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The Rise And Fall Of The Enclave

May 29, 2024
In Deep Shadows cast from corporate megaliths, a constant thud permeates the echo of endless suits trudging across a hollow terrain amidst this cacophony of Silhouettes, a presence surges, emerging from the very Foundation upon which this country was built. The Enclave, a mysterious and sordid cabal emerging at the epicenter of America's leading socialite scientists, politicians, generals and more make up the foundation of the secretive Deep State before the Great War of 2077. The Enclave had spread its tendrils to all facets of America, gathering knowledge, wealth and power; it was to their benefit that world events would happen as they did resources Climactic wars and events of nuclear devastation that pressed their core interests to the forefront a new world under the control of The Enclave after the atomic fire the members of The Enclave retreated to the safety of its facilities as the United States died its shadow survived looming among the ruins of a once great nation between the years 2077 and 2241.
the rise and fall of the enclave
The Enclave was largely hidden from view of the outer Wasteland and only the remains of their actions could be discerned from the contamination of nuclear waste along the coasts. from California to the myriad hores that stalk the Appalachians as Humanity began to rebuild the ghost of its past would return to haunt the land of the free once more The Enclave first emerged from its isolation in the deserts of Northern California Under the command of self-proclaimed United States President Dick Richardson following field reports from his Scouts, the organization would soon begin a mining campaign in the ruins of the Mariposa military base with the goal of recovering an evolutionary virus sample. forced after deploying the chemical core of the


along with slave labor. taken from nearby settlements The Enclave would make significant progress in their efforts to clear the base of the debris that had kept it sealed all these years during the excavation, many workers would soon be exposed to this mutagen through the toxic air and would slowly begin to mutate. .
the rise and fall of the enclave

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the rise and fall of the enclave...

Knowing that the Enclave would execute the group as soon as the virus and its subsequent data were recovered, an individual among them would devise a plan in a desperate attempt to survive. Melor, a former mental writing worker and magic enthusiast, was among the first to be kidnapped. For this project, the work was strenuous and exhausting and once his mutations began, he was not long for this world, the writing on the wall was clearly underlined, however, his passion for disorientation granted him a unique ability of that others lacked, a skill he put to great use. When the construction of his grand AOU plan was imminent when Malor began to seize the weapons and ammunition of his captors, hiding them away from prying eyes, the mutants would then remain on the prowl assuming their duties as normal but ready to attack.
the rise and fall of the enclave
It was not until the recovery of a cigar that they would get their chance with their primary goal of finally securing the bulk of the Enclave's forces. Captain Pickard's command retreated to the entrance of the base, staying behind to buy time for his troops to finish evacuating. Pickard soon ordered the entrance to the base to be sealed, an order when it was completely carried out by the captain and his squad within a wall. of rubble and a wall of hostile mutants exhausting the few resources they had at their disposal, Captain Pickard and his squad would fight to the bitter end transforming this pre-war relic from his grave into his Grand Design, losing a few squads would prove insignificant and what they gained from Mariposa would turn out to be more and more valuable compared to what they lost, not only did they obtain a sample of pure fev as well as the research data, but they also accidentally created a very valuable asset during the excavations, an


agent named Frank Horgan.
the rise and fall of the enclave
He was exposed to the FEV virus just like the slaves before him, while the protocols around this type of exposure tend to be lethal, the Enclave's higher-ups had bigger, brighter plans for Horgan after his exposure. . He was ordered to return to the oil platform. Any other context would have excited the agent who had previously been assigned outside of headquarters due to a psychotic episode suffered while on duty under this circumstance, however, the assignment was not for duty but rather for experimentation in the following years. The Enclave used Horgan to study various strains of modified FEV under the direction of Dr.
Charles Kling, these experiments would prove extremely useful in the creation of an Ultimate Weapon not only in that of the mutated monster Frank Horgan but also in the creation of the curling virus. 13, a strain of FEV that the Enclave planned to release into the world's jet streams killing everyone exposed to it, all but those inoculated, the world would perish while The Enclave thrived during the development of the virus. The Enclave would discover a sudden need for test subjects, as everyone living in the Wasteland had maintained any level of mutagen, rendering them useless for this purpose. The Enclave needed fresh genetic ICS uncontaminated by radiation from the outside world and, fortunately for them, they had just the right resource to harvest in the time before the Great War of 2077 the organization that would become The Enclave began to sprout throughout the corners of corporate America due to its secrecy and connections to the Elite, the organization soon found itself at the heart of many pre-war conspiracies, including the vast cover-up of the Zan presence on Earth, as many argued for what purpose it was intended. involved, it is certain that at least one conspiracy turned out to be true.
