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Unearthly Encounters | ALIEN ABDUCTION: THE STRANGEST UFO CASE FILES | Beyond Belief

Jul 01, 2024
(exciting, upbeat music) (tense music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music continues) - Is Armando Zurbarán's



encounter one of the most important in history? Certainly one of the most detailed, rather than simply being aboard an otherworldly vehicle under duress and tied to a table before being returned a short time later, Zurbarán's encounter would span several days and see him Experience life aboard the spaceship. in the same way that the extraterrestrial crew would do. According to the story, in the early hours of a January morning in 1954, around 2:00 am, Armando Zurbarán was driving on the highway between Mexico City and Acapulco heading to a meeting with a business partner the next day.
unearthly encounters alien abduction the strangest ufo case files beyond belief
He hoped that, if he drove during the night, he would arrive at his destination just before dawn. As he advanced along the winding paths, he suddenly began to feel intense tiredness. In fact, rather than feeling tired, he began to feel as if he was falling into a severe state of torpor. Worried about losing control of the vehicle, he pulled it over to the side of the road. He took a moment to refocus and then raised his head toward the windshield to take off again. However, in front of him was a scene that he couldn't believe. A short distance from his car was a brightly lit object in the middle of the road.
unearthly encounters alien abduction the strangest ufo case files beyond belief

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unearthly encounters alien abduction the strangest ufo case files beyond belief...

Even more alarming, several strange men, each wearing the same type of clothing, were standing on the path outside the object. He stood in his car watching the scene in front of him, then not remembering how he was suddenly out of the car and walking towards the glowing ship. On either side, a strange man apparently guided him toward the object he stepped on. As he looked around inside a futuristic vehicle, he blurted out a question asking why they had chosen to take him. To his surprise, one of them responded. They told him that he was neither the first nor the last person to be taken from the earth for examination.
unearthly encounters alien abduction the strangest ufo case files beyond belief
He added that they always tried to choose the best people to convey his message to the general population. After going over various details of his life, which he claimed were displayed on a television-like screen in front of him, one of the strange men walked him around the ship. They told him that during this walk he was free to ask any questions he wanted. They also informed him that they were no longer on Earth but were traveling through space. Zurbarán would remember several specific details of his conversation with this apparent extraterrestrial entity. And what's particularly interesting is that many of the details of the ship's propulsion and how it traverses space resonate very well with the whistleblower testimony that would come to light decades later, perhaps most specifically that of Bob Lazar.
unearthly encounters alien abduction the strangest ufo case files beyond belief
Zurbarán would offer, for example, that the ship he was in worked through a gravity repulsion system. This system would scan the space in front of them and then dissipate any objects in its path. He would then bend spacetime before releasing it again, which would move the ship with the section of space that had been folded towards it. In total, he would spend several days aboard the ship, eating, sleeping, and washing as the crew did. For example, he would claim that the ship's shower system was akin to being covered in hot air that slowly increased in strength before changing to a cushion that permeated the skin.
Liquid soap was then applied to the body and sandblasted dry, leaving the body clean. He further recalled that his overall diet was very similar to ours and featured a combination of vegetables, starches, and grilled meats. They also drank many different fruit juices and ate one particular fruit that was similar to mango. What is perhaps interesting about this last detail is that some researchers, perhaps most prominently Timothy Cudd, have claimed that many UFO




s, examining and sampling many plants, particularly those that process fruit. Could it be the fact that fruits apparently occupy such an important place in their diet?
Another detail that suggests Zurbarán offered was that provisions for the crew would reach the ship through telepathy. Essentially, they would think about what is required for them to exist. Again, this had echoes of the legends of Tarr, the ancient Egyptian creator god, who was said to have imagined the world into existence and did so from a wingback chair. Could the couch have been some type of advanced technology that transformed thoughts into physical manifestations? We must also take into account some of the recent findings in quantum physics that revolve around the notion that particles do not physically exist until a person physically observes them.
However, there were more even more mind-blowing revelations. They would talk to Zurbarán about an ideology of collaboration over competition. This has led to 3000 years of utopia in his society. More interestingly, this was largely due to the teachings of the beloved number nine or the teacher. What's interesting about this mention of a beloved number nine is that during the United States government's channeling experiments under Project Penguin, they claimed to have made contact with an otherworldly entity. From the ends of the cosmos, called the nine, it was an eternal presence that watched over humanity. Was this the same entity as the beloved number nine that Zurbarán's kidnapper spoke of?
After several days in space, Zurbarán was returned to his car on the side of the road. To his dis


, he had spent no time on Earth. Not sure what to do, he continued on his way to his pre-planned business meeting, which continued as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, which, of course, for everyone else it hadn't. Surprisingly, a second incident occurred 15 years later, in 1969, on the outskirts of Mexico City. According to the story, Zurbarán stopped on the side of the road to give a ride to a hitchhiker. To his surprise, the individual revealed himself to be one of the crew members from his encounter a decade and a half earlier.
Unfortunately, that is all that is known about this second meeting, without further details being recorded. However, it is an encounter that was clearly instigated by the aliens themselves. Another example of a targeted and pre-planned intervention. We could contemplate how many other times these meetings have taken place, meetings that Zurbarán simply does not remember. There are several intriguing details and points that we can extract from Armando Zurbarán's


. Of course, it is unknown if he was intentionally targeted by these otherworldly beings and if he managed to spread the message of the aliens in addition to talking about the encounter with him.
Perhaps it is some of the details omitted from the story that give it greater credibility. The home planet of his kidnappers was not mentioned. For example, at a time when many alleged abductees claimed to have contact with beings from Venus or Mars. He also made no effort to profit from their encounter or, more specifically, the supposed messages from these aliens, something a charlatan would surely have done. Could we assume that many others like Armando Zurbarán have been kidnapped by these same aliens? We should also note that the aliens in this tale are decidedly human-like and look nothing like the gray alien entities that would figure so prominently in alien



s from the 1970s onwards.
Could we then deduce from this, as many researchers, investigators and whistleblowers have posited, that multiple races of extraterrestrial beings are visiting Earth and have been doing so for some time? And what should we make of the mention of a master entity, a beloved number nine? At the time of Zurbarán's encounter, knowledge of Project Penguin's channeling experiments, much less what was revealed in them, was not in the public arena. Could these aliens living in a utopia under the guidance of these nine attempt to bestow similar values ​​on humanity through the teachings and then subsequent interactions of the abductee?
