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What's Up With The Enclave? - Fallout Lore

Jun 18, 2024
I cherish a piece of my whole heart I don't care how many men, women and children I need to kill to make everything okay, welcome back honorable fool, I hope you're all okay, sorry for the brief pause there, I ran into a bit of something is probably just these seasonal allergies, so needless to say there will probably be spoilers for almost every Fallout game and TV series, so if you don't want to be spoiled you probably shouldn't watch this, but anyway. Specifically we're going to talk a little about the infamous




they might be doing on the show.
what s up with the enclave   fallout lore
They didn't have the most screen time or anything, but there's a lot to learn about their brief appearance on the show. show that they appear to be in control of at least one base on the west coast somewhere in the mountains where they appear to be conducting a variety of experiments and this science facility we see has several ongoing projects such as breeding dogs to become dogs cybernetics or possibly mutant dogs, as well as


I assume is an F investigation, judging by this hulking body that has been covered by a sheet and the only part we can see is a contracting yellowish-green hand, it looks like if they were up to their old fev again, what I found really interesting was that the Brotherhood, even though some of their younger members don't really believe that the Enclave actually exists, seem to have knowledge of what the Enclave is doing or at least the brotherhood leadership in the Commonwealth does know. but we also know that kind of public knowledge that there is an


deserter out there because in a couple of episodes we learned from the ghoul that the bounty for Will's leg was placed between the six agencies, so maybe that's how it is as the Brotherhood found out, but I like to think that they are monitoring Enclave conversations or something in the area and it's worth noting that the order came from the highest clerics in the Commonwealth, which I thought was really funny.
what s up with the enclave   fallout lore

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what s up with the enclave fallout lore...

It seems like the Commonwealth, I guess, is the seed of power for the Brotherhood at this point in the story and I guess that means they cleaned up pretty well at the end of Fallout 4, right? Or at least they weren't destroyed by one of the other factions, which they really are. It's not that surprising and I admit that the game only takes place, I think, 8 years before the show, so it's all speculation about what happened in the Commonwealth during the events of Fallout 4, just as it's speculation about what happened in New Vegas during uh 2281. and 82 all we really know about the end of Fallout's canyon before is that the Brotherhood in the Commonwealth was not destroyed or expelled and apparently they settled the region in the same way they claim to have settled the Wasteland capital after Fallout. 3 it's a little strange that the new Brotherhood recruits don't really believe the Enclave existed, but this is the west coast and the enclave has long been gone from here or, I mean, they apparently have this base. and a short distance from the Boneyard now we'll leave that pot on the fire for now because we're not here to talk about the Brotherhood, we're here to talk about the Enclave, but what exactly are they?
what s up with the enclave   fallout lore
Who are they? Well, the Enclave came about. of a pre-war cabal within the American government, one that was specifically made up of influential government officials, the politicians, the Joint Chiefs of Staff think of it as an Illuminati Shadow government type thing, they were the ones who contracted Vault in the first place, and while Voltech may have their own goals and agendas, they are ultimately a pawn of the pre-war Enclave, although the show implies that Vault Tech might not have accepted it. The Enclave wanted to control the entire Vault Tech experiment with the ultimate goal of building a Starship and colonizing space, at least initially, the enclave's goals would change as time passed.
