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What happened to the other countries in Fallout?

Jun 08, 2021
The setting of Fallout is a universe divergent from our own in which a nuclear war occurred that caused global devastation. Each entry in the series takes place in the former United States of America, seen as a destroyed shell of its former self as a player of the series from outside the US, yet you begin to wonder


the rest of the world in the Fallout universe. To start, I should clarify that for most




than the US and its direct neighbors, we know very little. I don't want to keep you captive while I fill an entire video with mostly speculation, so if you're interested in a particular region, you can access it via the timestamps.
what happened to the other countries in fallout
I should also point out that the descriptions and references in the following


are based on their own fictional universe and are not representations of their real-world counterparts. We will begin with an overview of the world before the


events sometime after 1945, the world separated from ours, although notable differences were observed even before this. Global hegemony was established relatively similarly to our own, with the United States emerging as the world's superpower after World War II. The key difference visible is the conflict that led to the current state of the world categorized as resource wars. Conflicts began to break out as the nations of the world.
what happened to the other countries in fallout

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what happened to the other countries in fallout...

They began to turn on each


in their attempt to control the dwindling uranium and oil resources that the United States attacked first, invading Mexico to maintain the continuous supply of oil to their nation, a year later, the European Union or Commonwealth, as they knew it. in this universe he deployed troops to the Middle East to secure their oil fields, which led to the start of the Euro War in the Middle East, which caused many casualties, the first was the dissolution of the United Nations and caused the first nuclear exchanges Since World War II, when Tel Aviv was destroyed, the war finally fizzled out once the oil fields dried up.
what happened to the other countries in fallout
The American sinners' war broke out six years later when China invaded Alaska to seize American oil resources. The brutal fighting sparked a dramatic escalation in global conflict as the two world superpowers fought for supremacy over each other Countries like Canada and an unknown number of Asian nations were annexed to feed the bottomless pit of war and it all came to an abrupt end the day they fell the bombs, the war for resources gave way to the great war, one of the shortest and most damaging. Conflicts in History The nations of the world crumbled under the weight of nuclear Armageddon and were barely recognizable once the


faded, starting with their closest neighbor, Canada, which had technically ceased to exist before the start of the great war. after its annexation by the United States,


