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All Power Armour Ranked Worst to Best in Fallout 4

Jun 09, 2024
Power armor is undoubtedly one of the coolest aspects of the Fallout Universe along with Liberty Prime and Death Clause. In fact, I'd say it's the


overall, but one of the


things about


armor, aside from the general badassness, is the huge range of different models, modifications and decorative designs, so in this video we look at them in detail For Fallout fall, we explore the law of each different model and weigh the pros and cons of each to determine which is best overall, this will include the free and paid Creation Club models that I reviewed so you don't have to for get a more complete and complete list, so without further ado, let's go to the end and this should appear as Not surprisingly, of course, the Raider


armor serves more as a means to have stronger boss-level enemy Raiders.
all power armour ranked worst to best in fallout 4
These suits have clearly been sewn from salvaged parts and scrap metal into a crude, yet still quite effective means of protection, which is usually reserved for leaders of raider groups or who knows, maybe the raider in question became a leader due to who possesses recovered power armor. I'm sure it's a combination of both situations in the Commonwealth and while most suits have six different upgrade levels in Fallout 4, the slap Dash's unofficially commissioned nature of the Raider armor means we can only upgrade it once. time with simple aluminum components. A complete, fully upgraded raidar suit will offer a not-great-but-not-terrible 620 resistance to physical damage, a measly 250 resistance to energy damage which is very, very low compared to other models and I suspect it's because the Cobble steel plating is not at all optimized to isolate from this type of damage, although when it comes to blocking RADS, the Rader armor is literally as effective as any other suit with a total score the same as everyone else's. , 1.50, which will mitigate the effects of all but the strongest radiation.
all power armour ranked worst to best in fallout 4

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all power armour ranked worst to best in fallout 4...

It's technically tougher than the hazmat suit, but it also offers radiation reduction, so it's not really, as far as the durability of this suit goes, it's entry level. Fiendishly horrible, 50 health points a piece and 100 for the torso, but unlike most suits that upgrade, they will have double the durability, while other suits tend to upgrade in much smaller increments. I guess that's a benefit. Simply welding more metal is the extent of their upgrade methods, and to be fair, the same method doesn't particularly improve damage resistance and literally does nothing to block more energy damage. I mean, the guys who do this are raiders, not engineers or scientists, and with that in mind, there are a lot of mods like well, that's just not available for the radar armor, the Recon sensors that Mark pointed at enemies, and the Vats Matrix overlay, which increases the impact chances of our vat, are not available along with the Tesla arm braces and, most of all, the Torso modifications of a jetpack because I mean, realistically, that would probably melt this Pearlescent insulating coating.
all power armour ranked worst to best in fallout 4
Unfortunately, there are also no custom paint jobs and therefore there are very limited ways to make this armor feel like our own, which again is not generally the property of raider bosses and, since we don a suit. of the T45 on an early mission, there is very little reason to switch to basic radar armor. Sure it's the cheapest to repair with just steel, but the T45 doesn't cost much more and steel is the second most abundant resource out there. later, although after the next-gen updates with the heavy incinerator mod brought into the base game, there is one exclusive thing that we can now only get in the radar armor flame resistance that will be added to a pair of legs during The Crucible quest to be able to obtain the heavy incinerator and while being immune to burns, it is good to resist all damage more effectively, it is certainly better and less that you are in a heated area how iron sorcus works, but Overall, this is just another model to serve as a humble man's pride and joy.
all power armour ranked worst to best in fallout 4
More assaulting than something coveted by people like us. Next up, of course, is the T45, one of the first power armor designs that the Westtech company forced into mass production for the Sino-American War in 2067, although canonically inferior to later models such as the T-51 T-armor. 45 was the best the United States could produce at scale for the time with existing technology and manufacturing techniques, so given the pressing nature of the war against China, it was mostly these that wowed on the front lines. During the early stages of the war, mobility was still a big issue with this particular suit, but it did the most important job of allowing soldiers to use heavy weaponry against the Chinese forces and, for the most part, protecting the occupant 2 through demand.