what s up with the enclave   fallout lore
They were a highly nationalist group and even wanted to continue the Yansi campaign in China after the bombs fell as a sign of revenge against the Chinese communists. Now the show implies that Voltech may have control over The Enclave, as Bud Askins himself says he chose to preserve his junior administrative staff rather than The Last Vestages of a Dying Civilization Allah, the American government, although it is unclear if this is true. refers to members of the Enclave or just regular staff of the Old Government, but the vault's technology betrays the Enclave would certainly explain this cutscene;
However, it's worth noting that they are only shown giving this treatment to the vault dwellers, who we know were considered little more than test subjects by the vault technology, at least. The Enclave casually entering and taking down some Vault inhabitants and taking the rest does not necessarily mean that they were not involved with the Vault's technology or its leadership in some way, but kidnapping inhabitants for experimentation is certainly curious, but it is quite explained. When you learn that the Enclave desperately needed pure humans, since it was much easier to get mad science to work on them instead of the irradiated ones, it also helps that they didn't consider the Vault's inhabitants to be American citizens and, in Overall, it fits. their modus operandi of modus operandi, so that scene was from Fallout 2 and that was the first game that the Enclave appeared in and they were like the big bad guys, the antagonists and they were generally portrayed as a comically evil parody of all the worst aspects The American government with high-tech weapons and armor has greatly contributed negatively to the Wasteland, whether actively or inadvertently, we see them murdering innocent families and it also turns out that they are responsible for the second generation of slightly dumber maraposa super mutants , so after the events of Fallout 1, The Enclave sent a group of wasteland slaves to Mariposa to search for everything they could, the technology, all that good stuff, but these slaves were exposed to large amounts of the


Forced evolution and, due to their irradiated nature, they did not. they didn't retain most of their wit and intellect, in fact they were kind of dumb with F's and the Enclave leadership used this as an opportunity to see how far they could go, how much F they could pump into a guy, they essentially turned him into Bane from Joel Scher's Batman and Robin. I don't exactly know of a shining moment for that IP or that director, but it's memorable nonetheless, which is why Frank Oran was its main mutant creation. The second generation Mariposa mutants were just unforeseen consequences of them sending slaves from the Wasteland. do their dirty work, that was something that specifically happened off-screen between Fallout 1 and 2, so since Fallout 2 was the first game the Enclave appeared in, it kind of set the tone for the kind of group they were, this is essentially where the enclave's genocidal tendencies were introduced, as well as their love of advanced technology and the occasional bit of mad science.
The stylish advanced power armor worn by Enclave power armor, from the Mark 1 Advanced Power Armor to the Hellfire armor set, is typically the most advanced and best-looking in every game it appears in, except for the iconic t51b, which would be my other favorite power armor, not that anyone has asked what Rivals The Enclave armor, both in appearance and defense, there's something about that bulky, insect-like armor setup they have that really looks amazing, on me opinion, they are also known for their prolific use of high-tech plasma weapons and robots. The Enclave's grand plan in Fallout 2 is to basically exterminate everyone who isn't them, including the inhabitants of the Vault, even though they were technically citizens of the United States, which The Enclave claimed to be a continuation of.
Now this could This is because the Vault Tech possibly betrayed them, as the Enclave was supposed to be in charge of all of Vault Tech's experiments in the vaults, but as we see in the games and the show, this one doesn't. is the case. The Enclave often has to convince the vault's inhabitants. opening its doors before quickly exterminating them or at least some of them and bringing the rest back to the laboratories for experimentation since they were pure humans or at least their descendants now. The Enclave would eventually be infiltrated and destroyed from within at least. on the west coast by an individual known only as the chosen one, the supposed grandson of the protagonist of the first fighting game, and at this point most of the enclave's senior leaders fled east unbeknownst to their lower-ranking soldiers, who They were forced to fend for themselves, most of the remnants of the Enclave on the west coast were hunted down by the Brotherhood of Steel or the new California Republic or managed to integrate into the NCR somehow or fled further east, but one thing It is safe at least for those of lower rank. non-elitist members of The Enclave, their organization was finished at this point, their oil rig had been blown up by the chosen one and just a few years later, the NCR had destroyed navro, forcing its inhabitants to leave, much like to Dr.
Henry from Fallout 2. In New Vegas, some members left The Enclave even before the destruction of Navaro, such as William Brandis, who had fled as far east as the capital Wasteland, which unbeknownst to him, at least when He headed there, it was where The Enclave had set up shop, no wonder The guy was so paranoid when a mysterious scientist showed up and started experimenting on the ants, he knew very well what the Enclave was capable of and if they were in the capital, Wast Land, was then a cause for concern and especially suspicion by certain scientific figures like Lesco, so, although tragically unlucky, Brandis made the right decision in fleeing the East.
