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Jun 08, 2021
Well, hello, today I'm with Phoebe H and 1/16 and we're all offline and we're about to play a game of 3d 3d 3d three bed Wars and we're running NYX. Like I said, this is going to be terrible, but I played poorly last time and we won both games, but I don't think it was because of the feeling groups and now I'm done talking, right, yeah, right, answering, no, listen, you will be hating In these groups, I'm going to prove it once and for all, man, really, if you're with Nick and all the groups agree with you, okay, that's the only way, get ready, don't worry, I want to win, I want to win, yes, we are going to win. yeah, run next, Roy, everyone, yeah, what you want here, listen, make it very obvious, oh, hello, here we go, this is cool, very good, oh yeah, we're not going to win, we're aiming for everyone, we'll win , yeah, and we're not going to be objective, oh.
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Oh my gosh, okay, wasted, the first thing we got back to is the first thing we have to do is pile up to the next aisle and watch them get their bed so hard. Oh, well, do that. I'm going for the heel boy, yeah, sorry. my gold on the ground I'm going to stack it until the next island, are you guys coming here now? Well, you know what they're going for, towards the heel posts, very safe, but yeah, back to this, I'm not giving up on the new one. pool follow me all the way no I'm going to go to the other islands okay so we can get their stuff then all we need is two ways and I died it doesn't matter it doesn't matter why would I follow you?
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If you had more blocks for me you assumed, well that's not very nice here we go here we go here we go diamond night I just received diamonds I have more blocks bring more blocks I only need one diamond better, I have three a 60 bring blocks is okay, okay, I have three diamonds, I have to make them either one, guys, we can get sharpness, yeah, we are three, eight, eight people that give you diamonds, no, I already have a


ing, okay, so hit it your diamonds and then I spend them. cure everything yes, I follow you, come on, come on, come on.
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Oh, the bread is still building today, I'm going ready, I'm going faster, I'm going pretty fast, buddy, right, they're watching us, buddy, they're making fun of me. the crib a town of friends I get rid of the green I don't like the green but I help I help you idiot I didn't do anything I knew you were worried yes I rushed back to me I won't have died oh my God, it's okay, come It's okay, I don't like it read, I want you out of the game, okay, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, I ruined it.
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I don't mind. Green needs to die. Will you play or be discreet? Have you gone. you're gone boy you're gone boy you're gone boy you're gone I made it green out of the game we won I did it good job okay green is dead something nice g60 bring the ones on the left I just died Should we hurry? Toretto, no, we mean get the diamond, the guy took the diamonds and then he fell, okay, bad, I have four diamonds, goal, we keep working on the defense, Reds, right?, the Reds are coming, ah, guys make your diamonds oh my god we need one of those fireballs mori mori I need diamonds baby this is bad this is bad Gared off the red guys oh you'll be okay okay but does anyone have any spare diamonds?
I don't have diamonds, this is a problem and I care, we need something to muffin these muffins, if we already give them a diamond, we need three more diamonds, we need a fireball, we need three diamonds and then we can get sharpness, okay, doing his silly infraction, okay, Green has TNT, we have to be careful, okay, just run, take out the greens. You're out, hey, it should be easy to kill, oh you got what you got, one that's good, Gibby, come here and cover a green. I'm going to get a fireball. We are meeting the objective, there is a lot at the moment.
Okay, what's up? Oh. no, no, the green, the green that is coming, catch it, catch it, catch it, okay, the reds of the bread, the reds, the red threads, we have all the greens, they kill the red, they come in all directions, I go, oh Yes, I have an identity, I mean, I just need one more. I just need one more here I bring it I have it good, will you receive this now? good, perfect, got what's going on, okay, okay, we're good, we're good, we're good, who's coming, who's coming, who's coming, everyone take one. for the team and for the blue oh no, no, no, take it out, okay, okay, why do we need this green Wyman stuff?
Why do we need more diamonds? Because diamond protection is not, we are fine, oh, and we can conduct investigations. from s, I heard, I mean, okay, play defense first, I'm getting shit, oh my god, we could be attacking right now. Pawn, I almost made it, oh, they have so much gold, there is red, did you have a fireball, no, I'll try it? and get one and oh my god this is not good at all haha, pick it up Dylan, I'm red in the right bag, red in the right bag, where are you? I'm going to go back to the base no, I'm going to go through the middle, I signed up Jim, he's gone, he's gone, he'll be back I'm at the base at my base, okay, I have two emeralds here.
Scan, take the point, all for two emeralds and diamonds. I already spent the diamonds, oh okay, can we hurry to the red? Yes, great, yes. keep the emeralds in the final chest, come on, come on, let's do it, okay, let's do it, wait, are you sure you're okay? What's in a hurry? Well, we all know that maybe one of us should stay, yeah, I'll stay, I'll play safety. basic, you okay, okay, oh we have a trap, right, I don't know, okay, I'll read, wait, they have good stuff that I need like an axe, we should be fine.
I have a TV and a firewall, but no, like glasses. oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god they're going to crush him I'm dead I'm dead where are you? I go, I killed one of them oh my God, I got it, you got it there, okay buddy, I have an idea, you break the glass and everything oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, you break the glass, break it oh no I fell and then yeah but are you on base I don't see you I'm so gone yeah I died I think we all have to go who's trying to sneak up on us yeah I'm going to cut him off a 60 play defense oh wait, take this target, he's coming he's coming, he got it, I'm going to get us more profits, that guy, I see, I see, we need two more, yeah, we need more than two, we need a million diamonds, diamonds, diamonds, how many diamonds you lost?, eight.
Oh God, I know this is a very smart and strategic decision at this point. Someone come with me. I'm using it on this boat so I need someone to distract me and then I'll get into business and then everything should be fine. Alright. 60, come with me. Yes. Oh no, why? Are they all pointing at the eyes? I don't know mate, it's okay Paul, I think we did this to ourselves, we'll be fine, we've got the ball, okay, go to the beam, okay, save it for if we need to come with me to read emergency, you know? read, of course, but I took everything I'm here, take this, there's a blue boy coming right now, okay, ready, getting older, okay, let's go to him, he's coming, dad, you got him, oh, maybe I'll understand , gone, good, thread left, two red, one. read on the line kill them kill them kill them you're gone you have one yeah okay I'm going to say my name is marijuana I use this you know go enjoy it on the other one okay well we're not here. dead people say no there's no way I'm going to get dave and stone well there's so many reds coming in you can take your pickaxe you're saying oh my god wait wait guys I got it I got it , I have it.
I did it, I just have to kill the Reds no way that worked, there's also blue, yeah, just be stupor, watch out, it comes in blues, it comes in fireball, a hit, they threw it at you, yeah I know, okay, we just have to get the blues bed out and oh god. God, like someone, oh my God, okay, there are other bees that are just waiting, bang, that's okay, that's okay, I have any time to go back to base, why do we need diamonds to protect us? Ooh, or we can get iron because a blue one is coming, okay?
I'm off the base and they're babies, it's blue, it's just coming straight, diamond, get it out, blue boy, but I'm leaving the base because a teenager killed his teammate. I'm trying, then there are premises, there is red and something, pay attention to what they are. doing I think they're just waiting for us to kill ourselves okay? I only see one to the right of its base. Now I died. I see that two of them do. Can we just remove the red? I'm done, right? I'm going to


