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Britain's Weird, Small Political Parties Explained - TLDR News

May 29, 2024
Hello and welcome to another


uk video about a week ago. I saw this video of j.j mccullar talking about canada's fringe


and thought it was super interesting. In fact, it's linked below if you want to check it out. I had a look and it turns out they hadn't made any for Britain, so I thought we could explore a similar idea because, as much as Britain may seem like a two-party system with Labor and the Conservatives dominating the Commons and the ballot box, it doesn't. They are the only players. The Conservatives and Labor certainly rule the game as the only


with a genuine chance of winning a majority, although the next tier of parties are really incapable of winning a majority;
britain s weird small political parties explained   tldr news
However, they could still steal votes from the big two or the old coalition like the Liberal Democrats showed that there are plenty of parties that, while important in their areas, especially in Wales and Northern Ireland, don't actually have national presence. Finally, we have the ones we will discuss today, the true fringe parties that, while the candidates they regularly field have total vote counts in the thousands or tens of thousands, so let's explore who they are, what they represent, and why these parties bother to continue to exist. We're incredibly close to half a million subscribers on this channel, so if you want more of our content and want to give us a hand, hit the button.
britain s weird small political parties explained   tldr news

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britain s weird small political parties explained tldr news...

So who are these


er fringe parties? Well, for our list, we're taking a look at the parties that got less than 50,000 votes in 2019 but more than 5,000, giving us six parties, the Yorkshire Party, Ukip, the Liberal Party and the Monster delusional crazy party and the alliance of the Christian people, these parties are clearly very


and have no real chance of winning a seat let alone an election, so why participating well, let's explain what they represent, the largest of this group is the yorkshire party, which won 29,201 votes in 2019, securing them 0.1 per cent of the total vote and zero seats.
britain s weird small political parties explained   tldr news
The party was founded in 2014 and aims to grant devolved powers to Yorkshire through a Yorkshire Assembly more or less similar to the devolved powers of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland - specifically, they advocate for education, the environment, transport and housing, this is their most important policy, which, let's face it, makes sense, although they are the largest of the French parties that are aware that they are not going to get national office, as far as they know that it is probably better to campaign on a specific issue rather than writing a full manifesto. However, they have other policies that they themselves categorize as social democratic and economically centrist. t brands have also made clear their support obviously for Yorkshire Tea, although they have had some success in second order elections, such as winning some council seats, the party has never managed to win a seat in the house of commons, we should note They only sit as candidates in Yorkshire, so the fact that they were the sixth largest party in terms of votes in England is quite a feat;
britain s weird small political parties explained   tldr news
However, even in the places where they do their vote count it is still not that high and they did not manage to get their deposit back. In whatever general election race they ran next, let's look at the UK, formerly the bastion of Brexit and a major rival to the Conservatives, stealing many from the right of the Conservative group, from which they have really fallen in recent years . It polled just 22,817 votes in 2019 and won zero seats, this is largely because its former leader Nigel Farage jumped ship and started a new party, one that did much better in the election, but what does it represent? today the UK?
No wonder the UK remains against the European party. Union and what they call rapid, massive and uncontrolled immigration, also claim to defend the following principles: patriotism, national democracy,


democracy, economic democracy, liberalism and traditionalism, some of these principles seem to conflict, although they claim to be a traditionalist party . The


