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Reacting To Dog TikToks With My Newfie Bear

May 06, 2024
The connection between dog and man is a beautiful thing wow dog flying


are you missing out can you jump that high? I believe in you, I believe in your ability to jump 23 feet pancake dog yeah beer it's a pancake dog oh that's me and she says eat in Russian that's not really a pancake it's a bleen chick two dogs freeze still three dogs still freeze why are they frozen even though they are scaring me a little it seems like they are frozen in time oh them? You just behaved, anything goes, that's why God, I love well-behaved dogs, the connection between dog and man is a beautiful thing, oh, he just punched me in the face, wow, that's straight assaulting me.
reacting to dog tiktoks with my newfie bear
I don't want your paw. I don't want to. look at this little thing she says I want it I love it


you need a brother or sister or a cat what's your point now silly oh the little dog tried to get a rabbit I have never seen the bear interact with any other animal outside of the species I would be very curious to see how I would do it with a rabbit. The bottom line is that we need a dog to protect us. For example, if someone tried to break into our house, I would want to make sure they were immediately terrified.
reacting to dog tiktoks with my newfie bear

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reacting to dog tiktoks with my newfie bear...

It's OK? I did not expect that. I think if people brought it into the house, the bear would be like, What's wrong? Can you pet me while you pet me? I'll show you where all the valuables are. New. Let me embed a drop. I know how. to react oh, I would put that background on my phone if I were the owner of the dog this is a dog that is being shot that is the bear that is on bear this is you man you are this long look how long the bear is we have a dog with a bird Oh, is a dog going to eat the bird?
reacting to dog tiktoks with my newfie bear
Don't eat the bird. Oh my god, are they best friends? Bear, what would you do if I brought you a bird like this? The bear wants nothing to do with this bird. Okay, that's a border collie standing there. wanting the statue to throw a toy for some reason this is awesome not a real person border collie that's also a well mannered dog just saying kiss laugh kiss oh someone's getting scratches yes bear do you like scratching posts do you like scratching posts whoa mouths when they don't want to hurt something that was crazy I can take your head and completely ew oh look it's your bear how come that dog didn't get scared? oh there you're going to scare that bear oh that's a dog that doesn't want to go somewhere good sometimes I feel like when I go to work Saint Bernard it's like I'm ruining this pool sorry man dogs sometimes they make the biggest mess completely accidentally.
reacting to dog tiktoks with my newfie bear
The bear's limp tail knocks over everything in the house, including the lights, okay, that's not it. Actually wait a second, I think I could imitate that ready, okay, we have a house, a circular chamber of some kind, package slam, slam, oh the dog went through the glass, that's an excitable animal, things I haven't been able to do since I have a The German Shepherd sleeps well because the German Shepherd takes up the entire bed. He doesn't have dog hair all over his clothes, mouth and food. I finish a yogurt alone. I'll definitely take a quiet shower.
The real bear always likes to break into the bathroom. I have any kind of wallpaper, oh. Why does the dog eat the wallpaper? How weird. Basic daily tasks. Oh no, the bear doesn't like the vacuum cleaner. He is also a young German Shepherd. And I wouldn't say these are things just for German Shepherds. I think this is for all the puppies, oh my. God a Yorkie found dentures that are so gross for so many different reasons they definitely did it on purpose come on oh that's a diesel dog oh my gosh is it normal for a dog to be so muscular?
I feel like he's a dog that goes to Gold's. Gym and maybe those proteins creatine, anavar and clenbuterol, okay, too many things, our first visit to the children's hospital, oh look, this is my dream for Bear, but then the coveted pandemic ruined everything, oh, the support legs They are the way to go, tell me you would do it. I don't want a giant bear to come hang out with you. Smiles are important. Optimism is important and dogs bring all that. We cannot forget the nurses. Yes, honestly, everyone stops working when a dog gets into any type of employee environment for a bit.
A little trivia, everyone on my podcast so far has universally loved Bear, the person who most likely loved Barbara Corcoran, she asked Barry to drool over her outfit and I was surprised because it was a stylish outfit, oh dog bathing a little cubby why do dogs love water so far I remember taking Roxy to the dog park and she would literally run over to where the puddle was and lay in it oh how cute that's a good trick so that when she Whatever you like, the dog just runs towards the hole. I do the same but with touch, touch, there you have it.
Okay, we have a uh, that's not how I bathe the bear because the bear doesn't fit in a giant human-sized bathtub let alone a sink, but this. It already looks clutch oh, it's so cute, it's so easy to see how small it is yes, dogs love to chase the air I don't know why they just like it oh my God, look at that little face and you could shape it too. I also tried to fix it. bear with kitchen scissors and that failed miserably. All these dog groomers called me, so now I have the right dog clippers, ready to show off, oh, is the dog going to show off, how is the dog going to show up sliding on the ice spot? oh, it's in Newfoundland, I'm going to slide right here if you don't mind, oh my gosh, when a bear steps on you like that, you have to remember that these dogs have big dew claws that hurt a lot if they catch you because they're super sharp. down here you can't even see them because it's like buried in their fur, okay, go for a walk, oh that's a shoulder dislocation, I can diagnose it right then and there, by the way, a tip for dog owners who, with Dogs that pull, keep a shorter leash. or a leash, i.e. holding it closer to the dog's neck will eliminate that slack and therefore eliminate the dog's ability to actually start running and have all that momentum to pull you and hurt your shoulder, that's a french who loves sticks, it's a great way to bring a dog home oh honey, you're stuck oh bear used to get stuck like that too Roxy did it too Roxy oh yes, I like to see them constantly climbing stairs or going through hallways and doors oh so resilient that they're like yeah, I'm going to make it, it's going to be okay, it's like watching Roxy hobble around on three legs.
It's sad, but at the same time it's still very happy. Oh no way, this dog knows how to blow. There is no way the bear will do it. I couldn't change it. make that puppy hello puppy oh it's a fake puppy what's going to happen is that a dog is going to get scared oh he's not going to get scared oh no don't scare your dog most dogs wouldn't get scared that's why they wouldn't smell it like that They wouldn't be worried, except maybe that poor little dog, his brain is short-circuiting because he recognized it in the visual cortex, but then in the old factory area, it's like no, it's not there.
I tried to do this with the bear, he is too heavy. it's too uncomfortable to pick it up I don't know how to pick it up like this in fact I need a video of how this dog's owner picked up his Newfoundland like this oh no way this is real it's that real do they make this for dogs? Veterinarians let me know if dogs receive respiratory treatments like this. I can't imagine dogs staying still for this God. I don't think he could live in that house when he would take Roxy to the dog park and wouldn't let her in because she wasn't behaving, she was pulling her, etc. and I would sit outside until she calmed down, she screamed like that and people thought I was abusing her just because I wouldn't let her in the dog park, you are so vocal, many of you asked me how I prepared this monster of an animal.
Click here for the answer and as always, let's me and the new guy stay happy and healthy.

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