The release of functional power armor was indeed very, very pressing to the extent that the design was released with a fatal floor in the weld just below the chest plates, something exploited by the ghoul in the Fallout TV show, where we see that the company did not do it. I actually don't even bother to fix the floor on later models like the t60 and it must be a pretty unpleasant shock to suddenly have your guts explode given the total feeling of security that being in one of these things allows despite all this. Plot point, I think. was written more for an interesting moment of television and a bit of world building for westtech than anything we need to worry about in the game when the war entered its stalemate stage, so many of these had been produced that it was actually became more economical in a sense upgrade existing suits rather than scrapping them for new units entirely, so we have models A through F that would have canonically done more to solve the initial mobility issues in Fallout 4, although this translates into complete in just an increase in resistance stats that the original model will jump to.
During the period where the Freedom Cuse Quest is a humble Model A with only 500 total damage resistance and 310 energy resistance, you can always spot one of these low models in the wild, as they will be noticeably rustier than their counterparts. upgraded counterparts, which I think is an interesting detail, however, by salvaging aluminum cans, duct tape, and circuit boards, as well as investing in armor and scientific perks early on, we can quickly upgrade it to a much more powerful Model F which now has 1100 total damage resistance, 9910 energy resistance and approximately 2.5 times. more durability than its Model A version, in addition to being official power armor, the T45 has access to practically the entire list of miscellaneous upgrades, including high-tech ones such as the stealth guy who turns invisible when crouched, power servos overdrive to run faster and a very useful One to get to certain places is, of course, the jetpack, although it will require maxed out science and armor perks before you can create it.
In fact, if you just want a suit for something like a jetpack, then the T45 is the easiest to maintain. just steel to repair and a bit of circuitry for the Torso, although its lower durability means you'll have to make repairs more often, but it's not just about basic stats and mods for these suits and now we get to the reason why I had to do it. build such a long line of these things, I think 87 suits in total to show all the various paints on each of these models, none of which are simply a case of cool looking custom skins, as each different livery offers various stat boosts and in this regard. the T45 is actually quite limited and the only unique paint job for the pure vanilla set is at least the tiny man design which increases our charisma by a total of one when all the pieces are painted and it makes sense to convert the original model what we get when we meet. the Minute Men in this skin and it costs nothing to make, so we can achieve the same charisma boosting effect with the Voltech paint, although that requires real material, we can also increase the resistance with this bright military green paint and turn it white with a coating prepared for winter.
It will increase our energy resistance, although it is not granted as much as the prism shielding, although unfortunately that one does not offer an alternative appearance; Otherwise, if you want to improve agility, look in the magazine for any of these hot rod designs that you like the most, the shark paintings. can be found at the back of the atomic cat garage, here the hot pink one is at the top of Milton's parking lot through a roughly constructed maze, while my favorite llamas can be obtained simply at the robotics disposal dump , not far from the Sanctuary, these paintings are seen.
They are amazing and worth getting as we can apply them to virtually any power armor model, but if you are looking for a wide range of custom paint jobs you may find better luck with the successor to the t-45, but first . We come to the point that this next set deviates so much from its original model that it really deserves its own entry. The top boss armor is practically the Pinnacle of Rider power armor and really shows the extent of how deadly these crude, salvaged constructs can be. was designed by the head of the Ncer World Raiders, whom we usurped to the delight of the rest of the Raiders factions, some of whom say he spent too much time working on this and not enough to secure the future of the Raiders, no wonder then. that its enhanced damage resistance is massively higher than 1,340 with a comparatively even crazier energy of 1,220, almost 1,000 more than standard radar armor.
I'm going to chalk it up to the larger outer shell and full mesh coverage center, I had this thing after all. connected to an Arena cable car for extra power and of course needed a way to dissipate that energy without getting hurt, the suit is still just as limited in terms of modifications and paint and the durability is not too great 1.70 when upgrades less from the T45, but the top armor's biggest strength is how easy it is to repair with each piece, including the torso, which requires only three pieces of steel to repair, even cheaper than the standard pair of radar armor that with the imposing almost Hulkbuster faceplate and You have a cool low maintenance set of armor.
Now it's no wonder why Cter didn't have time to conquer the world of Ncer. Obviously there are still plenty of better sets out there, but if you're not good at scavenging. so you may find this more to your liking than you imagine, going back to the Mainstay armor sets and then of course we come to t51. I'm aware that the actual order from


to best is mostly already established, but I hope I can shed light on a few more nuances of power armor for you all. The t-51 suit was the next model released by Westtech, this time in direct collaboration with the United States governments and released in June 2076, not long before.
