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TikTok's Obsession with Dark Humor

May 13, 2024
Hello guys, welcome back to my channel, if you are new here, how are you doing? And if they come back, how are you, how are you doing? It's very good to see you again. I hope it goes well, you'll see what happens when you subscribe to my channel, you'll get an extra shout out at the beginning of every one of my videos except that one time, so hit the subscribe button for an extra room. Okay guys, I feel like this video will be a little more irritating if that's a That's a word, so I apologize in advance if you don't like videos like that, but I have a lot of opinions on this topic and it's my YouTube channel , so I asked so I could do whatever I want.
tiktok s obsession with dark humor
I've been using Tiktok. pretty regularly for like a year now, I've been making fun of it for two years, but over the past year I've been actively consuming content there and creating tick tock content and I've seen a lot of things really. I like the fun, creative and original content on Tiktok, which is great, but lately I've also seen another side of Tiktak that is the complete opposite and I wanted to talk about it today because a lot has been happening on Tiktok. over the past few weeks that illustrates how I feel about this topic and how I feel about it off the platform too, so let's get into it, there is a pretty large group of people on Tik Tok who call themselves lovers of



. and as much as I wish that meant telling jokes with the lights out, that's not what they mean by



and I hate to sound like a high school student phoning in an oral presentation, but Webster's Dictionary defines dark humor as a form of humor. that regards human suffering as absurd rather than pitiful or that regards human existence as ironic and meaningless but somehow comical, so remember that definition in the future, okay, just keep that in your skull, your brain to Be more specific and the example given on the Wikipedia page for obscurity. the humor is the third act, scene one of romeo and juliet where mercucio is stabbed and romeo says that this brave man the pain can't be much and then mercucio says no, it's not as deep as a well nor as wide as the door of a church, but it's enough to serve, ask for me tomorrow and you'll find me a serious man, so remember to keep that in your skull, that's the definition of dark humor, that's fine and, personally, I've always found it very strange to be a self-proclaimed lover of dark and offensive humor.
tiktok s obsession with dark humor

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tiktok s obsession with dark humor...

