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Every Time BadBoyHalo and I Jump we Launch 50 Blocks (ANGRY)

Jun 02, 2021
How's it going? Everyone, welcome back. Well, that's today's video. If you look at it honestly or I guess you will get hit and take any upward speed. Big words. Oh no, I just don't know. No, oh my gosh, okay, yeah, okay, so today's video is if you


. Do you want to prove it? Oh, I got what Oh, it lands at the water line in Worland. Okay, yeah, if you


, you'll automatically be thrown 50


. I feel like this is going to be very irritating. How did you get there? What are you talking about? yeah, okay, so what do we do right, what I want.
every time badboyhalo and i jump we launch 50 blocks angry
I can move well. I'm out, so what we're going to do is we need buckets of water. Oh, look, I think I know how to get us out. Stop, no, oh, okay, hey. let's see now we should be able to all that was pretty clever yeah we just need a slab okay use it we have to avoid jumping okay any upward speed sends us words okay okay what we need are cubes of water, oh, that's it, yes, yes, quite solvent, come on. get buckets of water, wait, give me a slab, okay, okay, I need to make a crafting table and then what we need to do is go like this, there are three beans Carol, okay, this is exactly what we need, because we can put AA as C.
every time badboyhalo and i jump we launch 50 blocks angry

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every time badboyhalo and i jump we launch 50 blocks angry...

In fact, we have a way out, although here I will get a little more. Could you go get iron? But how do I get out of here? Losa, here we go, yes, ma'am, how am I going to go higher? go find out and then you buddy I'm like running and jumping so this is very strange to me yeah don't jump I'm trying don't do it are you good with MLG watering of course you are? No, yes, no, really, I'm fine, you're fine, I can do it. I believe in the network. I'm going to take an ax here because I feel like we need this investment.
every time badboyhalo and i jump we launch 50 blocks angry
You know, the wood is very good. We have 4k. This is going to It would be so irritating to play like this would rhyme with good. I have a lot of wood and it is very good and it is good and bad. Can you tell me how to get iron? Everything that you do. Oh wait. I do not need your help. I dont need. your help, what do I think I'm going to be able to do this without your help, why doesn't this vine explode, okay, okay, where are you? I'm in a cave system and I'm going to get it.
every time badboyhalo and i jump we launch 50 blocks angry
You're welcome, duck to water. get iron buddy once we get buckets we'll be unstoppable oh damn i thought i figured out a way to get out of the water how did it not work did you die no i could make it damn buddy you better be , Oh God? God, I told him this, okay, bad code, come to me, okay, I have a bucket, ah, so I have enough for a bucket, okay, I think it will be mine, oh yes, I am, oh my God , I see that the iron will catch me, so no, but I don't know how I'm going to do this because I can't get back up.
Oh, this is going to be hard, but I'm doing it for you. You're welcome, okay, wait, why should I say thank you if? You're not going to give me a plank, but I fell like a huge crack to get you a plank, but now I don't know how to get back up, oh, I see you, Su Su, did you go to this cave? Oh, bad, bad, bad, bad. Okay, listen, listen, listen, yes, there is cast iron in the oven. Understand where in the cave there is cast iron. This came. Yes, take the iron. Make a bucket and place water so you can jump and get out of here.
I have a bucket, how can I? get out now sobs without dying slabs now here okay I'm shrinking I'm jumping oh no no no no no I don't need you to place water down so I can jump well I need to place water down so I can jump well I need to get out of here first well, I don't need to get nothing, you need to save me, I'm coming, give me a second, ah, here, well, I have to figure out how to get to you, where are you down here? Please place the water. Hello's. water taste water yeah place water oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness okay great good good stuff okay just floats oh okay perfect did you get more iron?
Yes, I did, okay, go cook it, make some slabs to give me a bucket. You're going to have another one, okay, I'm going to go wait, what, what's wrong, oh, you don't like my skin, yeah, it's a very good skin, right, you're upside down, it's scary, now let me grab this last iron and I'm going to get us both buckets of water, okay, I've got it now, all I have to do is MLG, don't really screw this. I'm going up safely. I'm going up safely. Wait, wait, where's mine? Am at home. That's a good idea I'm going to go get it oh my God oh no no no no no no no no no no water hey, okay, okay, you're going to come up here, cook this favor, no, I did it, I did it, I did it, I did it.
I did it hey, well I'm going to take the safe route, well I'm going to go get us buckets of water again, don't try too hard, oh my god, buddy, this is so scary if you don't know, oh my god , you. We're dead, we'll stop trying MLG, well I did it twice. What happens if you fail and I die? There you have it, you only need one. Do you think I know? I have to go look for something. Okay, come on,