The bombs fell in 2077, according to General Brock, who tested the armor at Fort Strong before it was dropped. The T-51 boasted impressive mobility compared to its predecessor, but initially suffered from the problem of soldiers falling after making larger jumps; However, with the addition of gyros and shock absorbers to the lower half the armor was considered ready and was instrumental to the US success at the Battle of Anchorage at this point the T4s have been in service for approximately 9 years and Its crude design was becoming increasingly obsolete with the arrival of the canonically far superior T-51 model, so with users also wielding huge 5mm miniguns it was such a menacing sight that it scared many of the Chinese soldiers into submission. give up immediately and surely other better models were developed, either secretly or right after, but The t-51 is without a doubt the most iconic power armor in Fallout Cannon and quite possibly Real Life 2, given that it debuted in Fallout 1 and, therefore, it was the first model to appear.
I personally mean he's someone younger than Fallout 1. the look of the T45 and t60 is more synonymous with the franchise, although maybe that's just due to their appearances on the covers of Fallout 3 and 4, but comment below which model do you imagine first when you think of power armor like for the t-51. Stats in Fallout 4 nearly double the damage and durability of models A through F, while energy resistance more than doubles. A complete set features 1340 damage resistance, 10.0 energy resistance, and an overall durability of 1395, quite a margin. ofabout 20% compared to the ft45 model, not necessarily the improvement one would think would turn the tide of a war, but I guess that's the difference between Cannon and the game's usefulness in terms of repairs, mostly just requires steel, say for the Torso. that also needs some aluminum and circuitry and they are all components that you will also need along with the adhesive if you want to upgrade something, something I always highly recommend once you have everything you need to upgrade to the f model as the differences in stats are Amazing, not as amazing as other models, I admit, but one place where the T-51 arguably wins the competition is in the custom paint jobs available.
There are many of these and about half of them are unique to the t-51 after victory. in Anchorage, which was largely produced thanks to the deployments of the T-51, this model became a symbol of American heroism, so several were later reused as a kind of mascots for product promotion and one of the The biggest candidates to receive a promotional suit was, of course, Nuca Cola, who had already reached agreements with the army in the form of the Cobalt project, which we will talk about later. The t-51 ner suit, although it was acquired simply to sell Cola and we can find it during the Nuka World DLC in nacac Cola World. of soda, you'll absolutely want to grab it because while many suit skins grant extra agility with all parts equipped, the NACA t-51 suits will grant us three and believe it or not, Nuca Colola wasn't the only soda company to use t -51 outfits in their promotion, Island Housing Far Haror, where Vim pop Factory is located, once did the same, their basic Vim outfits can be rescued in an interior very similar in appearance.a nape queue, but it only increases the strength by one, while its Green Tinted Vim update will also increase agility, although this time again only by one, and with similar marketing campaigns you can understand why naca colala had reason to sabotage its rival, but soda did not.
It's the only company that wants in on this t51 action and the Contraptions DLC also introduced the sugar bomb cereal skins and a brao cleaning solution that also increases strength and agility by one respectively, but for those who want to increase perception, the t-51 is also sporty. a model railroad and for those who want even more charisma, there is always Voltech, but of course the n-tail model is by far the biggest boost. Three more agility means 30 more action points, which means landing more hits on Vats and sneaking better. There is no power armor like that. Except for one other that will appear later and possibly for anyone running a high agility based build, the Nuka t-51 until you completely finish the NAA world is definitely the power armor for you, but for everyone else, skip to the next best option, which is of course the t60, this suit was newly developed under contracts between westtech and the US government and was the last model of power armor to be mass deployed before the bomb was dropped in 2077;
In fact, its debut, so to speak, did not come until after the Battle of Anchorage, therefore, although the T-51 stole the Thunder there, the T60 was rather a direct successor to the widely proven T45, which without doubt it was easier to produce and that it was implemented for use everywhere in Alaska and for the maintenance of national peace on American soil, in fact, when entering Vault 111 at the beginning of Fallout 4, we can see suits of t60 guarding the entrance to the vaults, now keep in mind that Fallout 4 definitely makes the t60 superior in every way to the t-51 the law is a little more complex than that thanks to Fallout 76, that game gives the suit t -51 better damage resistance while giving the bulkier t60 better rat resistance, as I said the t60 is a direct successor to the T45 no.
