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IMPOSSIBLE Floating "Flame" Chair Build

Jun 07, 2021
So from what I can understand, Yins really liked the cave table and then you like the tensegrity


, so regardless of what you think about this one, I'm combining the two and we're going to


a tensegrity


. the cave, come on, so some of You've been asking me to make 3D models like all of our other friends here at the makerspace. Well, this is too ridiculous and there is no chance I can model this, so here is the concept of the chair, albeit like the cave table we are going to use. make some sides with some acrylic to hold it up, top, seat, bottom, armrests, all around, ridiculous glue and we'll do it all from a live edge slab, this is going to be difficult but I'm very excited.
impossible floating flame chair build
The challenge is to break up some wood, so now that we've taken a big slab of tree and turned it into smaller pieces like this, the intention here is to create a bunch of laminations and from those laminations I'll be able to sort. Assembling this chair, I've never done anything like this before and structurally I'm a little terrified. I think I'll be able to do it, so let's start with this part. This is my job. very rudimentary drawing for the arms that will be this part here, so we have to get a bunch of laminations that way to go up here and then create a kind of stabilized arm and then create parts to go down from that as well.
impossible floating flame chair build

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impossible floating flame chair build...

This should get interesting the hard part here is the arm okay so to do this I think what I need to do is paste this panel here okay so this is going to be our arm and then we'll sandwich it here okay , and then I'll be able to take shorter pieces, cut them in half and place them in between like this, going down and then that way I can let you know, hmm, carve the car there and this can be carved and I'll put some filler blocks. there just so I can reduce it, I think it's a good idea that will give me a strong enough arm and shoulder.
impossible floating flame chair build
Over here I'm just going to cut them in half, so let's glue them all together. these panels and something like sub panels and then put the panel together to make bigger panels before we get to bigger panels, we have to make smaller panels. I expect the scribbles to continue, never the swirls, so this will be a small panel assembly. that will then be glued to another large panel assembly when something is weird. I'm very lucky here, my gloves don't have to be perfect because I'm going to carve everything and the reason I'm gluing things this way is not long ways is because I'm going to carve things this way.
impossible floating flame chair build
I need to carve with the grain. Jordan, can I get some more clamps? Please, okay yens, so the next phase goes something like this. They are glue operations. I'm going to get weird and stop looking at my breasts. We have a new hoodie concept we are working on. The sleeves were a little tight for my big arms, but let me know what you think, if you like it, we'll probably throw it in. anyway, but I still want to know what you think we're going to do to him again, but we have to punch him in the face more 20 20 is trying to get us back, so let's get back to what's Important and


ing things.
I'm making the armrest here and I'm going to glue it in several places so that things work at least in my brain the way I want. This is our seat. Our seat will become outdated. here, okay, this is our armrest rail and this is our armrest, our armrests, we're just going to glue those things into pieces like this and then I'm going to add some more blocks so we can carve that thing. go down a little bit more and then we can start putting this thing together before we start making too many weird shapes. This is where the brain starts to turn to mush and this should be the part where everything is long here.
This will be the part that I really don't know what the hell I'm doing, but this is the part that will support the armrest. It will make sense here. I think when it becomes a real chair, you have to remember that Yinz must arrive. See the thumbnail before posting this. I'm working on this as I go, so for those ians following me at home. one, I appreciate and love you all for giving us your valuable time. Two, this is what we're working with. I have these things stuck. This is an armrest. The armrest needs to go down here because between the seat and the top of the armrest you need to have a maximum of nine inches of clearance there, but to do that I have to ease up a little bit. of these things first so that the stalagmites in my cave and the stockings and all those good things interact with each other, but before I do any of that I need to cut my woodwork because it is


