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The Curious Case of Fallout's Last President

May 16, 2024
Hi, how's it going, I'm Nate and the new Fallout TV show begins with a brief flashback to a pre-war birthday party that occurred moments before the bombs started falling. During this scene, we have the opportunity to hear the following news report over a radio before the device is unceremoniously turned off by an upset guest. Negotiations were scheduled to continue today as the White House made no comment on the whereabouts of the


no comment on the whereabouts of the


now, of course, we know that the president is hiding, sheltering because what he knows is about to happen, but this little broadcast raises the additional question of who exactly was that president who was the


man or woman to govern the United States before the Great War.
the curious case of fallout s last president
Well, my search in the Fallout franchise is an answer to that. The question took me to some pretty wild and unexpected places, as while the developers have long shied away from giving us a conclusive explanation, if you look closely at the games and especially their files, you'll find that they've left us an interesting little trail of clues. That reveals a lot more than you may be prepared to learn about America's mysterious


president, so in today's video we'll take a look at the Fallout franchise game by game and evaluate what each exposes about its ultimate Excellence, and then try to put it all together. together, so without further ado, let's move on, but a quick word from today's video sponsor, stunlock Studios, the official release of V Rising is finally here.
the curious case of fallout s last president

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the curious case of fallout s last president...

Experience a vampire survival action RPG adventure like no other, rise from your grave after centuries of slumber and hunt for blood. To regain your power, explore a vast open world of Dark Fantasy, facing humans and monsters alike and, worse yet, the light of the deadly sun. Release your creativity, build your own unique Gothic castle, don't forget to create a coffin for your well-deserved rest after a long sinful night. hunt alone or gather a clan V Rising can be played alone or cooperatively with friends in a world of conflict be the vampire who reigns supreme do you dare to challenge the throne of Dracula V Rising is now available on Steam the version for PlayStation 5 It's just around the corner, check out the links in the description below, so before we first dive into the nitty-gritty of gaming, a little Preamble is warranted to go over some basic facts or at least reasonable assumptions we should make and that can help us.
the curious case of fallout s last president
In answering our fundamental question, given the United States' four-year presidential terms, the most recent election before the Great War in the Fallout universe should have occurred in November 2076 and the winner would not have been inaugurated until January 20177 , just 9 months before the Of course, bombs dropped, the winner of this election could have been an incumbent seeking re-election, which would mean he could have been first elected in November 2072 and started the first term in January 2073, so our candidate could have been in power for any period between 9 months or a little over 4 and a half years in the lead-up to the conflict under the US Constitution as we currently understand it, of course, Fallout exists in its own timeline and it is quite possible that in this universe the 22nd Amendment that governs presidential term limits applies, was repealed, was never passed or is simply blatantly ignored today, so we should not necessarily consider these assumptions as canon facts, but just references that might help guide us where we're going anyway with those dates in Note let's proceed to what the actual games entail, so Fallout 1 keeps its cards pretty close to its chest when These are details about the pre-war American government.
the curious case of fallout s last president
Remember that the game was released in 1997 and The Enclave wasn't even a However, there are still some interesting hints of the events in the pre-war political landscape, firstly the American flags we see displayed in various BAS and government facilities look a little different than the ones you or I might know. Instead of 50 homogeneous stars on the road, your canton features 13 small stars orbiting a larger central one, like the Betsy Ross flag, only with a bigger star in the middle. The game's sources do not explain the reason for this divergence at all. Some holotapes vaguely. alludes to a new structure for the states or something, but developer posts and subsequent clarifications in future games reveal that the reason for this change is that in the Fallout timeline, the United States divided and organized its 50 states in 13 separate communities that formed a new layer of government between federal and state authority, the old 50 states seem to still exist in some way, certain posters, newspaper articles allude to them and later we will talk about the governors who we can hear about, but much of its relevance and authority. appears to have been downgraded and transferred to these new communities in 2004 after leaving Interplay, but before joining Obsidian, future New Vegas project director and lead designer, Josh Sawyer, began working on a Fallout no-no tabletop role-playing game. official and apparently unlicensed and produced this map of existing American communities.
So Sawyer eventually canceled his tabletop experiment and got to work on obsidian, but hilariously, in the first episode of the new Fallout TV show, the exact same map of the communities is used as the backdrop for a pre-war weather report we see early. in the first episode that appears to officially canonize the Commonwealth system and Sawyer's draft of its boundaries, this is now all relevant to our discussion because the introduction of the 13 Commonwealths and perhaps an implied decline in the relevance of the individual states They can carry some important implications for how the president is elected and even for the broader makeup of Congress in the United States as we know it.
The electoral college and Congressional seats belong to the right of the individual states, but this new Commonwealth system may well have shaken up that old process. top I'm getting a little ahead of myself here, but in Fallout 4 we can visit the old Massachusetts State House where the Massachusetts Legislature used to meet and there is a plaque there that ominously says the following: Quotes that the state government used this building continuously until the formation of the 13 commonwealths in 1969. To quote this statement: one confirms that the commonwealth system was adopted in 1969 and two May imply that the old state legislatures were dissolved after the new regime came into force.
