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Why Reform UK Is Unlike Any Other Party

May 23, 2024
this video is brought to you by nebula now we have heard a lot about


in the uk recently, they have been in the news for their impressive polls, specifically because the polls are now similar to the liberal democrats at around 10%. talk that they could take votes away from the Conservatives making their inevitable defeat in the next election potentially even worse; However, although the press has devoted much time to the impact that UK


could have on elections, relatively little attention has been paid. Attention is paid to who the reformers are and what kind of


they are, so in this video we'll look at where the main reform players in the UK come from and what kind of policies they advocate before we get started, if you haven't already .
why reform uk is unlike any other party
Please consider subscribing and ringing the bell to stay informed and receive notifications when we post new videos. Let's start with a brief look at the history of Reform UK. The


actually has its roots in the Brexit party, which in turn was started by Nigel. Farage after his resignation as leader of Ukip, in essence, Farage wanted a way to return to mainstream politics without being attached to the large number of scandals that had occurred in Ukip since his departure, as such the Brexit party was born, which was designed largely around it. and became a very successful single issue party, the Brexit party campaigned and won the 2019 EU parliamentary election and pushed the Conservatives to try for a harder Brexit once it was done, although the party already I had nothing to defend.
why reform uk is unlike any other party

More Interesting Facts About,

why reform uk is unlike any other party...

In 2020, Farage announced that he had asked the electoral commission to change the party's name to the Reform Party. Initially, the party's policies focused on its opposition to the Corona virus lockdowns in 20121. Frage resigned as leader and businessman Richard TI took over as leader and well, he has. a rather unusual management style reform. The United Kingdom, unlike


major parties in the United Kingdom, is registered as a limited company. Most parties are established as unincorporated associations, meaning that the party is effectively run by its members in one way or an


and are non-profit. and there are now no shareholders to the point that it is understandable why Farage originally set up the party this way in 2019.
why reform uk is unlike any other party
It was unknown whether Theresa May would actually end Brexit and Farage had to act quickly to get candidates on the ballot. . upcoming European elections and, although Farage had already been stung before as leader of Ukip, he was constantly fighting with other party members and with the bureaucratic structures of the party, so it made sense to establish a new party where there would not be the same problems as before. They are now trying to present themselves as the party that could replace the Conservatives as the right-wing party in the UK. It is fair to believe that they will need to democratize in the near future, especially as their members pay £25 each to join.
why reform uk is unlike any other party
The party has no say in the direction of the party at this time. The leader of the party is Richard TY, but he only acts at the discretion of majority shareholder Nigel Farage, who also holds the title of honorary chairman and owns eight of the 15. Shares in the Farage company are also listed on the company's home as the only person with significant control now, according to an unheard Tom MCT report, the only thing that provides any kind of balance against Nigel Farage is the fact that Ty provided 1 million of his own. money as a loan to the party, if Tyson Farage were to break away, Ty could demand his money back which in turn would damage the party, so the Reform Party is certainly different to other parties in its structure, but is it different in terms of his policies and Leader Ty developed a reform policy platform since his lockdown days and at the end of last year the Reform Party published what they called their contract with you, which is in essence a Manifesto in everything but in name and well, this Manifesto is as radical as one would expect from a party.
They named a reform in healthcare policy, they promised they would reduce the NHS waiting list to zero in just 2 years after coming to power. Now, to do this, they would give NHS patients a voucher for fully funded private treatment if they couldn't see a GP. in 3 days, a consultant in 3 weeks or an operation in 9 weeks. They have also promised to provide an exemption from the basic rate of income tax to 2 million health and social care workers for 3 years in a bid to try to retain and attract NHS staff now the rest of the reform policies appear to fall into three broad categories: cut the tax fight, wake up the fight and reform the Constitution, so let's take a look at these, starting with tax reform, they have said they will raise the minimum income tax threshold from 12,571 to £20,000 and which would increase the 40% income tax threshold from £50,000 to £70,000.
VAT would also be affected with a reform that promises to eliminate VAT applied to energy bills. In addition, they would also reduce government spending by £. 5 out of every 00, which would represent in total a huge cut of 50 billion in public spending. Although this has not been explained very well, they said that every government administrator must find savings, but did not provide further details on how these savings are made. It could be considered fair to reform the United Kingdom. They also offer more ways to fund this at the end of their little Manifesto, but the biggest source of this funding comes from this cost-saving exercise.
Anyway, the manifesto then moves on to more culture war themes reform promises 2 freeze what they call non-essential immigration detain all asylum seekers and protest against them abroad Deport foreign criminals as soon as they complete their ruling eliminate the Net Zero promise eliminate subsidies for renewable energy ban what they call transgender ideology in primary and secondary schools ban the teaching of critical race theory in schools abandon the European Court of Human Rights maintain spaces of a just sex and stop what they call the war on motorists now clearly this is all designed to appeal to disaffected right wing conservative voters these are the type of voters who tend to back people like Braan and Lee Anderson and get frustrated when the senior leaders tried to anger them while the conservatives trashed the reform they are trying to capture those on the right of the party who feel pushed out by those in the center and well, from the third category of policies it is clear that the reforms hope that In the future it will be more difficult for conservatives to regain influence in politics;
First of all, they want to move to a proportional voting system that would harm the established system. parties, including the Conservatives, although they do not specify which proportional system they want to move to along with this, they also want to reform the House of Lords, in which the Conservatives have dominance again, they do not actually specify what this actually means, although the main point is that the reform is willing to show that they are not in favor of politics as usual, whether because of their views on the Constitution, social issues or fiscal policy. If you want to continue learning and expanding your knowledge, I recommend you check out.
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