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Every Returning Character in the Fallout Series

May 29, 2024
The Fallout


has been home to a lot of interesting people, from freedom fighters to cowboys, from detectives to mutants, from preachers to a talking toaster. I'm online once again. Tremble. World. These games have really set the standard when it comes to compelling


s, but some


s are so good that the developers brought them back in later games after their first appearance, so today I'm going to tell you about each


character in The


. Fallout also before we start, please watch my Twitch. I also play Fallout there. let me penetrate, I'll penetrate whatever I want, friend, penetrate you, let's start in Fallout 3 at the end of the Brotherhood of Steel questline, you and the rest of the Brotherhood have been tasked with reclaiming the Jefferson Memorial and activate Project Purity after it was captured by The Enclave, how are we going to take on The Enclave when they have better armor, better weapons, and a stronger base of operations?
every returning character in the fallout series
It will be impossible to capture it. Well, I'm glad you asked Maxson because we have Liberty Prime, America's mascot. Damn the communists because Liberty prepares them here, so Liberty Prime is a giant robot that was originally created for the Great War by the US military before the great Kaboom was later found by the Brotherhood of the Steel and restored to its proper glory, the Brotherhood. In an effort to recover the project, Purity marched from the Citadel to the Jefferson Memorial to destroy them with the power of Liberty. The only problem is that he takes forever. I hate this years later in Fallout 4 if the player decides to side with the Brotherhood then you will be tasked with restoring Liberty Prime to take down the Institute or as I like to call them Enclave 2 the more horrible sequel with robots and at the same time Just like in Fallout 3, it's been around for as long as he's exactly how I remember him, sorry.
every returning character in the fallout series

More Interesting Facts About,

every returning character in the fallout series...