We might also contemplate accepting that these human-looking aliens and the gray aliens are completely different civilizations. If there is a long war going on, one that has been raging for thousands of years, and that is for the minds or even the souls of humanity. Legends of good versus evil and even angel versus devil perhaps take on new meaning when viewed with an extraterrestrial presence in mind. Could it really be that humanity is part of a cosmic battle that has been raging for longer than we can imagine, with ourselves at the center, for reasons even we can't fully understand or appreciate?
Has this constant war been dismissed as legends and tales of heaven and hell and God versus the devil? In fact, it may turn out that Armando Zurbarán's account and others like it are of much more importance than even some UFO researchers might imagine. They may not only have a lot to tell us about the issue of UFOs and aliens, but they could also reveal a more complete picture of our history, our present, and the true nature of our collective reality. (dramatic music) What makes Erwin Lohre's alien abduction particularly intriguing is the amount of detail usually found in paranormal


s of hauntings and poltergeist activity.
At the same time, he largely suggests an organized abduction program in which a person is perhaps abducted several times during his lifetime and which uses alien implant devices to monitor and apparently attack those who decide to abduct. In the early hours of March 9, 1993, shortly after midnight, Erwin Lohre was sleeping with his wife in his home in northern Germany when he woke up due to a sudden, intense pain in his lower back. column. He would venture out of the bedroom and find a strong painkiller before returning to bed in an attempt to get back to sleep. However, when he returned, his wife was also awake, and what's more, they could both hear a strange humming noise that apparently came from outside the house.
A sound that Lohre would later describe as metallic. As the couple continued trying to locate the source of the sound, suddenly a bright round object became visible in the sky through his bedroom window. The object hovered a short distance away, just above the nearby trees, and was so bright that the entire street, including his house, was now flooded with its bright neon-like glow. Stranger still, when the husband and wife looked out the window at this truly curious aerial anomaly, each noticed a strange and unpleasant metallic taste taking over their mouths. At that moment, Erwin went to get out of bed once again.
However, when he did so, he realized that he could not move his legs. He turned to his wife and the confused and frightened expression on his face told her that she was experiencing the same thing. Then, as they sat helplessly on his bed, a yellow light began flashing outside his house and he continued to flash for about 30 seconds. Then the light stopped and the disc-shaped object suddenly began to move, quickly passing by his bedroom window and disappearing into the distance. Almost immediately after the ship had left, both Lohres were able to move again. Now unable to sleep, each of them got out of bed and discussed what they had witnessed.
However, about half an hour later, the curious humming noise returned. This time, however, the sound was coming from the back of the house. They both ran to the back bedroom window. As they looked outside, they could see the disk-shaped ship just several hundred feet away and heading straight towards them. As it approached, they would remember how its silver exterior glowed with all the colors of the rainbow, while at the bottom they could see three bright lights shining downwards. The futuristic ship continued towards them, then, when it was a few meters away from colliding with their property, it simply evaporated as if it had dissolved into thin air.
Just like that, it disappeared. The couple looked into the night. Now everything was peaceful and serene, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Each of them contemplated exactly what they had witnessed. The next day, Erwin would contact the local newspaper and provide details of what he and his wife had seen and experienced the night before. The newspaper published a story of their encounter the next day, prompting 25 other witnesses to contact Erwin to tell him that they too had seen a similar object that same night, including an entire bowling team returning home after a game.
Given the large number of corroborating witnesses that something strange was happening in the city that night, there was no possibility that the incident could be attributed to a joint hallucination between Erwin and his wife. However, it is frustrating that while the other witnesses were happy todiscuss their sightings with Erwin privately, neither wishing to talk about them publicly and put them on the official record. Dr. Hattwig, a UFO researcher who had heard about the case, would ask Erwin if he believed that he had been intentionally targeted by the UFO. He responded that he believed he had an offer floating just outside the bedroom window as if the occupants knew exactly where he was.
The events that would follow the sighting would seem to confirm this, and were truly strange and disturbing events. The day after the incident, around 4:00 pm, while he and his wife were watching television with his young daughter, there was a sudden flash, as if a photographic light bulb in the room had turned on, followed by a crunch. That same night, around 10:00 p.m., a loud and ominous bang was heard coming from one of the closets upstairs. When Erwin went to check it, opening the closet doors, the banging suddenly stopped. There was nothing in the closet except clothes.
However, shortly after closing the doors and leaving the room, the disturbing knocking began again. These types of eerie occurrences continued intermittently for several weeks. Erwin would also suffer increasingly intense pain in his lower back. Then, by chance, one morning he noticed two strange marks right at the base of his spine. When a doctor examined these marks, two black dots were seen under them. He was scheduled for a CT scan to examine the marks more closely. However, before the procedure could continue, the two black lumps emerged from his back. Erwin attempted to preserve them so they could be examined.
However, the next day, each of them had vanished into nothingness. It should be noted that this detail of implants that dissolve shortly after being removed or having fallen from a person's body appears in many other cases related to these extraterrestrial devices. Erwin Lohre, despite everything that had happened to him, declined the opportunity to undergo hypnotic regression, and while it is understandable that some people do not wish to unlock and lift their brain as if it were hidden from them or they simply do not trust the authenticity of With such procedures, it is perhaps a shame that any possible additional information is locked away forever.
What happened to Erwin Lohre that spring night in 1993? Was he the victim of an alien abduction if the night of the sighting wasn't at some other time in his life? After all, someone or something had to have placed the strange black devices on his lower back. Could the kidnapping have taken place before he woke up to get the painkiller and could the other encounters have taken place as well? We might remember that Erwin firmly believed that the UFO had targeted him specifically. We might also contemplate why a presumably highly advanced alien race from us and elsewhere in the universe would be so concerned about very specific members of the human population.
In fact, why do they seem to target certain people and have little interest in others? Could it be a certain blood group, a certain level of general fitness or perhaps simply after random selection, a person is tracked and kidnapped repeatedly throughout their life? Or could we discover that Erwin's family, going back generations, has also been the victim of an alien abduction and that he is simply the latest in the long line of studies and examinations dating back to his first unfortunate ancestor when he began this strange program and what should we do about it? the many paranormal incidents that occurred after the sighting of the apparent alien plane.