Doubt made it easier to mass produce and so it was more widely adopted by regular infantry soldiers. The slight rush to update it also possibly explains why the fatal flaw exploited by the ghoul was still present in the t60 suit, of t-51 fame. still made it the best option, without a doubt, to be used in marketing campaigns such as those in the ner world, but the first troops added. T6 was slowly becoming the more common replacements for T45, of course when Fallout 3 came out Bethesda hadn't created the t60 yet, but the Fallout 4 cover needed a new power armor helmet, so the LW becomes a little more iffy on where the t60 was and wasn't deployed.
The Wasteland Brotherhood capital, of course, doesn't have it in Fallout 3, but it seems to be pretty much all they have when arriving at the Commonwealth in Fallout 4, so Elder Maxon must have secured a huge h, all of this somewhere. between the two games, changing it to the main guild armor, which is also the case in Fallout's Wasteland mve. TV Show In Fallout 4, a fully leveled t60 suit on Model F will give you 1,580 damage resistance, 1,245 energy resistance, and an overall durability of 1,665, all for a roughly 15% markup over to the t-51, which is not that big a jump.
As the T t51 was from the T45, but still pretty decent, although upgrading and repairing these models will cost us some additional materials, such as adding ceramic and rubber for upgrades, as well as plastic to use for repairs, not a big deal. problem if you make a habit of returning to settlements frequently and running supply lines, but randomly getting stuck out in the world with broken power armor can start to become a problem. These higher level suits may be more protective overall, but they're also closer to those, of course. Being the armor of choice for the Brotherhood of Steel, you will see it a lot in the Commonwealth and by joining the Brotherhood, we too can unlock Brotherhood skins, different rank emblems as we progress through the questline, everything. which grants additional strength to everyone. painted pieces, although the only pieces that really show any difference are the arms and torso and they aren't the most exciting decorations in the world.
If you're looking for that, you'll want to head over to the Atom Cat Garage where we can purchase the Atom Cat paint scheme quite similar to the Rod Flames hod, but it gives two bonuses instead of one, first increasing our Charisma by one but also reducing the point cost. action for running by 3%, a very small advantage but makes it superior to voltech. paint, for example, which only increases charisma and which here I have equipped with the Tesla armor, unique torso and arm pieces worth looting from Ivy's body and the automaton DLC for its unique design and 15% additional damage with energy weapons with all three.
Equipped Parts Overall, the T60 is the best standard suit of power armor in Fallout 4, but there are many special models, especially after the latest update, that are much rarer but also much better. Now we move on to some of the Creation Club armor and their locations. on the roster are determined by their overall stats. I'm not suggesting you go out and buy them; There are a lot of cool mods you can get for free on the Nexus, but given the gray area of ​​canonicity for Club content creation, that is, it's probably not canon until proven otherwise, but it could be.
I decided to cover it without delving too deeply into the legal implications, so first we have horse armor, an example of Bethesda unapologetically repackaging a controversial decision from the past and making even more money off of it. Originally of course the infamous cosmetic DLC released for obl Ian, which to this day some still blame Harold for the extreme level of cosmetic DLC we see in games today, so in a conscious move to Bethesda decided to publish it in Fallout. 4, the Horse Power Armor which costs 250 Creation Club Credits or $2.50, exactly the same price as the Horse Armor DLC in 2006, is simply located at Wilson's Car Headquarters and has been tuned by a Raider who had an unhealthy obsession with Giddy Up Buttercup toys. and looking at the thing, it's actually a Raider suit with Giddy Up Buttercup pieces attached, why then it features higher damage and energy resistance than a t60 suit is beyond my understanding, but again it loses canonicity, I guess it's some kind of paid DLC.
It had to be something you could viably wear throughout the game, and to be fair, it's not a basic upgrade like the standard Rader armor which instead requires the same chain of components as the t60. I needed steel, aluminum and copper to repair. This again is not your simple Raider. armor, it is also said to have faster movement speed and jump height, so I tested the speed against a standard Raider armor suit and found that it is only slightly faster in jump height, although it is noticeably better, which combines okay, since you can also add a jetpack to these armor suits Rader loses canonicity, it's also visible when you get on it, it can be painted with very bright colors to improve alternative special stats, but overall it's just a conscious nod to Oblivion and a cool way, I guess, to remake it for Fallout using the Giddy Up Buttercup toys, a Creation Club armor with a lot more history and customization than Captain Cosmos' space armor.
