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What happened to all Fallout Protagonists?

May 24, 2024
The word Canon has always been a touchy subject for a select group of Fallout fans. On the one hand, some believe that each and every game is unique in that the story you experience is the only Cannon you will ever need and, in the end, your own personal Cannon. is the cannon, on the other hand, some believe that each game, while unique to the player, in the end it doesn't matter because Bethesda's cannon is the cannon. I tend to fall into both categories. Here the games that follow are supposed to be your own story,


you experience.
what happened to all fallout protagonists
It is 100% story, however as new games are released there needs to be some concrete details to continue the story. A series of Canon events are needed to advance the overall history of the world, because if everything were continually open, then the universe. finish before it even started exploring forever stuck than abandoning small areas of the world so as not to step on your personal cannon, so at the end of the day, the overall canyon of the Fallout universe is important and the most important cannon is


happens to us. we. what happens to the player character over the course of six canon tracking games, the canonicity of tracking tactics is in limbo and Brotherhood of Steel doesn't exist, there has never been a repeat protagonist, the only thing we get in the new games are very, very subtle references. and nods to characters from previous players, nothing has really been concrete, everything has always been rumors, so the question arises: What will become of these


what happened to all fallout protagonists

More Interesting Facts About,

what happened to all fallout protagonists...

The Vault Dweller, The Chosen One, The Lonely Wanderer, The Courier, and The Survivor, then theorizing about what the most likely canon version of said character actually did, full spoilers ahead for all Fallout games and season 1 from the Fallout program. Fallout 76 is a pretty unique entry. in Fallout Universe, this is the only game where there really is not a protagonist, but


, that is, all the people who play this multiplayer Fallout, yes there is a story, but I assume that canonically it is not a person who makes waves in the area, it is a collection of the inhabitants of Vault 76 also with this game they are still getting updates 6 years after release at the time of this video the game is technically not over yet so what about the inhabitants of Vault 76 or the people of Appalachia?
what happened to all fallout protagonists
Well, we just don't know. We still know, but we can make some guesses. Fallout 76 is the first entry in the Fallout timeline; takes place in 2102; in fact, Fallout 1 does not take place until almost 60 years after the events of this game and even with the last entry in the series which, being the Fallout show, takes place in 2296, so almost 200 years of information is missing about Appalachia, no news from the Brotherhood of Steel chapter, no news from the responders, no news from the free states, and The Scorch has not spread further, so what


? Well, if we take Fallout 76's endgame as an example, maybe it's because there's nothing left once you beat Fallout 76's main questline.
what happened to all fallout protagonists
The Vault Dwellers are tasked with destroying the Scorching Plague by dropping a bomb. nuclear on The Scorch Beast. Queen who spreads the infection and this works, as a year later the inhabitants of the Vault even make a vaccine against the plague, thus bringing life back to Appalachia, but what if she is only delaying the inevitable? What if the infection mutates again and becomes a more powerful variant? a new method of transmission is discovered, there are still multiple nuclear weapons throughout Appalachia, so it potentially all ends with the Vault Dwellers making a last-ditch effort to stop The Scorch by destroying Appalachia, essentially wiping out the entire area, never ending. mention the region later.
Fallouts and yes, it's obvious because those games came out before '76, but this would be a neat way to explain why it never comes back. The whole place just Comes A Wasteland, the game starts to appear as if nuclear weapons never touched the earth, giving us a lush and pristine environment to explore, but as we know, good things in the Fallout Universe can never last, so that perhaps Fallout 76's final expansion will involve the people of Appalachia making the ultimate sacrifice to safeguard Humanity, destroying everything and finally bringing the true apocalypse to Appalachia. or is it all a simulation, this theory that is gaining a little more traction today states that all the events of Fallout 76 are in a simulation equivalent to the technology we have seen in the memory lair and Vault 112 in the Springs white bunker that we can find. a terminal where someone types in that they believe they and everyone around them are trapped in a virtual strategic simulation game that was the virtual training aid we used during the Operation Anchorage DLC.
Some graffiti can also be found in multiple locations in Appalachia that says there is nothing. In reality, these two things have led many to believe that the events of Fallout 76 are in fact a simulation; However, the biggest plot hole in this theory is the existence of multiple pieces of history that the vault technician should not have known about, such as the Brotherhood of Steel. apps for cats, demons, super mutants, etc., the only way for simulation theory to make sense is for someone to actively update the system based on events in the outside world, which would be a huge leap, so I'm more inclined to I think everything really