Could the electrical interference with appliances and gadgets have something to do with the strange implants that have been placed in Erwin's lower back or could the UFOs and their occupants have a more paranormal explanation than many of them might think? ? Why, for example, did the disk-shaped object appear to dissolve into the air? In the same way that people might describe a ghost or spooky manifestation that disappears before their eyes. Could what we know as ghosts, UFOs and aliens exist and come from the same realm of existence? Above all, we might consider what the agenda and ultimate goal of the apparent alien race behind Erwin Lohre and counterattacking him is.
And what it could mean for humanity as a whole. Why do they follow people with strange devices inserted discreetly into their bodies? Devices that seem to dissolve when removed, leaving no evidence of their existence. Are these interventions for our benefit or might we find that the agenda is much more malevolent, a discovery we are perhaps in danger of making too late if we fail to understand and decipher encounters like that of Erwin Lohre and many others like this that continue to happen today? (dramatic music) Was an entire family kidnapped from his vehicle on a lonely highway somewhere in Georgia while traveling from Tennessee to Florida in 1968?
The Falcon family, a father, mother and their four-year-old son Celestian were traveling from Tennessee to their new home in Florida. The result of Celestian's father's sudden transfer to the Sunshine State by the military. As they drove down the highway somewhere in the state of Georgia, Celestian noticed a strange bright object in the sky following them no more than 200 meters away. The young man observed the object for several moments and when he heard his mother let out a high-pitched scream, he realized that she had seen it too. At approximately the same time, the object began to approach his moving car.
Celestian noticed that there were several large red lights on its bottom half, while on the top half there was a paler glow that seemed to emanate from several windows. He also noticed how other motorists were accelerating to get away from the strange object or even making U-turns to go in the opposite direction. Everything except a vehicle that stopped on the side of the road a short distance away. As Celestian observed this car, he noticed that the engine of his own vehicle had suddenly shut off and they stopped a short distance away. He noticed his father looking in the rearview mirror, observing both the dark object now floating a short distance away and the other motorist behind them.
With that, his father took his gun from inside the glove compartment and opened the car door. The instant his father stepped foot out of the vehicle, the object moved from where it was directly above him. His father ran back into the car and tried to start the engine several times, but each time failed. While this was happening, Celestian's mother pushed him further into the back seat telling him to stay still and not make a sound. However, even from where he was sitting he could still see clearly out the rear seat window of the vehicle. He could see the other car that had stopped on the side of the road just before them and noticed that the motorist, like his father, had also gotten out of his vehicle.
Then, out of nowhere, several strange alien creatures, each about 5 feet tall, approached and surrounded the man. Celestian watched as the unfortunate man struck one of the creatures with what appeared to be an iron tire. Before he could make contact, one of the figures touched his body with a strange silver prod that clearly and immediately paralyzed him. They then proceeded to wrap the man and his girlfriend in strange silver blankets before sending them into the air and onto the waiting ship. As he watched the scene unfold from a short distance away, a bright pink light suddenly shone on his own car.
A moment later, the car door opened and a strange looking hand entered. At this point, Celestian fainted. When he woke up he seemed to be inside the spaceship and the most worrying thing was that he had been separated from his family who remained together in another part of the room. He could still hear his mother screaming hysterically. The next thing he knew, a reptile-like alien was carrying him down the stairs to another large room. This one had large windows on one side and a lighted operating table in the middle. When he managed to look out the window, he could see the roads he was driving on outside.
However, when he looked back at the room, he was met with a particularly gloomy sight against the walls; even beneath the windows he could see row upon row of jars containing human fetuses. There were also several doors leading to this main room for reasons he couldn't understand. He knew that these rooms were cold storage rooms like refrigerators. He realized that his family had also been brought to this room. Her mother, still very hysterical, was placed on the table and a large silver needle was used to inject her. She instantly calmed down. Before Celestian could see anything else, the reptilian creature pulled him out of the room and through one of the waiting doors.
Upon entering this room, he narrowed his eyes at how bright it was. He could make out more reptilian creatures that were apparently carrying out activities near a control panel. However, what worried the young man most was what he could hear. He could hear a woman screaming in a room next to where he was, as well as a man's screams for help saying that we were being attacked by monsters. While this was happening, Celestian noticed that the two gray alien creatures had entered the room. Interestingly, each one wore a NASA-style space suit with helmets on their heads.
Even stranger, a human in a dark suit also appeared. At this point, Celestian was on the verge of mental breakdown. This mysterious man began to speak to the other creatures in the room, although he seemed to do so telepathically. What is particularly strange was that Celestian could also hear and understand this telepathic communication. From what he could remember, the alien entities were searching for an alien device that had been lost in the muddy swamps of Georgia. She remembered that they had found part of this device, but a section was still missing, so the human ordered another search.
Celestian was taken through several rooms before finally stopping in a particularly busy part of the ship. All around him there was a hive of activity, as if some kind of emergency were occurring. He gathered more bits of information, mainly that his ship had been discovered and that someone was on the way to destroy it. At this point, Celestian felt a true wave of panic course through him, a panic that he thought he had picked up from the ship's own occupants, another voice directly in his head saying that whoever was on the way was getting closer. Then a video of two US Air Force fighter jets appeared on a screen on the wall.
Several of the creatures turned to look at the screen. Celestian would later remember that he was so close and detailed that he could clearly see the pilot's faces through the cockpit glass. He could also sense that these planes were approaching the alien ship and their intention was to attack and destroy it. Activity exploded around the young man who was simply standing in the room observing what was happening. Meanwhile, fragments of telepathic communication between alien entities passed through his mind. They planned to go back in time 40 minutes before the radar detected them and thus avoid the subsequent confrontation.
Suddenly, one of the entities grabbed Celestian and tied him to a silver table. They must have given him some kind of injection since he passed out a moment later. When he woke up, a human in a suit was standing over him and he and his family were being led back to his car. Although he wasn't sure, he had the impression that several experiments had been performed on him while he drifted in and out of consciousness. While sitting in the car, his parents seemed to be in an apparent trance state. Things remained calm for several moments before his mother and father seemed to snap back into the moment.
Her mother immediately began screaming, urging her husband to step on the accelerator and get them out of there, which she surely did. When Celestian looked out the back window, he could see the object rise into the air and disappear into the sky. As the years passed, his parents refused to talk about the night in question or even acknowledge that it had ever happened. However, strange incidents would continue in the family home, including the sudden appearance of gray alien entities that would appear in Celestian's room in the middle of the night as if they had broken through the bedroom wall.
