time , I told him about my son and his loss and I think he had a sense of some kind of connection to your story with the loss of your wife and how it triggered you into all of this. this, yeah, yeah, we in this society don't get answers when tragedies like that happen, apparently we're not educated on how to deal with it.
Society is a system that wants to produce, it goes on, it goes on, it goes on, but what happens if your world just falls apart? Yes, how to get back from Rock Bottom Soul. Yes please can someone tell me? Nobody told me and that's why I went into nature with emotional desperation, how can I get out of here and then the cold? she showed me the only way I could escape uh my emotional agony left me with four children only small children she was the love of my life boom and you don't think something else is that and then something that chain breaks that chain of thoughts the being that The connection between mind and body conditions you so disruptively that you can't solve anything thinking that you are just a little piece of nothing in a current that is too strong for you to get in or out, but then came the cold water.
The water made me neurologically able to get out of that loop when I decide to enter, I go into the world, the emotions are gone because I have to face the cold, I let it come, the cold comes to me and changes the body from within. breathe slowly if you are in paranoia oh I want to go in, you just block the processes that make you strong from within. This is great for everyone to become much stronger from within. You know what depression is, there is no pressure, depression and now. through this you strengthen your body from within, what is missing in the body that causes depression is mainly the lack of dopamine and adrenaline and now we discover that by doing this neither adrenaline will increase by 54% dopamine will increase by 250% they have disappeared the essential factors causing depression nice the message to those who are desperate who think oh but I can't do it oh are encapsulated captivated by their fears and by what they have learned in schools Which is much less to take on the problems of life and could I didn't understand what was happening, I even took it personally, why don't you want to be with me anymore?
But his mental state deteriorated, he was becoming alienated, he was coming out of it like a demon, like an alien force inside him, and he took his life. She loved the kids and uh uh she kissed them goodbye before jumping eight stories down that's inconceivable I don't know what it was it could have been the exposure to the cold she just had but I've never seen this side of whim before For the first time I saw the deep, profound pain that he used to positively impact the world. I had to go on as if the train of daily life was going on and then, uh, condolences, I don't even understand what the word condolences means, I say.
Damn it, get out of my life this is not life I'm suffering I'm suffering so deeply I can't even talk about it it's there I feel the lack I feel the emptiness I feel it's there why why why why why and I have to take care of four children and not having money where I am, that's where these techniques come from and they help me get out of that hole and be stronger than ever. You see when some people feel deep pain, it affects them in such a way in a way that they never want anyone else to feel. the same agony.
I don't want you to ever suffer. It's not necessary right now, by working with those four children, we put an end to a lot of unnecessary suffering in this world, we have learned where. all psychiatry could not do anything in our case, we can do much more than any psychiatrist at this time, when I started to have the opportunity, after my wife's suicide, first to heal my family, then I became stronger when I had the opportunity to make a little book like that he started writing it down and then I got a radio and television newspaper I took the bull by the horns and showed that I can do much more than people think is possible you know why because I have left the valley where people think that you can't go out it's too much there are four children you don't have money and your wife committed suicide and there you are with the despair of everyone and everything and you have to match everyday life fast train ahead no, I went out and became in a very cheerful person, they thought I was naive and just happy until I found the scientist coming towards me and the rest, yes, I did it all and here we are, trying to find once again the last challenge is to bring him into the world Last year a mother came in and the existing healthcare system couldn't help her.
Their five and seven year old sons had head cancer, brain cancer and they couldn't get help because their immune system was too low, it wasn't strong enough to get chemo as soon as I heard five and seven year old, man I woke up , I was angry inside and, of course, and I will be until they heal side by side, I told her and She felt that there was a human being who suddenly gave hope, a power, a social power, which is natural . Pretty soon we were playing in the cold, doing breathing exercises and it only took a week for the children to multiply their white blood cells in the immune system 10 times. 10 times nature has done it so when that happened now the girl this was last year the girl is completely healed and the boy is almost fast on his way is that if that comes to me that blesses my soul man that is my purpose That's why I cry, I laugh and I am, this is all we live for, so anything to stop the unnecessary suffering in the world that is mine and me.
I would love for you to do everything you can 5 6 7 8 29 okay, okay. then I want you to do it again and that's it you'll do it better and more just 100 two 3 4 9 70 3 4 3 ok then I'll make you double uh Jordan also double we were doing a workout and um it was a final training session for my lifting of stones I couldn't lift one in that session I kept failing I kept failing uhuh and I went to the corner of the room and I was thinking about my son Jacob and I went to this place and I drew in this energy and we ended up doing seven from zero to seven the mother who saw the child under the car lift the car or Jordan here who wanted to lift 210 kilos Stone couldn't do it and then he thought about his tragedy in his life with his child seven times what is that emotion, it was definitely found that 16% are intentionally in control of our brain by humans, that is the normal standard, which is the normal neuroscientific and physiological understanding of what we can do inside our brain, 16% control and now it was 100, so it explains that we have broken the spell, the spell or the paradigm that we thought that we are not capable of controlling our brain 100%.
The science is done, it is now here and it is not complicated. He is always the first man who Is that the Pioneer? I'm sorry, it's me, okay, but I'm a simple man and you know what it's like if you don't share, you sit with him and I don't want that, I want to share with my