Like I know someone and he confesses that to me about himself I'm not just walking out of the conversation, I'm walking out of whatever room we're in, I don't care where I am if I'm on a plane and the guy next to me says : You know, I actually like it, I have a pretty dark sense of humor, I went, okay, I'm recreating the opening scene of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie because in my experience, when someone says, I guess you could call my humor a little twisted a little dark and edgy all I understand is hey I like to say racist, misogynistic and sexist things without getting in trouble and some of you will know that there has been a lot of controversy and drama surrounding some people in the TIC Tac. who specialize in making controversial or offensive jokes and it all came up in this big thing and I want to cover it today and give my two cents, well we don't have pennies in Canada anymore so round that up, I want to give you my nickel, my two necklaces , but yeah, based on what I've seen on tick tock, this video will probably get a lot of hate, but remember, no one can hate me more than I already hate myself.
tiktok s obsession with dark humor
Well, good luck, Chuck. it's Dane Cook's movie come on so there's a lot of drama and controversy going on recently with this creator named uh donald donald donald don Elijah what if the next 20 minutes of this video were just me trying to say this correctly donald johnny donald? J Dijon, that's the video, see you guys, his name is Chris in real life, so let's go with it. I'm sure some of you have seen his videos before, but Chris did this thing where he reacted to certain videos by liking them. a happy face and then a sad face quite harmless in theory but in practice not so much let's see a quick one that is hilarious that is innovative this is the pinnacle of the comet this is all it did by the way this was the one that did exactly the same video like a hundred times and it was usually him reacting to someone who doesn't conform to conventional gender norms or someone who is just a part of the lgbtq plus community just being himself and people are pretty upset by this content and rightly so, when I see this doesn't seem like a funny joke haha, it's like he's not changing the content at all, he doesn't comment on it or make a new joke about it, he just smiles when he sees something he likes or he agrees and then makes a face surprise and disturbance when you see something you don't know, but it's pretty funny while I was writing this video, your account was banned from ticking, so I can't show you all the comments I wanted.
tiktok s obsession with dark humor
I show you guys, but for the most part, when he would make a video, all the comments were like here comes the snowflake, hey, here comes a blizzard. I've never had an original thought in my life and when his account was banned, all his fanboys and his fan pages were like, how could they come? How could you ban him just because he doesn't even say words? Hey, these are just faces and that's so fucking stupid because if the videos of him were just a video of him, I wouldn't do it. Be man, that would be nice, it's the context of why he's making those right faces.
It's also so stupid to think that the only way to get a message across is to say it right, hey, what's your problem? My name is Keith, hey, I think one of the guys, they dropped the sign of him. Oh my god, are they hitting another Keith again? Why do they hate Keith so much? Oh wait, wait, don't put words in my mouth, dude, I never said that, I never said I hate a guy's name, Keith, come on. What I'm doing now is harmless. See, he can't even feel it, yeah, because he's dead. Resting the key to further illustrate my point.
Here is a video. So what conclusion do you come to when you watch that video? You'd think I liked dogs. And I hate cats, so with that logic and you apply it to his videos, you can see the underlying message that he is portraying well, but before I got comments on this, there were also people arguing that he was making these expressions because he wasn't So. It was expected that I would be attracted to maybe a boy dressed as a girl or vice versa, but that explanation is total when you look at his other videos, for example, he did a duet with a Tony López and Nikita Dragon video.
Oh, my two favorite influencers in the world. I only do good and amazing things, but the video starts with Nikita singing into Tony's neck. Chris loves that Chris likes that part, but when Tony goes and kisses Nikita Chris doesn't like it, he didn't like that part and let's take a look. In these comments I really like the quick content, warning about transphobia, um but let's take a look, it's two men and no one can tell me otherwise, why did two guys kiss and then we get one of the guy whose profile picture is Chris Ayo, those guys suss?
I took a screenshot of these before the account was banned, but there were many more, hundreds and hundreds of transphobic comments left by people with this Chris guy as their profile picture, so hey buddy, you're actually not just making faces , are you the content he had? was creating a toxic, hateful environment that was spreading transphobia and was full of people making insensitive jokes about how they didn't know anything and also a quick sidebar of when he did it, when the term suss became a slang term for homosexual. I feel like that's really strange. right, because sus, correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought sus was short for suspicious, right, so if you're gay, then suspicious, that's the new term.
I guess you have to come out as a suspect and there will be a suspect pride month every year, I mean if the video in question if tony lopez and nikita dragon were wearing face masks and black and white striped long sleeve shirts and had big bags of money on your shoulders, yes. That's super, they just robbed a bank, I don't know, I just think it's super weird, but back to what the video is about, so with all this stuff going on, this guy Chris had like a lot of people coming in his defense. a lot of tick talkers like to defend him and be like that and he also made the universally loved and respected youtuber come to his defense keemstar un ban donald j right now so I feel like that tells you everything you need to know because holy man yeah are you ever in some kind of controversy or scandal and keemstar is on your side oh uh oh you never want to be on the same side as keemstar dude like if keemstar made a video tomorrow and said you should drink water and eat and sleep well everyone days, prepare a coffin for me because I'll be dead very soon because I'm not going to do any of those things, see you, he doesn't even say anything and oh my God, man.
It was another tick tocker who was really upset because this guy Chris got banned and made probably the worst video I've ever seen in my life, imagine doing that, imagine making that video dude, imagine putting your phone down and then running, you better Be careful. To my neck, beard, this guy looks old enough to be my dad, dad, and his number one priority is pissing off teenagers during a nap. Also, bro, if you're over 18, don't have those LED lights in your room, sure, sure, I don't have them, man, see where the wall meets the ceiling, all those lights, yeah, they changed colors, I saw them on a preteen's tic tac, I had to post them for myself, yes I'm so young, it's crazy, but in that tik tok he said he was going to make offensive jokes until Chris was unbanned, like this Let's take a look at one of those offensive jokes.