During these encounters, his parents would often wake up in a light trance-like state similar to the one they were driven back to their car after his kidnapping. And on one occasion, a neighbor even claimed to have seen a strange object floating above his house. It would appear that Celestian was the subject of repeated alien abductions for some time after that encounter.initial on a lonely Georgia highway. If the Falcon family alien abduction is true, it gives us a lot to consider, among other things, that a systematic and planned abduction program is being carried out for reasons unknown to us and, what's more, there appears to be a human presence in these abductions.
Even more notable is that these alien entities featuring both reptiles and large alien creatures have the apparent ability to time travel. How many times could this have happened? Could this explain why these strange ships are there one minute and gone the next? However, above all, we have to ask ourselves what is the ultimate goal of these apparent systematic abductions and will they be for the benefit or detriment of humanity? (dramatic music) Did a woman suffer an attempted kidnapping by invisible aliens in France in 1950? Literally, an encounter known as the Case of the Black Hands is undoubtedly one of the most baffling and thought-provoking accounts of alien abduction on record.
It is also unique and an encounter that does not fit other claims of extraterrestrial interaction of both the period and the modern era. According to the account, around 4:00 pm on May 19, 1950, an unnamed woman was near the Loire River at Cours Les Barres in France when she noticed a bright star-like light moving across the sky. She continued to observe this strange aerial anomaly until she suddenly stopped. She remained motionless for several moments before rising into the sky, stopping and remaining still once more. Then, emitting a light flash, the object disappeared into the air at high speed. As perplexed and intrigued as she was, the woman mostly forgot about the incident.
That was until the next afternoon, when she was walking along the river once again, she witnessed a similar light moving over her head exactly as she had done the previous afternoon. This time, however, the light would come much closer to the woman. In fact, the light came so close to her that it almost enveloped her completely. Then things got even stranger and decidedly more sinister. To her surprise and


, the woman saw two black gloved hands emerge from the light and approach her. She noticed that they had a yellow tint and seemed very strong. They stayed where they were as if ready to catch something thrown at them.
As she continued to stare at them and for reasons she didn't understand, she began to walk towards the light. Almost as soon as she did so, her hands with no visible arms reached out and grabbed both sides of her head and did so violently, squeezing hard on each side and shaking her head and her entire body at the same time. and a shake of it. motion. At one point, her head was pushed forward and she felt herself hit an invisible torso, but one that seemed to be made of iron instead of flesh and bone. At the same time, she could feel the air around her becoming increasingly colder as she began to squeeze his head once more.
Her fingers that felt particularly cold and inhuman covered her eyes, nostrils, and mouth. She struggled to breathe and began to panic a little. She then felt something like lightning pass through her. She suddenly began to rock back and forth and had the impression that her black hands were carrying her somewhere. The arms to which her hands were apparently attached remained invisible to her, and she could almost definitely feel them against her shoulders. It was at that moment that the distraught woman began to hear a strange muffled laugh that while it sounded like it was coming from a relative distance, she assumed it was coming from her invisible attacker.
Without warning, they suddenly stopped. A moment after she felt a blow on her back that seemed to come from an invisible knee, so strong was the blow that it forced her to the ground where a pressurized force immediately landed on her and forced her to lie down. . After a moment or two, she moved this time being dragged along the ground. This continued for several moments before they stopped once again. After several seconds, she heard a voice speak in French. She said, "There it is, we have it." Another voice answered, but this one was too muffled and too far away for her to understand what she had said.
Before she could contemplate anything else, she found herself being dragged along the ground once again. This continued for some time and she panicked again. Just when she thought she was about to lose consciousness, the dragging stopped. She was free from the invisible grasp and found herself lying alone in the middle of a field. She quickly checked her purse and discovered that all of her money was still there. So robbery was not the reason for this dark attack. She then stood up, brushed herself off, and quickly scanned her surroundings hoping to find a person who had dragged her here to be staring at her.
However, there was no one else there and she was completely alone, or at least she thought so. Just when she was beginning to think that her strange experience was over, she noticed a section of grass in front of her pressing down as if an invisible foot had just stepped there. She braced herself waiting for an invisible grip to grab her. However, nothing else happened and all she could hear or feel was the wind blowing around her. She looked at herself and realized that she had cuts and scrapes on her arms and legs. While she could feel what seemed to be a burning sensation on her back, what is it more?
All of her muscles ached and she had a bitter metallic taste in her mouth. As she looked around her, she noticed a light in one of the houses by the river. She headed there. However, after taking only a few steps, a blinding white light flashed before her eyes. She wasn't sure what had happened, but she had the impression that something had just taken off from the ground nearby and was rising into the air at high speed. Now extremely scared and confused, the woman headed straight to her house. She would later report the encounter to local police.
A search of the field where she had been found revealed strange burn marks on the ground and several of the trees had suffered considerable damage. However, despite these findings, no satisfactory explanation was offered as to what had happened to the unnamed woman and the case remains unsolved. What exactly could have happened that night? There are several possibilities that we can consider. Could it be that this unfortunate woman was the victim of an attempted alien abduction? If this is the case, why wasn't she put aboard a futuristic ship like many others who make such claims? And if aliens were behind this strange and disturbing attack, for what purpose was it carried out?
It seemed that no experiments or communication took place. In fact, the entire episode seemed to revolve around the testing of some kind of technology that allowed someone or something to have the ability to physically take control of someone from a distant destination. Could we then consider that her executioners that afternoon near the Loire River were not extraterrestrial in nature but human? We might remember that the witness heard someone speaking in her native French saying that we had it. Could this suggest that she was the unwitting participant in the testing of some kind of futuristic technology, one that allowed a person to physically grab and then control someone from afar?
We might also remember that although the witness could clearly hear the voice of who she assumed was her attacker, the response she heard was muffled and apparently much further away. Could this also suggest some kind of remote technology with some kind of strange outer body remote control experiment being carried out from a secret location many miles away? We know, for example, that remote viewing has been the subject of studies by various intelligence agencies around the world for decades. Could it be that this encounter with the black gloved hands was another branch of these experiments, allowing for some kind of physical interaction?
