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TikToks That INFURIATE Doctors

Apr 15, 2024
You know we can cut off blood circulation to his brain, he's about to cut off blood circulation to the brain of the guy behind him, if I could get to these small intestine points, I'm going to rewind and if he said intestine points, I'm going Let's go I didn't know why it cut off circulation to my brain, if you could get to these points in the small intestine, you are squeezing my boy's Achilles tendons, you are saying that will cut off his intestinal circulation, which in turn will cut off circulation in your brain, so go try it. and I'm going to choke myself, I'm going to press him one, two, three, he's out, I held him for three seconds, that guy needs an academy award, why the biggest snub of the year, jumping on Lego every day until he gets one Girlfriend, oh no, no, that's so painful. so sharp so sharp oh, these tarsi are how calcaneal are these plants fashion take a little viagra for the game baby that will adapt to the circulation going well what many nfl players at least in my time took viagra because it opens the blood vessels a many endurance athletes I don't know which NFL players take viagra before the game.
tiktoks that infuriate doctors
I understand why they do it after the game. viagra and sildenafel. The main ingredient in Viagra is a vasodilator, so it opens blood vessels. It was actually tested initially. for and used for pulmonary hypertension, so high blood pressure in the lungs is now the problem and why I don't recommend it to people, you want your body to decide where the blood flow should go, which What you may not realize is that Viagra has side effects, headaches and visual pain. the problems are actually two of the most common, I honestly have no idea why it does this.
tiktoks that infuriate doctors

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tiktoks that infuriate doctors...

My theory is that it's stupid, that it was adorable, that it was the cutest thing I've ever seen, oh, oh, oh, he turned his finger 360 degrees that bad. Wow, that was good. I'm having trouble making a basic layup. Dance in the rain. Make a rain. Oh, he's going to help her. Did you just perform chest compressions on your leg? I'm broken, I'm broken. I'm kind of ecstatic that this little kid potentially watched one of my videos and started doing chest compressions, but at the same time I'm really disappointed why the hell he's doing it on his ankle.
tiktoks that infuriate doctors
It's true, because children are actively trying to figure out if they were really hurt and how much something hurts them. If your child falls, watch how he reacts and don't automatically jump or get really angry because he fell because that can translate into more fear, more anxiety. That's supposed to be like roulette in water because that's really cool. I would do it. do that oh no we're back with this the kick is just for effect it's not even kicking really i feel like this has become a show now i don't know if this video was filmed after the first video and after all the fuss from Others