It's part of a larger Captain Cosmos Creation Club mod that also features a new dungeon suit with regular armor and a gun. and for 700 credits or $7, you'd expect nothing less than the armor being part of the old Captain Cosmos TV show and apparently designed by the US Space Administration to use the show to try to drum up public support for the Mar Shot project . It had to be fully functional militarized power armor and not an accessory, meaning I guess they were in a hurry to promote this, so they handed out actual working equipment, which also led to the very serious problem of someone getting shot when they They handed it over. an actual working gun too, none of this is necessarily Cannon, the suits will be lootable at the end of The Quest in the Captain Cosmos sets, and in fact there's also a second suit hidden nearby if you need spares and stats.
The suit is virtually identical to the t60 and is therefore technically outclassed by horse armor, but it has much better customization options, so I think it deserves a higher spot. This suit includes modifications such as visible Tesla coils and arm straps, a much more spacey and classic look. jetpack and a helmet mod exclusive to this Space Cowboy set that requires the level one Gunslinger perk to obtain and increases our reload speeds. We also get a cool hat. Another thing I like about this Weapon is the large number of unique elements and, in fact, attractive different paint jobs, the white Space Administration paint that you see in the promo of course, but also an arcjet design blue that was a beneficiary of the Sea Shard project, Repcon Eros, places the rocket manufacturer, as well as designs for each of the four main factions, the Minutemen Railway Brotherhood. and institutes, then there are the three from the h Rod magazines, the enclave and a shiny one from Chrome, I'm actually glad that this armor leans more towards customization instead of directly overtaking the vanilla suits and that's about it What's in this one, it's kind.
It's cool to use, but definitely not something you need. The Enclaves' Hell Fire armor is once again technically a child of the Creation Club in Fallout 4, but since this set officially appeared in Fallout 3's Broken Steel DLC and was added to Fallout 4 in an official Bethesda release . I think we can assume that this content everything from creation. Club is much more likely to be a cannon in law. This suit was developed very slowly from the end of the war onwards by The Enclave with a prototype. ready as early as 2018, but not seen en masse until 2278 during Broken Steel at Adams Air Force Base and while The Enclave would work hard on developing the advanced XO2 power armor, the Hellfire project resulted in better armor.
Heat resistant armor, which is probably why in Fallout 4 Hellfire really wins when it comes to pure energy resistance. It appears that this model was designed solely with insulating qualities in mind to allow specialized soldiers to more effectively wield flame-based weaponry, such as incinerators, in general. The Hellfire armor leveled suit provides an overall damage resistance of 1,820, the highest we can achieve with any armor, 1,450 energy resistance, which as I said is the highest, but the brush falls short on durability of armor, slightly below the t60 with only 1,655 total.Note that the upgrade only requires the same resources as the t60 armor, a little more, but it's still just gathering the same things, on the other hand, the repairs will make you go back to using copper instead of plastic now in what regards the design of the Hellfire.
The paint jobs for this set are by far the least colorful, and the white Institute paints that are only unlocked by completing the nuclear family are the only really bright ones, other than there are paint jobs for the rest of the factions , including three different Brotherhood designs, as well as slightly different unique tints for explosive and prism protection and if you want to take advantage of this suit's ultimate strength, which is energy resistance, then prism is a great way to do it, a full suit will give you an extra 240 energy resistance which is like 15.% more than not having it Other than that which of these three main armors you choose is Hellfire and the other two largely comes down to design preference , each of them have pros and cons between each other, but they largely protect the same thing, so let's just see how the other two are a little better finally we return to the pure vanilla armors for Fallout 4 and now we come to the tremendously x01 model Different from the t-series we've primarily been seeing, the x01 has a more rounded overall design and almost In my opinion, a bird-shaped helmet was developed by the top military leaders known as the Joint Chiefs of Staff very shortly before the Great War, the xo1 barely survived its experimental phase and, although the Joint Chiefs of Staff managed to create a wild L different from the previous one, but still highly effective.
Power armor never reached mass production before the bombs dropped, making it almost a rarity worldwide. In fact, most of the suits at the start of the Great War were given to various military remnants for future development and by the time of the later Fallout games they still include the Brotherhood of Steel. The Enclave, of course, and the institutes. The Brotherhood clearly did not have enough models to release it to their soldiers en masse. The Enclave took the design and developed it into the XO2 advanced power armor. I'll come back to that, while the Institute did with their x01s what they do best with science, it seems they weren't able to build any more suits, but they did manage to develop a coating that somehow increases the user's knowledge and intelligence.