Or is it possible that those behind the attack on this mysterious woman were not aliens or humans but beings from another dimension? Could the light he witnessed, a light that grew much larger as it approached, have been the result of a portal opening and therefore allowing an interdimensional creature to reach from his realm of existence into ours? , and if so, was this an intentional crossing of dimensions on his part or something that was a one-time opening of such doors? Of course, regardless of who or what was behind the attack, perhaps the most important question would be for what purpose was it carried out?
Was it simply an opportunistic attack or could an agenda have been followed that those who have investigated the case are simply unaware of? The fact is that we are unlikely to ever know what happened to the anonymous woman in France on that spring afternoon in 1950. Yet the story continues to fascinate researchers today, nearly three-quarters of a century later. And it is well worth keeping this strange and curious encounter in the public consciousness so that no other similar incidents are discovered or take place in the future. (dramatic music) - The San Fernando Valley is no stranger to UFOs.
There have been a large number of incidents reported over the last 20 years. Strange balls of light and even large triangular ships have been mentioned. Although authorities have carried out investigations on numerous occasions, these mysterious objects remain unexplained. But as you will discover, those who have witnessed UFOs can have much more unusual encounters. No one knows for sure what these mysterious beings were doing in the area of ​​a local school. It's almost surprising that they didn't interact with Susanne even though they were more or less face to face. For Susanne, her life has changed drastically. As you can imagine, she now knows that she should not so easily dismiss those stories of UFOs and their occupants.
Although she remains curious, she remembers how scared she was and she hopes to never come face to face with these beings again. - Many people believe that encounters with extraterrestrials take place only in remote areas. Nothing, however, could be further from the truth. In fact, aliens apparently appear in some of the most unexpected places. For example, the following incident involves an encounter that took place in the front yard of an elementary school in the middle of a densely populated Los Angeles suburb. It also involves one of the clearest and most extensive descriptions of extraterrestrial beings that researchers have ever investigated, beginning with a UFO sighting a few years earlier.
The witness, Susanne D., worked as an art designer within a 10-mile radius of where their encounter took place. Susanne was attending Northridge University to pursue a bachelor's degree. She lived with her mother and her brother in Van Nuys, Southern California. In reality, her ordeal began with a very dramatic UFO sighting near her home in the San Fernando Valley. What is interesting about this sighting is that the UFO was seen hovering over the highly technical Lockheed and Hughes aircraft facilities and Van Nuys Air Force Reserve Base. It was a summer night in 1980 when Susanne and two friends witnessed a triangular formation of lights floating in the sky.
As an artist, Susanne is a trained observer with a keen eye for detail and an incredible memory. Thanks to this, she can fully describe what she feels like. As she says in her own words: "It was a beautiful night, very clear and very hot. I was standing there looking and I realized that the sky didn't look normal. I'm looking at the Moon and I'm thinking, that's not normal. .Everything is orange there. It's two in the morning and it's orange. So I was looking at it and I realized that what I was looking at was the glow coming out of these three objects. on each side and above." As Susanne studied the objects, she saw that they were floating below the horizon of the mountains.
She estimated their distance to be approximately 10 miles, but like many UFO witnesses, she had trouble estimating the size of the objects. The objects in the middle were huge and the ones on either side seemed to be about a third of their size. When asked what the objects were like, she replied: "Kind of a saucer shape. I mean, it was flat and they looked rounded, but they were so far away that I wasn't under them. I couldn't see." below them. She was seeing more of a profile view. Susanne concluded that she was seeing three different objects. As she says, they were floating on either side, above him, so they formed a sort of triangle.
The large one was lower and was the bottom point of the triangle. She said: "I sat there and watched them for a couple of minutes and they didn't move. All the orange glow in the night sky was coming from them. They, the objects didn't look orange. They looked bright, maybe." Metallic, but all this orange glow was around it. It was illuminating the entire area around her. Orange, like the glow of the street lights, but it was orange." Susanne literally couldn't believe what she saw and she ran inside to look for her friends. She dragged them away pointing at thedarling. "You see it?" —She asked Susanne's friend.
Adlai Fredriksson remembers the incident well. Many UFO researchers have noted a large number of UFO sightings around high-tech facilities. And that's certainly true in this case. After the sighting, neither of them thought there would be many future encounters. However, in Susanne's case, it wasn't long before she had a truly incredible encounter, a face-to-face confrontation with two gray-type alien beings. And this encounter occurred in the most unlikely place imaginable, right in front of the local elementary school. One night in 1980, about three years after Susanne's UFO sighting, she decided to take her dog for a walk around the block.
She had no idea that she was about to live the most terrifying experience of her entire life. Here Susanne vividly describes what it's like to have a close encounter with aliens. "I was in college and my girlfriend and I were doing art projects together. We had a project we were working on. We were collecting shopping carts that are hanging on street corners, lonely shopping carts with no one to push them We had already collected two or three, and we were going to do this big art project with them. We thought it was really esoteric, so we had these shopping carts one night, while I was driving home, it must have been around 11, 11. :30 at night.
It was quiet and there was very little activity on the streets. I saw another tram. I don't know why I didn't think to stop and put it in my car. Well, I'll drive home and take Sarah, my dog, to it. walk, I'll go get the shopping cart and then I'll put it in my car. The lone shopping cart was on the corner of Strathern and. Amestoy passes Stagg Street Elementary School and Strathern crosses it. reason, I decided to take my car home, come back, get the shopping cart and bring it home. In retrospect, it would have made a lot more sense to just pull over, put the shopping cart in my car, and drive away.
He had a van, so the tram would have easily fit in the back. So I called home, took the dog, went for a walk and we went to get the shopping cart. I was walking on a circular route. I walked up my street to Strathern, down Strathern to Amestoy, picked up the shopping trolley and walked past the school to Stagg. While going down Amestoy, I had to pass in front of the school. I was being careful not to draw too much attention to myself. I guess the shopping cart made me look a little suspicious. There aren't many houses, there are almost no houses on that side because of the school.
So I thought it would be very easy to pass it through school. So I walked past the school and stood near the front of the school gates, where the administration block was. There, an open area, the theater and the administration area and the kindergarten, all in front of the school, and just in front of the theater, there is a large open area illuminated with a flagpole. So I walk by and think I'm totally alone and no one will see me. Then I looked to my right and realized there were two, what at first I thought were people.