and everyone dies in the end, going in the complete opposite direction in terms of story.
We actually know more about what happened to Fallout 1's protagonist compared to any other protagonist in the series. This is due to Supplemental Material that was released alongside Fallout 2 titled The Vault Dwell's Memoirs. In his Memoirs, an elderly Vault inhabitant writes the story of his life as requested by the new leader of this tribe. It is widely accepted that of the three premade Fallout 1 characters, Albert Cole. is the canonical protagonist, although it has never been confirmed aside from the fact that we know that the Vault Dweller was canonically male in the Memoirs of Him. The Vault Dweller talks about the Water Chip malfunctioning and how he was tasked with finding a replacement at the waist along the way.
The Vault Dweller encounters various individuals and factions, each with their own agendas and motives, these include the Brotherhood of Steel super mutants and various settlements struggling to survive after the Apocalypse. As the Climate Vault moves deeper into the Wasteland, they discover the existence of the Domina, a mutated being attempting to transform Humanity into a unified entity under its control. The Master's Army of Super Mutants poses a grave threat to the remaining remnants of civilization, prompting the Vault Dweller to take action to stop them after gathering allies and resources that the Vault Dweller faces. the master at his base of operations known as the cathedral and in their final battle, Vault B defeats the master and destroys the source of his influence, ending the immediate threat posed by the super mutants and with the master defeated and the Wasteland saved.
The Vault Dweller returns to Vault 13, but finds himself unable to return as the Overseer banishes him because he could no longer trust the Vault Dweller or what he had become, so the Vault Tower He left and wandered through the desert but never strayed too far from the mountains. that Vault 13 protected from the rest of the world, he would eventually find a small group of escapees from Vault 13 who after hearing his story would leave with him and head north occasionally sending Scouts to Vault 13 to gather others who wished to leave the group. over time. They became a tribe and established the village of Aroyo where the Vault Dweller fell in love with a woman named Pat and together they had two daughters as the village grew.
The Vault Dweller had little time to explore as he was too concerned with training the inhabitants and skills necessary to survive in the Wasteland, he and Pat would become the leaders of a Royo and, some time later, Pat would pass away leaving the Vault Dweller of the Vault to solely lead the tribe until the time of writing his Memoirs, where once completed he would leave Ayo behind, leaving behind his vault suit folded on his bed with his Memoirs signed simply as The Wanderer 80 years after the events of Fallout 1 Vault Weller's grandson, known as the chosen one, is tasked with finding a Garden of Eden creation kit or gek to save Ayo from a drought. to Vault 13 The Chosen One discovers that he is abandoned, saved for a colony of deadly claws, then they explore the wastelands and stumble upon a fledgling NCR, the Brotherhood of Steel, and finally, the new Reindeer.
It is strongly suggested that the chosen one was a man because in the new Reno without knowing it. For John Bishop, leader of the Bishop crime family, the chosen one sleeps with his wife or his daughter and together they have a son who runs the family many years later. This is confirmed in Fallout New Vegas. You don't know, Mr. Bishop, you're not like the others. bosses there, he knows the Wasteland like the back of his hand and likes to wander around it not long after the destruction of The Enclave, the bishop family of New Reno was blessed with a child, this child seemed to have little in common with the bishops which they preferred instead to spend their days exploring the moors when they turned 13.
He took control of the Bishop family and led them to victory over the remaining new families of Reno. He died peacefully in his sleep at the age of 73 without ever having met his real father. Otherwise, the chosen one isn't exactly important to his character as a whole. Upon returning to Aroyo, he finds his house empty, as while he was gone, the remnant of the US government known as The Enclave kidnaps everyone who infiltrates the Enclave's base in Navaro and destroys its oil. . manipulating the chosen one stops The Enclave finds a Geck and saves not only his people but also the survivors of Vault 13 who were also kidnapped by the onclan after The Chosen One returns home with the gek and with the help of his people and those Vault 13 resettles, building a new community with the gek where the chosen one would become the Elder who would preside over the village for many years.