I'm getting really emotional, wow Patrick, that's great. I hope I can be as cool as Liberty Pride when I grow up. Oh, you wouldn't know. That? Yes, you become racist when you grow up. What happens in Fallout 3 when you visit? In the Citadel you can meet this cheeky little bastard called Squire Maxson. When you talk to him, you can see from his dialogue that he is a loyal member of the Brotherhood. He speaks as if he were reading a script. Hey? Maybe Liberty Prime isn't the real robot here. If you check his diary records, you can find out that his full name is Arthur Maxson and that he loves the Brotherhood and that he was raised by them and that it's not a dispute over robot design at all.
every returning character in the fallout series
Brotherhood Propaganda. What's also interesting about this kid is that he apparently is the last descendant of the brotherhood's founder, Captain Roger Maxson, but I'm sure that lineage will end soon because this kid is a loser. Fast forward to Fallout 4, if players decide to join the Brotherhood of Steel, they are introduced to their leader, who is none other. that Arthur Maxson himself, the boy we met in Fallout 3 is an adult and now leads this chapter of the Brotherhood under maxon's leadership, the Brotherhood has expanded from the Wasteland, the capital, to the Commonwealth. Maxson's new goal for the Brotherhood is no longer to help those in need, but to find technology and keep it out of the hands of those who may misuse it.
every returning character in the fallout series
He also has a distinct hatred towards demons and ironically towards robots, why do you hate robots so much? Maxin, maybe it's because you really are someone who knew. this cute little guy would grow up to be something like that. I must kill him now before we can cause any damage to the Wasteland. Oh yes, children are essential in this game, speaking of the Brotherhood, not all members are as loyal as Maxon is during the events. From Fallout 3 you meet Dr. Madison Lee, one of your father's scientific colleagues who works on Project Purity, then your father dies and you have to escape to the Citadel to flee the Enclave with Dr.
Lee and a group of random scientists with The Enclave chasing her. Trail Madison had no choice but to seek refuge with the Brotherhood. She helps them restore Liberty Prime, which sets up the events that ultimately led to the Brotherhood recovering the Purity project. She then stays with the Brotherhood for the rest of the game, years later until Fallout. 4. Once you arrive at the Institute, if you head to the advanced systems sector, you will find the much older and more cynical Madison Lee as the head of her division. It's funny because she tells you that she was tired of being used by the Brotherhood. she under Maxin's leadership and that the Brotherhood was no longer good for the Wasteland, so she joins the most evil faction in the Commonwealth.
The Institute takes people while they sleep, kills them, and then replaces them. My sister in Christ, you make no sense. Continuing with Fallout 2, if you head to the settlement of Broken Hills, you can encounter the town's sheriff, an intelligent super mutant named Marcus, as a former member of the Master Army. Marcus has a great story and well, I'll let him tell it. After the master and the tanks were destroyed, I kind of wanted to not have a place to go. One day I was attacked by this fool wearing power armor and that was Jacob from the Brotherhood of Steel.
He has taken some oath to destroy mutes. Oh it fought for a while, probably a day or two after a while we started laughing, what was the point and we became friends and left together, then other people started following us, I guess they thought if they weren't safe with a beauty and a Knight of Steel, security just wasn't going to do it. It turns out that Marcus and his followers built the settlement of Broken Hills in 2185, where Marcus acts as the town's sheriff years later in Fallout New Vegas. If you visit the settlement of Jacobstown, which is a city of non-hostile super mutants, you will be greeted by the city's mayor, Marcus, the same mutant you met in Fallout 2.
Marcus has been in Jacobstown working on a research project with a man named Doc Henry to cure the Nocturnals of their schizophrenia and make them as intelligent as he is talking about Doc Henry if If you rewind time to Fallout 2, you can find him in the new California Republic working in a clinic. Doc Henry is a former member of the Enclave who ran away because he felt his work was not appreciated and when you meet him, you will find him. who has been in his lab working on a new serum to create cybernetic dogs, help him in his research and he will reward you with your very own Pooch robot, fast forward to Fallout New Vegas and now resides in Jacob's Town investigating the long-running effects of the Stealth Boys on the brain of a Nightkin alongside Marcus, naturally.
The Courier can help the good doctor with his research and find the cure for the Nightkin. He also notes on the side: if you start the search, he is nothing more than a hunting dog, you will find out. that his own cyber dog Rex needs a new brain and the only man with the experience to perform such an operation is none other than Doc Henry after 40 years in the cyber dog business he still hasn't lost his touch but not cyber . or upgrades can equal the nicest boy in the wastelands, dog meat. This guy has been our loyal companion for 20 years when he first appeared in Fallout 1.
If the Vault Dweller heads to Junktown, you might find some sad, very wild dog meat. His owner was murdered by a local gangster, but if you feed him or wear a leather jacket like his previous owner, he will accompany you on your travels through the wastelands. Then in Fallout 2, if you head to the cafe in Broken Dreams, you can find a dog. meat during a special encounter and if you are using a monkey from Vault 13 then he can become your companion once again, also according to the wiki if the player has a low enough NCR reputation then Dogmeat will attack you damn , follow two.
Dog meat is a true patriot. Moving on to Fallout 3, if you head to the junkyard, you can find dog meat surrounded by dead raiders. It seems there was a fight in which Dogmeat emerged victorious, but his master died in the process, so you're the nice one. You're a lonely wanderer, you adopt him and this time he won't judge you for being evil like the dog meat from Fallout 2. You could slaughter an entire caravan and he'll still look at you with that adorable smile on his face, too if you have the perk. puppies, so no matter how many times Dogmeat dies, a new one will appear as a replacement and then fast forward to Fallout 4 and Dogmeat has changed from an Australian cattle dog to a German shepherd and can be found at the red rocket truck stop, it's a lot.
He is more useful in this game than in previous entries, as this time he can do tricks, he can find loot for you, and he even helps you locate Kellogg during the main quest line. So how did Dogmeat show up in games that take place years and years apart? All of Fallout 1 takes place in 2161, while Fallout 4 takes place in 2287, that's a difference of 126 years. Well according to the wiki