The Enclave had some company on its payroll, a company that would be instrumental in shaping the world after nuclear devastation. Safe House Vault Technology Project is Cod's name for the vast construction of deep underground vaults that would dot the American landscape before the Great War, although it was initially presented as a safe and sound way for Americans to write down the effects. devastating events of a nuclear Holocaust, the truth was more sinister than perceived that the humanitarian effort had soon been subverted and taken over by The Enclave, who would proceed to take advantage of Vault Tech's vast network of isolated populations to carry out a series of secret and unethical experiments that ultimately resulted in the destruction and abandonment of many vaults after the deaths of their inhabitants. a handful of vaults would survive wholly or mostly intact as they continued to supply information to The Enclave.
It wasn't long before they located entire populations of non-irradiated Vault Dwellers. The organization would soon send the all-clear signal to a nearby Control Vault. The number 13 prompted residents to open their doors and be welcomed back into America's warm embrace with the survivors of Vault 13 in custody. The Enclave would choose to kidnap Aroyo's villagers to ensure the lethality of their viruses to mutated and non-mutated humans. Real villagers would prove useful for this specifically due to their close genetic link to the unmutated inhabitants of Vault 13, a course of action that eventually attracted the attention of a real villager who was in the Wasteland at the time of the Abduction: an individual whose mere Presence shapes the Wast around him.
The chosen one. This pivotal figure did not take his tribe's kidnapping lightly and soon initiated a plan to use an old oil tanker in San Francisco Bay to travel to the Poseidon oil platform. to rescue his family before he could launch this plan, however, he needed a keychain to open the oil rig's navigation computer door without being punished, while such an item is extremely rare in the landscape. post-apocalyptic, it just happens that there was a pre-war oil refinery nearby if the chosen one was to find a keychain it would be there unfortunately for the chosen one this old Refinery had already been chosen by none other than the Enclave having been transformed From an aging relic to a fully functioning military outpost, the oil refinery known to us as Navaro would act as the enclave's foothold in the region and its main forward operating base.
Recovering the keychain would not be easy, but this did not deter the chosen one. who would infiltrate Navaro under the guise of a new recruit in the Depot Labyrinth, the chosen one navigated around the vigilant guards through the Slick of the See bird maintenance hangars and barely avoided detection by the deafening Sergeant Doran, all to reach deep underground in Navarro, once inside, they were able to get a keychain from the base Commander's locker and escape undetected. Upon returning to San Francisco, The Chosen One boarded the pmv Valdez departing for the oil platform bringing with him a tied change for The Enclave while the Chosen One was collecting the resources necessary to start the tanker.
The Enclave remained busy with secondary operations without recognizing the threat that loomed directly under their noses. They began to deploy their most dangerous asset to the front lines. Horgan, more of a machine now than the man Frank Horgan had. Completely mutated and with the help of the enclave scientists evolved to a state beyond the previous mutant, Poran was then enhanced with cybernetics to improve his performance and prevent him from succumbing to the mutations, if this were not horrible enough. The enclave's scientists grafted him with power armor. into his skin, turning this once-proud Secret Service agent into a 12-foot-tall monstrosity that's faster than a deathclaw and strong enough to kill one with a single blow.
Horgan was the weapon of choice for elimination missions after having killed countless people in the wastelands brutally and without remorse. The Enclave broke into Vault 13 to capture the inhabitants living there. A group of Feev-designed sentient deathclaws they had brought with them had stayed behind, turning their backs on their masters and isolating themselves in the now abandoned vault in the ruins of the Holy 13. sentient death CLS had begun to develop a partnership between them , even going so far as to accept refugees from the wastelands to live among the pack seeing their experimental Creations as a threat to their future operations.
The Enclave High Command sent an assault team to clean up their failures. a team led by Horgan the monster of the West entered the Vault with a singular goal in mind Annihilation said the screams Echo could be heard from my miles to a sudden and deafening silence and now the vault empty 13 a sacred Relic for those of aroyo and a former home for so many lives now lay Barren, abandoned to oblivion amidst the shifting sands of time. It wasn't long after this that the chosen one finally arrived at the Poseidon oil platform with his sights set on saving his family's accounts.
