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Alex and Ellie vs Thanos: Super Team Up!

May 14, 2024
oh, I want those stones to do my homework for me, all my homework is done with this. I'll never have to do your homework again, this is none of your business, we need the things that work hard, okay, you can keep them, oh, thank you. You alone can build a castle with those Legos, that's a lot of work, don't worry, we can do it, okay, come on, really, thank you, how did you do this? We work hard. Can we have a blue stone on our back? Please, it's okay. See, hey, he disappeared, we should get all the stones back, let's go again, why do you keep changing colors?
alex and ellie vs thanos super team up
We are finding Teamworks, although it is yellow, give us the stone bath, okay, here you go, let's catch this, you have to go through this hallway. blindfolded with the help of your


mate I have it all right amazing I have you Alex we can do it talk to a cup and I will destroy the stone left right right right oh how are you doing that almost there slow down what we did? It's Ally yay we did it ah well here you go hey you know something about the brewery it's gone again Ellie we're going to wait you changed your clothes again we're fighting The Stone of Bravery is red whatever you want The Stone of Bravery you have to be brave go and get it oh the stones in the portal go and get it I'm afraid I can do it abroad it's because we work hard we have


work and brave it's possible for me to work as hard as you I'm sure everyone can work hard here everyone goes It's time suitable for doing the task.
alex and ellie vs thanos super team up

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alex and ellie vs thanos super team up...

I'm Captain America, here you throw this. Okay, well done Professor, what is this? Well hello, I got it, drink this and head to Ellie's Bakery. Okay, oh no, what happened. Nothing seems wrong here. What happened here. Wow, hey, you can. I didn't park here and that's what happened, don't worry Ellie, I got it, I know, oh, I'll be right back, you're done, um, almost, what do you need? Anita, thank you, okay, I have to go back down. See you, thanks Jeremy, no problem. Eric needs help suppressor wait bye Danny I'm tired whoa you dodged it so easy of course I have spider son spider said yes help me dodge easily right now hello we have a situation here what do you mean it's better to show yourself? to tell you oh god we need help now wait ah okay mmm I should really use it I should really use it I should really use it it's too much I don't have time Jenny I have to open the garage hurry up okay, okay Max, where are you? new Iron Man vehicle let me scare the foreign situation don't try to explain just drink it now it's okay captain he's following the plan Captain Hook redirects all the burnt balls to Jenny and Johnny captures all the burnt balls in one word oh well, Ellie's Bakery exactly, what? are you ready? come on now Jenny, give him the move that was a distraction I'm going to drink it hahaha City what are we going to do we have no choice we have to use this wait what is that there is no time to explain well everyone fits together like this hurry up just do it right they have to use left arm, both of you keep going, we made it, yeah, uh, Spiderman, yeah, help, what's up?
alex and ellie vs thanos super team up
Wow, I'm the most powerful, don't make me laugh, okay, laughs, so we have to find the eggs. Emma, ​​it's okay, I'll help you. You, I'll go that way, I'll go that way, okay, how do you know? Look in America, yeah Captain, come on, where are our balls? Can you help? Yes, Emma, ​​did you hear that? Yes, let's move on. You're welcome. Come on, Emma. Wait, wait, I need to find iron, okay, no, this is my dinner, no, I don't know, I don't eat dinner anymore. I am so hungry. Wow, we have a fish for you. I already have dinner, thank you. bye, Linda pretends to please Spider-Man, cool, Hulk, come on, eh, wow, it looks like Linda and Manny are having a lot of fun, come on, Hulk, eh, Emma, ​​save us, dare to come to my house, he says the overpowered magician, when the time comes.
alex and ellie vs thanos super team up
The bright person will be able to say how do you know if your challenge passes, that will be the right person, oh okay, it's time for my vacation, now this is my challenge, organize these blocks, remember they are very heavy, yes, you are the person appropriate. I can't open it let me try Okay, can you dance like this? That's dancing look at this. I am a robot. Wow, that's great, but can you do this? We have to do something. Ah, everyone put your hands on the eggs. Okay, where are you? You will find out, be strong, yes, thanks for helping us, okay, it's time to go, everything is at peace, now we're going on vacation, yes, it's time for dinner, okay, bye, let's go with another form of


I'll keep this in a safe place, it's very cold.

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