I would be remiss not to mention a very common fan theory about the chosen one, which is being the chosen one. He's actually Noark Nunan from Fallout New Vegas, so let's break it down in the Fallout Bible. It says that the chosen one was born on March 23, 2221. Fallout 2 takes place in 2241, placing the chosen one at 20th during the events of Fallout 2. Fallout New Vegas takes place in 2281, which places the chosen one at 60, for which is more than likely that during the events of Fallout New Vegas the chosen one is still alive and based on his appearance, Noark is around the same age, but we don't have any solid information. confirmation on the outskirts of Novak, the city is not found any bark, there is a wrecked Highwayman, the same car that the chosen one could repair, drive and continue, while in Vanilla New Vegas there is only a pile of old garbage in the back if we take into account the J Sawyer mod, a mod created by one of the New Vegas developers that adds a lot of cut content that the developers were unable to implement due to time constraints.
The Highwaymen now have a Vault 13 armored jumpsuit in the trunk of the The same jumpsuit used by the Chosen One and that's the most compelling evidence there is, there are some smaller parts that line up, like Noark finding a talking rat, which he did. the chosen one, Noark had Enclave propaganda in his hut and that weapon that can only be found on Novak is the same model as the 223 pistol found in Fallout 1 and 2, so some things line up and some things don't and some things require a lot of coincidence, maybe the chosen one got into an accident and lost his memory and ended up like Noark, who knows, but the question remains, why would he be in Las Vegas in the first place?
I'm more inclined to believe the theory that Bruce Isaac stole The Highwaymen from Mr. Bishop's son The Chosen and crashed it on Novak while he was running away from urine. but at the end of the day, the fate of the chosen one is ultimately left up in the air and most likely they simply remained in a Royo until they passed away 17 years after the end of Fallout 2. Fallout 3 begins in 2258 as potentially the Lonely Wanderer. named Albert as it is the default name and a tribute to the inhabitant of the Fallen Vault. One is born at Jefferson Memorial for James and Catherine, who sadly passed away shortly after giving birth.
The lone Wanderer has also been somewhat confirmed to be a man, according to multiple media sources. after the game's release, refer to them as him or James's son, also somewhat canonically the Lone Wanderer should technically be mixed race since by default Catherine is African American and James is Caucasian which we can view during the opening of the game before customizing your character again. I say thatthis is a bit Cannon because you never actually see Catherine besides her legs and there was a photo that was cut and never appears in the game overall, it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.
I thought I'd mention it. Anyway, taking his son to Vault 101, James and his son live in peace for 19 years until James abruptly leaves the Vault, causing his daughter to track him down. Upon reaching Megaton, the Lone Wanderer does not destroy Megaton and helps Moira Brown complete the Wasteland survival guide. Later, he writes that Harden, the son of Megaton Sheriff Sims, becomes the sheriff of Megaton in 2297 and that he blames the Lonely Wanderer for the death of his father. He likely died after the Lonely Wanderer reported Burke to Sims, leading to a confrontation and Burke pulling out a gun. and shooting Sims in the back after finding his father trapped in Vault 112, the Lone Wanderer takes him back to the Jefferson Memorial to complete the Purity project and purify the water in the Wasteland capital, however, The Enclave arrives and ruins all sacrificing.
James kills. a handful of enclave soldiers allowing the Lone Wanderer to escape to the Citadel and join the Brotherhood of Steel, eventually the lone Wanderer is captured by the enclave and taken to their fortress at Ravenrock, where he quickly blows it up and rallies the Brotherhood of Steel to Retake the Jefferson Memorial and activate the Pur project to purify the wasteland capital's water 2 weeks after the Project Battle. Purity the lone wakes up from a coma where the Elder Lions knight them of the Brotherhood of Steel and together they invade Adam's Air Force Base and wipe out the rest of the enclave's remnant after that we don't really know much he just disappears Even though Fallout 4 takes place in 20287, 10 years after Fallout 3 and there are several returning characters, none of them even mention him and what's even stranger is that the Brotherhood of Steel don't mention him, they don't mention his involvement in Project Purity or His role in the attack on Adams Air Force Base you think someone of that magnitude would be mentioned at least somewhere and to me this speaks to Revisionist History.