dog ​​meat is a different dog as there is no way a 126 year old dog is possible oh yeah sorry I forgot about you Rex. Even though they are all different in their own way, each dog is as good a companion as the last, which is why dog ​​meat is such an iconic part of the Fallout franchise in Fallout 3, if you head a little further down the line.
West, Lamplight, you will find a cave settlement made up entirely of children, yes that's right, these little ones have been fending for themselves this whole time without parental supervision. When you arrive at the door, you are greeted by McCready, the mayor of the city, as Mayor McCready protects his colleagues. and he won't let any adult in, however, if you have the kid in your heart, he will let you in for making a butt joke, oh yeah, you must like having such an attractive butt, you are so funny, why No? Fast forward to Fallout 4, if you head to the third lane like a good neighbor and head to the VIP section, you will find two gunners arguing with a mercenary after this argument, if you approach him you will discover that this mercenary is McCready from Fallout 3, already adult.
He has since left the small Lamplight and become a gunner, but after some moral disagreements, McCready left the group and that led him to the third rail. You can hire him for 500 caps, and if you do, you can travel with one of the best companions in Fallout 4. In Fallout 3, if you head to Girder Shade, you can find an attractive young woman named Sierra Sierra who is obsessed with nuka- cola and


thing related to Nuka Cola, his house is full of nuka-cola. souvenirs and she will give you a tour if you ask her, she offers you money if you bring her nuka-cola Quantum, so if you want to make some caps on the side this is a good side hustle, there's also this guy called Ronald who says if you two bottles of nuka-cola will give you double what Sierra pays, you see, he thinks that if he gives her the new bottle of Coca-Cola he will have a better chance of plowing our bean field, you are sick years later if you have the DLC Nuka World in Fallout 4, you can find Sierra near the market talking to a Raider about the whereabouts of some nuka-cola artifacts.
Damn, it looks like she's older today, that graphics update really did her good, she tells the player. that she is Nuka-Cola's biggest fan and offers the player the Cappy in a Haystack quest, which she sends you to search for several different pets throughout the park. Sierra believes that collecting them all will give her access to the secret recipe for Nuka-Cola. the real reward for completing the mission is meeting Nuka Cola's creator, John Caleb, oh my god, he's a floating head. Let's go back to Fallout 1998. If you head to Shady Sands, you can meet a girl named Tandy, the mayor's daughter.
You talk to her, she tells you about how bored she is with working at Shady Sands and gives the impression that she wants more in life than to live in a dirty old settlement like this. She is eventually kidnapped by the big scammers and depends on the Vault. inhabitant to save her once saved, she thanks you and you go on your merry way. Additionally, if you are a male Vault Dweller, you can plow the Beanfield. I say if you are a male inhabitant because if you flirt with her as a woman, she tells him awkwardly. You say that she likes boys, but I like boys, okay, excuse me, I have things to do, it's funny how in modern Fallout games your gender doesn't matter, you can date anyone, but in the games more old Fallout games depends on your gender.
You can meet someone years later in Fallout 2 Shady Sans has become a prosperous settlement now called the new California Republic. Their leader, none other than President Tandy, assigns you a mission to find some technology in Vault 15. The chosen one does as his president says and recovers the attack that is essential in the NCR's expansion northward, for which looks like President Tandy had done some pretty good things for the NCR, so her legacy will live on forever and, well, she even got a place in the NCR. ncr is a hundred dollar bill that talks about old Fallout games inFallout 1 and 2, a perk called the Mysterious Stranger was introduced.
If you were high enough level and your luck skill was high enough, you would occasionally see this guy appear out of nowhere in combat. to help you, however, if he died, he would be gone forever. The stranger in both games would have been a man or a woman depending on your game or the character's gender and there really wasn't much else to the stranger other than that lead-up to Fallout. 3 in New Vegas The Stranger completely changed as he would only appear in Vats if you had the mysterious stranger perk, no matter what level you were at, they made the stranger exclusively male and gave him a cool trench coat and a sweet hat Fedora he would appear before.
