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Ancient Aliens: TOP 10 ALIEN ENCOUNTERS OF 2023 | PART 2

Mar 09, 2024
In the 21st century, UFO hunters are armed with technology that allows them to record anomalies in the sky with incredible clarity and today's technology can also glean new information from photographs taken decades ago in the northern highlands of Costa Rica on 4 September 1971, photographer Sergio Loa is conducting an aerial survey of Lake Cot for the National Geographic Institute using a special mapping camera that takes photographs at 13c intervals. He is in a plane at about 10,000 feet. He is taking photographs of a hydroelectric project and they are trying to calculate the environmental impact of this. just taking these ordinary photos he goes back to the lab takes a look at the contact sheets and says what is that in the right corner there is this mysterious shiny metallic circular ship curiously the object does not appear in either the previous frame of the film or the next instantly the National Geographic Institute says that we cannot talk about this and we are going to put a cap on this and they have done so for some time according to Loa, he and his colleagues were prohibited from disclosing any information about the captured object.
ancient aliens top 10 alien encounters of 2023 part 2
In the photograph it is estimated to be 60 feet in diameter, but in 1979 the photograph was leaked to the Argentine newspaper L nasion and was analyzed by UFO researchers. The photo was later studied by Jock Valet and other UFO researchers and they realized that it was a tremendous photograph. Costa Rica is officially declaring the photo an official UFO photo. They don't know what it is after years and years of study. Many skeptics suggested that the object was probably some type of debris or stains that adhered to the film during the developing process. But in 2021 they were lucky, a friend of the Loa family was able to obtain the original contact sheets and scan them using the latest and most sophisticated technology.
ancient aliens top 10 alien encounters of 2023 part 2

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He gets access to the original contact sheets and sends them to a photo lab and they do it. a reproduction of the image using the most advanced technology to present it and they get this 1.8 gab image of this ship. The debris and stains that were visible in the original photograph are no longer present in the new higher resolution image, but the saucer is. The shaped object remains and is clearer than ever. This higher definition scan showed some new details. These new details helped eliminate a number of practical explanations, for example it was said that it could have been a splinter in the glass, however it can be seen.
ancient aliens top 10 alien encounters of 2023 part 2
That is not the case, this photo itself in its original state was tremendous, but now with this incredible leap in technology we can bring it to life in an even greater way and it is just another example of this huge leap we are taking. We are now working on our understanding of these UAP London England March 19, 2002, shortly after 8:00 a.m. m., the national high-tech crime unit arrives at the home of 36-year-old Scottish computer engineer ER Gary McKinnon, they are there to arrest him on On behalf of the United States De


ment of Justice for hacking top-secret NASA and the Pentagon McKinnon not only admits to the crime but claims that he discovered evidence that the United States government was working with extraterrestrial beings.
ancient aliens top 10 alien encounters of 2023 part 2
He was obsessed with UFOs. He I was dying to discover. the information on the Internet was a real facilitator in finding information um going to places that you shouldn't be because they were so open that there were a lot of text files with lists of places, installations, military bases, Air Force bases, sites of the Navy, NASA sites. so there was a lot to sift through, but I found a golden M of information according to McKinnon. He discovered a secret US military program that existed entirely in space. I discovered that the spreadsheet was actually titled Non-Land Officers and Officers in the column. names, it had the names of their ships, none of these were oceangoing ships, it was surprising that they are not Navy, they are not Army and not even the Air Force, so to me I was thinking there must be a space force or a unusual space fleet, at least afterwards.
After McKinnon's arrest, he was told that the U.S. government intended to sentence him to 70 years in prison. At the time I thought 6 months community service was all he was doing for the computer misuse law in Britain. We fought the extradition for 10 years and actually won the case, but Unfortunately today the arrest warrant is still on Al and I am still on the Interpole red list so I can't travel. Could it be that Gary McKinnon's account of what he saw when he hacked into computers at the Pentagon and NASA is genuine? The government is involved in secret operations beyond Earth.
I think Gary McKinnon is sincere in that he saw files on secret space programs and UFO-related material. Whether that information was legitimate or just out there somewhere, we can't say, but there's no doubt he. did what he claimed to have done, although there are many who question the authenticity of Gary McKinnon's account, other more notable figures have come forward with similar claims In 2013, former Canadian Minister of National Defense Paul Helier stated that the United States government and other governments around the world the world is working with organized groups of extraterrestrials why do you say that UFOs are as real as the planes that fly overhead well because I know they are, they have been visiting this planet for thousands of years and there is what is called Federation of these people Paul Helier was former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and former Minister of Defense of Canada.
He was able to speak with many important people within the American and Canadian system and it was his opinion, based on the sources, that While there are many groups that are here visiting us Paul Helier is not the only government official who has made known alleged knowledge of a Federation of extraterrestrial races recently former Israeli space security chief Haim Eed came out and said that there is a Galactic Federation and that, in fact, many world leaders know and are in talks with Galactic Federation delegates. I don't know what to make of that statement, but when you have enough of them, a pattern emerges and starts to take on a little more gravity.
Serving as genuine evidence, Dr. Heim AED claimed that the