commitment on their website is to reform the House of Lords and they go on to say that they support electoral reform and none of those policies strike me as particularly traditional, unlike the Yorkshire party, although they have historically had some electoral success. In 2014 they became the first. party in over a century, other than Labor and the Conservatives, to win a national election, this was the 2014 European election, which the party won, meaning that an anti-EU party represented the UK in the EU clearly , this was the sign of things to come In addition to this victory almost at the same time, they also managed to gain deputies in the House of Commons, although it was not through a general election but through defections from Mark Reckless and Douglas Caswell defected from the Conservative Party to the United Kingdom, making them the party's first MPs in Be Fair to the United Kingdom after their defections, they stood in the by-election and won, unlike their marginal counterparts.
The UK has had candidates elected to the Commons, although not in an actual general election. Next let's talk about the liberal party which won 10,876 votes in 2019. and with no seats we should probably make it clear from the start that this is not the liberal democrat party well it's actually complicated back in 1981 the labor party was led by michael foote many in the party were frustrated with its more leftist tendencies so they split to form the social democratic party shortly after they formed an alliance with the liberal party, merged to become social democrats and liberals and then abandoned the social part to become the party that we know today.
The problem was that the original Liberal Party had a long history in the United Kingdom and was one of only two major parties before the early 1900s, with many historic British Prime Ministers coming from the Liberal Party, as such some members of the Liberal Party became They opposed the merger and created a new liberal party with the intention of being a continuation. of the traditional Liberal party before the merger, unfortunately for the Liberal party, although they failed to be even as successful as the Liberal Democrats, that is probably because all the important politicians in the party remained in the merged Liberal Democrat party and as such, they became the The more legitimate party of the two, as expected, the ideology of the liberal party is libertarian and in favor of civil liberties even despite the pandemic and greed 19.
Enzo is a party from Ireland of the North which gained 9,814 votes in 2019. The party was founded in 2019. After Peter Toybin, a former member of Sinn Féin, resigned from the party due to his anti-abortion views, as you can imagine, the party is seen as quite conservative. This ideological conservatism can further be seen through his defense of parental choice in sex education. Although some of their attitudes are also left-wing, such as their views on the economy, migration and climate change, for example, they have supported policies to end zero-hour contracts and increase spending on public housing, the The next party could be infamous, but with 0.02 percent of the vote and 9,739 ballots in 2019, the monstrous raving mad party exactly has significant electoral strength, unlike the previous parties, the monstrous raving mad party is not running As a serious force in politics, the party was founded by Mr.
Screamer in the 1980s and aims to joke around and offer candidates that protest voters can support some of their policies, currently including anyone who applies. Seven-figure salary positions at the world health organization or as government health advisors would have to answer 15 questions correctly about who wants to be a millionaire and to unite the population we will surround the UK with a big cardboard box so that can be both inside and outside the EU. This will be known as Schrodinger's Brexit. Interestingly, their slogan was also designed to differentiate themselves from others. The parties are crazy about voting, the only real criticism we have is that they are not necessarily part of all the other parties running in the general election.
The last fringe party we are going to take a look at is the Christian People's Alliance. which gained 6,486 votes in 2019. The party grew in 1999 due to frustration with the UK seemingly becoming more secular specifically, the party emerged from an all-party advocacy group, the decision to become a full party right was taken because of devolution which introduced representation ratio in parts of the UK making smaller parties feel they can achieve more power despite being a Christian party, although their policies are not explicitly about religion, one of their policies in the early 2000s was to relieve motorway congestion and part of this action was actually accepted by the government obviously, although as a Christian party they have also supported religious policies, a good example of this is their opposition to marriage between same-sex people, so if these are Britain's fringe parties that can't realistically win in their current state, then why?
Exist? Obviously there is no answer, but according to a major article on parliamentary affairs they claim that minor parties aim to influence the behavior of established parties and expand the ideological boundaries of political culture. In addition to this, they also offer more options for the electorate. For some parties these points are perfectly demonstrated: ukip, for example, clearly influenced the behavior of established parties; They arose from the desire to leave the EU and managed to force the Conservative government to call a referendum if you want to know more about this, you will be happy to know that we made a full video explaining the power of ukip and how they came to prominence.
The Monster Raving Looney Party, on the other hand, knows very well that they won't be able to influence anyone. of the major parties and they don't try to exist simply to offer voters options, they represent those who are not only apathetic but disenfranchised by the system itself, showing up and voting for a joke party shows that you are not exactly Along with the mainstream options, some parties seem like a mix of these factors, although the Liberal Party is a good example of this because, while they present themselves as a legitimate party and try to bring their ideas to the mainstream, they also offer an alternative .
For the Liberal Democrats, this was certainly the case in the late 1980s, when the Liberal merger of the SDP was formalized and the Liberal party offered an alternative to Liberal voters who opposed the merger, but it is much less of a factor today. today, with very few Liberal Democrat supporters. Even considering this option, while these parties may not hold power in the same way as the Conservative or Labor party, they still provide a democratic function, influencing and offering voters an alternative. Speaking of elections, Britain will be voting on May 6th on a variety of topics that we've made videos about, if you want to see any of these things, from the Scottish elections to the Police and Crime Commissioner elections, be sure to check out the videos linked in the description be sure to subscribe to the channel and hit the bell icon button to get notified every time we release a new video, special thanks to our patreon patrons who make videos like this possible and if you want to see your name at the end of the videos, you can also support us at the patreon link in the description

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