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Lawrence: Trumpism means ‘never having to say you're sorry for being stupid’

Jun 20, 2024
The stock market hit record highs again today, something the religion called Trumpism insists is impossible because in the last presidential campaign Donald Trump promised this if elected, the stock market will crash. Trumpism depends on


ity. He has to because Donald Trump is profoundly


. It's impossible to take the stupidity out of Trumpism. Once upon a time I could tell you that every Republican senator in the United States knew Donald Trump was lying when he said China paid American tariffs. American tariffs throughout the history of the American government have been paid by the American people that's how tariffs work, they are sales taxes paid by the American people paid by consumers in the United States who buy the imported products, but Donald Trump has always insisted to his followers at his rallies that China pays the tariffs that Donald Trump imposed on China now to be fair to the 99% of Trump voters who have


attended a Trump rally, it seems that Trump voters More stupid people attend rallies and applaud Donald Trump's astonishingly stupid statement on tariffs, but I promise.
lawrence trumpism means never having to say you re sorry for being stupid
If Joe Biden ever claimed that a foreign country pays American tariffs, the New York Times would destroy it with a massive front-page headline and begin debating whether Joe Biden was lying about the tariffs or whether this was a sign of neurological deterioration in Joe Biden paying tariffs should be a question in the next debate, but debate questioners always pride themselves on the complexity of their questions that


lead to yes or no answers or a reaction to the shocking patterns of ignorance of people like Donald Trump. Donald Trump introduced the cedy insult to American presidential politics with his nasty nicknames first for the Republican candidates he ran against in 2016, who then proved themselves worthy of even nastier nicknames for publicly offering their full loyalty to Donald Trump after he he humiliated them and insulted and insulted some. of their wives and gave their personal phone numbers things like Senator Joshua Holly has not received an insult from Donald Trump because he never ran against Donald Trump, but in his current remote campaign for the vice presidential nomination Senator Holly today tried to prove As luck would have it in Trumpian insult comedy, Holly's insult was based on a lie circulating in right-wing media claiming that Joe Biden didn't want to have to stand for all 90 minutes of the upcoming CNN debate.
lawrence trumpism means never having to say you re sorry for being stupid

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lawrence trumpism means never having to say you re sorry for being stupid...

CNN said it was a lie. with a CNN spokesperson saying that CNN's proposed format was for both candidates to introduce themselves and both sides agree to the rules when they agreed to debate and remember Joe Biden was the first to agree to debate was the first to agree to stand for 90 minutes, but the lie Senator Holly used to insult Joe Biden revealed how much she doesn't know about the country she lives in. Senator Holly tweeted that he can't last 90 minutes, but he is 100% capable of