I thought there were only two people talking. At that moment, the school is on my right and I was on the path in front of the school." It was at this moment that Susanne began to realize that something strange was happening. She could understand two people who were standing in front of the school. school, but when he looked at them, he immediately noticed that something was terribly wrong with the people's appearance. At first he thought they were children and didn't pay them much attention, but as they got closer, he realized that they were. There was no way they could be children.
They looked too different. Susanne continues: "They were facing each other when I looked at them, I started to notice that they were a little strange. They were wearing these dark green overalls. They had very large heads and were not very tall. They were about my height, about five foot four, but I wasn't particularly struck by their presence until they turned to look at me. They simultaneously moved away from each other and both walked towards me without moving their feet. They just floated and spun." At this point, the researchers asked Susanne to describe exactly what the two figures looked like with as much detail as she could remember.
She proceeded to give one of the clearest and most complete descriptions they had ever heard. In Susanne's words: "Okay, the heads were really big. They were abnormally large, about twice the size of a human head. The skulls were wildly exaggerated. They didn't really seem to have ears or a nose, and seemed to have some slight hint of a mouth. They had really big eyes. I really don't remember seeing whites in his eyes. I just remember that they had very big dark eyes, big almond eyes. The heads were, well, it was like they had a big fold on the head, like two lobes.
It was like you could see the lobes of his brain sticking out. His arms were simply hanging at his sides. They looked like they had hands and their skin was pale, very, very white, like they could have been dead. They were so white. You know if they had been human, they would have been dead. I don't remember seeing any feet, and their overalls were dark olive green, and they reached like a mandarin collar around their necks, that was very simple. I didn't notice much of anything. When they turned to me, I was parallel to them. We meet and as I continue walking at the point where I was right in front of them, they were both standing in front of me, and at that moment I realized that they were not normal.
They probably weren't human. They didn't move like humans. They didn't look human." The researchers asked Susanne if the figures could be children in Halloween masks, but she denied this possibility. As she puts it: "No, I didn't really think they were children in masks. They were too big to be children, unless maybe they were children. They couldn't have been girls, I mean, unless they were totally flat chested, it would have been an elaborate costume. They were identical and were under the spotlights where I could see them, but the light was behind them, so everything on their clothes blended into the gray and olive green color because the light was coming from over their shoulders. .
So I didn't see much detail in his clothes. It was mostly a silhouette, but its skin was so white that it was quite easy to see its eyes and the shape of its head." As Susanne walked down the sidewalk, she came within two to 20 feet of the two figures, her fear at this The bordering on panic. He received no mental message, just an intense feeling of shock and fear: "I felt myself getting more and more scared as I realized that this was something I had never experienced before. They didn't move like humans either. They didn't look human.
They didn't say anything. The point where she would have had to start looking over her shoulder at them and at that point he was so scared that the only thing she could think about was getting out of there. And the whole time I'm pushing this stupid shopping cart and it keeps rattling down the street. Sarah, my dog ​​wasn't scared at all. She kept walking next to me the whole time. She surely didn't go up and try to smell them. She was terrified, I mean, she didn't know what they were. I did not do it. At one point I thought, Oh my God, they're following me home.
Oh no, I'm going to die. I'm so scared. So I walked as fast as I could without running and without making a lot of noise with the stupid shopping cart. Once I got out of the light and a little further down the road, there was a group of bushes. I left the shopping cart in the bushes and, well, all I wanted was to get out of there without running, without obviously feeling scared to death. I didn't run. I walked as fast as I could straight home without looking over my shoulder. I felt like they were behind me the whole time, but I didn't look over my shoulder." Susanne's encounter with the aliens, although extremely frightening, was actually completely benign.
They never hurt her, followed her, or took any aggressive action. Her fear was based solely on her own shock at seeing something so totally outside of her normal experience. In fact, the shock of seeing them was so great that Susanne says it was like she was woken up when she was awake. He had no idea what he was seeing. He had never read anything about UFOs and his knowledge of the topics was limited to his own recent sightings. However, his description of the extraterrestrial beings coincides with the descriptions of other witnesses. large bald heads, short stature, white skin, large almond-shaped eyes, complete lack of visible ears, nose and mouth, greenish overalls, identical appearance of the alien, all these details corroborate exactly with other reports. of which she Susanne knew nothing.
In fact, Susanne simply assumed that this was a one-time experience. This puzzled her to such an extent that for several years she did not tell anyone. One detail that absolutely surprised Susanne was the way the figures moved in unison. This detail has been observed time and time again by other witnesses. Alien abduction researcher Budd Hopkins had written a book titled "Intruders" where he lists several cases involving the simultaneous tilting, blinking, and passing of extraterrestrial creatures. It's as if they are so telepathic that they can predict each other's movements. Another detail that increases the authenticity of his story is how it began.
Susanne had the totally illogical impulse to delay picking up a shopping cart until she could get back to it and push it home. In retrospect, she saw how illogical this impulse was. Susanne, of course, had no idea that many other people's encounters often start the same way. Preludes to many lost-time abductions often include strange urges to drive or walk to certain areas. Susanne had no idea how close she was to having a full-fledged contact. As far as she knows, she was not short of time. She did not have nightmares about the incident, nor did she find mysterious scars on her body that could indicate an abduction-type experience.
However, she admits that her experience may have been longer than she can remember. She does not remember the exact time she left her house nor the exact time she returned. However, if she is short on time, she does not want to undergo hypnosis and dredge up memories of an experience that was already considerably traumatizing for her. One detail that made Susanne doubt she had seen aliens was the lack of a UFO. It wasn't until much later that Susanne even linked her previous UFO sighting to the concept of aliens simply because there was no craft associated with this encounter.
However, she admits that it would have been quite easy for a large ship to land in the school's enclosed courtyard. It may seem incredible that her encounter took place in front of an elementary school in a populous suburb. However, as many UFO researchers will tell you, this is nothing unusual. Many have investigated other encounters that have taken place in the


of places, including hotels, condominiums, highways, and even inside hospital rooms. It seems that the aliens have reached such a high technological level that they can easily evade detection. In fact, less than two miles from the school, an entire family experienced a dramatic series of UFO encounters that began with simple sightings of star-like objects moving across the night sky and turned into dramatic bedroom visits by of gray type aliens, and culminated in at least Four abductions complete with strange experiments and the presentation of a baby aboard an alien ship.