Whether or not he went with firearms or infiltrated silently, but regardless of the method, his actions were clear after docking, the chosen one would quickly place his tribe on the detention level, imprisoned between thick steel walls and crackling gates of the force field, the chosen one finally Seeing his tribe for the first time since his departure, in a brief exchange with a Royo Elder, the chosen one would discover that he could not free his fellow villagers or the prisoners of vault 13 until to deactivate the facility's reactor, thus deactivating the force fields. Holding them in place with a clear direction in mind, the chosen one embarks on the Labyrinth of walkways and platforms that make up the Poseidon oil platform.
The Enclave had truly outdone itself in the construction of this multi-story monolith containing within it countless laboratory barracks and service rooms, including its own presidential office, it so happens that in the midst of this labyrinth of fixtures and fittings bolts in which the only entrance to the reactor would be directly through the Richardson gates, the chosen one in his search for the reactor would soon come face to face with the president himself, who in a moment of stalemate revealed his master plan to this tribe W, unfortunately for Richardson, greatly underestimated the Chosen One who proceeded to kill the President and capture his key card granting him full access to the reactor room just as he followed the Chosen One of Aroy, or triggered a complete thermonuclear meltdown by overloading the reactor. reactor of the oil platform the prisoners were freed and escaped unharmed to the oil tanker and the chosen one would have been right behind them if he had not run into Horgan and his men on the way Finding that the agent was furious and bewildered by how ahumble mutant was capable of dealing such a devastating blow to the heart of America in his dedication, he decided to stop the chosen one at all costs in another twist of fate: the chosen one.
Once again he was able to elude complete annihilation by taking advantage of his newly acquired presidential ired access card. In doing so, he activated the security turret system surrounding the monster, initiating his counterinsurgency protocol and targeting it. The turrets worked like a charm and split the crazed mutant in half. Horgan only laughed as he stood on his hands and with his dying breath informed the chosen one of his impending doom. Horgan had activated the oil platform's SE self-destruct sequence and within moments would find himself and the enemy engulfed in nuclear fire. His efforts were in vain.
However, it was in vain when the chosen one managed a narrow escape, boarded the tanker and sailed towards the ocean. The villagers of Aroyo and the inhabitants of Vault 13 were finally safe, but the war was not entirely over for The Enclave in the following week. The survivors of the Enclave had returned to Navaro, where they continued operations as a fully staffed Enclave outpost. A few years after the destruction of the oil rake in 2246, a growing nation known as the new California Republic launched an assault. total military against the base that he considered The Enclave. presence as a threat to the entire region while the Enclave soldiers were superior in every way to their NCR enemies, lacking the numbers to sustain a continued defense.
It was only a matter of time before Navaro fell as the Enclave died in the west. The survivors of this Devastation fled to the East under the command of Autumn Senior, who himself was under orders of the enclave's new president, John Henry Eden, shortly after arriving. The Enclave proceeded to set up shop in the nearly empty Raven Rock facility, just outside the ruins of Washington DC, beneath the green haze covering the East Coast, the power of the Enclave grew once again. They finally reached heights comparable to their West Coast predecessors with the vast reserve of resources and production facilities at Raven Rock.
The Enclave was able to begin several projects to improve its previous equipment, strengthening its strength in the region, among these advancements were those of the duraframe type. The iBot system, a model of advanced robots deployed in the four corners of the Wasteland capital, was intended to spread Enclave propaganda to the masses in addition to this new generation of robots. The Enclave would also deploy its advanced Mark 2 power armor and even more Advanced Hellfire power. armor systems designed to increase the combat efficiency of their field troops, in addition, the advanced laboratories at Raven Rock allowed the synthesis of a modified strain of the curling virus 13 to be produced and improved for the enclaves, the nefarious means would remain faithful to the form of the faction. underground for decades operating from the Shadow Wastes, the inhabitants only learned about them through the sea of ​​ibots broadcasting through the burned corridors of this dying Earth, an Enclave, an America, it was not until a team of Scientists activated a water purifier buried in the ruins of the Jefferson Memorial that The Enclave would eventually surface once again in the process of unclogging one of the massive pipes protruding from the reservoir.
A lone Wanderer would stop at the sound of sharp air peeking through a hole in the pipe, there he would stare at the Ghosts of the Wasteland for the first time as a Vertebird landed from there. Soldier after soldier clad in black demon armor wielding advanced glowing weaponry. The Enclave was here, and they were deadlier than ever in the events that followed. The restoration project would make a futile attempt to stop The Enclave from taking over the purifier, sealing itself inside the main chamber with the new commander of the Enclave forces, Colonel Autumn, the son of the man who led these forces east from California.