You had to finish off your enemy with a bullet from his revolver and then he would disappear before you had a chance to thank him. Damn, he ran away again. I wanted to ask him where he got the sick threads from him. Nothing else was added to the story afterwards. that until Fallout 4, when Grand Mechanic's idiot Nick Valentine was introduced, he was the idiot synth detective, you'll be like that, you might as well get the right make and model right, Nick seems to be the only person in the entire series who has recognized the existence of the stranger when the stranger appears and Vats, if you have Nick as a partner, he will spout dialogue like this, stop what's happening, stranger too if you look in Nick's files uh uh oh oh oh oh my God Nick, why what do you have these oh oh no, not those files?
In these files you can read about how Nick has been keeping an eye on the stranger and how there have been sightings of the stranger from the Commonwealth to the NCR, speaking of the NCR. They wouldn't even have existed if it weren't for the Vault Dweller's heroic actions in Fallout 1, think about it without the Vault Dweller President Tandy would have probably been killed by the Contras, not only that but the Master Army could have prospered . and killed the remaining humans, they may have also discovered a way to strike because, fun fact, super mutants can't reproduce anyway.
The point is that the Vault Dweller is one of the most important characters in the Fallout universe and his influence can be seen in each and every Fallout after Fallout 1. After completing the game, the Vault Dweller is He heads to the Wasteland to found the village of Arroyo and apparently that's where his story ends, except that in the worst Fallout game of all time, Fallout Brotherhood of Steel, there is a bar in Carbon Texas where you can find the legendary hero of the waste Master Killer the man the myth the legend the vault dweller what they reduced the vault dweller to a stereotypical alcoholic action hero if you told me that 30 years ago I would have shot you and sold your equipment for drinking money, Dude, that's stupid, after talking to him he gives you a quest to retrieve his trusty canteen from Vault 13, that's it, they ruined the Vault inhabitant in one go with this garbage game, wait.
Bethesda made this game non-canon, yes, now the man everyone wanted to hear about the most iconic Fallout recurring character of all time. Harrow, oh god, he's so ugly but he's such a good character. He's fine, he's fine, let's start from the beginning. So Harold was a child when the bombs fell and he survived in Vault 29, a shelter full of children and teenagers. Then, 13 years later, the Vault opened and he made a living as a traitor with a man named Richard Gray outside the Vault after a While Harold and his Caravan begin to be attacked by mutants tired of losing good people, he and his team trace the source of these mutants to be the Mariposa military base and vow to put an end to them, they traveled to the Mariposa military base and fought. long and hard on the mutants, but during the battle, Richard was thrown into a vat of fev or Force evolutionary virus and became the master, the antagonist of Fallout 1.
Meanwhile, Harold faints and wakes up in Wasteland, it seems that prolonged exposure to fev Vats turned him into good, whatever it is, Harold then went downtown where he is now penniless, homeless and homeless. You can find him in Fallout 1 on The Hub telling stories to get caps, so this is where it gets a little complicated, so now we jump to Fallout Brotherhood of Steel, which came out after Fallout 2 but chronologically takes place before Fallout 2. So , in Brotherhood of Steel you can find Harold in the city of Carbon. Harold is still homeless and doesn't play much of a role in the game either. a sapling growing out of his head, but more on that later, you can do a mini side quest to recover his missing body parts, but that's it for Harold and the Brotherhood of Steel, then fast forward to Fallout 2 Harold can be found in the town of Gekko, a city made up of ghouls where he is their leader.
The town is surrounded by the Poseidon power plant and when the chosen one arrives, Harold will ask them to solve the problem of the power plant in a mission. secondary school the head of the sapling also has a name now jealous his name is Herbert I talked to him when I'm lonely just kidding his name is Bob man Bob is getting pretty big I hope he doesn't turn into anything oh my god and now we get to Fallout 3 where Harold has been turned into a tree and worshiped by the Herald church as a God tree so what happened is that Harold traveled across the country to DC where he was overwhelmed by Bob and was rooted into the ground and turned into a tree and because it is a tree It caused the surrounding area to become a delightful Shrine, then some inhabitants of the wasteland came across it and began to worship it forming the Church of the Herald.
He asks if you can kill him and God, I mean, can you blame him? He is worshiped by a group of crazy people. and he can't move, plus he's a ghoul. I mean, is he a ghoul or maybe a mutant? I don't know, he wants us to travel underground and destroy his heart so he can die painlessly. I don't know, Harold wouldn't do it. it will be easier to just mm-hmm Hi guys, thanks for watching the video. I hope you liked it. I apologize for the lack of videos. I've been busy with school so it's harder for me to make time for YouTube, but I'm going.
To try to upload as much as I can again thanks for watching and have a wonderful holiday, bye.

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