Since the time of New Vegas in 2281, the Enclave is largely a distant memory, with most of its remains long gone or executed, save for a select few who along with their descendants managed to integrate into the NCR and its areas. surroundings successfully, if not openly, except for the aforementioned A4 Doc Henry, of course, who does nothing to hide his former affiliation and conveniently takes up residence in a city full of super mutants who see him. As a friend, the geriatric remains of the New Vegas region's Enclave can be reunited with the help of their former commander's son and can even play a pretty crucial role in the decisive Second Battle of Hoover Dam (it's kind of like in Return of the King when Aragorn goes to the mountain to get those ghosts to help him in the final battle, allowing them to somewhat redeem themselves for having been involved with The Enclave in the first place, this Quest can be a headache to trigger, but Contribute goes a long way to proving that not everyone who was involved with Theon Clay was evil; in fact, this group of ridiculously cool seniors aren't evil fascists at all, they were just Enclave foot soldiers who were abandoned by their leaders like the La organization fell apart the remains we find in the game are mostly pretty good, a cannibal Johnson subverted the orders of citing duty without serving.
Daisy Whitman simply loved flying and being a pilot Doc Henry dedicated what was left of his life to caring for nocturnal personality disorder as a way to repent for all the dogs who died when he was making Mad Science with The Enclave, including Orion Marino, the The Enclave's only true believer on the team, he's not necessarily a bad man, he's just old and bitter about the cause he once fought for. He is no more and those who defeated his cause are once again invading his land in the form of his and his officer Judith Creger's sharecropping farms.
He must have been at least competent enough to keep Johnson and Orion Marino from tearing each other apart. he seems like a nice guy who just wants to play chess and be retired, so yeah. While most of the average members of The Enclave were probably bad people, not everyone you meet not everyone in The Enclave was bad, most of them were born into it so it's not like they had a choice, they were probably indoctrinated. in the enclave cause at an early age. That aspect isn't really much different from how the Brotherhood behaves, but that's a story for another day anyway, so we saw what happened to most of the rank. and the Enclave soldiers were left behind and abandoned to be hunted by the Brotherhood and the NCR and the ones who defected before things got really bad were still fearing reprisals for their, well, their defection, but what about the higher ups? organized leaders in the enclaves and essential personnel that Autumn Senior fled to the east with, you know, those who were led by a patriotic computer program that conveniently takes us to the Wasteland capital of Fallout 3, so basically all the members of The Enclave that Colonel Adam's father considered essential made a mass exodus tothe east coast. specifically while the rest of the Enclave was abandoned in the wake of the destruction of the oil rig, as well as the loss of Navaro to NCR forces, so Autumn Senior's group was led by new president John Henry Eden , who was secretly a computer AI of Zach that gained self-awareness, had a personality that was said to be an amalgamation of all the previous presidents who had preceded him, from George Washington to Dick Richardson, the president of The Enclave in Fallout. 2, anyway, this new IA president expressed himself.
By none other than Malcolm McDow, who unlike Liam Niss always brings his name, even if it's a voice role in a video game he doesn't fully understand, the guy is a credit to England, anyway, his group of Enclave would experiment with fev to create. a specialized plague that would eradicate those considered impure in the enclave and this led to disagreements with Colonel Autumn, his second in command, who was a descendant of Autum Senior, obviously and currently the second most powerful person within the enclave organization, the Colonel Autumn, he wanted the Enclave to be the savior of the Wasteland despite the Enclave camps we see in the game proving otherwise, unlike most of the Enclave leaders who preceded him, he had no interest in genocide.