All of this, of course, took place in a densely populated suburb of the San Fernando Valley. (dramatic music) Did the United States government's intelligence agencies use reverse-engineered alien technology to contact extraterrestrial beings in other parts of the universe, and this apparent attempt at communication resulted in a top-secret deal that would allow even more advanced technology to be gifted to the United States? American government. According to apparently leaked intelligence documents? That's exactly what happened. According to documents supposedly leaked in 1952, in response to the recovery of several crashed UFOs in the late 1940s and early 1950s, an unofficial consortium was formed consisting of members of the CIA and NSA.
They would operate under the code name Project Sigma and their purpose, in addition to learning how to reverse engineer this alien technology, was to do so under the name of making contact with the aliens themselves. They succeeded and after identifying a suspicious group of asteroids, they used this advanced device to send a secret transmission. Surprising even to them, they would receive an almost immediate response. He denied that as a result of this broadcast there were two face-to-face meetings between President Eisenhower and representatives of two different alien races. This meeting is said to have taken place on the afternoon of February 20, 1954 at Edwards Air Force Base in California.
What is worth noting is that that night, Eisenhower disappeared, sparking temporary rumors that he had died. When the White House addressedrumors, assured the public that the president had required emergency dental work from which he was recovering. Instead of recovering from dental surgery, Eisenhower is said to have been in talks with a race of aliens called the Nordics, or as they are labeled in the report, the Blues in an empty hangar at the air base. They would offer advanced technology around medicine and allow the United States to move away from fossil fuels and toward cleaner, more environmentally friendly energy.
Whatever the finer details of the discussion, no agreement was reached. However, almost immediately after this meeting, a second race of aliens suddenly made contact and a second meeting took place. This race of aliens were the Grays who appeared to be the exact same aliens reported by many alien abduction victims. This communication and arrival of this second group of extraterrestrials was not a complete surprise to Eisenhower and those involved in the project. According to the report, the Blues had warned them of their presence, claiming that they had a formidable force right at the edge of the solar system.
Once again, this fleet kept Earth under constant surveillance and became locked in the planet's orbit. The Grays would also offer technology to the Americans and, in return, asked for free access to the population. Basically, they could abduct them and conduct experiments for their own learning. Following these procedures, they would erase their memories and return them to the place where they were taken from. Furthermore, a complete list of those kidnapped would be provided to the government and only a very limited number of people would be taken away. Incredibly, an agreement was reached and soon a large amount of technology reached the hands of American scientists within the framework of various intelligence agency projects.
There have been some suggestions that this deal was made not only for the technology itself, but to prevent a similar deal from being made with its Cold War nemesis, the Soviet Union. If these claims were true, it is not too much of a stretch to think that Eisenhower would have found it necessary to reach an apparently drastic agreement to keep such a breakthrough out of the reach of those on the other side of the border. the Iron Curtain. The reason given by the Grays for needing to experiment on humans was their need to understand human DNA.
This was so they could create an alien human hybrid in order to address the problem of their own degraded DNA. It is claimed that part of this agreement was to use female members of the population as involuntary incubators for these hybrid entities. By the way, many researchers of the alien abduction phenomenon have independently reached similar conclusions that the main reason behind these heartbreaking encounters is the creation of an extraterrestrial human hybrid. However, unlike the details of the agreement supposedly agreed in 1954, the true objective of these extraterrestrial visitors is to colonize the planet with these human alien hybrids discreetly and without the population being aware of it.
It might be worth examining just one such case where it appears these alien creatures used an unfortunate California woman in such a way. In 1988, professional photographer Kim Carlsberg, who later discovered that she had been kidnapped repeatedly, witnessed a strange ship over the Pacific coast. Later that night, she woke up to find herself surrounded by strange gray alien entities. She would later describe that she was taken aboard the ship where she was artificially inseminated with a combination of her DNA and other human male DNA and alien DNA. Just a few weeks later, before she realized she was pregnant, she was kidnapped again.
The fetus was removed during secondary abduction and placed inside an artificial chamber where she would eventually reach birth size. What's more, it was a pre-established and very organized program. Her statement sounds almost identical to the goals set by the Grays in Project Sigma. While many people believe that this program is far from benefiting humanity, Carlberg believes that if aliens wish to integrate hybrids into the world to help save it, a meeting similar to Carlsberg's took place the previous year in Las Vegas in 1987. Brett Olden and his pregnant girlfriend Diane Swanson claimed to have been abducted from their bedroom by gray aliens and taken aboard a strange spaceship.
They performed several experiments, including the precise removal of Diane's unborn baby. The next day, when she sought medical attention, she realized something was wrong. The doctors were completely perplexed by the surgical precision with which the fetus had been removed. Even stranger, three years later, Brett would claim to have been abducted by the same aliens once again. This time, however, he was led to what he believed to be an alien human hybrid who was carrying with him a young girl who also appeared to be a hybrid. Although he didn't know why, he knew that this young woman was his and Diane's daughter and that her mother had been taken from her before she was born.
Was this another kidnapping as a consequence of that supposed top secret agreement that would result in Project Sigma? Is it further proof that such outlandish suggestions as secret deals with alien races to obtain technology might actually be closer to reality than any of us would like to imagine? Although there were several additional conditions stipulated by the Grays at the time of closing this agreement. They would emphasize, for example, that the United States government should never reveal that an agreement has been reached, nor should it even acknowledge its presence on Earth. Furthermore, they would insist that no interference of any kind be introduced into their programs, nor should they even be questioned about any aspect of it.
The Grays also required the United States to build several underground bases with advanced technology that they would provide them. Needless to say, these bases would be top secret in nature and staffed by US military personnel and a gray alien presence. Although figures vary depending on the source used, it is stated that there could be up to 30 of these underground facilities in the United States today. In the end, and although they were only rumors, it is thought that the gray aliens began to deviate from the rules of the deal as the decades passed. It is not known whether the agreement of this agreement is still in force, whether in a modified form or in its original form, or if there is some kind of secret war being fought behind closed doors of the so-called shadow government, a war that potentially We could see the planet taken without us realizing it.
Could this inability or unwillingness to adhere to the rules of the agreement be the reason why accusations of alien abduction increased so dramatically as the 1970s gave way to the 1980s, and even more so as the 20th century handed over control to the XXI? Could this group of seemingly opportunistic alien entities we refer to as the Grays have taken over behind the scenes? Could it be that this control assumed by inserting extraterrestrial human hybrids into our society has already begun? Could it be that it's already too late? (dramatic music) One of the most persistent rumors about the Roswell UFO crash is that the United States military did indeed recover an extraterrestrial vehicle that day in New Mexico in 1947.
