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Alien Code | Full Sci-Fi Movie | WATCH FOR FREE

Jun 19, 2024
scientific community. They said he was paranoid, schizophrenic. Not unlike what you two have been going through, I'm sure. I also developed a tumor. A small, non-fatal one, which I think allowed me to... See them. But they do not exist on the same linear time plane as us. It was a challenge to try to find some way that I could make some kind of sense of it, which I'm sure you two can relate to.a. Not to mention that psychiatric institutions in the '70s were... they were a little different than they are today. Please sit down.
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Sit down, sit down, please. So if they... if they exist on another plane... then that means their perception of our reality would be different. MILES: Well, I'm pretty sure they're incapable of perceiving things like we do. We are so, so primitive. They are very advanced. That means that whatever dimension they are from... They would not experience time linearly. Good. Yes, well, I think for them, quite possibly, time is a moment. So... Ha. So if... ...if the first machine... ...was a belt, what does the new machine do? Ah, well... Ha. I think the new machine will allow them, for lack of a better word, to access... our dimension.
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Think of it as if you were


ing a videotape and we were the characters in that story. And we can move forward from the beginning to the middle to the end. We can only experience things as such. The first machine was the remote control, with which they could jump at any point and see the story. But they couldn't affect us. They couldn't alter, they couldn't interact. But I think this new machine... will allow them... Ha. To reach through the screen. And the closer we get to the activation of the machine, the stronger we feel its effects.
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They are increasingly present. The effects of the machine are intensified as soon as the machine is activated. Time runs backwards. There is an overflow of effects that move to the future and the past. The closer we get to that moment, the more concentrated the waves are, the more powerful they become. Yes, Rebecca tried to warn us. Yeah, well, things are getting very strange at A.R.I.S.T. Yes. Very strange indeed. Ha ha. Anything nearby is... is being dramatically affected. People move in slow motion, in a conversation loop. You can imagine? It's crazy. They are crackers.
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We do not know anything. We do not know anything. We can try to reason the rules of their existence, but we don't even understand our own. My theoretical description of its existence is precisely that. It's a theory. It's just so we can begin to understand. But it's probably nowhere near the real truth. Case in point. When you look at them... you perceive them as what? Like men, right? Yes. Yes. Tall, pale, featureless. Yes, you perceive them as humanoid because that's the only way your brain can process them. But it's probably nothing like they really seem. How can we know what they are like?
We know nothing about the higher dimensions. One thing I am sure of: they are nothing like men. You should see the one in my backyard. Is there one in your backyard? MILES: Oh, yeah. He's been there for, oh, 30 years. He hasn't moved an inch. At first I saw it as anthropomorphic. But the more time passed, the more my mind had to adapt. And the more it changed. He is a loyal friend. The most loyal friend I've ever had. ALEX: I don't see anything. Actually? Well, that's interesting. How does it look? Indescribable. Pretty scary, actually. Everything about them is so fascinating.
So mysterious. Like encryptions, for example. What about them? Well, your solution... for decryption was different than Beth's, which was different than mine. How can it be? They don't know anything about our reality. How can they encrypt something for us to decrypt it? It's... No. They put something in that was different for each of us, but it always came to the same result. It's really... It's quite embarrassing because I can't even begin to explain it. That's why A.R.I.S.T. hired several cryptographers. Oh, and I have another theory, I don't think it was radiation that caused our little...
Our little friends here. No, they are more of a physical side effect of altering our perception of reality. Yeah? As if a challenging puzzle could cause a headache. This puzzle gave us a tumor. It is notable. So... we're screwed. Yeah, I guess... I guess you could say that. But we can stop this. There's still time. Oh no. No... I think there is... Actually we can do anything. Did you waste your time developing a virus that has no fucking chance? Oh, no, no, no. The virus will work. It's just that we don't have the luxury of time to complete it.
I mean... these waves we're feeling are probably due to an event that already happened. You know, the machine activation may have already happened. Some point in our future. We can't... There must be something. I mean, for all we know, the effects may not be due to the activation of the machine. They may be due to its detonation. Jesus Christ, what the fuck? Can we stop this or not? Its detonation? You know, there may be another method to destroy it. Take it apart, give it a sledgehammer and blow it up. Brilliant. Brilliant. I'm so glad we spent all that time developing the virus.
Oh yeah, well, you see, the problem is A.R.I.S.T. Will definitely rebuild it. No, then you have to go, get to the server and delete the plans. But we don't even know where A.R.I.S.T is. facilities. MILES: Yeah, well, now you know. You forget that I was one of the original founders of A.R.I.S.T. I know this place inside and out. You should be able to access the facility through the east wing maintenance tunnel here. There's a hatch about a mile up the road... that will take you directly to the lab.