to cut joints around things that are not square and because


, I mean it's possible, but it really sucks and gets unsettling, so let's cut these things down to the right size and cut out some joinery, so like I said before, to put our armrest on after gluing this on.
I need to relieve these parts. I'll do it while it's flat and then we'll cut out the seed container and date the seed container on our side parts and we could glue it on, so I'm pretty much just going to kind of like I've done it, I've done all of this, some just random, I know Bobby Duke is completely crazy but I wonder if that's how he feels on every project, he's just going crazy now that he's in clamps Let's work on this bottom of the feet stuff so we can use the materials properly . We're going to have to cut our curves with a band saw and then use them together in negative space.
Yes, that looks great. What do you think, Sam? we've got some parts taped together, let's do some magic while we're gluing everything together, we're creating the foot sockets here, because of the way I'm building this, I'll be able to carve all of these things into shape. we're going to get a little fit here I'm going to cut the pieces they're going to hold the seat they're going to fit perfectly there I'll be able to karate cut those things I'll put a piece on the bottom and then that's just going to be epoxyed. I want to place these sides first now for some glue, okay my good people, two things, a new product available, link in the description and stop staring at my tits.
Two, we have the legs. are dry or the feet or whatever we call these foot sockets, I'll start carving them while the rest of the seats dry and then we'll fart on the armrests and the backrest, so it's time to put on my spacesuit . I dropped my Festool in and everything is fine, so I have the bases ready. Luckily we ran out of clamps here and it's always lucky when the thing doesn't fall apart when you take it off the clamps, so the way I built it. I wanted to be able to carve it as it was all together instead of carving it into pieces, so that's what we're going to do.
I'll put on the old space suit and probably see the yen in no less than eight hours. Pray for me, okay kids, I hope you can hear me in my spacesuit. I may never take this off. I don't know about you, but I think we should start a trend here. Hashtag team space suit. I got a tooth done, although I went straight to my Nose, I was warned about that, but getting back to the project, I had to wait until I had these parts carved and molded before I could put the arms on because I want the arms to reflect a little bit, you know what's going on with my I probably shouldn't have other brands in there, eh, I want them to transform into each other.
This is starting to look more like


s and a lot less like a cave, so if the title was wrong, that's why if it's the same thing, that's why too. but don't blame me for getting nervous, you know what you signed up for so what I'm going to do is roughly cut that shape out on the band saw and then I have to figure out how I'm going to do it. to carve them right, so this is going in a very strange direction and I don't hate it, we're going to glue it on and then I'll finish the carving after it's assembled so I can get some cleaner. lines throughout, I think it looks pretty sweet, it's the most organic thing I think I've ever made and I've made some organic things with curveballs so I was originally going to float the back but I really like it, I like it the way this is taking shape, this is how things are going, so the back end will also have this like I don't even know what the hell to do.
Call this type of concept more and it's pretty easy to transform things once I have them glued together, so the back will have the same movement, so to make this a little more chair-like, we're just going to clamp. put it on these arms and I think it will work, we'll see if not then I can still cut everything out and go back to what I was originally going to do for those of you who are asking about something that has this. like a jankified squirrel ass assembly like this, we're going to reinforce everything after carving with screws and then we'll attach all the heads and then I can shape them so they look pretty, but I want to get the set.
I put it together first that way, I have a chance to see it in scale before I start adding fasteners, also when I carve, I don't like to add fasteners until I absolutely have to, because if I carve through a fastener, then you can see. whether it's a domino or a cookie or something like that these are all in the plans yeah the other one so I can't wait for you all to want to build one of these because I'll get someone to do it yeah I think that It will happen. to be a little bit better option, it didn't crumble or fall apart overnight and that's always a goal here, so we're going to take this out of the clamps, continue carving and shaping, get the final sanding and then seven days when I'm done sanding we might be able to put some finishes on this thing but I'm really excited this is going to be amazing we're in the final stages we're going to cut off the foot the feet the legs the things that are going to hold the chair and then we have to assemble it and then we're finishing up and this thing should be ready to look terrible or mine blow up but first let's cut this 500 sheet of acrylic so I think as far as carving goes we're good I like how You see this and almost everything else that's left doesn't require much skill, but speaking of skill, I'm going to thank this week. sponsor Skillshare Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes and courses for all things creative.
You all know that I love to completely crush and dominate whatever I put my time and effort into in life and one of those things that I love is productivity. Skillshare for your productivity course is something I dove into with Thomas Franks and it's been amazing, it's really helped change the dynamic of our business and my life and as I love Skillshare and Skillshare, I love the guys at Yin , the first thousand people who click the link below get Premium. service on Skillshare, which is absolutely amazing, so stop being complacent, stop taking your time trying to get better at things, put some time and effort into it, sign up for Skillshare, smash that link below and smash it out the box with this black chem aqua. a lacquer, if you ask me in the comments what color or what the finish is, I won't answer because it's there, rewind it, watch it again, let us spray, so this thing has drastically gone from a cave chair to a flaming chair of a complete absurdity. and I love it.
The last thing we need to do is


polish our acrylic, which is pretty awesome, join me, so to keep them in place we just pour some epoxy in there and now to screw them in, that's going to be it. A summary of this, guys, this turned out awesome and spooky and usable because I'm using it right now for our next project. It's going to be crazy if you want to see another crazy project, click here or subscribe to see whatever. What the heck am I about to do with this epoxy cube?

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