I mean, why else would he possibly vacate the state legislature? indicating that state electoral power has moved to the new commonwealths, you know constitutionally that the mandate for congressional redistricting and Electoral College appointments rests with state legislatures, but if those state legislatures no longer exist , that raises some questions anyway as we move forward with our investigation. We'll return to these abstract questions about the new political organization of the United States, but for now let's leave the topic of drab, hypothetical constitutional reforms and move on to what Fallout 2 reveals about the American presidency because this is where things really start to get good. after 80 years.
Following the events of Fallout 1 in 2241, Fallout 2 follows the story of the Chosen One, the grandson of the Vault's former abode, and introduced The Enclave into the franchise as the game's main antagonist, as we learn in the lead-up to the Great War, several high-ranking Americans. politicians probably including the president himself, we'll get to that and several businessmen and corporate executives fled to various bunkers and hidden locations throughout the United States with the plan to wait out the bombs and eventually return to reassert control over Wasteland, the most important These hideouts were the Poseidon energy oil platform, also known as the Enclave control station, 175 miles west of the California coast, where the most important pre-war figures appear to have fled and the site continues to function as a sort of de facto enclave capital during events.
From Fallout 2 we discover that The Enclave is planning to launch a series of biological weapons on the Wasteland to cleanse it of what they call subhumans before beginning a cruel reconquest of America and the chosen one will eventually assault the Poseidon energy oil platform and destroy it by taking the flower of the Enclave with its capital anyway, while we are on the Poseidon energy platform while disguising ourselves as an Enclave Soldier, we actually have the opportunity to meet the president of the enclave, an unimpressive man named Mr. Richardson, and our subsequent conversation with him is quite relevant for the purposes of this video, much of his dialogue is simply a villainous monologue about how much he hates an irradiated people, but he occasionally slips up and says some pretty insightful things.
Mr. Richardson claims to have been elected in the year 20220 and has served until now. more than five consecutive terms, suggesting that the 22nd Amendment and its term limits are now a thing of the past or were never a thing of the present as of 20220, in theoretical terms it also fits with the expected presidential election schedule of 4 years. There should have been around 31 elections and terms served since the most recent year 2076. Additionally, President Richardson also regularly alludes to the existence of some sort of Enclave Congress, which is evidently the body that elected him in the first place, since there are no state legislatures. or obvious constituencies left in the Wasteland and it's not at all obvious how these congressmen are elected or what political mandates they have.
Is there still a house and senate? It is the organism now unic coll. What's going on here? It is not clear, furthermore, his Excellence. also mentions the existence of a vice president whom we can later visit named Daniel Bird unfortunately, however, the vice president seems to have once volunteered for some kind of scientific experiment and left his mental faculties permanently reduced now he doesn't do much more than hang around from your desk, so there's that, but evidently after the veps of the Great War and there's still some sort of constitutional line of succession leading away from the Poseidon energy oil platform, Fallout 2 also makes a couple of direct references, although somewhat cheeky, to the last American presidents and seems to allude to his own membership in The Enclave, as well as a little further northwest of New Reno is the Sierra Army Depot, a former pre-war military installation where we can access a hollow disc containing transcripts of several Galaxy news radio broadcasts that were played before the bombs fell and several of these transcripts make direct reference to the ancient podus the broadcast was broadcast on February 14 Valentine's Day 2075 read the quote history was made today when Canada, by popular demand of its citizens, agreed to be annexed by the US the president is quoted as saying quote Canada is one of the largest sources of hockey players in the world end of the quote and will be a welcome addition to the US in return, sources say Canada will also receive 10% of the world's remaining oil supply controlled exclusively by the US as a 50% reduction in taxes, since they are now subject to US tax law.
End of quote, nothing very revealing here. The American annexation of Canada is well documented in the Fallout universe and is literally how Fallout 1 opens; However, the next day's transcript dated February 15, 2075. reveals something a little less expected. In a surprising show of solidarity, the House of Representatives and Congress voted unanimously to impeach the president for jaywalking. Both chambers declared that the president is not above the law and should have known better than to jaywalk both sides deny this had anything to do with the recent annexation of Canada end of quote, so on February 15, 2075 the president of the United States He was impeached by the House of Representatives and Congress in a bipartisan vote in favor of Jay Walking.
Now remember the last elections before the Great War. It doesn't actually occur until November 2076, almost a year and a half after this supposed impeachment, so unless they defeated the charges and were re-elected, it's entirely possible that this individual was not the last commander in chief, It is also unclear whether the president was removed from office by this impeachment due to grievance by theHouse of Representatives simply means that the president is now being formally accused of the crime by the lower body of Congress and from there the Senate will hear the


and decide whether or not to convict him and remove him from office.
In American history as we know it, only three presidents have been impeached so far and none of them have been convicted or removed from office by the Senate; However, the GNN transcript explicitly notes the bipartisan nature of this investigation and its widespread popularity in Congress. which would make it much more likely that the Senate will convict and remove them. Also, the way the hollow disk says that the president was impeached by both the House of Representatives and Congress is a little suspicious, as if he could only be impeached by the House of Representatives. by the House of Representatives, the Senate does not do the impeachment, they do the conviction, so perhaps this hollow disk means that both houses of Congress acted against the president and will be removed, but that is not specified in any


, according to this transcript It is possible, perhaps even probable, that more than a year before the 2076 election the last president was removed from power, although it is not obvious whether that occurred or not.