s in this Galactic Federation were in contact with governments around the world. It is a fascinating idea and could well be true if the sensational claims made by Paul Helier and Hima were to be believed. Encounters of the fifth kind are occurring at the highest levels of government around the world and with entire factions of extraterrestrial beings. Ancient astronaut theorists say yes and argue that recent Revelations from world leaders may be preparing humanity for a groundbreaking, full revelation event that historically has occurred. There are many UFO sightings around the Uan Islands and there are 57 volcanoes on all the islands and it seems that some of these volcanoes have a very peculiar activity around them, but to the east of the Uan Islands there is a large area that has become even Most notorious for strange phenomenon is called Alka Triangle The Alaska Triangle is an area roughly between Anchorage Juno and Barrow Alaska roughly along the border of the Canadian Territories and the state of Alaska The Alaska Triangle can be compared to The Bermuda Triangle where really strange things happen seemingly without explanation within this region of anomalous activity is Mount Hayes, one of the highest peaks and a place where UFO sightings are reported with great frequency, many people have seen UFOs , flying saucers, strange lights flying in and around Mount Hayes, now there is no road. that they can go up there, the only way to get to Mount Haast is to fly there, which most people don't do, so what is this crap flying around Mount Hayes for decades?
Eyewitness testimony was the only evidence supporting the idea that Mount Haast Hayes was a UFO hotspot, but in 1995 declassified documents revealed that Mount Hayes featured prominently in a top-secret government project called Stargate. Researchers were reviewing CIA documents and found evidence of a project beneath Mount Hayes and they say they saw written in these records that there was actually an extraterrestrial underground base in this area, researchers were surprised to find a reference to an extraterrestrial base in official CIA documents and so intriguing is how this information was obtained according to the declassified documents that the existence of an extraterrestrial base beneath Mount Hayes was obtained from a top secret experimental research technique used by the Stargate project, a technique called Remote viewing was used by the CIA or during the Cold War and this is actually a psychic projection technique where from one location the remote viewer can look at a different location. place on the surface of the earth is able to project his vision there and see what is happening.
Project Stargate had the specific purpose of using remote viewers, literally psychic spies, to find information about what the Soviets were doing down to the most famous remote viewer. What came out of the Stargate project was a man named Pat Price. Price was the first to report what he believed to be an


base under Mount Hayes. He would sit and draw what he said and once he was absolutely accurate in his predictions. Pat Price remotely viewed Mount Haze and saw that there were structures beneath the mountain tubing tunnels and that intrigued him, so he dug deeper.
Pat Price saw within Mount Hayes what he described as geographical instrumentation. He saw computers. He also described these. strange humanoid creatures that were inside the mountain and were working alongside human personnel that he believed to be military personnel. Price began to fear that he had seen something he was not supposed to see and told his friends that his remote viewing of the secret base under Mount Hayes had put him in grave danger in Las Vas just as he was checking into the Stardust, someone deliberately bumped into him and he felt a sharp pain in his leg and that night he started to feel unwell and the next morning he had convulsions and died.
The really strange thing about Pat Price's death is that the hospital didn't even notify his wife and they cremated him. I think it is fair and reasonable to ask whether the mysterious death of Pat Price does not enter into a long lineage of similar tragic deaths. of people who are whistleblowers or who cross the line and say things they shouldn't say about things they have witnessed or know about Molly Africa 1931 French anthropologist Marcel Gri TS across the forbidding desert in search of the mysterious Doan tribe when the He becomes fascinated by their culture and traditions when Gulle begins collecting Doan legends and notices an uncanny similarity to


tales found around the world.
Tales of amphibian gods, in this case called Nomo, who came from the sky, lived in the sea and helped humanity. They describe these nomes. Since they look a lot like a mermaid or mermaid, but bequeath a lot of knowledge of astronomy, mathematics and science to this