Wasteland completely, since there would be no one to rule and see them as saviors, now don't get me wrong, I'm not giving any bail to the good colonel, he's still a damn cartoon character, evil in a comical way, as if will only kill. If you answer him honestly even though he said that was the only way you could live, I mean that's funny to me, plus she has a great voice and you know we tend to rate her pretty high around here and with that being said , still not even close. as bad as the Enclave leadership his father served with, I mean, have a bunch of Dick Richardson here, who is as insufferable as they come, he's definitely 100 times worse than Colonel Autumn could ever hope to be, so I guess what I am.
What I'm saying is that Autumn is obviously bad, but she's an extremely progressive leader when it comes to the enclave, and all things considered, at least she's human and not some old McIntosh computer who was only allowed to study American history or whatever. may be their boss, but regardless of This discontent in the highest ranks of The Enclave remained essentially the big bads of Fallout 3 and were subsequently defeated twice in two very decisive battles with the Brotherhood of Steel, although before The Enclave was functionally finished at Adam Air Force Base, yes they did it. to destroy the robot Liberty Prime as a parting gift to the Brotherhood, but after this, with the loss of their leader John Henry Eden, who had gone down with Raven Rock after the Lone Wanderer convinced him or with the use of Fall Save.
Cod found in Colonel Autumn's room after those two great defeats the loss of his leader and the loss of two of his most powerful and secret facilities. The Enclave was no longer an organized threat on the East Coast or at least in the Wasteland capital, especially as the Brotherhood strengthened their control over the region in the years following this war, yes we still see their camps operating after this in Fallout 3, but their leadership has been destroyed and it would probably take a while for the surviving high-ranking members to organize everyone who left, but nonetheless, the remains of this group would eventually appear in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts about a decade later. after the destruction of their mobile base as part of Bethesda's new update for Fallout 4, where they made Club Canon creating remains of The Enclave.
I think it's part of the game now at least, which I think fits pretty well with what I've played. I particularly liked the Black Devil story about a member of the enclave who after the destruction of Adam Air Force Base came to the Commonwealth and played as Batman for about a decade until he was forced to abandon his suit mainly due to to his declining health, he eventually became this figure of legend to the people of the Commonwealth or at least to those whose parents he would help and if this is all Cannon The Enclave did. eventually locate his suit, but not him, unless I miss that part somewhere and the main Enclave Remnant that is part of this addon is based in the Atlantic offices on the shining sea, where they are carrying out sort of a recovery effort to recover some missing Enclave Tech, mainly a couple of Tesla cannons, as well as a couple of power armor and some heavy napalmer again.
I don't know if any of that is Cannon now, but I felt it was worth mentioning since it's technically in the game. Now after all the following update the only mentions of The Enclave were from some members of the Brotherhood, Grand Zealot RoR who was a former member and this doesn't really count as a mention but if you are familiar with how the Enclave. I looked at Fallout 2 and New Vegas, the x01 power armor in Fallout 4 certainly looks a lot alike anyway. Thanks for listening to this brief history of The Enclave. I'm sure it didn't detract from my initial purpose of making this video.
Alright, let's move on to the original purpose of this video. What is The Enclave in the TV series? We didn't get to see any of his iconic, menacing soldiers in power armor. In fact, the only soldiers we saw looked like some guy. of British police officers, but they had laser rifles, extremely sharp looking, to be exact, it's hard to say where exactly this cool little subway style base of theirs is, but if I had to guess, I'd say it's probably in some mountain range in California , maybe. even the Grapevine, if that counts, since Wizig presumably walked his ass along with cx44 to the Boneyard of angels aka the ruins of Los Angeles, the Grapevine would be my guess, but it looked snowy, so maybe it came from Clth or above. near Tahoe, I suppose he could have even come from much further north, like Canada or something, but if that's the case, he and his dog made an incredible trip taking in all of the Wasteland and most of California based on the way that was cut.