Notably, the use of the term two-party also indicates that the American two-party system is still strong at this point, although I don't think it's a big surprise, unfortunately, the next and final radio transcript we can read from this holotape is not dated. until about a year later, on March 30, 2076, although it is certainly worth reading today. the president ordered the Pacific Fleet to head into the depths of the Poseidon SeaDerek oil located at a secret location in the Pacific cited concerns that military exercises organized by the Chinese fleet are unacceptably close to our strategic oil reserves the Chinese government denied any hostile intent a recent poll suggests that 54% of GNN viewers think the president is using this as a distraction tactic to divert public attention from the president's recent admission of having had multiple extramarital affairs with campaign staff .
Our poll also suggests that 70% don't care about these issues and are happy with the way the president is. running the country a whopping 60% also think he should continue to have these Issues if that's what it takes to keep the country running smoothly end quote, so this entry suggests a couple of things about the president in 2076, when he was actively positioning the Pacific Fleet to defend the Poseidon energy oil platform, heavily implying that he was a member of the Enclave personally and two confirming that this leader was a man given references to his Affairs. Now, keep in mind that 2076 is still an election year, a new election would have to occur in November and the winner was sworn in in January, so the president this Hol record refers to may not necessarily be the last president unless may he win re-election.
Wartime presidents tend to win big, and since this guy appears to be a member of The Enclave, it's not unlikely. that some unconstitutional strings could be pulled to ensure his victory, so he may still be fine, so that's what the GNN transcripts expose and at this point we've covered most of what Fallout 2 has to reveal , although Let's return to this game in due time for now, let's move on to what we can learn from Fallout 3. Perhaps the most obvious place to start looking for the whereabouts of the last president in a game like Fallout 3 would be his residence and, in fact, , the White House.
It's a place we can visit in the DC area, although it has undergone a somewhat unfortunate makeover; In fact, it appears that the Chinese managed a direct attack on the American White House during the Great War, turning it into a mere crater inhabited by a handful of skeletons and a glowing feral ghoul. Now the big question I had when I visited this place as a third or fourth grader in 08 was whether any of these skeletons or wild ghouls had ever been the president, clearly the Chinese one. It hit its mark in high office, but was the president there to feel the explosion?
Well, Fallout 2 really avoids answering this question. There are no terminals or holotapes in the ruins of the White House to give us any idea, and I think Bethesda wanted to leave its status as ambiguous as possible, saying that we can be pretty sure the president wasn't home when the bombs fell again. , getting ahead of myself here, but there are some terminal entries in Fallout 4 that we'll get to shortly that confirmed that the President had already fled to a safe zone months before the Great War and you'll remember that the new Fallout TV show begins again with a broadcast pre-war that mentions that the president disappeared from the White House the day the bombs fell, so it is almost certain that he made it out.
Moving away from Pennsylvania Avenue, northwest of DC proper, is Fort Constantine, a large military base dedicated to maintaining the storage and ultimately use of several American ICBMs within the Fort Commanding Officer's Office. Constantine, hidden in a locked safe, players can steal the nuclear launch codes from the S. and upload them to a terminal to read the launch code transcript reveals that on the day of the Great War an executive code named bagman ordered Fort Constantine's airborne nuclear birds to retaliate, sure sounds like bagman may just be the last president's military call sign. In general, in the United States it is assumed that the only one who can legally order or authorize a nuclear attack is the president himself, so he is the most likely candidate.
Now we don't hear much more about this Bagman figure in Fallout 3; he just shows up in the launch code somewhere and boom plh disappeared, however his name will come up again later in our investigation and let me tell you now that he has been the source of a huge amount of my stress lately. We will get there even if we move away from Fort. Constantine, another thing that caught my attention were these giant metal statues and busts that we can find all over the urban ruins of DC and especially around the old government buildings. These works of art are known as art deco reliefs and this style was incredibly popular throughout the United States.
The Roaring '20s through the '40s in our timeline fell out of fashion after World War II, but they have clearly maintained their relevance in the Fallout Universe. In previous videos I've talked about how Fallout 4 associates them with a broad ear of cunning in the subplot and suggests there's a hidden meaning behind them, since we found one buried beneath the ancient ruins of Dunwich and all, check out our latest Iceberg for more information on this topic; However, until the release of Fallout 4 in 2015, I don't think they should ever have supernatural or ancient connotations. I think they were just meant to symbolize more earthly decor and Bethesda just decided to include them in the Lovecraft stuff with Fallout 4 because they look creepy anyway, this Art Deco stuff showed up too.
In fact, in Fallouts 1 and 2 we especially saw a lot of this on the Poseidon Energy oil rig at the climax of Fallout 2; However, the exact faces and styles used were so non-descriptive and monotonous that it was difficult to find any meaning or esoteric symbolism behind them. They do not appear to have represented real people, but were simply a generic continuation of the old 20th century tradition; However, in reality, two of Fallout 3's Art Deco statues are different. Two of the art deco reliefs we see in the Capitol Wasteland have clearly been modeled to reflect real people, real people who probably played an important role in the society that decided to immortalize them.