. I'm just paying attention to what the blues and the Yankees are doing to catch them from behind, but it's a little tricky because his gaze stays on them, you know, I've got our base locked up, don't worry, okay, awesome, yeah .
Blue doesn't even want to come with our babies, they stay too. I'm going for red. White. Hit one of them. Kill him. I go to what I like. I have one. I have one. The guy at the top. I see you very careful I have a good one I hope I can now that means he's gone oh my god the things you had the word khimar friend what is this kid doing here is the guy trying to get through the middle be careful he is okay, oh, go get your drawn babies, okay, I'm coming, I have a good one, all three are on their base, but we don't have a photo, super thing, I'm coming, I'm in business, okay, I'll cover its base.
He threw fireballs at you oh no, they have a stupid trap. It's okay, you can do everything. They won't see you again. Obsidian, brother. We need diamond pickaxes. I'm going to stop them from leaving their base. We'll need it if we can get them. the emeralds, we can get diamond pickaxes and ender pearls and in these vessels, and then we can give a fugitive and he doesn't just enter Berlin, there is a diamond pickaxe, okay, I have a diamond pickaxe, okay, bring me, bring me, uh. arrows I have emeralds emeralds what do you need okay, bring two emeralds I will keep them in their base so they can't leave wait there's a bright red we're relaxing oh we're relaxing yellow hurry up he's out he's my friend he's gone well get rid, oh God mine, he had forty-three gold, yeah, get some emeralds, eleven diamonds, heroes, we should go now, we should go, now, come on, I've got this, okay, let's do this, okay, this is it, we've got this, we've got this , we have this, easy, good, easy.
Okay, yeah, I'm drinking it and I'm walking into an enderpearl. No, okay, I'll take the bridge off. Why did I just drink it? I'm an idiot. Now you're fine, you're fine. Okay, okay, ooh, that worked. I can not travel. there I'm dry oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God it's okay guys Russians guys running running running I'm holding my fashion no bad guys back come back come back come back I'm coming I'm coming I'm going hey Bo, oh my God, I'm almost there, I'm almost there, I'm out of logs, I'm going to die, I'm leaving too and they make your day, you defend, I'm gone too, I can't even be born, there's no way there is no way no if this child was an audio he will understand it you don't see me get pearls child under the bridges if we are all pearls at the same time we will win or get ender pearl plus and vis I like that idea okay, I have seven emeralds, we need 12 so that the three of us have pearls.
Oh, how bad, I see, what the hell, hello, this is a good place, no, you don't see me. I'm getting two wounds and a pearl, okay, I have another one. emeralds for you oh oh you're gone where is where are the emeralds where are the emeralds all? I wear one for eternal - yes, I did it for an inch of pearl and I'm a YouTuber, look, we have all the final pearls we can just get more they're still there island right, okay, they're gone, I'm leaving, that's it, no There's nothing new now, it's over, it's over, say GG now Oh, fire, my God, oh, I'm there, I'm in what you're killing.
I'm going to kill him, I got him, come on, yeah, oh, it's over, it's over, yeah, it was like he'll get together, no, we won, case, come on, we don't kill everyone we want because we thank you. It wasn't because the cool heel we want because we're so good, just barely like a billion deaths, oh my God, you know why I still don't think it's because he'll get together if you're happy, like the comments of some delicious things for him bad boy he will comment he will pool and my comments are ruined now what did you throw in your pool?
Okay, thanks for watching, bye.

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