It seems like he didn't travel that far, but we honestly don't know that he could have traveled such a great distance judging by the difference in weather from where the lab he escaped from was and where his journey ends, perhaps. was a lot longer than we realize or maybe their trip was actually a lot shorter than we realize, we were never explicitly told and maybe it will be detailed in a later season, but honestly, who knows, but Anyway, back to The Enclave on the TV Show, what are these guys doing? The main thing I'm going to focus on is the purpose of dog breeding, as it was highlighted so much that we see our Enclave scientist with the Heart of Gold, Dr.
Sigy Wilzig, falsify the weight of one of these . German shepherds in an effort to keep him as theirs and save him from the incinerator and sure enough, this cx44 dog would eventually save wiig's life in return. Now I feel like I should mention the fact that Michael Emerson plays Siggy Wilzig and he takes a Belgian Malinois into her care. I think I'm saying it right, I'm probably saying it wrong, but you know, the dog I'm referring to has to be a reference to Person of Interest, which was another show that Jonathan Nolan made starring Michael Emerson. having a pet dog named bear that was the exact same breed as the cx44 or dog meat, just a cute easter egg, is a pretty cool sight.
I never actually finished it, but I should probably go back and do it at some point anyway. What is The Enclave doing? With these dogs, why do they breed them? Why do they control their weight? Specifically, I assume breeders probably do that. You also know that maybe they are lab-grown dogs. I think it's at least a possibility, but basically they're like eliminating the weak and They only allow the strong and those who are above average weight or know the average weight to survive, which is very pragmatic, it's very similar to The Enclave , it's the cold cruelty of their approach that allows them to get such good results with all this cool technology they have.
Some have speculated that they are using dogs as test subjects for their fees, possibly creating mutant dogs in the process, and while I generally don't think this is the case, there is precedent for this in, for example, the West. The technological research facility that became Glow first investigated fev by testing it on animals and then discarding the animals and then moving on to testing it on humans. We never heard about the results of any of these animal tests, but we can only imagine that they were successful. enough for them to at least pass humans and we see that The Enclave in the show is experimenting with f judging by that suspiciously Super Mutant looking body that has been covered by a sheet whose hand is still moving and to the blissfully unaware of where it feels. stands for forced evolution virus, it was originally intended to be a type of super soldier serum developed for use in the US military, it would inevitably give rise to some of the most iconic horrors of the wastelands, especially the super mutants and the centar of their kind .
He's kind of a staple in the Fallout series, as he appears in every game in some way and we've technically already seen one of the results in the show, so yeah, it's entirely possible that the Enclave will test Feev in these. dogs and I hope that's not the case, but it's definitely a possibility. No, I tend to think they're making cybernetic dogs which, in my opinion, are some of the coolest creations to come out of Fallout and look just as cool as Eddie. There's no way I'm doing it. I'm going to play New Vegas without having Rex as my partner, that's all, plus they seem to be much more down the alley of enclaves.
The Cyberdogs have been associated with The Enclave since Fallout 2, it seems the more likely of the two and The Mutant Dogs were only created, as far as we know, by the Institute. I'm sure it's entirely possible for Enclave scientists to achieve similar results in mutant dogs, but I think that's the least likely assumption. I think the most likely, of course, is that they are doing cyber. dogs, that's something that's become a little more associated with The Enclave, at least in the west coast titles. Doc Henry and the Enclave scientists give Robo Dog a cyberdog companion in Fallout 2 for helping him and then shows up again in New Vegas to give him to Rex.
A brain transplant since he was the only one in the Mojave Wasteland who had any experience with cyberdogs in the first place was the only chance to save Rex's life and obtain technical technology. Cyberdogs were originally developed for US military use before the war. The US government, of which The Enclave claims to be a sequel, so I suppose they can claim credit for the invention of the cyberdog and have been directly associated with them in previous games, but these dogs were not only used by the government, but they were also used. Like police dogs in pre-war Denver, the city today is said to be overrun by packs of regular wild dogs, occasionally led by the remains of these police cyber dogs.