The first of these two we will discuss is a nearly full body statue of a bald old man wearing a proper suit and tie with a very menacing look on his face, this statue is mentioned in the game files as statue 01 and i I'll call her a grumpy face. The Grumpy Face can be found all over DC, but especially within the ruins of the old US Capital Building. It's impossible not to notice that the halls of Congress are filled with about 15 copies of this same statue with a grumpy face, whoever this man was, he was almost certainly a popular president or congressional figure.
The second particularly descriptive Art Deco relief is the bust of a much younger but still man. mature man with a square face and a receding hairline, although not completely bald, and an unfathomably strong forehead, named in the archives as urban statue head 02, although who am I going to call old patriarch as a moody face . Ancient patriarch reliefs can be found throughout the urban area. DC ruins, although its presence in a particular DLC region of the game has me convinced of its executive position that was released in September 2009. Fallout 3's Broken Steel DLC expanded on the events of the game's main story with a small epilogue, evidently after destruction. from The Enclave HQ at Raven Rock and its AI president, John Henry Eden, some remnants of The Enclave retreated and regrouped at the former Adams Air Force Base, about 40 feet southwest of DC, and the Brotherhood of Steel he would ask the lone Wanderer to join them. in a final assault on the Enclave forces to exterminate them for good this time, well, the way we would access this Adams Air Force Base where the Enclave was hiding was not by Verte bir or Highway, but by the player and many members of the Brotherhood of Steel.
The attackers would make use of an old secret presidential train line that ran underneath the White House directly to Adams AFB called the Presidential Metro and throughout this Metro station we see the same urban statue head 02 or the old bust of a native in very authoritarian positions like the ones they have. his face next to the flag sometimes it's almost like there are altars to him there are like four or five of these guys in the presidential Metro this guy was probably a president maybe the president who built this hidden facility or who had some kind of relationship with Adams AFB It's true that even if the grumpy face or the old native were created in the image of previous American presidents, that doesn't necessarily mean that neither of them were the last president, but I still thought this was something which was worth emphasizing anyway, enough about the capital.
Lost land for now, let's move on. We move on to the Commonwealth and see what Fallout 4 can tell us about His Excellency and the last days of the last American government, so I already got ahead of myself a little and mentioned how in Fallout 4 some plaques found in the Massachusetts state house suggest that in In 1969, the legislature was moved or dissolved entirely after the creation of a new Commonwealth system and this particular building stopped housing the state legislature, which is a big deal, but we've already talked about the constitutional implications and what that might mean, so "I'd rather not dwell too much on this topic, however, something I didn't mention before is that it seems like every time the state legislature moves or dissolves, members of the state executive office move, as a series of terminal entries reveal that the state's lieutenant governor treasurer and several additional officials had offices in the House of Representatives building.
We specifically learn that in the days before the Great War, the lieutenant governor of Massachusetts, a man known as Lieutenant Governor Graham, attempted a coup of sorts and declared himself provisional governor. of Massachusetts imposing martial law in the state and ordering people who could not prove they were not communists to face the highest punishment. Interestingly, there is actually a random encounter we can have in the Wasteland where we run into a Mr. Brave who is trying to enforce martial law in the state. The former Vice Governor SLG Governor's curfew and will attack the player for exceeding it.
Graham's brief dictatorship appears to have ended by the time the bombs fell, but his power play which we can read about confirms that the states still have their own executive powers independent of the new Commonwealth system the states still have their own governors the lieutenant governor's treasures all of that even if the status of their legislatures remains ambiguous another location besides the State House of equal perhaps greater interest to our investigation in Fallout 4 is the Boston Bugle building located north of Good Neighbor in downtown Boston, this location once served as the main office of the Boston Bugle Daily newspaper, which was once among the largest and most influential on the East Coast ofUSA.
Inside these offices we can read a copy of the latest issue of the Boston Bugle. sent to print dated between October 19 and 23, 2077, the issue presents five separate articles and of these articles, the one titled The White House remains empty, where is our president?, written by a certain editor called mag Veo, is particularly relevant to our research. appointment for more than half a year The west wing of America's most famous residence has remained shrouded in near-total darkness, a skeleton crew of blue-collar workers remain on staff to maintain the property, but no one has lived or worked politically there for several months and, although the White House Press Corps was unofficially and unceremoniously disbanded at about the same time as the media remained steadfast in answering the most important of questions: where is our president at the beginning?
The assumption was that the entire United States government had moved operations to attack the military. Operations Center located in the mountainous region of Pennsylvania, just a few miles northeast of the presidential retreat at Camp David, Maryland, but further investigation has revealed that neither the president nor his cabinet have been to the Raven Rock complex in more than a year, so if not Raven Rock then, where thanks to an extensive and exhaustive investigation, the Boston Bugle has discovered the answer and our readers will probably find it both strange and shocking that the president has been leading our country from a platform Poseidon energy oil company just off the coast of San Francisco.
Certainly an odd choice for a presidential command center or not as much as it might seem, as our investigation has discovered thanks to the testimony of an anonymous high-level source, the Boston Bugle wonders who the appointment is. oil platform official. actually controls the Enclave station, lending credence to long-standing rumors about a secret militarized shadow government known as The Enclave that would take control of the United States in the event of a nuclear confrontation, thus the mystery of the missing president has finally been resolved, but in doing so, the Bugler has also uncovered evidence that the end of the world in the form of all-out atomic war is also near.