, including me, said he shouldn't hit his students in the face;
tiktoks that infuriate doctors
He barely makes contact with their faces before he extended them, but now when he hits them in the face, even like the leg kick, he's not really putting it to his full potential. strength, hope lesson learned, still not ideal, keep punching them in the face, people in the comments section, but doesn't it strengthen your chin? No, it does the opposite, the more hits you take to the face without protection, the more likely it is that you will be knocked out in the future, isn't that crazy? Okay, kick to the face, kick to the face, front kick, front punch, whoa, flying punch, whoa, kick, elbow kick, reverse elbow slap, oh, that was fake, oh, oh, yeah I'm ever down. and I need CPR, that's how you do chest compressions, okay, gosh, I know what joke you're making, but trust me, those are not the chest compressions you want, if you ever find out you want the good ones, you want Dr. .Mike on top. of you pounding your chest two inches deep 100 beats per minute potentially breaking ribs in order to help you.
I'm skeptical about this. It could be possible? Yes, the body is very good at creating walls around foreign substances, whether we are talking about bacteria. or a piece of glass, I don't know about that one, just from its location, it looks like it's on the calf, the gastroc moves a lot, I feel like you would feel it, especially with the thickness of that piece of glass, the vagina smokes, not first . After all, it's not even vaginal steam, it's vulvar steam. The vagina is the path to the uterus and cervix. Is within. I don't think they are putting steam inside your body because that would burn.
Know? there are none available you sit in front of a medicinal steam pot what is a medicinal steam pot you are just putting names in a damn kettle one is the vagina and the uterus it cleans you like steam enter a steam room this is rubbish This is misinformation when you wake up from your nap and realize you're at the doctor. Oh, that's the cutest baby ever. It's definitely not in my doctor's office because that baby would be thrilled to see me. What happens if you mix olive oil and lemon? You will get olive oil with lemon.
Wait, I didn't even read the fact that it said sexual fact, I don't know what I'm about to get a better result than viagra, why are you trying to get the viagra? a food topping that tastes good and you are putting viagra in it, it would be a better result than viagra, but if you are trying to get erections because you have erectile dysfunction, no my friends, viagra is a better food, how does rice help make you shorter? is that and how corn makes you shorter none of this makes any of it explained to you if you ever see me make a video titled foods that make you shorter unsubscribe from my channel how to lose 10 pounds in a month massage your why did I do it?
I think this was going to be good information, first of all, massage your earlobes. Great, I love it, I touch my earlobes all the time. It has nothing to do with weight loss, but I love it, eat slowly anyway. Good advice, not weight loss advice, but good advice anyway, coffee. It contains caffeine, which is a higher metabolism, if you like, it speeds up your metabolism to a certain degree, which can help you burn calories and if you drink black coffee, you don't add all those fats that people add when they drink coffee. a grande macchiato induced with cheese with milk and caramel, okay, in front of the mirror, that's the worst damn advice ever.
It's just a terrible thing like self-hatred. In fact, I once read that in a cosmo thing and thought, "Don't eat out of boredom." Good advice: avoid eating while you are distracted because it is very easy to binge while you are distracted because then you are not in tune with how full you really are. Oh, that's dangerous, the fact that he can touch it, wow, that's really dangerous, I want to. to say something, but oh, this is funny, if it's true, it's probably my favorite, the ball and socket joint, so the sutures are what's inside your skull and they don't really have a huge amount of movement, they can have a small amount, maybe you won.
I don't even feel the amount of movement those sutures have Michael, I'm sick, I'm Dr. Michael to you. I received a prescription from the doctor. Can you go look for her? So the doctor's prescription is for a headache. Leave it in your bag for a sore throat. cartilage bracelet for less to satisfy your heels I'm not going to lie I wanted a date and somehow we ended up at the mall because I think I needed to get a gift for a birthday we were going to or an event we were going to during calling things for the event I was going to and I brought this person as my date this was our second date maybe she looked at me and said what does it mean in Russian how about a bag for me?
I vomited in my mouth oh Noof, that's new, but if I'm cold, you're cold, you have to go inside. I love it when people try to tell dog owners that their dogs are uncomfortable when they have no idea any information about that dog. I was walking with the bear and me. I'm walking and I'm training him and the bear loves having his butt spanked like when I said he's been a good boy, I spanked his butt as a congratulations and he gets excited and wants to jump. On me, that's like their version of the game and a lady comes up to me on the street, I assume her middle name was Karen and she says sir, please don't hit your dog and I said, thank you, he loves that. they whip him. receiving a beating, a 73-year-old Algerian woman went to the emergency room with abdominal pain.
They performed abdominal studies and discovered that she had a lithopedia. This is a fetus that died 35 years earlier. It weighed 4.5 kilograms and calcified in her abdomen. This is incredibly rare. , this would only happen with an ectopic pregnancy if the fetus is in the abdomen and then the baby dies because that is not a hospital environment and the patient did not know she was pregnant, that baby is almost treated as a foreign substance by the body it starts to block it much like it does with an abscess or any other foreign substance, in fact, it creates scar tissue, fibrotic tissue around it, calcifications and remember we're scanning everyone these days in emergency rooms and this It's not happening. regularly no way ever king here welcome back to another saturday dinner this is what we're going to have for breakfast lunch and dinner we're going to have liver we have about three or four ounces of liver we have our bone marrow so we have a fresh piece of femur let's just take out that mirror uh two important things here liver one of its other names is nature's multivitamin because there are many minerals and vitamins found in the liver there are large amounts of, I believe, vitamin a in Vitamin A of the Liver is one of the fat-soluble deka vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins cannot be excreted in urine and can in fact be stored in fat stores, which means it is very easy to go overboard with vitamin A, especially with the huge The amounts found in the liver, bone marrow, contain a compound called adiponectin, which has actually been linked to lower rates of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, contains many good vitamins and minerals, as well as glucosamine for bone health. joints, and although the evidence in this regard is not.
It's not perfect if you're getting the natural weight for me, it's better than the supplement, a living concoction. I want to know what to offer concoction. We're going to have a couple of hamburgers today. I hope he doesn't eat all those burgers, that's a lot. a lot of meat, all these burgers are for me, some of you think that I don't eat all this food, I eat every burger, I eat every fry, that's a lot of food, the caloric intake has to be huge, I don't know how. How much exercise you are getting is probably a lot.
I also don't know if he is supplementing with some type of exogenous hormones. I'm not making any assumptions here, but it's possible, especially when you eat large quantities like this. It's very, very interesting, it's a good exercise. Not only is the man doing a farmer's walk with heavy kettlebells but he is doing it in the water with added water resistance. Good good exercise. He says cell phone reception goes here and here. That really means that this Faraday cage and that Faraday cage will be secured. to block all EMFs, this EMF thing has been going around Tik Tok, people are very afraid of low levels of EMFs.
What we have seen is that if you have high levels of exposure, very high industrial levels of exposure, it is problematic, but low levels are not. It doesn't show any short term danger to the human body when we do long term studies there have been some inconclusive results where there have been some weak studies showing that maybe there is some link, not cause and effect but a potential link that could exist, there are so many. risks in our daily lives we have to choose our battles and if I were to have a conversation with my patient about whether or not emfs should take center stage in her life in determining risks, she would probably say no, there are other things we should we can make changes and have bigger profits and better risk reduction than talking about emf, we have a hard shell hyperbaric chamber that we pump with pure medical grade o2, this is really interesting because depending on the zoning laws and how these things, They can only operate certified facilities such as hospitals and Places where you have to be a certain distance from other commercial facilities and residential facilities.
I think you can have one of these when it comes to hyperbaric treatments, although there is a lot of misinformation out there from people claiming it cures everything. from cancer to Lyme disease to Alzheimer's disease, which is complete shit, it's never been shown to do any of those things. In fact, here is a list of the things it has been shown to help with and that we use in our hospitals every day. our cold dip there are pine needles here there are leaves here there are things here that you would probably say you should probably clean your charcoal dip but this is itearth this is all that will help you yeah there's nothing wrong with having leaves on your cold promise like that's no problem you wanna take that bad boy out these are painful tick tocs these are painful memes click here to check it out, as always, happy and healthy, and let's see some of these memes together, they are really funny and painful

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