What's more, they systematically reverse engineered it closed before presenting these advances to the American public as the latest advance in the technological revolution of our modern era. The CEO of a small company based in Cranford, New Jersey, called The American Computer Company. Jack Shulman rose to public prominence in December 1997 when he claimed to have evidence that the technology from the Roswell accident had been secretly reverse engineered under the watchful eye of the United States military. According to Shulman, the military would quietly gift this technology to several American companies that would then reverse engineer it in multiple ways before patenting it as a scientific breakthrough in all types of fields and industries.
And while these advancements would be offered to the general public in the form of the latest behind-the-scenes television, computer, or telephone, the military would have access to this cutting-edge technology first and would likely reserve the right to keep whatever they deemed suitable for your needs. exclusive purposes. Shulman would highlight the Bell Labs Company's patent on the transistor in particular, and ask if it had actually been developed as a result of reverse engineering technology, which would have been one of the companies the US military had passed it on to. this technology with reverse engineering orders. Ultimately, Shulman claimed to have evidence to back up what he was suggesting in the form of a leaked manual that he referred to as the Laboratory Trader's Notebook.
He initially did not reveal how he had come into possession of the documents, although it would later come to light. According to an article by John Kettler for "Atlantis Rising", the widow of a man named Jeff Proscauer had given her access to him. She would claim that this notebook of documents offered a detailed description of the Roswell accident, as well as what exactly was found and where it was taken. Shulman, through his company, The American Computer Company, would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on various experts in an effort to validate the documents. One of the companies mentioned in these


, according to Shulman, was Bell Labs and, more specifically, its invention of the transistor.
This was, as John Kettler writes, an invention according to which a loan was worth anything from Nobel Prizes and increased corporate reputations to hundreds of patents and billions of dollars. Even more suspicious when research was carried out to examine the apparent development of transistors prior to the Bell version transistors that were claimed to have been the origins of the Bell transistor, not only were the two completely different, but there was no natural technical evolution that could have led from one to develop into the other. In short, the Bell version was essentially a completely new technology. Strange as it may seem, could it really be that one of the most important inventions of the so-called technical revolution was not human ingenuity, but a talented alien technology that was, however cleverly, reverse engineered?
In light of Shulman's claims, it is worth examining some of these statements by Philip Corso, who in the book, the day after, Roswell would claim that he was tasked with transferring untraceable alien technology to companies as large as Bell Labs , IBM and Monsanto. already in the early 1960s. Corso would further offer that these companies would be forced to sign official secret acts, agreeing to develop the technology as their own and report it publicly as innovative research by American scientists. Furthermore, according to Corso, only some of these technologies include fiber optics and advanced night vision technologies. Shulman had long-standing connections to the Bell Labs organization, as he went to college with the son of the company's director.
He later explained that in late 1995, a friend and former Pentagon general whom he knew through his friend's family, the aforementioned widow of Jeff Proscauer, had approached him and asked him to look at some documents, documents that were from the laboratory. Trader's notebook. It is important to note at this stage that the reference to a notebook is not as you might normally imagine, rather than being a small collection of articles, it is simply an industry term used loosely to maintain documentation of studies, ongoing experiments and developments and this. The notebook Shulman faced contained 28 boxes of documentation. Some of the documents he saw surprised him due to concerns about technology that was, at least officially, out of reach of humanity in the mid-1990s, but which this document clearly indicated had been available for use since the late It was at this point that Shulman had the documents carbon dated.
The results were true, the documents had been prepared when their dates indicated that they had been between 1947 and 1950. In short, they were genuine. Finally, Shulman posed the question to online forum users about what it might mean if important human technological inventions were actually the result of reverse-engineered non-terrestrial technology. Shortly after these online questions, he began to suffer a tirade of sinister events. For starters, these disturbing incidents would come to light in the form of hostile messages left on Internet forums designed largely to tarnish the reputation and image of The American Computer Corporation. These would quickly turn into online attacksagainst Shulman personally, as well as abuse and threats directed directly at Shulman and The American Computer Corporation.
There was a broader campaign to portray him as a deranged and possibly dangerous individual. Even more disconcerting, the company's business facilities were broken into several times, some of which resulted in classified information being placed in the offices in some sort of bizarre attempt to incriminate them. The company would soon go on the offensive, taking swift legal action against any defamation cases against it, in addition to increasing security around its offices, and perhaps most importantly, Shulman began speaking publicly about at least some of what had happened. learned in Lab Shopkeeper's Notebook and, even more importantly, began publishing technical information and data from these findings online in an attempt to prevent them from being patented and ultimately out of reach of the general public.
Could it be possible that at least some of the technological marvels of our modern world are actually the result of reverse-engineered extraterrestrial technology? It cannot be ignored that such technological advances began in the late 1940s, coincidentally or not, in the years immediately following the alleged Roswell accident. And we should also note that despite the military's claims that the witness object was simply a weather balloon, the original military statement to the press that they had a flying saucer in their possession should not be immediately dismissed. In fact, given how many people seem to ignore this initial military response to the media, it could prove to be the biggest bullet the US government and military has ever dodged in terms of the UFO and alien issue. .
Could there be any truth to Shulman's claims given the amount of online abuse, physical break-ins at his offices, and very real attempts to sabotage his business? We could assume that someone was not happy with the suggestions he was making and his final statement about the explosive documents he had in his possession. We might wonder if there is any truth to the idea that corporations supervised by the United States government had very advanced technology to study and work with. What else could be available behind closed doors? What technologies, for example, might be being hidden from the public to maintain the highest possible profit margins or to keep people rabid consumers?
Technologies may even exist, but are kept behind closed doors, that could provide much cleaner energy and fuel so as not to disrupt the flow of millions of dollars to the energy industries. There seems to be a lot more to think about here than just the claims of alien technology, but rather what the potential of that technology could mean if it were shared with humanity as a whole and not simply drip-fed to the masses as upgrades and new dislikes. to various devices to obtain an immediate financial return. There is a saying in the technical world that everything the public knows is available behind closed doors, the government is actually three or four decades ahead.
If Jack Shulman's claims are accurate, there might be a lot more truth to that saying than most of us might think. (dramatic and happy music) (dramatic and happy music continues) (dramatic and happy music continues)

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