Unfortunately, the president's silence seems to say a lot about the end of the appointment, so this report from the Boston Bugle published a few days before the bombs fell reveals that the last president had been missing for more than half a year before the day of the Great War and had been hiding on the Poseidon energy oil platform. This appears to officially confirm that the last president and his cabinet were founding members of The Enclave. Which is by no means a huge surprise, but it's something we couldn't really say for sure until now, we can be sure that on the day the bombs fell, virtually the entire American Executive Branch was hunkered down, safe and sound, ready to start.
At the head of The Enclave, the same president who led the United States during the last days of the Great War survived the bombs and woke up the next day and probably continued calling himself president. The article also specifies the former president's departure from the country occurred more than half a year ago at the time of publication in late October, so he likely fled sometime in March or April 2077, which seems to coincide well with a great theory about the leak of Fev's research seen in the Fallout Community. There is an eternal debate about who shot first, who started the Great War and there are all kinds of theories and ideas that blame different parties and Bethesda played around with all of them, however, with the original creators of the Fallout franchise at Interplay Entertainment , the cause of The Great War and who started it are not really a mystery at all, it was China.
China shot first, although there was a method to their madness. You see what made China pull the trigger according to several posts by series co-creator Tim Kaine and writer Chris Avalon was when the Chinese discovered that American scientists were playing with the forced evolutionary virus, a biological weapon that the United States intended to deploy to create super super soldiers in your war according to the Fallout Bible by Chris Avalon. China learns of the American Feev investigation in March 2077, around the same time as this Boston Bugle article claims that the president fled the White House upon discovering the Feev project.
China demanded that the United States end the project and the United States promised to do so, but secretly ignored the request and simply continued somewhat as planned. more secretly, ultimately leading the enraged Chinese government to turn the tables and fire 6 months later in October, here's Tim Kanaine describing the events in a recent interview with TKS mantis and it doesn't seem so good to us either that the reason why The one that attacked us with nuclear weapons is that biological weapons were illegal and somehow China found out that we were doing fever and they said you have to stop it and everything was fine and all we did was move it, all we did was move it to say that It's really those things that people don't do.
I don't know well, people actually debate who shot first like they were solo, oh well, then I don't know who knows that it was probably some Rogue movie they were making. Now keep in mind almost all of this Fe caus the Great thing. The history of war and stuff has been communicated through interaction in formal publications and unofficial blogs or interviews. The games themselves never necessarily confirm this; However, the interaction is to place the date of discovery in March 2077, around the same time that the Boston Bugle mentions the president's death. flight, so it's very possible that Bethesa will go with this, as mentioned, there are some additional articles featured in this terminal and their topics fluctuate between describing the US military's great heroic victories against China and how it will end war at any time from time to time for News reports describing the latest food riots that have gripped the city are a picture and invite all kinds of speculation about how America was faring in its final days , in any case, few additional insights into the commander-in-chief or the broader state of government. are offered by Fallout 4, so let's move on to the most recent installment of the Fallout 76 game series, when it comes to the story about the former United States government, Fallout 76 offers us an incomparable amount of information, although it comes with an equally incomparable number of new questions first things first: throughout Appalachia we can find political campaign signs, evidently, a few months before the bombs fell, a local senator named Sam Blackwell, who we will talk about a little later, resigned to his seat early and therefore a special election was scheduled for November and the candidates began campaigning now look at these signs notice what they said they say special election for senator from the Appalachian territories, not senator from West Virginia, also , throughout the game we learn about the last governor of the region, Governor Evans or Governor Evans, come on. to do this giveaway for the rest of the video who Ultra was.
Sorry, who was this ultra corrupt champion of automation, but he is not known as the governor of West Virginia but rather the governor of the Appalachian Territories. It seems that the political entity that was West Virginia has practically been replaced by the Appalachian territories and this is probably a consequence of the Commonwealth system we mentioned earlier. My suspicion is that the Eastern Commonwealth drawn by Josh Sawyer on his map is now called the Appalachian Territories, which makes some sense that the Appalachian Mountains extend through West Virginia to Pennsylvania and parts of New York state, although the New Jersey's inclusion is a bit strange, the special election for Blackwell's Senate seat may also confirm that states no longer send delegates to Congress, they are now commonwealths.
They themselves elect senators and representatives, which has obvious electoral implications. Speaking of Governor Evans, we can break into his office in the Capitol building in Charleston and on his desk there will be a note titled Letter from the President and it is one of the most controversial notes in Fallout. franchise, let's read it Governor Evans, the president and the Secretary of Defense would like to extend their thanks for your continued support of our Armed Forces. Keeping the supply of steel coal and other materials vital to the war effort flowing smoothly is a responsibility of every liberty. loving Americans and the liberation of Anchorage would not have been possible without them, several cabinet members have expressed admiration for the economic policies you have implemented that have enabled such advances in automation and the convenience with which you have stifled the decline.