, my families, my. my people who are suffering unnecessarily I have no purpose I don't know what to do I'm in a shitty position Etc I don't know what not, everything has changed the autonomic nervous system cannot be influenced or controlled by humans at will this was the paradigm in the science medical understanding so I said no, I can do it but I can also convey it to people and how long the doctor said a year or half a year to get to the results a little bit. you have shown I said 10 days I have two hands as long as the days became four days you have no excuse you are capable of going to what we believe is possible within our minds and bodies I am far beyond the signs I am of the soul I tell you that They were born to be able to use their supporting brain 100% in the quest to bring happiness, strength and health to their families and fulfill their soul and this time it is no longer abstract, it is not about God, it is their Divinity.
It is within you your sacredness isyour path your whims are bold and if they are false they could give false hope, but what does The Science Show mean? The most compelling study of all took 12 people who had been taught the wimh method and 12 who had not. In the control group, the 24 were injected with an endotoxin that was an element of eoli. There were multiple, distinctive marker points that undeniably demonstrated that the 12 trained in the Wim Hoff method had some ability to control their sympathetic nervous system. Previously science believed that we had no control of the sympathetic nervous system.
The capriciousness of the system has demonstrated this control. It has also been shown to reduce symptoms such as hypertension, signs of heart failure, diabetes, and anxiety. The theory is that if we are able to control our sympathetic nervous system, we can control it to fight other diseases as well. We just did a 100 but I want you to do double 7 1 2 three 4 five 6 8 I like it in the end they had me more yes yes and I think it came from the mind we tried a point and you can too let me see two 3 1 7 there it is where I am and that made my children grow up with me now we work together they are graduates of the University but they left their uh things what they learned because they come and do this first when they were teenagers They said that a puppy acts normal, acts normal and now they are instructing in a way that says that there is my name and they love it and they see it and they also see that they are not within their father's Domain.
We abstracted it, we achieved it. accessible we made it h we simplified everything but it took a lot of traveling it took a lot of valleys it took a lot of knocking uh my head is in the dark to find the opening somewhere where there was no light all without knowledge, without understanding, etc. and now we have found it, we have found the keys and we gave them to you and I'm sorry guys, that is our job, that is our job that we are doing here even for the


ceutical director, this is good, great because it replaces, it transcends money. transcends everything that is based on fear when I am 82 and when I am 64 and that is now, I will be strong and happy and healthy and I will be in the capacity that the doctors lacked the medical understanding of Physiology, uh, what is missing we are capable of doing.
I will come out as a high school dropout through university studies and comparative research everywhere, so there is no speculation that I have found the answers if I can convey a little. of clarity within people's minds which is so much more than I can ever wish for within myself and that's not just sentimental altruism oh he's so good for others I mean it's true it really is depression it's an epidemic, people worry. they get into the craziest things because they no longer know what their purpose is they think it's normal I think what's happening is sick and it only increased increased increased increased and we go like crazy monkeys every day to our work and and the pollution and the wars and money driven mentality and all that, but are you happy? you are strong? are you healthy?
Can you pass it on to your children? are you there? do you feel the soul? Do you feel the love that drives that soul? I think the world is sick I want to make it healthy and I want to take it to all the people in the world whatever it takes oh you can't do that no don't mess with a 12 year old boy he is determined and he does it he's like a dad and a Mom says yes, you can't go there 5 minutes later, where is he, he said he left and that's a 12 year old boy.
I am very determined like I was then and now that I feel like I understand it more and more. I understand now. all along we've been captivated and drawn in the sense that we can't, we can, we can and, uh, right now, I'm moving on and before I die I will have changed the world completely. I will leave the non-dogmatic option of being happy. strong and healthy until then I'm not going to die I'm sorry, think what you want but no one can deny his passion and desire to help others from his traumatic past. It is very rare that I come across someone so genuinely invested in their mission, which is why I am very happy that Brass Monkey has supported this project.
Dan, the CEO, is on the same mission that he founded the company on during difficult times and, trying to heal himself through cold therapy, he turned his old freezer into an ice bath and that experience supports his genuine passion for get people to embrace the cold for themselves, no matter how you do it, below is a free ebook they have made available that will guide you into the cold water. He has not asked us to promote his product, he alone asked us to. He asked our viewers to catch a cold, it's that simple, that's all he asked for on his website, they even show you how to make your own ice bath using an old freezer, although he didn't ask.
I will say that I have never experienced this. the cold in the same way as entering this Brass Monkey plunge, it has a fresh production of ice constantly, it's like diving into the Frozen lock, that's what it feels like and I've tried cold therapy from different forms of cold immersion and nothing. At the forefront of technology like this dive, it's honestly amazing, big thanks to br mono for helping support this project. I hope you have a blessed and productive day and I will see you next time. Peace, our mission does not stop. Join us next time on the next adventure to inspire change with the Mulligan brothers.

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