Fun fact: Denver is also where Caesar's Legion gets its best dogs. It's also probably where Caesar found Rex, the best 200-year-old dog this side of the Mississippi. Rex is, of course, New Vegas' canine companion who, after being damaged in battle and subsequently abandoned by the legion, was found by scavengers and brought to the king. of Freeside who then took Rex to the Followers of the Apocalypse stationed in the area and got the old dog running again. Cyberdogs are extremely tough, extremely durable, and as I already mentioned, very, very long-lived, basically every cyberdog you encounter is a relic of at least 200 years past, except perhaps those that The Enclave had upgraded, So in addition to appearing in Fallout 2 in New Vegas, Cyberdogs also appeared in New Vegas' iconic Old World Blues DLC, and while I'm not entirely convinced that Big Mountain weren't the original inventors of Cyberdog science, we know for a fact. certainty that they improved them to a substantial degree with their experiments.
Large empty think tanks even took science a step further, as they are known to do, and get better at it. With the basic Cyberdog model, they went ahead and made the Cyberdog pistols a series of self-aware miniguns with dog brains that fire large calibers like .357 and .44 magnum, and while they are clearly weapons, they are still technically considered cyberdogs and are fully sentient. like theircounterparts Thanks to the dog's organic brain, the barrel of the gun functions as a robotic tracker so the dog can use it to detect hostile enemies and even lock on to them for you, which works wonders with the built-in telescoping site they have.
He has the gun and even growls when he detects nearby enemies. What if he can smell crime? What if you smell crime? What if you can smell a crime before it happens? Holy dude that's awesome, sniff out crime before it happens, yeah dude, they even have a pair of metal ears and they can make noises in combat 10 out of 10 inventions in my book, plus you can feed them mentats. The cybernetic dogs themselves are said to be powered by fusion atomic nuclei, meaning that some of them could theoretically detonate upon death, although this seems likely. to be a modification added by the great mountain scientific group.
I am referring to the self-destructive characteristic and it is probably in no way reflected in every cyber dog, as it has been said that no two dogs are exactly the same, the individual abilities of cyber dogs vary greatly from dog to dog. dog, they could be very similar but not identical, most cyberdogs possess an onboard self-healing system that will heal them in the same way as Mr. House's Mark 2 securitrons, some even possess a sonic bark attack reminiscent of visually the characteristic brain wave attack that the robotic brains have access to, which makes sense, but does not seem to be an ability displayed by all cyber dogs.
Interestingly, they also tend to have strong personalities, as seen in K9's strict moral code in Fallout 2 or Rex's hatred of hats and those who wear them. In New Vegas, likewise, some models were blatantly much more advanced than others, for example, K9 in Fallout 2 was able to talk or Dr. Boris's dog Gabe from the Old World Blues DLC put psycho on his Chow. cybernetic dog, which caused him to grow to an enormous size. size, but those two seem to be outliers, there are some characteristics that they all possess. Creating the cybernetic dogs is said to be extremely difficult since, in addition to all the scientific and cybernetic knowledge one would need, the specimens would have to be created to a high degree. of technical sophistication and widespread breeding and training programs, things like we see in the show, probably why The Enclave is incinerating all the dogs that do not give weight, the dogs themselves are somewhere in between cyborg and synthetic machine, since that their organs have been replaced with durable, high-functioning synthetic organs and a good degree of their external physiology has been replaced with machine parts, although it is important to note that they still retain a very canine appearance, they are still very recent.
Dogs, the advantage is that they are essentially immortal. The only thing that starts to get a little strange is that after about 200 years, their brains almost start to degrade and will probably need to be replaced with a new one to prevent the cyberdog from shutting down. and these guys are extremely durable and hard to defeat to the point where even if you manage to destroy one there is still a good chance you can fix it and turn it back on, they are very hard to kill, as quotes Steven Seagal and There's Something About a Functionally immortal cyborg robot dog companion that really warms my heart and I love that even if someone manages to kill one, it may be able to be rebuilt so that it works again with the same characteristics it had before it was destroyed.