We would like to extend a formal invitation to you and other political and industrial readers in the region to a summit that is being organized to discuss how such technology can be disseminated. This is what happens these days starting in 2024. That's all this note says. read, but before the Fallout 76 is Big 2020 Wastelanders update, there was a faded signature on this letter that said quote sincerely D Office of the President end quote now again, Bethesda removed this faded signature in 2020, so it's already It's hard to consider it Canon, but many 76 players still believe that D, the person who signed this letter was the president himself, maybe that was his nickname or, hey, maybe it was his real name.
I'll be honest, I never thought much about this note, you'll notice it coming. from the Office of the President and it seems much more likely to me that this was written by some junior staff member or cabinet member rather than the commander in chief himself and I suspect that the reason Bethesda removed it was that the People got a little carried away. Anyway, let's put the speculation aside and move on to one of the more dramatic Revelations that comes halfway through Fallout 6's main questline: the job we discovered the Enclave was doing shortly before our release of The Vault, as you see in the previous days.
During the Great War, the U.S. government built a massive bunker beneath the White Springs Resort in West Virginia or the Appalachian Territories as it is known as a safe place for Congress to retreat when the storms came. bombs. Much of this project was delegated to the presidential secretary of agriculture. A deranged man named Thomas Eart who was secretly ordered by the president to use the white Springs bunker for some of that weak evidence we mentioned earlier during the main quest line of '76, we discover that the old senator who resigned, Sam Blackwell , I had actually begun to discover it. what the government was doing and tried to expose the whole Enclave thing, however he was threatened and forced to resign and go into hiding anyway when the bombs started falling, the president of course was safe and sound in the Poseidon oil rig or at least supposedly Well, we'll get to that, but contrary to the old Boston Bugle article we read, several of his cabinet officials, including Agriculture Secretary Urkhart, were still on the East Coast upon receiving the signal from early warning and fled to the White Springs bunker.
Now this is where things get put. For fun, most of the US Congress and several Cabinet officials, including the Attorney General and Secretary of Defense, were deliberately removed from the early warning system and failed to reach White Springs in time; congressmen who showed up anyway were liquidated by order of Oddly enough, Eart arrived in White Springs. The Enclave personnel who accomplished it were unable to draw comparisons to Raven Rock or the Poseidon oil platform. They were completely isolated. It's subtly hinted that Atart may have deliberately cut off communications with the rest of the Enclave in an attempt to secure more power for himself, right?
If you can't hear the president what they're saying at Raven Rock, then you have your own little right-wing center anyway. Ehar eventually organizes and wins a somewhat rigged election to be declared President of this unique enclave of Whit Springs and goes crazy trying to take over the nuclear silos in Appalachia, since the nuclear silos didn't actually recognize Art's Authority, he needed to artificially raise the level of Defcon, which he did by unleashing all sorts of biological horrors on the area, hence the Scorch plague, The Scorch Beast, etc., but he eventually died in a mutiny when his soldiers tired of him and then those mutineers were killed or expelled fromWhit Springs for its artificial intelligence defense system, such is the fate of Appalachia.
Enclave we learn all this in '76 when we sneak into the White Springs bunker and trick the AI ​​and its defenses into thinking we are legitimate members of the faction and from there we can run Hog ​​Wild learning about this damn authoritarian nonsense in Terminals and Holotapes Spread throughout the facility, some of these entries seem to indicate that Ecar only became secretary of agriculture in early 2077, which is noteworthy because it supports the idea that a new administration may have taken over after the election. of 2076, that is, if ehar alone is appointed cabinet. appointed at the beginning of the year, it is very likely that he will be just one of several new secretaries who will enter the Oval Office following the rise of a new presidency.
It's entirely possible this is just a coincidence, maybe he's just replacing some guy who quit or not. I don't want to mess around with The Enclave, but I think it's worth specifying now where things in Fallout 76 start to get really explosive as far as we're concerned, with the upcoming Skyline Valley expansion. Skyline Valley is an expansion for the game that will officially launch on all platforms this June and will unlock a new Appalachian region for players to explore seamlessly integrated into the existing map. Well, the expansion again won't officially launch until this June. It's actually already available on the PC public test server for the beta game and most of the content is functional, please note that the 76 public test server is a proper test server, it's all based on collecting feedback and fix bugs in advance, so you will see some missing textures and incorrectly rendered assets and gameplay on the screen, but that comes with a territory anyway within the new Skyline Valley region, there is a place called Big Gas Well Meadows, a natural gas tower that is still burning, occupied mainly by mole rats and men who will be very hostile to you now, the top of this gas tower is almost inaccessible.
There's no way to climb it or access it without a very powerful jetpack and maybe a 300% jump height increase in world settings, but if you combine those two or by some miracle manage to get here normally, you'll find a small sniper nest with the skeletal remains of the aforementioned sniper on a ledge like gear on the ledge in my case, welcome to the pts server, no big deal, it's a note titled Orders that reads quote by bagman's order Objective Zeus Location of the target Rapidan Complex long live the American way, God bless America by order of Bagman, remember that name, he is the same executive who authorized the nuclear launch at Fort Constantine, what is his name doing in Adam's name appearing in Skyline Valley why are you giving orders to this sniper?
Well, you can have more context. They are located in the former foreman terminals that dot the gas site at deputy foreman Nathan Davidson's terminal. Awesome name. There is an entry titled Employee Report that tells the reason for the report. Antisocial behavior. Sloss communist sympathizer. Employee name Harold Osborne. Mr. Osborne is a recent employee who joined the company. Months ago he was hired as a general worker helping to build and maintain the gas extraction platform. He is a quiet individual who normally keeps to himself, however, he has lately begun to completely ignore his coworkers unless he has been given a task to complete in recent weeks.
