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Trump talked about executing people in multiple meetings, says former WH official

Jun 19, 2024
Alright, to


Trump White House communications director Alysa Farra Griffins, uh, saying that


President Trump often





in White House


speaking to the media. On Friday, Griffin highlighted an April interview by former Attorney General Bill Bar where she was asked if she remembered. a moment when Trump called for a leaker to be executed and this is what he told CNN Alissa Farah Griffin, Trump's communications director, posted yesterday and said she was present at a moment when Trump suggested


the person who leaked information that went to the White House Bunker when those George Floyd protests were happening outside the White House, do you remember that I remember him being very angry about that?
trump talked about executing people in multiple meetings says former wh official
I actually don't remember him saying execute, but you know I wouldn't argue with it, you know, I'm serious. It doesn't sound, the president would lose his temper and say things like that. I doubt he would have carried it out. I don't know, but I would say that on other occasions you said president, you know the president had a uh, I think. People sometimes took it too literally and you know he would say similar things on occasion to vent, uh, but I wouldn't take it literally every time he did it. Oh, you mean he'll get rid of the fight?
trump talked about executing people in multiple meetings says former wh official

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trump talked about executing people in multiple meetings says former wh official...

That's just letting off steam. Griffin went further saying that Trump had called for executions several times and Bill Bar sort of Dan said I don't remember that specific case but there were others where we


about executing


and I was like you rationalize that it's a person. with good judgment to be president of the United States, they are reading the tea leaves, they know that there is a very real possibility that he will be president again and there is not much Glory or victory in being one. true, but being on the wrong side of Trump, um, I think that's ultimately what it comes down to, so Jean, let's get this right, the Attorney General of the United States, yes, you heard the commander in chief asking the execution of staff members, yes, and then when asked about it after making it clear that he will endorse the man for president who calls for the execution of staff members because I assume Bar is shocked and stunned by the plan Joe Biden student debt relief, that's where they always turn to, oh.
trump talked about executing people in multiple meetings says former wh official
Well, if you think January 6th was bad and calling for the execution of staff members is bad, what about Joe Biden's three-tier plan to pay students off their debt, which they actually do? Actually, that's their goal, you think January 6th was B, but here we are. I have a guy who is an attorney general, a lawyer, I just tell you lawyers, you know, I'm not even a good lawyer, but there are lawyers in conversations, they remember things, they have a dictaphone on, they have, you know. it's in their head and you hear something like that, you're trained for your mind to distinguish that, okay, the president of the United States just said we should execute staff for leaking, yeah, I mean what the bar


is so ridiculous and What Lissa said is so chilling we actually have Republicans so scary we actually have Republicans who are going to come out and support a guy who called for the execution of fellow staff members and then claims he doesn't remember it yeah yeah .
trump talked about executing people in multiple meetings says former wh official
I don't remember it specifically, but I won't deny it, right? I didn't say he didn't ask for the execution of the employees, because that's the kind of thing he did well, that's the kind. From what he said, this is crazy, right? I mean, back up for a second, we're talking about the president of the United States talking about how members of his staff should be executed, um, for, you know, leaking information that he didn't want leaked and that wasn't information. national security or anything, it's just something that he thinks is embarrassing to him, absolutely unprecedented and crazy, and we shouldn't know a lot of the things that Trump is saying now, we shouldn't just walk around.
Pass it around and say like Bill bar said, oh well, people are taking it too literally. I'm sorry, but that's the only way I know how to take people well. I mean, I can't, you can't know when you say I want to. execute that person uh and you are the president of the United States. I have to take you literally when you stand in front of a rally in Las Vegas and talk about boats, electrocution, and sharks. I have to take you literally. I don't know how to, um, how to take it any other way, um, and I, this is a person who was elected president of the United States and who has a chance to be elected again, that should make all of us do it. just to take a step back and think for a minute this is not this is not normal and this is not acceptable or safe for the country uh Joe mik I want to think about it this way um if we do the most charitable interpretation of What about what Bill Bar is saying here?
It's kind of like the president of the United States vents regularly. I think that was his phrase. He would get angry and say things around the table like, let's imagine saying something. Like if not, I'd like this leaker to be found and executed, but let's imagine he's just blowing smoke, he's saying, you know, if we can find this leaker, I'd like to get him out of the back of the White House in the south ball. and get him shot and and let's say he wasn't being serious, let's just say he was venting, as a matter of presidential temperament, is that the guy you want to have behind you as commander in chief sitting in the In the Oval Office, a guy that when he's frustrated when he goes back to venting to use the bar formulation he's someone whose way of exercising his frustration is to casually talk about executing people who work for him in some way, well, not me.
I don't know if that's by hanging or by a guillotine or by uh or by uh the firing squad. I think it speaks to a temperament that is the kind of temperament that leads you to a president of the United States that when your vice president is on Capitol Hill in the middle of a riot that you have incited and the people in that Riot are talking about lynching the vice president his temperament that temperament that person that president is the kind of person that


I'm not going to do anything to call out the mob that I incited, I'll just sit here and let it play out and say chill L, according to at least some of the reports that we've seen on some Capitol Hill, uh, some things from It was said in the January 6 committee, you know, maybe our supporters have it here, maybe Mike Pence deserves this, maybe he deserves to be assassinated, uh , uh, to be hung on the capital grounds.
I think you know if you don't have to get to uh Donald Trump was ordering the execution of employees to think that this is a very dangerous temperament and a very dangerous mentality and that he chose a huge lack of respect for the office of the s because of the seriousness of position and is someone who is not in control of himself in the way that you would like a president to be, but let's put all of this in context because you are right when Donald Trump stood up to the riots on January 6th. It's Lindsey Graham and it's Kevin McCarthy said that he was responsible for these riots, not only did he not call off the attackers when they were saying to hang Mike Pence, not only did he tell staff, according to his testimony, that maybe Mike Pence deserved to hang, um, he put. posted a tweet right at a dangerous time, which put Mike, therefore, in even more danger, he decided to do that and and M these comments uh, now we find out that again Bar claims he doesn't remember these, you have to put them in the Proper context too, this is a guy who is running for re-election in 2024 and is running to be president of the United States again in 2024, who has said that the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should be executed and his lawyers have argued that he can execute to political opponents with s. team six and they can't be criminally charged, right? uh, who has talked about finding medical companies guilty of treason, has called for the immediate arrest of his political opponents, uh, and we continue to hear it from his people, we hear it again this weekend from his people that anyone who opposes to Trump, Trump's opponents should be jailed, so this wasn't just a stray comment five years ago, this is active, it's ongoing and because he's cowardly enough to be, I guess, relevant, the former Attorney General from United States. he's out to do the right thing and his point is well taken, it's definitely well documented that there are some really scary tendencies on the part of this former president, but even if someone said something like that fairly or to vent in any situation if it happened on the porch from your house or if you said it on the show it would be disgusting, it would be surprising if people thought something was wrong with you for a president to say it in the Oval Office talking about it and by a guy who talks about executing political opponents in general is relevant, should be taken literally

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