president. Have fun explaining that, okay, I can explain it. In three words, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was our longest-serving president, elected to four consecutive terms as president of the United States before term limits were established in a constitutional amendment, and every day of his 13 years as president Franklin Roosevelt was in a wheelchair the same way. wheelchair he was in during his two terms as governor of New York Franklin Roosevelt lost the ability to walk when he suffered from polio at age 39, so not standing for 90 minutes is not a presidential job requirement and what did he do Franklin Roosevelt in his wheelchair did more than any president before him or since, including winning World War II.
lawrence trumpism means never having to say you re sorry for being stupid
Adolf Hitler was a younger, healthier man than Franklin Roosevelt, but from his wheelchair, President Franklin Delanor Roosevelt forced Adolf Hitler, 4,100 miles away in Berlin, to commit suicide in his b as the Allies commanded by General Dwight Eisenhower were approaching the German capital. Hitler could stand for 90 minutes, he did it all the time. 90 minutes was a short speech for Adolf Hitler. Josh Holly would have loved Adolf Hitler if he stood up for 90 minutes and ranted incoherently. is something Josh Holly really admires as a presidential Josh Holly knows that no matter how long a president can endure Josh Holly knows the Republican governor of Arkansas, who Republicans believe is the best Texas governor in history, has been in the chair.
lawrence trumpism means never having to say you re sorry for being stupid
He wheels every day of his governorship, but wiseguy Josh Holly wants to make his punk joke about standing for 90 minutes so he can impress the world's worst insult comedian, Donald Trump. Senator Holly is one of the unindicted participants in Donald Trump's attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election. Senator Holly. He was the first member of the Senate to agree to join Republican members of the House of Representatives in their plan to challenge Joe Biden's electoral votes. If only members of the House challenged the electoral votes, those challenges would have been immediately ignored, but if the challenge comes from the House and Senate then both bodies have to vote on The Challenge no Republican senator was willing to step forward to support those challenges that they knew were coming from the chamber until Senator Holly cowardly became the first and was then immediately joined by her other comrades as the Senator.
Cruz and others without Senator Holly the Trump criminal conspiracy alleged by special counsel Jack Smith would have been incomplete other friends of Donald Trump were not as lucky as Josh Holly today Boris Epstein became the newest alleged Trump co-conspirator in face prosecution this time in Arizona where he has pleaded not guilty to criminal charges for his role in a false election conspiracy; there Boris Epstein is a completely incompetent buffoon like most Trump operatives who would never have found a position of responsibility of any kind in a serious Republican presidential campaign before Donald Trump orstein is a non-practicing lawyer who knows nothing about practice of Law and that's why he spent every day of Trump's criminal trial in New York sitting in the front row of seats at The Spectator, totally ignored by the real lawyers handling Donald Trump's losing defense.
Boris Epstein was one of the first and was the last Trump supporter to appear as a guest on this show. It was during the 2016 presidential campaign and Boris Epstein seemed then to be the most reasonable of Trump's operatives who only lied a little, not all the time. word, but after listening to him on this show I realized that it was a disservice to the audience to present the liars paid by Donald Trump to appear on television and lie for him, it is an abuse of television time to give them microphones to those people I've never seen. a successful interview from a Trump agent because they lie about everything and it is impossible to go after all those lies, but Boris Epstein will now find as a criminal defendant what Donald Trump has found, which is that fast-talking lie on television that Trump and his People just don't work in a courtroom where Donald Trump, in fact, was afraid to even open his mouth when he was tried as a criminal defendant in Manhattan.
Trumpism has infected the Supreme Court in ways that were unimaginable before Donald Trump, but some of which actually happened before Trump, it is inconceivable that Justice Samuel Alo and Justice Clarence Thomas and their two wives suddenly became in rabid right-wing Trumpian Republicans, just with the emergence of candidate Trump, we now know that the financial corruption of Clarence Thomas the outright sale of his seat on the Supreme Court or at least what we can all agree on is that the financial exploitation of his seat on the Supreme Court has been going on for decades. Clarence Thomas never admitted that Clarence Thomas was violating the Supreme Court's financial disclosure rules.
The justices of the Court claim that, as a Supreme Court justice, it was impossible for him to understand these very simple rules, that it is not necessary to go to law school to understand rules that anyone could understand on their first reading. Clarence Thomas's defense has been the kind of The defense that disqualifies him as a Supreme Court justice is the claim that he is too stupid to understand these very simple ethical rules, which would mean that, by his own admission, he is too stupid to be a Supreme Court justice, but Trumpism




to say you.


I'm stupid, so everyone in Republican politics accepts Clarence Thomas' defense that I was too stupid to understand the ethics rules that apply to Supreme Court justices and just when we think we know everything about Justice Thomas , there is more the Senate Judiciary Committee. released new information revealing that Clarence Thomas took three more flights than previously known on Republican mega-donor Harlon Crow's private jet — that is, three more flights than the public knew about when data compiled by the group Watchdog fixed the court showed that Clarence Thomas received at least more than $4 million in gifts between 2004 and 2024 in the same two decades, no other judge reported even half a million dollars in gifts or a quarter of a million dollars in gifts.
Samuel Leo came in second with approximately $210,000 in gifts over those same two decades. the records do not show the purpose of Clarence Thomas' trips on that private jet the post estimated that such flights could have cost between $500,000 and $625,000 as Joe Biden said this weekend in Los Angeles if Donald Trump is elected president he will have at least two Supreme Court seats to fill President Biden did not specify which seats, but it's easy to see how quickly Donald Trump and wealthy Republicans could buy Clarence Thomas' Supreme Court seat from Justice Thomas, giving him the fabulous lifestyle rich that Judge Thomas Thomas so openly craves Judge Thomas is 75 years old Donald Trump would make him an offer he couldn't refuse the golden motorhome offer him unlimited private jets wherever he wants to go offer him multi-million dollar income sitting on corporate boards for the rest of his life giving speeches at closed-door Republican meetings and Donald Trump would make Samuel Alo an offer that Samuel Alito's wife wouldn't let him refuse based on her recently recorded comments about how much she hates her husband's job Donald Trump would replace at least two supreme court justices in their 70s with far-right Republican lawyers like, for example, 44-year-old Joshua Holly, who could comfortably serve on the US Supreme Court for another 40 years, where he could do much more damage than what he is trying to do now in the United States Senate.

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