Elder Maxon and his Brotherhood of Steel on multiple occasions hate the Elder Lions ignoring the fact that he basically saved the Brotherhood of Steel and revitalized their chapter, they couldn't erase the actions of an elder due to how long he was a part of the Brotherhood, they could just badmouth him instead, but for someone who was part of a chapter for a handful of years they could easily delete him now, why would they do so well? Maybe it's because he didn't agree with the way the Brotherhood was changing after the death of the Elder Lions, fight after fight eventually led to him leaving the chapter, and because of how he was unceremoniously pushed away.
Far away they decided to erase him from the record now the Lone Wanderer lives up to his name and simply wanders through the Wasteland or is a deacon. Some of you may remember a really shitty video I made a few years ago discussing this theory that I'll just cover. The basics here, the theory states that we know three facts about Deacon, one, Deacon is a compulsive liar, two, Deacon is not his real name and three, Deacon has undergone multiple facial reconstruction surgeries, that is a fact, we also He says he was part of a gang called the University Point Death Clause that harassed synths, which eventually escalated to the point of a lynching that caused him to move away and settle down with a woman named Barbara, who was later executed by the Clause. of death because, unbeknownst to Deacon, she was a synth.
Deacon killed the death clause and then joined the railroad. There is no real evidence to suggest that the death clause ever existed because if we travel to University Point there is no reference to them at all, so the story could be false with Deacon as a companion. he will make a handful of references to the capital Wasteland. I once told you about my time in the Capitol Wasteland. There is now a story about the Brotherhood in the Capitol Wasteland. They really weren't bad, but now, according to your thoughts, I'm convincing the next raw recruit. Since I'm actually President Eden, I think I can do it.
Deacon also says that he underwent multiple facial reconstruction surgeries. The only Wanderer had the same access to facial reconstruction after meeting Dr. Horus Pinkerton in Rivet City. The only Wanderer in Fallout 3 was 19 years old. Fallout 4. takes place 10 years after the fact, placing the lone Wanderer at around 29 years old, as Deacon continually changes his face, we don't know exactly how old he is, so he may not look 29 years old, but internally could be your name. Deacon means member of a clerical order ranked below a priest in Christianity, this could be a reference to all the biblical references in Fallout 3, as well as a tribute to his father, who kept a note frame of Revelations 216 as well, in in case some of you don't know Deacon isn't a synth, he might be a synth, he might be the best synth he's ever synthesized, he about it and if you kill him he doesn't drop a synth component, there's also a couple of smaller things, but basically it all boils down to Deacon's story about The Death of Claus is an allegory for what happened to him with the Brotherhood, that Sarah Lions was replaced by a synth, and eventually she and the Lonely Wanderer They finally fell in love and got married somehow, the Brotherhood or the outcast discovers the truth and plots. with her true leader Arthur Maxon to eliminate her and this would explain why Maxon is so aggressively anti-synth because Sarah Lions was extremely important to him.
We even know from the terminals around the Citadel that he was in love with her, so when he found out that someone so important to him was replaced, he felt disgusted and betrayed and thus began his hatred for synths, so it is likely that a young Maxon gave the order to assassinate her while she was on a mission and that mission could have involved Paladin's dance because when it is revealed that she is a synth and Soul Survivor tracks it Dan says I'm not surprised Maxon sent you, he never liked doing the dirty work himself, so basically, while on a mission, the Lone Wanderer and Sarah are ambushed by the Brotherhood of Steel and she quote-unquote fell in battle, the Lone Wanderer then killed the Brotherhood members who betrayed them, maybe even leaving Dance alive as a warning or whatever, learn the truth of why they killed Sarah and then fled to the Commonwealth to learn more about the synths and eventually join the railroad. in honor of his wife before he left he underwent facial reconstruction surgery and thus the Lonely Wanderer disappeared without a trace and Deacon was born there is also a third theory that the Lonely Wanderer just got on a spaceship left Earth and I don't know if you can choose any theory you believe, but whatever the Lone Wanderer's true fate is, we know that he simply disappeared.
Now, the Courier is perhaps the most blank character in any Fallout game, we don't know where he is from, how old he is, what his real name could be his gender or literally anything, however, we can speculate on what they did to him. ending according to the television show The Fallout. I guess Mr House's ending is Canon and there are some reasons to support that. State first and be a more technical reason why Mr. actually appears in the final episode of the show, so why would they introduce him in the show only to say that he was killed in the game when instead a final real achievable in New Vegas allows you to live?