race, the Dogan would say that the Nomo were these extraterrestrial gods, but they needed an aquatic environment to live, although they could come to the land. GLE learns that his arrival is known as the day of the fish, the Doon actually said well, this was our Creator God Namo, who descended from heaven in a strong whirlwind of a storm of thunder, smoke and lightning, but what hit Rule and shocked the world was not the legends of Doon, but where they said that their amphibian gods came from a star that no one on earth knew existed until 1862, long after the Dogan claimed they knew of its existence in the 1860s. 1930, when French anthropologists first discussed the Nome with these Doon priests.
The Doon priests said that the Nomo came from the Sirius star system, well the French anthropologists were amazed by that and they were also confused, according to the Doon, their G did not come from Sirus, a star that is clearly visible in the night sky, but of its small companion a Dy star called Sirius B that can only be seen with advanced high-power telescopes. Sirus a is the brightest star in the sky because it is very luminous and it is also quite close to the Earth in astronomy, it is a well-known fact that there is a being serus a and a Sirius B Serius a can be seen and Sirius B for us is invisible because it's too small now the Doon knew about sirious's invisible companion star how did they know for thousands of years Sirus a?
It has played a huge role in the imagination of the Greeks, Persians, Hindus, Romans, Polynesians and many others, the Egyptians even based their calendar on Syria and some believe that they align the pyramids of Giza with Orion's belt, which points to Syria. to. People along the Nile and Euphrates and in ancient Mesopotamia aligned their village dwellings to imitate the constellation in which Sirius sat. Sirius is one of the closest stars tous, it is 8.6 light years away, unlike the sun, which is a beautiful golden color. Serio is a bluish white color, which indicates that it is much warmer. that the surface of the Sun and that corresponds to it being more massive than the Sun and burning hotter, will have a shorter lifespan, but how could the Doans have known about the existence of serus B if they had ever been in possession of it ? advanced technology or there could be another even deeper explanation.
The Doans had a surprising degree of knowledge about the Ser system. They knew that the orbits of the two stars were approximately 50 years and that the invisible star was very dense and past its prime. He also knew that the brightest was a star larger than the Sun. The Doons also knew that Sirius B is about the size of Earth and rotates on its axis. There is no logical explanation as to why the Doone tribe knew about the Syrian star system, naturally, we don't. They didn't have telescopes in those days, how did they know this? It's like an ET came here and told you all that.
It's an amazing story. One theory is that perhaps


gave them this knowledge. It can't be. I ruled that out as a possibility because they did it right, but if a race of amphibian Nome came from Serius B and gave the Dogon such Gifts of Knowledge, did they only visit this desert tribe or did they visit other peoples in other lands? It would be one thing if there was only one fishman legend in the entire world, but Namo is a story of dozens of amphibians. Bearers of knowledge to our ancestors. The ancient Hindus talk about this.
The ancient Greeks all had these fish that during the day they taught humanity. and then, at night, they returned to the ocean to emerge the next day. Send Province Pakistan 1922 an officer of the Archaeological Survey of India is led by a Buddhist monk to an area believed to have been a religious monument but under mounds of earth. Instead, archaeologists find an ancient city in the Indis valley dating back to 2000 BC. It is called moeno daro or mound of the dead and it is one of the oldest civilizations discovered in the world moeno daro was very advanced for that time they had health services they had all kinds of good things and they had a lot of trade with MES Amia the city of moeno daro It rivaled the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia.
Archaeologists believe that more than 35,000 people once occupied the city; however, only 43 skeletons have been discovered at the site. Many theories surround the mysterious disappearance of the Indian village of Moeno Daro in 1977. British researcher David Davenport discovered that


of the archaeological site showed evidence of having been destroyed by an extremely powerful explosion, found the remains of the explosion and believed that this area was the epicenter of what he believes was an explosion that destroyed part of the city and found evidence of vitrified ceramic bricks that were completely melted, melted or vitrified. Scholars claim that several calcified skeletons found at the site suggest that they suffered instant death and madaro bodies were found.
These skeletons of arm and arm arm and arm that had been virtually vitrified for years restricted access to the site has prevented scientists from analyzing the vitrified ruins, but in 2014 Dr Sam Iar of mineralogy was able to obtain a piece of fused Moeno Daro pottery and subjected it to a series of tests. When I did the elemental analysis, it showed me that the midora rock contained mainly silicon and aluminum with some calcium and potassium, so I thought maybe it could be some type of clay until I found Can X-ray defraction determine exactly how it is formed a material when I did X-ray powder defraction?
This is the pattern I got and you can see some crystalline peaks here along with the Amarus hump which usually results from a glassy phase in the rock. The composition is very similar to volcanic rock. The only way clay can be turned into something we saw is by subjecting the clays to a very, very high temperature. I'm talking about 4 to 5000°F, ie. It's not something an early civilization can do intentionally, it has to be something supernatural. Could this sample of pottery showing irrefutable evidence of having been subjected to extreme heat be definitive evidence that moeno daro really was the site of some kind of powerful explosion in the ancient past?
David Davenport and other researchers of ancient Indian Vadic texts have suggested that this is the case and that moeno daro may actually be the kingdom of Lanka, a city whose destruction is detailed in the Indian epic known as Ramayana, in the Ramana The god Vishnu is described as deciding that the leader of Lanka is a mortal named Ravana who has become too powerful. Vishnu takes the human form of Rama and fights against Ravana, who has become like the gods themselves. Ravana was a very formidable enemy, in fact, he acquired most of the power from him. of God Shiva himself because he was a great devotee of Shiva and Shiva gave him lethal weapons during the battle between Rama and Ravana, they used particular energy weapons, weapons of the gods, they have a very great power of destruction, he was described as the Sun. becoming 50 even brighter suns with this incredible explosion, so some people have suggested that perhaps some kind of nuclear explosion occurred at Mendaro, not only do we have a textual reference to a possible nuclear explosion but we also found physical evidence that shows stone vitrification and the only way it can be vitrified is if it is exposed to extreme heat this is not mythology this is not superstition this is documented historical events of people being at war with each other using advanced technology.
I think humanity had incredible technology with incredible knowledge and they did things that we're doing right now and then something happened and they literally had to start all over again.

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