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YTread Logo


Jun 07, 2021
So Rip's team invited us to the office. They are looking for a


. These guys do defense contracts. They do civilian training. All kinds of really sick stuff and they just remodeled it so we're here to check it out. I wanted to let it grow, but because of the covert thing we're going to have to keep it a little distant, but the founder, Dustin, has a pretty spectacular office, but the guy is living on a plastic table right now, so we're in the office from Dustin and as you see the plastic table doesn't cut it, but things like eight feet, so we're definitely looking for something big here.
we shoot a desk with bullet proof glass built in
A former army sniper, as you can see by the scope and the piece behind him, so a few other things. Biggest favorite color is dark green, yeah man, all the olive shades, all the muted colors, man, they are the way to go, they look better, so I sent some sketches and my thoughts are that we definitely need them. make something that to my eyes looks like a humvee or a military vehicle because we can and then, uh, and then in one of those calorie types, they make it super exclusive for you, yeah, uh, and then, and we go back and forth, I think that you get it right, absolutely man, that sounds amazing, dude, yeah, you know, this is actually kind of a gift from the team, you know, this wasn't even my idea, yeah, it's really a surprise, yeah, the team.
we shoot a desk with bullet proof glass built in

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we shoot a desk with bullet proof glass built in...

The team looked for you man, this guy is amazing, he builds cool things, you know, I have my family and friends, they have followers, they know who you are, they say, oh my God, this is what he's done, this is his background, it's truly amazing. person, you should see some of the things he


, so I had to go in and look and finally, you know, talking to a team that decided to do something nice for me, I said, hey man, show me what you're working on, you know what I don't want to, you don't want to get involved in this kind of personal situation, you know, where I work every day and I don't see it, yeah, and I don't know what it is, so they brought me into the equation and now here you are, man.
we shoot a desk with bullet proof glass built in
It's awesome to meet you and thanks for being here yeah I wish we could do a little more bromance but yeah because you can't even like that chess ball sucks but no my friend uh Brandon Rambaugh if you remember that we did a story with Lincoln Electric. A few years ago I taught him how to solder. An amazing guy introduced us, so I'm very lucky for that. We're definitely going to do some metal, some wood. I think I'm going to set some on fire and then. Make a couple of hidden functions for some things that might hide some things that should be hidden and this should be a pretty bad project, so now that I have an idea of ​​what Dustin is looking for and what they look like, I think.
we shoot a desk with bullet proof glass built in
In English I think I came up with a cool idea for a metal


that will look like what is called mrab an mrap if this is going to be sick so the first thing we need to do is weld a metal frame and before get into the next segment, i want to send a huge thank you to lincoln electric as you know lincoln has been a big supporter of the channel for years and they are my go to for anything welding with big machines like this guy. to just an all purpose mig tig and stick welder like this one, they have it all and if you are interested in getting into welding and want to up your game and your own skills by adding some metal to your projects I have everything you need to get started link below check it out review lincoln love them they are the best I love working with them and I really appreciate you sponsoring this build now let's get back to some chaos so now that we've cut out all of our pieces the first thing I'm going to do is lock in what it's going to be the front panel of this thing and then we'll get to all the panels