I feel like he was introduced for a reason and that reason is because he now controls New Vegas, so Hank will go there and we'll see more of his influence next season, perhaps resulting in a massive confrontation and battle of New Vegas in second place. If I had to assume what a Canon Courier would do, I would bet my money on them sticking to the job they were hired to do and getting the package to their customer. They probably don't have any revolutionary vision of an independent Las Vegas or a high-tax city. Vegas or an enslaved Vegas probably just want to do the job and get paid like they continually did in the past so siding with your client Mr House and thirdly keeping Mr House alive is a good idea because that character is very interesting and would be a fantastic addition to the show and would make a lot of sense based on what we'll be discussing for Soul Survivor.
Jesus, look, I'm wrong and it's the end of the legion anyway, as for the Messenger, we meet him in the years to come after the Battle. From the Hoover Dam they left to go watch The Big Vacuum, care for it, and keep its discoveries safe until they were needed to help others. Only time will really tell what became of The Courier and we will most likely know more when season 2 of The Fallout arrives. When that happens, I'll make an updated version of this video. We know for sure that the only survivor is a warvet named Nate or a lawyer named Nora.
If I had to bet my money, I'd say the Canon Soul Survivor is Nate because I really don't think a law can survive in a post-apocalyptic Wasteland and someone with actual combat training has a much better chance of overcoming those radical cockroaches at the beginning of all modes with the release of the Fallout program. We know for a fact that of the four endings in Fallout 4, two of them could be Canon, the Brotherhood ending or the Minuteman ending. We know this because the real pridwin arrives on the west coast and the Commonwealth Brotherhood is mentioned, confirming that the Brotherhood is still around. active there 9 years after the events of Fallout 4 the only two endings where the pridwin is not destroyed and the Brotherhood maintains a presence in the Commonwealth are the aforementioned endings Brotherhood and Minutemen.
I'd like to believe that the end of the barrel is the Minutemen. but part of me also thinks the end of the Brotherhood might be more likely because during the Brotherhood questline we repaired Liberty Prime and used it to Raid the Institute and I'd be surprised if Liberty Prime doesn't appear in the show at some point . Liberty Prime could have been dismantled and packed into the pridwin as it was before and sent to the West Coast to help reestablish Brotherhood rule and if Mr House is the canon ending of New Vegas, then how poetic would the Battle be? from New Vegas B if Mr.
House's company's greatest invention led the assault or perhaps the sole survivor helped the Brotherhood rebuild Liberty Prime. But he finally attacked the Institute and the miners basically completed all of the brotherhood's missions to the point of no return. They then completed the assault with the Minutemen this would make the Soul Survivor a paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel and then the general of the Minutemen, but according to common jokes heard throughout the Commonwealth, the Minutemen are more or less a group of rednecks with big guns, so the probability of a successful assault would be of the type to be a reach, so it stands to reason that the only survivor, a man who served in the second battalion of the 108th Infantry Regiment of the US military, you'll probably flock to a well-organized military faction rather than a motley wasteland group you need to gather together. himself I'm completely 50/50 on this and both endings accomplish the same thing.
The Institute and the railroad disappeared in both endings. What I mean is whether or not the Brotherhood destroys the railroad is now irrelevant because if the Minutemen destroyed the Institute and saved the railroad synths they are now a non-factor and the railroad, as in the organization, would probably disband, so one end of the railroad disappeared through violence and the other end of the railroad disappeared through dissolution; In the end, Soul Survivor was established. in his role as general of the Minutemen while being a part-time Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel or he fully dedicated himself to the Brotherhood and reached the rank of Sentinel after the destruction of the Institute, as I said, either ending has the same validity. and we will most likely find more clues about what really happened in the next season of the show.

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