James would flood the entire chamber with lethal levels of radiation that would end their lives in just moments; With his last breath, he would look at the lone Wanderer and tell his dear son to run vigilantly. The lone Wanderer and the remaining scientists would exit the monument through a long-forgotten service hatch, braving the ghoul-infested tunnels only to encounter Stark opposition from the Enclave in a twist of fate or perhaps divine intervention. The Wanderer would survive against the onslaught of the enclave troops long enough to reach the Brotherhood of Steel outpost, just below the burned remains of The Pentagon, with his main objective out of reach and unwilling to attack the Brotherhood. on their own territory, the Enclave forces retreated although The Wanderer SLI through their hands.
The Enclave was finally no worse off after having managed to capture the purifier in addition to this


. he had survived thanks to an unknown drug that he injected himself moments before losing consciousness with the purifier now closed. Autumn resigned herself to plan B, shortly after regaining consciousness, he ordered his troops to begin following the only other lead to make his father's dreams come true. fresh, clean water to the Wasteland, the Lone Wanderer needed to collect a rare piece of pre-war technology, a Garden of Eden Creation Kit, a device that, when activated and used correctly, has the ability to terraform entire sections of the wasteland. wasteland in a lush paradise and it just so happens that there was such a device locked firmly in the vault nearby. 87 The Enclave kept a close eye on the lone Wanderer as he moved ever closer to the gck, overcoming the horrors of the journey from the horde of mutants guarding the ruins to the cave that contained a tribe of deterrents across the entire Enclave following him. like a shadow after retrieving the device from deep within the irradiated vault. 87 The Wanderer would


directly into the Trap that had been set behind him upon exiting the Vault's inner chamber around flash grenades.
Would there be enough time for The Enclave to take custody of not only the Geck but also the Wanderer himself? Having acquired the Garden of Eden creation kit, Colonel Autumn only needed one more piece to fit into place in order to launch his and the Wanderer's grand plan. and the custody nestled in Raven Rock, he finally had the opportunity to pick it up upon waking up, the lone Wanderer would find himself looking into the eyes of the colonel himself, who immediately began his interrogation in search of the activation code of the purity project, whether the Wanderer whether he knew the code or not.
Autumn wouldn't take no for an answer. After a round of questioning, President Eden finally expelled the colonel from his relationship, who requested to see the Wanderer in his personal quarters while the wanderer in the hallways caught a glimpse of The Enclave. the sophistication from laboratory to laboratory glimpses of the faction's exploits flooded his retinas and in the blink of an eye he disappeared and found himself in front of a huge Mainframe computer at the heart of the base before the Great War of 2077, a series of supercomputers. They were built under the moniker Zach and contained within them a unique form of artificial intelligence that would develop personalities over time in relation to their prime directive and the information they spent analyzing Zach's unit installed at Raven Rock was loaded with the knowledge of American history under the name Zach. prime directive to ensure the continuity of the government should the world suffer a terrible fate when war broke out and the only recognizable remnants of the government fled west to their oil platform.
Zach waited and continued analyzing data for over a century in the time between its activation. and the destruction of the oil rig, Zach's unit at Raven Rock had reached sentience, it was then that he would realize his dream of a new America throughout 100 years of meticulous analysis of American history and the fantastic lives of many presidents that had been granted to him. Zach, the perfect petri dish to form his new merged personality, John Henry Eden, an identity composed of the greatest presidents to ever serve a term, towering over the main frame of The Wanderer, Zach was truly a sight to behold, for this collection of steel and bolts Rallying the remnants of the US government and galvanizing them into action was almost inconceivable, and yet here they are, in a brief exchange with The Wanderer Eden laid out his plan for a better America presenting a vial of their modified Fe V.
Eden demanded that The Wanderer enter this into the purifier that poisoned the water of the wastelands just before this Autumn had ordered his troops to betray Eden's orders and kill the Wanderer, as Autumn had wanted The Enclave to become the saviors of the Wasteland in place of his Grim Reaper in an internal war that soon broke out in Eden. The defense systems would push back the enclave's troops, presenting a safe passage for The Wanderer to exit. Ravenrock rumors abound regarding the fate of Eden and the entire Raven Rock complex. Some say they witness the explosion of the base crumbling inwards, others say it is still somewhere outside.