is known as little America.
what happened to the other countries in fallout
Canada's provinces and territories became protectorates that fell under harsh military rule. Canadian freedom fighters and rebel forces engaged their occupiers, but were no match for their power armor-wearing adversaries. Postwar Canada is imagined to have a status similar to that of the United States. The Canadians are found. in the game with two being Marge Labarge and Dave Handy, confirming that they were born in North Toronto, he is even referred to by his new name Ronto and is referenced to be similar to the Commonwealth or the Capital Wasteland, which suggests that a considerable community has developed and, although it is not exactly canon.
A large area of ​​Canada may be accidentally destroyed after activating the death ray found on the Zeta mothership with the target location indicated as Algonquin Provincial Park, Canada would ultimately have suffered immensely in the years following the fall of the bombs, since the country had been incredibly destabilized in the years before, given its proximity, we have a relatively good knowledge of the United States' other neighbor, Mexico, Rahul Tahara was born in Mexico before the great war and gives a first-hand account Hand in hand with the devastation caused to the nation, Mexico City was directly attacked with nuclear weapons, although not as heavily bombed as places in the United States, the country had already been dealing with civil unrest in the years leading up to the great war, but it degenerated even worse after the aftermath almost immediately began to form gangs of assailants capable of brazenly murdering young children like Rafael Tahara.
Mutated creatures, such as night stalkers, have also been confirmed to be hunting in the country. Things were so bad that a group of Mexican survivors were even willing to travel to Zion National Park rather than stay in more recent times, although in parts of Mexico such as Baja that has been colonized by the NCR, there appears to be a degree of importance to the area, especially as squads of the NCR's most elite rangers have been deployed to maintain order in the region rather than deploying for the more pressing conflict brewing in Mojave, the language used. The fact that the Rangers were chasing ghosts in Baja had been described by project director Josh Sawyer as intentionally mysterious, suggesting a certain degree of development within Mexico with respect to South American countries.
We have very few in-game sources to base anything on, however, given the fact that the resource wars were primarily fought over access to oil, a resource of which many South American countries are large exporters, it is quite telling that we did not They have many references that the United States was even willing to invade Mexico, while China was willing to invade. The United States accesses its oil. The fact that such attempts were not made on relatively smaller targets such as Brazil, Venezuela or Colombia seems to suggest that the area itself may have been devoid of its natural resources, which would naturally have led to an economic spiral that has destabilized many of countries, the inattention of the great powers may have inadvertently been helpful, although when the great war broke out the region would undoubtedly have been hit by nuclear explosions and even suffered radioactive fallout into the Earth's atmosphere.
They would have been hit much less intensely compared to the Eos, however as we can see they are slowly coming back to life in areas that were almost wiped out. The only thing I see that will have a severe impact on the survival of communities in the area would be what type of predators have been infected by the mutations. I can only imagine the potential size of anacondas or how ferocious piranhas may have evolved if they obey the often outlandish laws of evolution seen in the radioactive universe when exposed to radiation. I will also continue This is quickly summarized by saying that, like South America, we have little to no sources for the nations of Africa.
Therefore, I won't go into details about this as it would be completely speculation; However, I would hypothesize that, like South America, Africa might not have been attacked too directly, not to mention any nuclear superpower states on the continent, as mentioned above, the European community, as it is called. knew in this universe, got bogged down in a decade-long war in the Middle East to reclaim its oil fields. The war was ultimately pyrrhic as the fields dried up, after which the European powers completely withdrew from the region, the European community would turn against each other and become embroiled in a devastating civil war as each of the states -nation bent on controlling the remaining resources on earth not much is known about the individual countries within Europe, as the main references indicate it as the European community, which only suggests the high level of cooperation between countries before the outbreak of war, countries such as Germany, however, were indicated as the main exporters of energy weapons to the United States, suggesting a high degree of technological sophistication, this may have allowed them to reign as a power in the region before and after the great war; however, it is also unlikely that this had a reverse effect. and made them another target for less powerful states to launch their nuclear weapons before the great war, it was confirmed that the united kingdom had a ruling queen as lord hands can be heard shouting for queen and the country, great britain receives a -game reference given the appearance of Alistair 10 Penny, a rich and eccentric elderly Englishman who emigrated to the US in recent years.
The developers describe it in the following statement: Alistair Tenpenny came to the capital wasteland from Britain to seek his fortune and being alone tells you that the United Kingdom was also hit in the war and if he came to America to succeed, that tells you a lot about how screwed Europe must be, so we allude just a little to the state of the rest of the world that we like. Leave a lot to the player's imagination and someone like 10 penny serves as a catalyst for those thoughts which obviously ring true as I'm making a whole video on the subject and it certainly generates interest about the state of Europe and the simple fact. that if you have been able to reach the capital wasteland, there must be some form of communication or at least ships passing between the US and the UK in the radioactive universe, the soviet union never dissolved, however we don't know exactly which countries were Maps incorporated into the USSR in the game can be located depicting a multitude of former Soviet states such as Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia that retain their natural land borders, while the territory of the USSR appears to fit with the Russian Federation of our universe, it is unknown if this was simply a developmental oversight or if the Soviet Union itself really only covered up the Russian state, although tensions remain cold, similar to the real world between the US and Russia, it seems they never entered a cold war , the USSR along with China were the nations that the United States Defense analyzes run the most simulations in predicting the great war.
It seems evident that the USSR experimented with a human mutation that intervened in the development of the United States FEF program. Evidence for this comes from the demon Michael Masters who in pre-war times claimed to have worked on human mutation experiments to breed super warriors after being inspired by the Russian experiments, despite their ideological differences, the United States and the USSR. They maintained cordial relations compared to other nations. Soviet citizens could still immigrate to the United States, like the raider. However, the United States engaged in Red Scare propaganda and emphasized the idea that American citizens could end up in Soviet labor camps if the war had been lost;