Seen climbing to the top of the tower quite frequently during his shifts, one employee stated that he had been seen at the top of the tower over the weekend when the site was supposed to be closed when he was faced with these allegations. Mr. Osborne is on record saying that they are false and that he is a true patriot, it is not clear why he immediately alluded to patriotism, but the management has pointed to this as proof that Mr. Osborne may be a communist sympathizer, the management has requested that we keep a close eye on him and contact the proper authorities if we find any definitive evidence of Mr.
Osborne's communist sympathies, according to this undated terminal, about five months before the bombs fell, the company hired a man named Harold Osborne as a general worker and noted his calmness and strange enthusiasm in trying to get to the top of the gas tower. Management figures he might be a communist or something, but I think we know what was going on before the Great War. Harry Osborne, if that is his real name, was sent to this workplace as some sort of sleeper agent by the US government or perhaps a faction within the government and just before the bombs fell, probably as they were falling , a government agent, possibly the President himself, codenamed Bagman, ordered him to shoot Zeus near the Rapidan complex.
Osborne was then probably abandoned by his handlers afterwards and left to rot in the gas long after the work was finished and the bomb began to fall. So who is Zeus? What's up with this Osborne goal? Was it successful if we just followed the direction? The sniper is aiming ahead on a nearby road, we will find what appears to be some kind of ruined government convoy. Harry was probably obsessed with a large black limousine-like car that lay abandoned surrounded by skeletons and military uniforms and flanked on both sides by military men. Jeeps, one skeleton in particular has a black suitcase next to him and it looks like one of the soldiers was trying to get him a stim pack before he too was knocked down.
This could well have been Harry's goal and the man with a briefcase could well have been the goal. They have been Zeus, they are right in the line of fire right where Harry was aiming, it makes a lot of sense, the nature of this convoy leads me to suspect that Zeus was some sort of high ranking politician or businessman that Bagman clearly had a problem with , but who and why a call sign like Zeus carries great significance The name of the patriarch of the Greek Pantheon is not given very lightly In the Enclave complex below White Springs there is an entry in the terminal that lists several members of the Enclave who were ready to arrive and receive an early warning about the bombs and several names on that list appear to have been removed at the last minute.
Among the prominent figures evidently expelled from The Enclave were the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Commerce, and even the Prosecutor. General, each of these individuals appears to have gotten on the bad side of the enclave and would certainly have been escorted with a similar security detail when things started to blow up. My money right now is personally on the Speaker of the House, like you know that person is possibly the biggest guy in Congress and an appointment like Zeus would make sense, they're the patriarch of the House of Representatives, it fits very well. and again clearly on the bad side of the enclaves, oddly enough, although this same Whit Springs terminal has two entrances for emergency signals. which were addressed to the president, one was received and the asset was headed to a place called prore 002, which is presumably the Poseidon platform, but the other presidential warning was sent and confirmation was never received, one of these was sent to the president and the another the vice president, if that is the case, why not designate the V correctly?
It's strange and it makes me suspicious and in a minute you'll get even more suspicious. Things are about to get crazier. You see that this convoy was ambushed on the Wellen route. the Rapidan resort just down the road, you barely missed it Rapidan is an old estate originally built in the Shann Andoa Valley by President Herbert Hoover in the 1930s so he and his wife could enjoy nature from time to time from time to time and after Hoover left office. donated the property to the executive branch of the U.S. government, allowing future presidents to use it in their free time, and something shady is a foot here in 76.
When we arrive, the central structure of the property, called the brown house, will be inhabited exclusively by a main robot butler. named Gumley, who will not be hostile and is obsessed with maintaining the flower garden. There will be other robots on site, presumably for maintenance and security, but they will be hostile. Hear what Gumley has to say about the authorized staff on this site. Oh my gosh, I love answering questions about President Hoover's home away from home. It's been years since someone asked me a good question. Yes, President Hoover and his wife Lou Hoover built Rapidan Camp.
They used the grounds as his presidential retreat throughout his administration during his term. came to an end President Hoover donated Camp Rapidan to the executive wing of the government so that future presidents could continue to use the camp and enjoy the natural beauty of Shannona National Park. Sometimes our presidents still stay here but one hasn't visited in quite some time. As far as I can remember, some undersecretaries were stationed here on that important day, but I haven't seen them for some time on the top floor of the brown house. There is an office for someone clearly of executive stature decorated with several presidential seals and some unworkable terminals and in the basement, let's take a look at the basement, there is an entrance to some sort of bunker that is sealed, its door destroyed and locked and sitting in front of On a desk there is a soldier skeleton, a soldier who may have turned into a skeleton, if you know what I mean, the terminal on the desk says quote Rapidan Camp Bunker Terminal owned by the United States Army.
