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Doctor Reacts To Rough Soccer Injuries

May 15, 2024
How about we diagnose some football or



depending on where you are from? Let's start with how I grew up as a


fan because I came from Russia and that was my first sport. I was captain of my high school football team. Subtle flex. I actually love the French national team Zinedine Zidane, these were people I really looked up to growing up at 350. Stone came across the goal, oh he just left it lying around? He was playing the wrong kind of football, let's take another look at this. oh, his hip bone hit him directly in the temple, he lost two teeth, broke three ribs and suffered lifelong damage to his vertebrae when you travel at that speed and hit something as hard as a femur, remember that femur It is one of the strongest bones in the human body.
doctor reacts to rough soccer injuries
It has the tensile strength of steel, stronger than concrete, as if this thing were hard. I'm not saying it's been tested, but it's tough. Well, look, it's a really unfortunate injury because taking a kneecap directly into the kneecap. Entering the vertebrae of the spine can be very painful, remember that vertebrae are bones that stack on top of each other and protect the spinal cord, but then from the spinal cord our spinal nerves exit and become peripheral nerves, so if a very strong blow comes to your vertebrae, obviously, you could run the risk of fracturing them and that is incredibly painful, but you could also damage those nerves, and when you damage the nerves, they are not symptoms that disappear in a few minutes, they are persistent , they make you sleepy.
doctor reacts to rough soccer injuries

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doctor reacts to rough soccer injuries...

They are tingling sensations that cause what is known as paresthesia, which are abnormal sensations in the hands and legs, so this type of injury is very, very devastating. The official diagnosis was a fracture of the lumbar vertebrae shortly after receiving the blow; he said in an interview that he could be in a wheelchair if his knee had moved a little to the left. I have had patients with compression fractures who have absolutely debilitating pain. We end up having to turn to opioids because it's so bad that there are unique situations with compression fractures where we can actually use them. some nasal sprays known as calcitonin that can help with pain are a little unusual because it's not typically a pain relief spray, but the mechanism behind that is pretty interesting oh Cristiano Ronaldo oh god that was a big hit, now he's holding on the knee a lot of times when you're an athletic trainer or a sports medicine


when you're on the field or off the field and you're trying to do a knee exam if there's a tear, there's a lot of overall swelling, especially if it's torn like the ACL. , because essentially when you tear a ligament, there is bleeding that occurs there and that's where a lot of the swelling and inflammatory cells come from, so it's very difficult to do a special test and expect to get an accurate result because everything hurts, everything seems which is a positive result that you actually obtained.
doctor reacts to rough soccer injuries
Let's wait for the swelling to go down and take some images Ronaldo was involved in a collision in the ninth minute and suffered a grade one sprain of the ACL ligament in his left knee Alonso oh what happened there oh this is Spain Holland England foreigner oh my God Okay , for those who don't know, one of the worst things you can do, which should be an automatic red card, is fly towards another player th


the air with one leg extended and one knee locked. When we play in high school we usually use something known as FG cleats which are firm ground cleats so they are kind of sticky but in professional soccer they usually use SG cleats which are called soft ground cleats and these are metal cleats sharp, so go figure.
doctor reacts to rough soccer injuries
You're flying at high speed with a locked knee, meaning it doesn't give way once you make contact and you hit someone with a metal object directly in their chest, where their ribs are, their heart are vital organs, oh my god, we've even seen What happened in American football when someone received a direct hit in the chest? We don't know exactly what happened with the Buffalo Bills, but we know in baseball, for example, whether the ball hits you at the right time from the electrical conductivity of your heart. could stop the heart the same could have easily happened here tonight one of the world's top soccer stars collapsed at the Euro 2020 tournament our game is going to be yes, he fell alone without anyone hitting him his heart suddenly stopped his teammates forming a protective circle around the midfielder and then they started chest compressions chest compressions chest compressions because when someone doesn't have a pulse, that's what you do until help arrives.
Erickson is now awake and stabilized at the hospital and will stay there for further examination. had a risk, which is the return of spontaneous circulation, this can happen by simply doing chest compressions, it can happen by giving medications, if you had a defibrillator rhythm, which is a type of heart rhythm that would respond to one of those defibrillators, you can apply a shock the patient and actually shock them to get them back into the correct rhythm by establishing a pulse, so it's not clear what happened to him, but the fact that they acted quickly did the chest compressions right away, which gave them time to perform medical interventions, that is the purpose of CPR.
A cardioversity defibrillator was soon implanted. installed as a countermeasure to any rhythmic disturbance, but the device fell out of town due to medical regulations and in October Eriksen found himself suspended from action by Inter Milan. Wow, so the implantable defibrillator they are talking about is one that is basically placed under the skin and some wires are placed directly into the chambers of the heart, if the monitor detects an abnormal heart rhythm that is susceptible to being shocked, ie. Just like the defibrillator we keep outside and use at little league games, it will actually go into shock right inside.
At that time now I'm not sure what the legal medical regulations are that prevented him from playing for Inter Milan, but it could be as simple as his insurance not covering a person playing on his team with such a significant risk, in reality is even more so. about the risk he faces rather than his ability oh did he burst my achilles tendon? This looks like an Achilles injury, yes it is grabbing the Achilles tendon and for those who don't know, the Achilles tendon is the one that attaches the calf muscle to the back of the foot the heel the calcaneus bone the gastroc muscle so strong that you actually need to be able to push your entire body weight upward at any given moment so it is very explosive the Achilles tendon is very strong but if you are ever injured due to tendinitis or some other type of injury you can break and one of the tests we do in the