As we see with Roxy in one of the Old World Blues endings, I think Rex even rebuilt her, so maybe there's still hope for K9, the cybernetic dog who was cruelly taken apart by NCR technicians in hopes of better understanding how Does Enclave technology work and when. They had finished all their dating research, learned absolutely nothing, and had only managed to kill the poor cyberdog at K9. It wasn't just any cyberdog that could talk. He knew several languages. They practically destroyed the most advanced one. Next generation Cyberdog that exists, the classic NCR, now back on the program.
I'm not completely ruling out the fact that they could be making fev dogs. I just think the Enclave has a knack for controlling things and I think the Cyber ​​Dogs are that. a little easier to control than some Super Mutant dogs. I mean, look no further than the deadly claw enclave experiments for your answer. They set out to make intelligent deathclaws and they succeeded, only they were too successful and the deathclaws were too smart. and independent and intelligent and incapable of being controlled by The Enclave, of course their man Frank Horgan would kill all the sentient mortal claws with the exception of gorus, who is said to have survived, but next time we see The Enclave experimenting with death. claws have no longer tried to create intelligent claws, no what they are doing now is that they have created these mind control devices that fit the heads of the deathclaws to control their movements through their brain waves and I personally think that is the example perfect. or microcosm of how The Enclave operates as a whole, everything has to do with that control and speaking of control, we learned it from the moldaver character in the television show that voltech bought the means to end the resource war when they bought his company that I was working on Cold.
Fusion is now vault tech, since Cold Fusion is on a shelf, he only plans to use it in his vaults after the world has ended, but I really think they can only do it with the supervision of the enclaves or with their help or assistance or In With the Slightest Concession, we even see all these shadowy figures observing the board meeting with the vault technician, Mr. House Frederick Sinclair, Leon Von Feldon and Julia Masters, and there sure as hell is no confirmation that these shadowy individuals represent the Enclave before the war, but we know it from pre-existing data.
It is known that vault technology and The Enclave once worked hand in hand, so when Voltech says that they can guarantee when the bombs will drop by being the ones who dropped them, I think they mean what they say, but it's only because they've managed to something. more or less well from the enclave and, as far as I know, Voltech was not the one who fired first. I think China shot first, but I could be wrong. I'll have to double check that anyway, what I think happened was that Vault Tech and The Enclave had all these plans together and The Enclave was supposed to take over Administration control over the Vaults regardless of what happened. promised Sinclair, House and the other investors, but Vault Tech also likes control and I think they betrayed The Enclave in some way. maybe not allowing them access to certain vaults and forcing The Enclave to survive through their own secret government facilities, it's hard to say, but from Bud Askin's dialogue when he's a cerebral Roomba it sounds like he was supposed to preserve the members of the government or The Enclave. but he didn't and instead opted to preserve his junior administrative staff, which could have been a Vault Tech plan all along and now that the Enclave was pushed out on both coasts, the Vault Tech remnants were probably finally They can continue with their objective. own agendas without The Enclave finding them and using them as test subjects for their own agendas.
Now one last thing I wanted to talk about was the character of Siggy Wilzig, who I talked about a little bit earlier. Michael Emerson's character, it turns out, knows a lot about Lucy. Vault and I think that's because the pre-war Enclave was aware of all the designs and schemes for the tech vaults because they were the ones who commissioned them, the idea of ​​social experimentation was presumably an enclave idea or maybe They were the ones who launched it. first, and Vault Tech is the Mad Science company that took advantage of the opportunity. The Enclave, at least in its pre-war incarnation, was aware of all of Vault Tech's plans and the locations of the Vaults they were working on, probably even the individual experiments being carried out in each Vault, so So the idea that it was just the capitalists who destroyed the world is a bit wrong, yes they financed the destruction of the world, but it was initially planned and given the go-ahead by a secret. dark cabal within the American government honestly, it's all starting to remind me of the films Escape from New York and escape from La by Kurt Russell and John Carpenter.