All new personnel wishing to access the Rapidan Bunker Complex must complete the following steps submit a government issued ID to the nearest MP MP station to verify government ID, if ID is verified, print an access code to the Rapidan bunker as per personnel security clearance. Make sure the staff knows the restricted areas so there is some kind of bunker we can't access under the brown house and this is what I've been going crazy you see when pts first appeared on PC a In mid-April, some players managed to sneak behind the broken door and get into that secret bunker and what they found was incredible, a huge American military bunker complete with a lot of exclusive items. active and very well furnished, it is about half or 2/3 the size of White Springs, which is absolutely enormous and featured several illusions of the Enclave, including a series of clocks showing the times on the Raven Rock Poseidon oil platform and a site from the yet undisclosed Enclave at Norfolk Naval Base Virginia I'll leave links in the description below to videos on the Saxony and Rifle Games location that offer full tours of the facilities that are worth seeing if you're interested, however, in reality I can't give you a full walkthrough personally because when someone on the Fallout 76 pts Discord asked one of the developers about the location, his response was Oops, it's not supposed to be in the game right now and they cleared the area of ​​the pts in one or two days.
The area has now completely disappeared and even if you manage to get through the bunker door now you will simply fall into an aimless void, so we have no idea what is happening there, but Desda has specified that in reality the area will not even be playable on official launch of Val's Horizon, so it's locked even in June when the expansion goes live, saved for a later date. Presumably all we can say definitively is that there's a huge Enclave bunker buried beneath the brown house in the Rapidan complex that Bethesda accidentally let us get. Take a look, it gets even better, although also in the Rapidan complex there is another cabin called the Prime Minister's cabin.
Historically it is used to receive guests of honor, particularly British prime ministers, when they visit the president. Here, within 76' of the Prime Minister's Cabin, there is a note titled Welcome to Camp Rapidan and it says quote Welcome to Camp Rapidan on behalf of the President of the United States We hope you enjoy your stay as our special guest of honor You will find the Kitchen stocked with everything you may need during your stay including your favorite brand of tea in the M British loose variety, just ask your assigned Mr Handy. If you're a little hungry, the president is expected to arrive around 400 p.m. and dinner is expected around 6:00 p.m.
We have venison fillet with port sauce and Victoria sponge cake for dinner. In the meantime, feel free to explore the gardens and enjoy the beauty of Shann Andoa National Park. The president is expected to arrive at 4:00p. m. Isn't he supposed to be on the Poseidon energy oil platform? You could say, "Oh, Nate, maybe this is an old note, but there's no reason it should be left out so late; it should have been thrown out as soon as the Prime Minister left this note." highly implies that the President of the United States and, indeed, perhaps the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom were scheduled to be at the Rapidan complex right at the time the bombs began to fall.
Now it's possible that maybe President Li lied to the PM, maybe the President asked the PM to meet him at Rapidan and never intended to show up in person, maybe Zeus was that PM, that goes a long way. sense, the right leader of a country, Zeus, there you have it, but also remember that Whit Springs terminal one early. The warning sign for a president received no confirmation and Mia's condition of her, so perhaps the big chess showed up after all, at least one prime minister may have been in the camp when the Great War broke out.
Something to note is that we Actually, I'm not sure if Harold Osborne managed to eliminate Zeus anyway, as we see the Ambushed Convoy, but there is only one skeleton there who is not in military uniform, presumably there could have been more people on alert, in fact there should have been. more people on their toes, that's a big limousine that could have escaped after the attack started, nothing at all confirms that the skeleton with the suitcase is Zeus, so this is where we are at the moment. Fallout 76' Skyline Valley pts features what I believe is one.
Of the game's most exciting mysteries there are direct illusions, well I guess I accidentally direct illusions to big pieces of upcoming content that Bethesda accidentally leaked. something is going on with a prime minister at Camp Rapid Dan. There was a guy in a nearby tower ordered by Bagman presumably the president, but we're not really sure who's supposed to take out a target named Zeus, we don't know who Zeus is, it could have been the president of the chamber, it could have been the Prime Minister, it's absolutely crazy and I haven't had this much fun diving into a Fallout mystery and in a long time, maybe since the first time I did it, I did a Dun Witch breakdown back in 209 2020, something So.
It's been a very good time here at Epic Nade Enterprises, but all good things must come to an end sooner or later, including today's investigation, ladies and gentlemen, we start this video by broadcasting the old Galaxy news radio like Hollow discs talking about Presidential Affairs and the Poseidon energy oil platform and we end up at the sight of one of the most intricate and exciting locations that Fallout has yet to officially reveal. Hopefully in June when the update officially launches there will be a bit more content. Normally the official release after the pts contains a bit more content and that will present an opportunity to give more details, but remember again that Bethesda already clarified that that big secret Enclave bunker won't be part of it, so who knows what? what they plan to do with it and when it will happen whatever Bethesda makes it, whether you.
I know that in 6 months or 6 years I will be here to let you know, thank you very much for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed. If you liked it, ratings are, as always, greatly appreciated. Leave a comment below what you think. Overall I am confused and bewildered by what is happening as this is a point that has not been made official yet but very few people are aware of this Skyline Valley thing so my hope is that this video inspires great part of the community will go out and find itself now, hopefully this will make us all aware of what's going on and includes things I miss, which can be found because frankly, Skyline Valley is huge, it's not even fully available still and there are definitely some things I missed. and I can't wait to find out what it was anyway guys thanks for watching and I hope to see you all in my next video and peace to you all.

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