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Ellie & Charlotte Tetris Tower of Teamwork Adventure

Mar 30, 2024
h w here let me help you it's like that not like that let me do it it's not like that let me go no, let me go Ellie don't play anymore until you can work together what eh ah I can find new blocks Ellie good idea. I'll be right back okay too small I can use these blocks these should work look I got shh the guy is sleeping okay come on okay let's try the guy is still sleepy let's try this one it doesn't work because you're doing it wrong no I do it You are doing. wrong, huh, I said don't play until you can work together, what are we going to do now?
ellie charlotte tetris tower of teamwork adventure
I know, uh, no, not in my books, awesome Charlie, I have something, look, we can try this, okay, wait, it has to be one color, why do we only need one block. but that's not how you play Tetris no, it's okay look, it didn't work Ellie, you did it wrong, no, no, kids, you have to work together, we know it well, now I'm out of ideas, come with me, Alie, wow , we. I can use these foax yes, that's why I brought you here wait, how are we going to get these there? uh aha, we can use them, yeah, the kids are working together, super duper, I think we have it all, come on, come on, I'll go first.
ellie charlotte tetris tower of teamwork adventure

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ellie charlotte tetris tower of teamwork adventure...

No, I'll go first, how about we take turns? Okay, but can I go first? Sure, what? Hey? It didn't work. Oh, I'll go, but you can catch it from below. Okay, come down, let's stay together. It's no use since you can work together you can play Tetris again yeah yeah we promise to work together this time we promise we promise team and perfect super duper here we go woohoo Ellie can you help me with some puzzles ? Sure, but after this game, why not now? I'm almost done, I promise, okay, Ellie Ellie, could you help me clean the kitchen?
ellie charlotte tetris tower of teamwork adventure
I have to make a delivery, okay, I'll clean up after this game, don't forget, I promise, okay, yeah, it was fun, Ellie, try to go, can I buy this? for the fun fair, yeah, sure, okay, see you at 3:00, okay, promise, bye, huh. I guess Ellie forgot about Ellie. I kept losing at the ski ball, you forgot your promise too. Sorry, I can help you now. Well, thanks for joining me, Ellie. You're welcome, what is that? Saint rushed to buy the pizza. He promised to help me clean. There is no time. Uh-oh, I forgot. I promised Uncle Ellie.
ellie charlotte tetris tower of teamwork adventure
I'm Emma. Hi, hi, Ellie. Are you on your way? Yes, for eh, oh no. I also made a promise. with Emma hey, where are you going Emma? where's your ski game? Yes, I can't wait to try it. She will be here soon. Will she arrive in time? heavy wait why are we doing this again? I promised Emma, โ€‹โ€‹remember, I think you made too many promises Ellie, wow, oh no, Ellie, you promised to clean, this is not clean, Ellie, when you make a promise, you have to keep it, you're right, I promise too. to help Emma too, as long as you learn your lesson now, what did you promise Emma?
Well, where is Ellie? The fun fair is almost over. Emma maybe next time. Oh, Emma, โ€‹โ€‹you did it. I want you to keep my promise. See you and you did it, thank you. I love the happy ending, good job Ellie, who wants to play? Oh yeah, I'll take turns. I want to try my Gumball game. Wow, I'll try it. Ellie, come on. I have a photo booed. I want to participate. I would like to keep it. your promises hey Wendy, I bet I can get through the web before you, okay, I timed, ready, set, go and time, what's my time, Wendy, here's your time, Alex, that's my fastest time, now it's my turn.
Okay, set, set, go, what's your time, Alex? buy my time Wendy, yay, go play another game, okay here we go again, okay Wendy, let's see who can throw the furthest. Well, this time I'll go first, here I go, good shot Wendy, wow, those are very good shots Wendy, now it's my turn, good shot. Alex, it looks like Wendy is the winner. You must have cheated somehow, Wendy, you saw me throw the ball, I threw the ball, no I didn't, hey, you two, can you please play nice, okay, okay, you two, Let's play a different game, okay, next. game, everyone, dad, yeah, ready, set, go, unle, Jason, tag me, Wendy, come on, AR TR, they're beating us, come on, Wendy, come on, come on, come on, come on, Alex, oh that was a good one effort, Alex, we did our best, no, if you could.
We're not moving any faster, we could win, oh um, I'm sorry Alex, I don't want to play anymore, okay, Aunt Amy, I'll go talk to him. I do not like lose. Alex feels disappointed after losing, it's normal, there are other ways. to express disappointment, but how man, let me tell you a story, uh, man, just another Flash, pay attention, not your point, Amy, let's go, no, yeah, I won again, I lost again, how do you win every time? You must be a cheater. What's not nice? I won fair and square, no, cheater, that's so bad of you, cheater, huh, what's up with the long face Jason, oh, it's nothing, grandpa Max, I'm a little disappointed, come on, let's play a game of foosball, it'll probably make you feel better, oh, it's okay, grandpa, oh, you're so good, Jason, so, so good, yeah, the score looks like I'm winning again.
Grandpa, great game, Jason. Why are you so happy? Grandpa, you lost. Feeling disappointed after losing is normal. What does that mean, grandpa? lose and be friends the game is no longer fun for either side oh I see maybe I was too hard on Aunt Amy you have to fail to succeed oh I get it now for another game Jason I actually have to go but thanks grandpa. I should go apologize to Aunt Amyy. I'm sorry for being rude to you before, you hurt my feelings. Uncle Jason, that wasn't nice. Yes you're right. Now I understand that what I did was wrong.
I shouldn't have taken out my frustrations. about you, glad you understand, apology accepted, let's have a bike race, uncle jason, okay, safety first and that's it, come on, no, yeah, wooo, i win again, great race, aunt amy, thanks , high five, yeah, well oh, so I understand now when I get angry or disappointed when I lose, I should take a break and calm down, that's right Alex, also losing is a good EXP experience, it will make you feel better Thanks man, I feel much better now. Great, are you ready to go and apologize to everyone? Yeah, man, hello everyone. welcome back Alex, sorry to everyone for my bad sportsmanship.
I'm sorry Wendy for calling you a cheater, it's okay Alex, I'm sorry Aunt Amy for blaming you when we lost, it's okay Alex, we're glad you're here to play with us. let's play our next game, everyone, yeah, to play this game. Throw the dice into the cube. Whoever has their face in the cube has to do the action. Looks like I'm going to go first in my turn. Yes, it will be Mar's team. Who will it be? Wy, this is easy but it's silly and fun, now it's my turn, oh I wonder who it will be, looks like Alex has to jump, come on Alex TR, your best frog jump, yeah, that's how a frog jumps, It's a bit of a silly leap frog.
I'm gonna be honest with you uh oh but I gotta slide uh I got the ble uh-oh looks like I gotta stop I gotta jump

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