It is unlikely that the USSR would survive the war intact, since such a large expanse of territory would be isolated. and unwieldy in the post-war world, it is also likely that, given its size, energy and nuclear capabilities, it would have been a prime target for China, the United States and many other countries, the status of the region is speculative, although given its size, conceivably, may be remote. areas of the former nation that were not directly affected and may be in comparatively good condition compared to others, the one thing I imagine the region definitely has is something the ncr soldiers wanting to constantly patrol the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter in the Middle East. had gone to war against the European community in 2052, as mentioned above, the invaders were eventually driven back after the oil fields dried up and the Middle Eastern nations were left severely exhausted after defending their home countries.
These nations were described as abandoned in ruins after decades. -the long conflict was mainly due to small exchanges of nuclear weapons during the war, Israel in particular had been incredibly destabilized when the city of Tel Aviv was destroyed in nuclear terrorist attacks, the Middle East would have suffered even more after the great war As their nations' supporting infrastructure was already in disarray following their conflicts, any survivors from the region would have to be exceptionally resilient to survive in their post-war apocalyptic environment, as the area would have become inhospitable in the years that followed. to the dropping of the bombs, when we talk about Asia in The Next Universe, our main source of information comes from China, since they in the United States were the two world superpowers and therefore the key instigators of the great war .
We have a lot of source material about the nation in relation to each other. The sources of the nations of Asia become a little shallower, we can stay withabsolute clarity that a multitude of the surrounding nations had been annexed in a manner similar to the American invasion of Canada. The only two nations indirectly referenced are the Philippines and Mongolia. philippines is mentioned at the beginning of fallout 4 with the pre-war newsreader stating that american troops on mambajo island are preparing to lead chinese troops to the bohol sea mongolia is mentioned through the weapons of gobi exploration in fallout new vegas stating that American and Chinese forces clashed in a cruel campaign in the Gobi Desert.
The fact that such conflicts had taken place indicates that China projected an enormous sphere of influence in the region. The status of nations nominally aligned with the United States, such as the Republic of Korea and Japan, is speculative as it is imagined that they may have been annexed given their proximity or at least seen extremely heavy fighting if they were used as bases for American troops. China itself before the Great War was an economic and military power on par with the United States. Its government was run by the Chinese Communist Party as a one-party state led by President Cheng, the country had an incredibly dynamic military complex under the People's Liberation Army which consisted of various branches ranging from the army, navy and air force, and robots were also shown to be used in combat. and support roles, as seen from the liberating robots, tanks were also an incredibly important part of Chinese military doctrine and were used extensively during the Alaska War;
However, they began to be easily outnumbered by power armor, after which they rushed to perfect their own versions, their most powerful asset. It was their espionage and intelligence capabilities that Chinese intelligence forces were unparalleled in being able to infiltrate above many levels of American military and civilian organizations while barely passing on information to their American counterparts. Chinese intelligence forces are revealed to have infiltrated places from the Hoover Dam in the Mojave to an intelligence facility in West Virginia. However, their greatest concentration was found to be in Washington DC. Many intelligence cells are found in places. Around the wasteland of the capital, the most notable are the still-living school forces of the People's Liberation Army that were found at the Mama Dolce food factory.
The key to their spy capabilities was their extremely sophisticated stealth technology which was hijacked by the Americans in the form of stealth boys while the boys are a clumsy, single-use, limited-power machine, the Chinese wore black stealth suits that allowed the user to become invisible. Indefinitely recorded transcripts from military defense analysts also indicate that an entire fleet of stealth nuclear submarines capable of unleashing nuclear devastation had been built. without detection, all of this information is to indicate that, like the United States, China was an immensely powerful country both militarily and technologically, therefore, like the survivors found in the Fallout series, it is likely that the Chinese survivors can Use your advanced technology to have a better chance of surviving. we know that the nation was heavily bombed and would therefore be in an irradiated and devastated state comparable to the wasteland seen in the game;
It may also have been in a state of greater disorder given that the war had reached its shores before the bombs fell since the US had captured Shanghai and Nanjing, it is evident from the terminal entrances that food rationing for civilians had been allocated by lottery, suggesting serious shortages of essential items. Chinese citizens can be found within the Fallout series, the friendliest being Captain Zao, the captain of the submarine that destroyed Boston. Zao is especially a unique case, especially for this video, as he may be one of the few people who could comment on the state of China post-war.
This is due to the fact that after helping him and fixing his submarine, he intends to Return to China emphatically stating that if China disappears, he will rebuild house by house and save the best to last. We have Australia. Honestly, there are very few references to Australia or even any truly Oceanian country throughout the series. The only data we have. They are visible skulls of horned kangaroos found in Fallout 2. This response to radiation would suggest that kangaroos on Australian soil would also be susceptible to such a mutation. Honestly, no other information is given about the status of Australia if the rest of the world is Whatever you base it on, I imagine Australia is probably in a similar position.
I imagine post-war Australia as the same universe seen in Mad Max, partly because Full Out was inspired by the Mad Max series and even though they are not Australia. new zealand may also be the only in-game reference to them in fallout new vegas with a big khan named melissa who speaks with a distinct new zealand accent waiting for a delivery but doesn't show up i guess the death clause and the quarry has something to do with it, unfortunately this was not a canonical entry for New Zealanders, but for a simple recording error, Joshua Sawyer had clarified that voice actress Zoe Bell had recorded her lines in a native New Zealand accent due to a lack of communication from As an anonymous member of staff therefore we cannot count Melissa as a New Zealand character and therefore cannot comment on any other state in the country and with that we have run out of countries of those to talk about since the game developers themselves have clarified it. that the state of nations in Fallout is intentionally confusing, we can never be absolutely sure how they ended up;
Hopefully, there may be more character appearances or even locations from other nations in later games.

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