thing's fine, show me your emoji skills. I understood? I got it, oh, but you stayed there, the point was to go out like that, right?
Oh, you left some water there for you, yes, yes, thanks, perfect, that works. Oh, Ian, just place water for each other. I don't even need LLC, that's perfect, you know I have Devon, I'm seafood, okay, stop hitting me because you're making more of my food. I don't kill the chicken, I have so many, it doesn't matter, the spider, kill it, oh. We can't make the critics escape now, yeah, we can't jump right. I mean, don't put the ax down, ah, no, you look more aggressive with all the skills and there where is that little wait if we get hit. let's fly up you think ah here, let's try it now okay okay okay okay come on this is scary food let's get out of here I don't like this guy I can't I'm going to lose all my weight yes you are beating me, stop, okay, find something to kill other puppies , we can't eat this, oh yes, no, I don't want to eat too much in one instant, I'm out of hunger, oh, it's not good for me, I just passed you, we just need to find ooh is that what I feel is a Enderman, go kill an Ender Pearl again I can't eat some Ender Pearl Prawns well you could if you're Bravin oh my god no it's not even about breaking it's okay you might hear you want something. brave to eat, eat this, what a man, come here, air boom, buddy, no, you're crazy, your stuffed mommy, let's kill these, you're right, I mean, it's better than nothing, I guess exactly positively.
Oh, you filthy villager, what what, no, no, no, friend, oh. Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh Jesus Christ I don't know you didn't put it up fast enough no no no no no no no no your friend your friend your friend your friend your friend do it do it kill it it's okay, it's okay, I know You are rotten meat, how many do you have? We're fine, there's just a zombie behind you, but no, we're not fine, stop it, oh my god, I hate you so much, okay, aah, oh my god, my sword broke here. you go up you're going to eat food okay no oh god no there do what the hell what the hell where are you going keep flying hurry up and join before the water disappears hey I'm back yeah we hired you have a theory but it lands in my water why do you keep doing this I literally almost died how they literally televised me back okay, there's your stuff okay, okay, stop, let's be careful with the spider, let's stop it yeah, let's play normally hey, give me my cube, I'll give you a seed here, take that one, I , iron, give me a bucket, I gave you a scene, give me the bucket, yes, I want to die if I die, okay, jump without water, no, I have the bucket, oh friend, you have to slide on yourself, you know all your things that will put the water flow on top, go, don't forget, I just have an idea, don't sob, what's your idea, the idea is snow, what's your idea, I'm trying to make it yours, ah, yeah , I'm Slough, you do it, yes, now you can.
That? Okay, yeah buddy, no idiot, if I die, it's all your fault, where am I? I don't know, I'm Rebecca, yeah, I'm going to kill these spiders. Ennis, help me kill them. Thank you, my goodness, okay, hearing you say: put water. I meant it, okay, this is okay, give me no, I'm not, oh my God, idiot, stop putting it in the hole, Jesus Christ, leave it, leave my things, man, give me back my things, give me back my things, give me my bucket of water. Okay, okay, can we stop? Yes, will we be friends? Yes, they hate that here.
What takes your slabs is not very pleasant. Why is what's wrong with ice annoying? Well, you just glide straight to where you see. Okay, second aid, oh my god. Okay, look at this. Will I turn out okay, wait, will this work for me, son, oh, I'm sorry, it's okay, yeah, that's not happening, give me the things, my things, I'm going to die, I am, you know what it is, know your things , oh no, no, please God, okay, hey wait, I need my boards back. Can I come back please? Oh please water and I'll give it to you.
There you go, one by one, oh no, oh, here, here, here, yeah, just put it so far away. I know, I don't know, sobs, laughter. I got a pressure spot, where are y'all at? Yeah, well, we have to get some more, oh my God, we have buckets of water. Okay, what are we going to do? We have to go kill things we don't have to do. Then how? Are we going to get something from the east? I'm going my way, get your own tree, eat your own tree, this is mine, no, how am I going to get it, he stands on it and it breaks, watch out, oh my God, can you stop it, stop it, no , this is not funny.
Now we're stuck in this little hot water please Jesus it's not funny no I mean it's not water follow me so MLG that's the only way to prove yourself how am I going to get to you ? Jump, I'm wearing these things you want. poop way we're fine now do it I can do it I can do it with me what I almost missed thank you very much not bad why are they there I gave myself a little no what happened why I went up no don't take I did it No, you were trying to like, let's stop doing nonsense and let's go.
Oh, a chicken, let's stop your head. Oh, a chicken, no, we're gone, food, you flew, okay, so Kelly can't, not yet, that's good, I have a sword, please, oh my God, oh come on, there's a very easy way to get it. Come on, show me more. Be bad, you make it stupid, well those are the non-stupid police


. I know what this nan su way is if I do this, no, that's literally it. Dom buddy no, this works, this works, look hey, literally put blocks and it appears, oh you're right, think about that, okay, then go get that, come on blocks, sorry, there you go, there you're doing well.
Oh no, okay, there you go. go well no, please, please, please believe it, why are you putting? Yes, oh my God, no, I'll do it now. I found a bunny, no you didn't know, I want Sami to kill it, oh no, how do you do it? Like, okay, I need my water back, let's have an MLG water competition to end it all, okay, okay, kill this stupid zombie, how, oh, I don't have anything, okay, first one in doing it, oh my God, put a place to put it, put it, put it. why would you put it first?
Wouldn't that make him lose? Okay, next three one two three Wow, so this is what you're missing. We start again. Okay, but if I make it, then we don't know. Wait three. Alright. Oh, double or nothing. two three we good one one one punch no one one one first three two one jump PL Skippy okay two one three two one go wait okay yeah, you signed on my water no, I just land on my goodbyes no, you're not good at it

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