I know how, but it looks great and is a really incentive reward. Decide with the institute. In the end, there are also the three HRA designs again. Hot flames look particularly impressive here, as well as military paints and Voltech to increase strength and charisma, respectively, the best and one. However, x01's unique outfits and possibly the most rewarding power armor suit in the entire game before creation. The Club came and messed with things is the Quantum , the same isotope that provides the blue color of the quantum neck and that the Cobalt project sought to weaponize almost like building a nuclear bomb from Coca-Cola and Mentos. and the energizing qualities of Napetail Quantum seem to have carried over to the suit as did the T51 Napetail armor.
We gain three additional agility points with all of this equipped, only of course the X01 suit is much more protective than the T51. and upgrading any of the x01s to Mark 6 will add 1,820 damage resistance, 1,390 energy, and a very decent total. durability of 1.935, which is just as good given the aluminum, steel, copper and circuits needed to repair, of course, to obtain the quantum suit, although it is not easy, we will have to collect the 35 star cores in the Galactic Zone of the old world and beyond to unlock the Fortunately, the nearby computer terminal can tell you approximately where they are, but the last one located on top of the Nuka starport cannot be recovered until after restoring power to the NCA world, which will probably happen very late in your game unless We are unwavering and immediately moral in general, really x01 is the best power armor in base Fallout 4 as it was designed to be and the placement of unique late game models only serves to accentuate that final reward, but as of the new update it only makes sense that the successor to x01, by rights, has a higher score margin as the best power armor from 2024 in Fallout 4 in general, then it is the exo2 part of the addon from remains of The Enclave and in fact, it was obtained from the remains of The Enclave for this after all. is where the Fallout stole a suit and became a Commonwealth Philante for a while before hanging it up as well and leaving for pastures unknown again.
All this is a deaf creation. Club content told primarily through terminals, but I think Bethesda's inclusion in the base game now canonizes this. There's a lot more to the story once we get this suit for ourselves, although we'll then have to deal with the remains of the onclave sent to the Commonwealth to track it down, ironically it'll allow us to get even more xo2 after defeating them as well and you'll want as much of this as possible. Things you can get if you want to show off several of the many designs ranging from arctic desert and swamp camouflage that increase our stealth.
Many different colors that increase various special stats. Red will also increase our movement speed. yellow our radiation resistance, so you may have to choose between the design you like best or the stat boost you prefer with the non-aesthetic prism shielding again, a very tempting option to provide 300 energy resistance additional total, this time 50 for each piece that actually outperforms the equivalent prism-protected Hellfire armor for the higher overall strength power armor suits with again 1,820 overall damage resistance, 1,740 prism-protected energy resistance but 1,440 without and a massive durability in Mark 6 of 2,110 in fact, I understand that this is an adaptation of the Creation Club, but the ease with which we can acquire this suit Superior compared to, for example, the quantum x01, cheapens a little reward for basic suits, in my opinion, why go to the trouble of acquiring them when you can simply get this Superior equivalent? now and better stats, that's not all the axo 2 has to offer, it also has a unique additional mod slot reserved entirely for a tesla upgrade that will deal electrical damage to any enemy that gets too close.
Yes, the Tesla x02 can take out weaker enemies just by standing close to them and there is an even better Tesla unique upgrade for the Torso that adds extra buffs even like Devil's Inferno while still dealing Tesla damage, it also increases movement speed on 5% and recharges our action points when we receive damage, in addition to applying two additional damage. and energy resistance, you know, it almost beats x01 and hell in that department too, just make sure you pick up those gold plated lighters as this upgrade will also need some gold, so armed with your XO2 Tesla suits painted in a spiral and possibly filled with jetp.
Wonderer is ready to venture into Fallout 4's latest power armor starting in 2024, at least in my opinion, looking at the general stats of things, but comment below if you agree or if a different power armor works for you for some reason. or another, after all, Nuka t51 and Quantum x01 offer three agility points each, so there is a unique bonus for them and there are many other unique random bits scattered around the world that can also give you an advantage for certain builds different now whether we're reaching the end of the main story or any of the DLCs, so I've also done detailed breakdowns of the different outcomes of them and have a lot more Fallout 4 content still to come.
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