I probably don't have to tell you guys, but the first one is a classic and the second one. one is really underrated, a lot of people get the impression that it's actually pretty good, John Carpenter even says that anyway, although The Enclave usually what they do or have been shown to do is go from vault to vault and recover at least before their eyes what belongs. for them along with some pure humans to test the research. I imagine this is how Wi Zig's Enclave Remnant was able to get his hands on that cold fusion experiment, since Moldaver already told us the audience that Vault Tech bought his company that had perfected cold. fusion or whatever and then they shelved it because they knew it would end the current resource wars which could already be considered an indirect cause of the Apocalypse, but yeah, if I had to guess the attack on the Enclave, whatever Vault was supposed to be working on cold fusion and they took it themselves, gave it to their scientists and somehow Wiig managed to get hold of it so he could perfect it in secret.
I guess again it's all very vague. I'll have to watch that scene a few more times. a dozen times and I'll get back to you, maybe Wiig defected a long time ago, but she stayed in The Enclave perhaps to use her access to their technology to perfect the cold fusion experiment for Moldaver, who might have been the one who got her the technology in first place. This is all huge speculation, of course, but if that's the case, I think it's very possible that the leadership in vault technology or whatever's left of it could be working with The Enclave.
I mean, I'm still not convinced, but at least it's food for thought. Personally, I think one of those two groups would eliminate the other for full control of all the vaults and experiments and you know, inheriting the world, but that's just me, but I think that's all I wanted to cover today. I just wanted to theorize a little bit about what enclaves do because we haven't seen them in Forever, you know, I guess with that new update, uh nextg, they added Enclave to Fallout 4's cannon game and then shoved them in there hard , but I like to see an enclave camp adapted to Fallout 4's graphics style, although I think they need to fix that makeshift weapons pack they gave everyone because it looks like Super Mario World.
You walk into that room with everyone. the new weapons and gadgets and all you'll see will be a bunch of red boxes with exclamation points anyway, although guys I hope you found the video at least somewhat informative or entertaining. If you liked it, give it a like. If you didn't like it, don't like it. and if you like listening to me ramble on about various video game or television topics that usually involve Fallout Elder Scrolls or Dark Souls or Elden Ring with the occasional Legend of Zelda throne, consider subscribing. We just hit the big 25k marker, which is a big deal for me, you know we're a quarter of the way to 100K, that's pretty impressive for a novice alchemist who likes to ramble a lot, isn't it?
But anyway let's get our conclusion and then some final thoughts and some previews of what's coming next, so today's video was supposed to be the demium, but there were a couple of clips I was missing from some of the Queens, so I had to create a new character, you know how that all goes, however, it should be like this. I soon finished the audio. I just need to get the rest of the video other than that, although the video did undergo a slight change recently in the script due to some new information, but other than that it's moving along very well.
I have a couple more Fallout videos planned in the future, one about super mutants and more specifically intelligent ones or those that are semi-intelligent and of course some stuff about the father played by Liam niss in Fallout 3 and a good amount. of New Vegas stuff too in particular, dead money, which will be in the same vein as Alia's video, which means it will take a long time, but probably not that long, but it will be a great video that I'm waiting for. I'm going to be something of a perfectionist because of how special that DLC is to me, especially his Companions and his antagonists, some of the best in all of Fallout, so you really have to do him justice anyway, but anyway after the demium video, but probably Before the audio ends, there will be a couple more Elden rings,one that will talk about the elder spirits I've talked about, one that will talk about Ordina and, of course, the desolation of Melenia.
Those three in particular are in various stages of being. finished and they really could be finished quite easily once I'm done with the demihuman and the alio, so enough rambling, although I know I'm probably boring you to tears, as always, although I do want to say I hope you do . Everyone is doing well and we will see you next time until then stay safe and we will see you, this is the end, beautiful chair, empty headed voices, they say it.

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