's office is called the Thompson test, where we have the patient lie face down, squeeze their calf, and watch their foot move forward now if that action is If it doesn't happen with the foot, we know that there is probably a disconnection with the Achilles tendon.
We can do a musculoskeletal ultrasound to confirm this and the reason we see Beckham stumbling here is because he can't flex his foot due to the lack. connection with your calf muscle many times because the Achilles tendon is so strong and constantly pulling on the calcaneal bone in your back it can actually create a deformity in the bone known as Haglund's deformity and it creates like this lump in the back. of your foot to such an extent that today some soccer players are cutting a square off their soccer boot to make room for that small bone deformity. so he made the other player parallel to the ground, you have to be strong to do that and you could break your sternum.
The interesting thing is that I don't think the rules allow the referee to see the replay at that time, so the referee didn't see that, but they kept repeating it in the stadium and I think that's what led the referee to issue the red card and in It actually sucked because Hidan is one of the best penalty takers in France and then they were done. need to go to penalties and trezegate i think he missed the penalty if he wasn't there it could have been a different story zidane the price yeah and that was Treasure gay missing the penalty kick it's amazing how many times he's been caught on camera biting people like If there were cameras everywhere, buddy, how do you know they're not going to catch you?
And by the way, being bitten by a human is probably worse than being bitten by a dog, unless a dog is like a rabbit. The human mouth has so many different types of bacteria that you need ample antibiotic coverage for, yeah I saw it and it sure took a little bite and you know what's funny this isn't the only time it's done this, He's done it like three times, yeah, there were memes of him looking like a rat because he constantly bites me, that's very dangerous, but I mean, that's not Cristiano's fault, but, my God, the fact that he landed like that, already You know, it's a common injury in football that could have been here is a broken collarbone.
Falling on your shoulder with your arm extended is quite common and you know that to prevent


, FIFA launched a program called FIFA 11 plus that literally dictates the warm-up you should do to reduce injuries by up to 50 percent I think that's what the program claimed, they did the research that shows that doing this program reduces ACL injuries and all those other injuries, it's pretty incredible that now all the teams started doing that in the round of 16 of the League of Champions. Leo impressed everyone against Chelsea at Stamford Bridge the dream was shattered in the 22nd minute Messi ran after a loose ball and suddenly stopped dead he collapsed to the ground you could see the pain on his face the tears in his eyes he had torn the hamstring in his right leg oh that is one of the most painful injuries oh my gosh especially if it is completely removed and torn oh my gosh a hamstring injury is very difficult for NFL football players wide receivers to recover from every time you have to run, especially on a fatigued hamstring.
The incident involving Firmino took place during a Premier League match when Liverpool played Spurs at Wembley Stadium. Oh, with the Belgian accidentally poking Firmino's eye with his finger, things initially look very bad, but after quick medical intervention any serious complications were avoided. It's great luck that you can. get into a lot of trouble, I mean, even minor things like a corneal abrasion require antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, especially if you wear contact lenses which can predispose you to all kinds of problems, so don't let your eyes get stung, people running around. streets of New York. York City answering people's questions, click here to check it out and enjoy New York City, learn something and have fun as always, stay happy and healthy.

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