Oh shit. Oh shit, we have to go. Hello old friend. We shouldn't have just left it. There is nothing we can do. So the hatch is only a couple of miles off this back road. If we leave first thing in the morning, we should be there in the afternoon. No. No. Ah! Shit. Yuck! VOICE: Relax. Chill out. Where I am? Where I am? Do you see? ALEX: I don't know. I don't know. I'm dead? Not how you understand it. Do you fear death? No. Are you afraid to live? What are you going to? Nothing you can understand.
What the fuck do you want? We are very curious about your species and your experience of time. Is that all this has been? It is a curiosity for us. So... Then all... All this... We would like to understand it. Linear time seems like such an impractical state of being. Learning is a tediously slow process... and with each generation, it begins anew. A laborious cycle of empty promises. Banish humanity to the torment of ignorance. Forever a child in the dark. How curious that nature could punish a creature in such a malevolent way. You are doomed to relearn pain for an eternity.
How painful it must be to possess self-awareness and consciousness as you do... trapped in a lower dimension, as you are. Jesus Christ, what the fuck do you want from me? Why did you choose me? "Choose"? Yes. Why did you decide to decrypt the message? You asked me that before. You came to my house. We don't understand the decision. We exist in a single moment. A flicker of instantaneity. We understand everything there is to understand in our world. Therefore, causality, probability and consequences are a mystery to us. It's something that doesn't exist in your time. If man's experience of time were like ours... would it remain?
Would you stay? Would you stay? Would you stay? Oh, fuck. Chill out. Chill out. Shit! Oh, fuck. Chill out. If the cracks of time were filled and man had no place left to hide... then what? I don't know. Oh, fuck. I don't know. I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. What will happen when man no longer has to wait? Do we become you? Is that something you would like? I can't exist here. He's making me sick. You're killing me. But there is only one certainty for man: death. However, man hides from this inevitability.
The man wants more time to distance himself from it. However, the more time the man has... the more he takes from it. Prolonging your existence comes at the cost of unknown suffering. Time determines everything for man. It's ironic that he is both the gift and the thief. How is? In your world? You can not understand. If you can bridge the gap between dimensions to communicate with me, then you can... Then you can try. You know things about us... and about our universe. Tell me. If you're looking for answers to alter your understanding of reality... doesn't that make your world a projection rather than a perception?
What is the news? Do you see the world as you imagine it... or are you observing what is really there? If reality is just a projection, what happens when the source, when consciousness, is absent? Even with an eternity of self-reflection, man cannot understand the difference between reality and illusion. With every man born comes a new reality... all competing in perpetuity. Maybe that's why man is always at odds. So conflicting. Arrest. Arrest. Arrest. So divided. Arrest. Am I the only one you're doing this to? Would you feel better if you weren't? You don't want to be alone.
I do not want to suffer. You have a pain? Yes. Yes, it hurts and now I just have to sit here until he dies on me. What if you could go back to a moment in what you understand as the past? Before you were sick? If you had to travel back in time? STRANGER: Yes. With the information you now have. How do you think it would alter your behavior? What would you decide to do differently, if anything? I would tell A.R.I.S.T. to go to hell. Would you choose something else? ALEX: I would leave this.
I would stop you. Take us out of the equation. Can't. STRANGER: You won't be able to see us. It doesn't matter. I would know you are there. I would know you were


ing. The idea alone would change your perception of reality and therefore change your behavior. Yes. STRANGER: Why would you behave differently if there was nothing you could do to alter the situation? I would just do it. This seems curious to us. We don't choose. We don't decide what happens. I didn't choose to be here. I didn't choose to get sick. Things happen that we have no control over.
We don't just... We don't just look at the world... and paint it however we want. If you truly believe that, then you believe that you are not in control and that you exist at the mercy of everything else. You think your thoughts are unimportant. If you went back to a time with knowledge that you now possess that you didn't possess before... what would it matter? What would our existence matter? What would our observations matter? If time restarted... and you came back... what difference would it make? ALEX: Well, that's it. So... that's it. ALEX: I don't know if this is all a test, or...
I do know that it can't be changed. But, you know, the world could end tomorrow, but... Damn. Did you know--? What else is new, right? Everything has already happened. The satellite was found, the


was deciphered. Decrypted message. It was all over before it began. So maybe you... You can't change... how it ends, but... Aah! --you can change the way you get there. And another thing: warn him. Lie to him. Free her from the truth, so that she can... She can live in peace. And then forget. Forget this message. Forget about what is going to happen.
Forget what... What already happened. Just... Forget everything. And she lives.

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