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Wendy Maddie & Kaden Play Lego Motorcycle Racing Challenges

Jun 21, 2024
Wow, go, my


is the best, you share it if you want my


to go clean my room, okay, awesome, nice bike, Wendy, do you want a race? Yes, ready, ready, go, yes, I like your motorcycle, can I use it if you want to use it? my homework, eh, okay 4 - 2 = 2 You're done Wendy, here's your homework, you can use my motorcycle, thank you, I'm ready, bye, stop, hands up, give me back my motorcycle, what's here? Bye, Wendy, Wendy, I'll clean your room, oh yes, you can. use my motorcycle yeah safety first up time what time to return my motorcycle here you go and Legos Moto Lego wow my Lego oh no oh no my tire what happened Wendy I have a flat tire, I have tools, I have air, we appreciate it Kaden really a wed thanks Maddie no problem now you can use my motorcycle thanks I'm ready and Mary it's my turn bye Wendy can I


more with your bike?
wendy maddie kaden play lego motorcycle racing challenges
Do a challenge first, you can't get my balloon. I cat you, hey, I got your balloon, huh, I bought them, just kidding, I got all the balloons, I won, I won now I could use your motorcycle and kden, this is fine, thanks, bye, oo, I'll ride what happened Maddie , my motorcycle is old, don't worry, man, I have an idea, a train, can we go, of course, let's see Maddie's motorcycles? I like motorcycles, aome Yoo Maddie, did you like the train and the motorcycle? Yes, thanks angle R, but I like real M motorcycles. I have an idea. pick up the toys and I'll be right back, okay, hello, I'm looking for a new car, we have what you need, you have war motorcycles, yes, here we also have a quad, check them out.
wendy maddie kaden play lego motorcycle racing challenges

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wendy maddie kaden play lego motorcycle racing challenges...

I like this blue motorcycle. Madd goes. love it only $40 10 20 30 40 thank you very much bye bye bye many surprises I need a motorcycle try it Maddie or Wendy I have your motorcycle wow your motorcycle is great wow but something is missing Safety first I'm ready Mar can I use your motorcycle, okay, wow, kidding, it's quick, this is buying a motorcycle, what, guys, bye, wow, cool, uncle George, uncle Geor, hey, your bike is cool, thanks, I just bought it. Great, can I try it? Sorry, Janny, this is it. adults only hello, yeah, oh really, I can't do it today, how about tomorrow?
wendy maddie kaden play lego motorcycle racing challenges
So tomorrow you'll be busy, well, bye, oh, oh no, Jenny, oh, jeny, you can't use it, but I really want a bike, until it's cool. I know, but the size is for adults, kids can use them, ah, let's go find a bike for you, come on, come on, come on, come on, car for sale, car for sale, hello, welcome to my dealership, check them all my cars, what are you looking for, trucks, motorcycles, Nole mik, a bicycle, eh, I only sell cars not bicycles oh sorry Jenny come on let's go home ah guys wait here don't go H I'll be back wow a bite you said you didn't have it B was mine when I was a little kid wow, that's super cool Uncle Mike, thanks Jenny, take it, it's free, really, yeah, thanks Uncle Mike, okay Jenny, let's go home, bye, okay, let's start waiting, Jenny , you need to wear a helmet and knee pads.
wendy maddie kaden play lego motorcycle racing challenges
No, I don't want it, but Jenny, knee pads and helmets. stay safe here you have a cool J B Jenny let's


are you okay Jenny um actually I don't know how to ride a bike easily let me show you okay listen just keep the ball of the handle forward and put your feet on the pedals? and row, uh, what do you mean Uncle George? I'll be right behind you just following you so you don't fall. Okay, okay, Jenny, I'm behind you. Okay, Uncle George, watch out, Jenny, slow down, slow down, I'm going. Take your time, Jenny.
I don't need to go fast, okay, unless you go, there you go, huh, I thought you were behind me, no, Jenny, you really got it, uncle George, wow, that's great, thanks man, you're welcome, I'm very Late for school, what happened? to your car Uncle Jason my car is at the mechanics and they gave me this to rent now hurry up you're going to be late for school here sey first ready I'm going to be late wo wo wo W wo what happened uncle there are waffle blocks in the way. What are we going to do? Can we go around it?
Let's try. What's wrong with the horse? Dude, how about this way? I think the horse doesn't want to go cross country, come on, come on, yeah, it's okay, po C. Come on, Aunt B, it had to be today, what are we going to do now, man, stop, man, they need help, Let's see what we can do? Hey, our basket broke, we don't know how we're going to get all these vegetables home. ah, can I see your basket please, woo oh, thank you, thank you, come on, let's clean up, okay, we have to go, I'm going to school, bye, what's going on, horse, what's going on, where to go, hores, just get mad, wo wo wo, very good moves wait, Coursey, what's up?
Ellie might be late for school. She looks at that movement. What's happening? That horse is good at dancing. I know what the problem is. you, your horse is just hungry, oh, I'll be back here, here's the carrot for your horse, thank you, bye, thank you, hurry up, man, okay, the wheel, what wheel, do I have it? Ellie, wait, we have to stop the air leak, what should we use? give me a scar you got it thanks until we're fine thanks Ellie man I'm going to be late I only have 5 minutes wo stop, stop, stop, stop, but that's not red I'm sorry, I lost my red flag wait a minute, do you need that? yes, the tire is not leaking H if I fix your tire, can you give me the red scarf?
Can you fix tires, yes I am a part time mechanic, can you do it fast? I'm late for school, I'll have it fixed in a jiffy, all fixed thanks, thanks, okay, it's time to wait, there's traffic, Ellie traffic, I got it, we're here, good time, come on, let's learn some things, bye , to bring this back, dad, oh no, Maddie, uh, Maddie, you should be more careful, look. uh-oh sorry let me show you you can still fix it that's flp super duper good job Maddie now you can play come on yeah Emma look trash. Oh no, Ellie, no littering, hey, you made a mess with my M, no playing until you clean up. oh sorry wait you need to recycle look uh paper in the paper can and the classic yellow bit and the super duper red B alright Ellie now you can play thanks yay 3 2 1 thanks water uh AE wait Emma I'm playing with water stop auntie look uh-oh you left the water running I'm sorry you shouldn't waste the water Auntie you're right oh it's not right M we have to put it back together oh no my maze is water water oh I'm sorry Emma I'm sorry you kids I can not play now.
I have to rebuild. I am maaz. We can help like you help us. I can help too. Emma. Very good. I received some thanks. I got where you found yourself, super duper, don't forget to do your part for the planet.

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