There, among the radiation Laden Hills, whatever the outcome, the enclaves' war against the capital had just begun. Colonel Autumn, in a show of force, deployed his units around the ruins surrounding the Jefferson Memorial, fortifying his position with barricades and securing the paths to the purifier with Force Fields. Autumn knew opposition would come and she knew whose opposition it was. Brotherhood of Steel, the only Force in Miles with the numbers and power to even attempt a hostile takeover of the purifier. What he did not anticipate, however, was the enormous exploding automaton that the Brotherhood had been secretly preparing for a deserving enemy.
Death is a preferable alternative to communism. Autumn threw everything he had at the incoming Brotherhood forces, but it wasn't enough. Liberty Prime easily rampaged through the force field barriers, tearing the Verte Birs from the sky and destroying any and all of the Enclave's ground defenses backed by the Lion's Pride Elite unit of armored troops, the Brotherhood laid waste to The Enclave clearing the survivors on their way shortly after arriving at the purifier Lion's Pride, accompanied by the Lone Wanderer, stormed the monument where fighting was taking place inside. intense But ultimately the defending forces failed to compete against the superior Lion's Pride with The Enclave almost defeated, only one obstacle remained between the Brotherhood and the purifying Colonel Autumn, the colonel had hoped to repel the invading forces to save his dream for America, but Everything to no avail, a fight soon broke out in the retunda and when the smoke cleared, Autumn lied dead with his dreams of a better America, dying with him in the events that followed, the Brotherhood effectively secured the Jefferson Memorial from the inside and outside and the purifier had been activated to bring clean drinking water to the Wasteland under the discretion of the Brotherhood of Steel after the battle for Project Purity.
The survivors of the Enclave would retreat to a pre-war satellite relay station west of the ruins of DC in an attempt to erase The Enclave once and for all, the Brotherhood would pursue them with Liberty Prime in tow, which they didn't know. , however, was that this location was chosen for a very specific reason for The Enclave to level the playing field after the assault began. the same way they had done in the brotherhood's previous assault on the purifier, getting closer and closer with each step. Prime overcame his opposition unopposed and landed right at the main door of the satellite relay station just as Liberty was prepared to deliver democracy to In the building, a beam of energy tore through the sky above it colliding with the Iron Giant and reducing it to rivets, their plan had succeeded and without Liberty Prime to back them up, the Brotherhood would have no chance, however, in a twist of fate in the Thanks to the brotherhood's favor, they were able to implement a contingency to give them the Edge once further, assigning the Wanderer the task of tracking down an old Tesla coil.
They were able to build a devastating new energy weapon, the Tesla Cannon. With this new prototype weapon in hand, they brought out all their resources in a final assault against The Enclave at their new headquarters at Adams Air Force Base, the Wasteland capital erupted with sounds of war as the Brotherhood launched their final assault and a bird climbed overhead as The Enclave rushed to confront the threat without Liberty Prime. The Brotherhood was in an uphill battle, their entire operation depended on the actions of one man, the lone Wanderer, equipped witha Tesla Cannon, a weapon so powerful it can knock a Verte birt out of the sky with a single shot.
The Wanderer began its long journey from the nearby Presidential Metro to the mobile tracker in the heart of Adam Air Force Base, fighting its way through the distracted Enclave forces. The Wanderer proceeded to the base supported by a squad of Brotherhood infantry and fought his way through soldiers, robots and mind-controlled deathclaws alike until he finally reached the satellite tower aboard the mobile base tracker, It wasn't long before The Wanderer took advantage of the enclave's orbital strike capabilities by establishing its base as his new target, fleeing through a nearby exit and quickly escaping aboard a Brotherhood-controlled Verte. bird The Wanderer watched in amazement as the base erupted into fire.
The Enclave as we know it was finally defeated. In the following months, the Brotherhood gained full control of all the resources of the enclaves in the East, confiscating their technology and facilities. Some teams continued the counterattack on the capital, but the last embers of a fire that was extinguished long ago were quickly extinguished, now only remains of survivors trying to blend in with the growing societies around them or flee pursuit Verte Birds starry towers containing corpses clad in black power armor lone ibots floating aimlessly across the wastelands, their patriotic tunes now replaced with the eerie hum of static, the mysterious cabal that once controlled the four corners of America now simply a ghost , their actions can be seen and felt by all the survivors in all the desolate wastelands of California, California. to Appalachia, but was this really the end for The Enclave?
After its destruction, rumors began to surface telling of forces in Chicago, sightings of an assault squad at the Hoover Dam, and even theories of a space station in the Sea of ​​Tranquility, unfortunately. So what we can confirm with certainty is that The Enclave, as we know it, has been officially extinct and left to be forgotten in the shifting sands of time, time.

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