and then from there we'll put it on. all together okay kids so I'm pretty much making this up as I go the only thing that's a little different and I always say this about wood metal is that metal is an additive process and so you don't have to be so strict with your tolerances, so this panel weighs 50 pounds, how's your shoulder?
It has to come in here and to do it with the tolerance that I have, I have to relieve it on both sides, so what I'm doing is I'm just drawing a line and then I'm going to take that interior angle from there and I'm going to plot it on top of this on the bottom and then I'm going to trim it out so the next step now that John has gone ahead and put all these rectangles together is to put the shield on the desktop because we're going for that mrap look so it has to look tactical and awesome so you can't have that without armor, so what I'm going to do is jordan and I'm going to go ahead and figure out how to get it. these things are all centered and then we're going to go ahead and drill a bunch of holes and apply a bunch of bolts so the kids did a phenomenal job of drilling and drilling all the holes tap tap tap roo the next thing we need to do is get the inner frame assembly, we're keeping this pretty thin and a lot of you are going to be upset about how we're going to do this because it looks like it's not going to work structurally, but we think it will and We're going to stick with this, Dustin wants this to be pretty clean inside, no drawers, no storage, you don't like having places to put things because they get crowded and dirty, so keep this.
Smooth and efficient, we'll just build a frame to hold the top structure in place and then we'll start with that flat reference surface and start working our way up to the outer skeleton and hopefully at the end of the day we'll have a mock up desk frame and Then we'll test how bouncy and non-resilient it is and see if we need to add anything to make it stronger. So why is everyone always busy as soon as the giant heavy steel thing needs to be flipped? I mean, do you guys really have phone calls and other projects that you're working on?
But I think we're getting to a very good point. There are a couple of points I'm going to address with Bondo to smooth over. those corners because we want them to look really sharp and nice, overall this is very impressive, a little bit of bondo, a lot of paint, a lot of sanding, but it feels like a tank and it's going to look like a tank and I think that's what Let's do it, now that we have a skeleton or skeleton, we're going to have to start working on the cover. We are going to go with a Srigi maple top which I will have to glue on after ordering. more materials because I'm an idiot and I don't know math eh but we're going to start by just doing some cutting and some gluing and then we'll cut out our pieces and it should be fun come on the frame is fully assembled. and Sam just cleaned it, which means it's time to spray.
I'm going to use some Montana Gold because I want a flat matte black and I don't know how to do anything other than being a spray can aficionado. Let us spray the following. What we're going to have to do is make the logo logo removable, which means we're going to have to place it. Drill holes over here create brackets, weld a couple of bolts, run bolts through the back and then I can paint everything because they're all, there's three different colors just on the logo, it'll make it a little bit easier so I'm just doing a design, I'm tracing the logo where I want it on our sheet here and then from there we're going to cut a couple of holes and after those holes we're going to put our pieces back together and transfer the markings so we know where to weld the nuts on the back of these pieces so we can screw a bolt with a spacer through the back.
Sounds complicated. but you'll see what it looks like here in a second tipton I forgot we're naming this segment sam just the tip with john and sam okay so to transfer our marks what I did was set up the element or piece or whatever you want call it on the top of our part here where we trace it and then I go to the bottom with some spray paint and hit the hole and then it goes through here and we know where it's going to land instead of me trying to block it. If I touch it with a pen it will move on the top tip.
I have a surprise for these panels on the corner clips here on this thing and for this surprise to work I have to separate them a little bit. so we're going to build these little frames and then we're going to drop our open boxes on you, just be patient and follow me, oh and while you're at it, why the hell aren't you subscribed? I've been meaning to ask you. Many of you see this and I love you for it, why don't you subscribe? Hello, welcome to woodworking, today we are going to make things out of wood and they will be amazing, we have to move on. to the counter for this now cut a miter here flip this over glue it back in and then we have the last part there so just a little bit of sage and a little bit of this should be amazing when it's done so we're going to let that catch fire yeah fire fire oh new hoodies go buy one because they rule and it's cold outside you don't want your bites to get cold so they stick out no one likes that come on the top has enough time to dry uh so now we're going to cut this thing down to size and then set it on fire, come on, we're on site and the desk is ready, but it's not finished yet.
Dustin has a great idea to make this thing look crazy. I think you're going to like this, so this is the first thing I built and then shot something. I know it's hard for you to believe, but I think we missed all the mounting holes. He did very well. In fact, I think he got it right. one dead what do you believe in friend perfect perfect looks like yours now looks like yours yeah wait until we get the top and the logo everything will be fine are you ready yeah man how smart did you do the push ups? super excited, we're going to do something now, come see it, holy, oh my god, dude, that's some radical man, dude, I'm not gonna lie, I was kind of myself when we were filming it, but it looks like skill, it looks like murderer, wow, I don't.
No, I don't think so, I don't think anyone missed anything we talked about, you did a great job and I don't know if you saw the side, yeah, look at this, this is incredible, first of all it's incredible. and most of all because you did a great job building this man, but secondly, everyone who comes here and meets with me will be able to see the slaughter with firearms and you know what these soldiers go through and what it looks like to be. committed to small arms, man, it's uh, it reminds people what rit is, man, I mean, look, it's rest in peace, it's a living monument, yeah, I think it's, I mean, it really embodies what You guys are, um, in addition to bringing like I think.
It's a really cool image, one and two, I think it's going to go to a great place. I mean, what you guys represent, what you're doing is incredible. It's been a pleasure bringing this to life and I'm really looking forward to it. hearing about how many people can't stop looking at it in the future for you, that's amazing, thank you so much, sweet, yeah buddy, no problem, no problem, yeah, crowner, crowner, does that look good? Go get him a black chair, yeah yeah this is super legit. Looks good man, we stopped and thought this is probably the best thing we've ever done.
We talked briefly about a concept, I sent it off, and then when we got together, I think I think it's the culmination. The achievement is that




and that wouldn't happen if we couldn't like each other, you know, get together during the project, get to know each other a little bit and then bring something that has that little extra touch. to life, so I'm super excited, you're on your team, you did great, it's an amazing build, I'm proud to have you on this at our headquarters and I have to say I don't think I've ever had more fun. deliver something in my life, the food is amazing, I'm glad you like it buddy, yeah, thanks a lot, yeah, you're welcome, and that'll be a wrap on this.
I want to thank Dustin and his entire team here at Rip for allowing us to bring this. to life sam and i have talked about it and we think this is our best project to date. I want to know what you guys think, leave a comment below and lastly if you want to see a little more pew pew projects that I have. A full playlist heats up for you right here.

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