That's so funny bro, okay, I found another video of this guy. I wish I'd seen it sooner, but it's comedy gold, guys, let's watch it. This is the girl's room. Uh, I identify as a girl. Okay, hello honey, oh, I identify as a man today oh, where's the men's room? oh, he's on the left, pack it in, every other comedian in the world, he won. If you're going to make an offensive joke, at least make it a joke. It's pretty easy. Prepare a joke like. Hey man, if that shirt of yours was smaller, I would have mistaken it for your penis.
Is there a quick little joke for you or was it too gross of me. This is just a great example of what I said before. You don't have a dark color. sense of humor man, you're just a and this is the behavior that Chris's fan base was displaying, uh, this tick-tocker named Toby, who is a very sweet, funny, nice guy. Can I add that he made a video about Chris that wasn't even that? Bad and he had so many people criticizing him, so many people making videos about him, people like Chris' fans sending him death threats, which is pretty telling about the videos, like his videos aren't really innocent and it's just him making faces.
His audience wouldn't be so evil, right? But the content is inherently critical, so it attracts a critical audience that keeps going. There was another recently banned tick tocker that came to Chris' defense that I want to talk about before all of this happened. I got so many messages to make a video about this guy after I talked about Russell Hartley and I didn't really want to do it, but I mean, I feel like I have to talk about him if I talk about dark humor in tick tock, but I'm not going to say the name of this guy, okay, because one he has no free influence and two, this guy puts cream on his shorts every time someone makes a video about him, so we'll just call him buzz because he has a buzz cut and it reminds me of my. by buzz mcallister alone from home and he is exactly the same height as a buzz lightyear doll.
He's that big. I'm kidding, that's not true, but wow, holy shit, it would be so much fun if you met him and he was literally that big. you're like whoa man so this guy's name is official on tick tock he used to be called jokes but they banned him for some reason i guess it was all the terrible hate speech he was spewing its just my guess or maybe he got banned for lying because his name was trendy jokes, but I've never seen a really original joke from him about coronavirus, what corona tequila, tequila and I could go on all day saying this guy is a misogynist, if you're pretty without makeup then you're pretty much Trump supporting the Aunt Masker, we don't care, but that's not what this video is about, okay, and I could also talk about the fact that he's friends with 50s underwater horse that has sex with phones, Russell Hartley, but that's not is what the video is about any of the offensive humor videos, so let's get on with it, okay, so let's take a look at this guy's dark and twisted sense of humor.
People of all colors need to speak up at a time like this, you know, for a girl who tells us all. She speaks and uses our voices I'm sure you whisper verywell you're a terrible person why do you say that because of all those terrible jokes you made what jokes you know what jokes I'm talking about the ones that were racist sexist misogynist homophobic transphobic I never made any jokes that were homophobic you get it you get it the crux of the joke is that you understand, although let me explain the crux of the joke that he is saying that he has never made homophobic jokes but he did not make reference to the other jokes, so he is confirming that he made those jokes.
Genius, that's what this guy has. I've never seen him make an original joke, like he always makes videos like, yeah, I made these jokes and people get mad at me for all these jokes I make, but I've never seen him. make it like a real joke, well i mean maybe he did it, there's no way to know because his account got banned which is brutal. Any joke I've made, you can easily find it because you know why not ban, you know why I haven't. man, because it's very easy not to get banned. I feel like the reason this guy bothers me so much is because I met this kind of person dozens of times at open mics when I first started doing stand-up, there are guys who peaked. high school who spend too much time with their friends who also peaked in high school and make the same jokes they made when they peaked in high school and then a guy will just be like, dude, you're so funny, bro.
It's so funny, you have to try stand-up, but then he doesn't know how to write a joke, so they just say it as defensively as they can to get some kind of shock value or any kind of reaction from the audience. I've seen it so many times and I hate it so much, but my God, I love seeing this guy stand up. Wow, okay, so sexual assault is pretty funny. He had a joke. People got really mad at me for that. What's the joke? Hey? Do you want to tell what the joke is? Can we hear it well?
I don't know, I don't know how to write a joke, so I said something offensive and then people came over, got mad at me, yeah, what's my? time is fine so you just say offensive things and then say they're a joke so you don't get in trouble coronavirus corona tequila don't let me say I've never seen him make a The joke confuses you because he's made offensive videos before and he's done them called jokes, but I don't see them like that because you know jokes are supposed to be funny, that's their main characteristic, since this guy has made several jokes about sexual assault and he thinks it's okay because it's dark humor, for example, what That's how disgusting you have to be to think it's okay, say it with me, it's not dark humor, you're just a big warning trigger here for sexual assault, but I'm going to show you one of his old jokes that he was super proud of.
I can only find a duo of the original video because you know the guy got banned I can't identify him. The duo is this guy named Tom Gray. He's really funny, but yeah, skip to this part if not. I don't want to see this ticking, okay, but it's going to play in three, two, one, Jesus, okay, you're a rapist, we get it like, hey, man, what's happening to you is the most traumatic, life-ruining thing. tosomeone. and you're just making a joke about it, holy, like what an evil little man, like a little man, he's the size of a buzz, turn on your action figure, like there's so many other things you can make jokes about that.
You don't invalidate people's trauma or make them feel like you're making fun of your own trauma and your own flaws, that's a whole different story, like for example my best friend Jacob, he was diagnosed with brain cancer earlier this year. and the whole time during his chemo, during his radiation, he's been joking about it the whole time, you know, because he's allowed to, he's going through it and this is how he's coping with it and it's so funny and now we can laugh with him where I can feel my cancer. It's getting worse, so maybe this guy should make jokes about his own trauma, you know, maybe like his own flaws, that would be cool.
I would be willing to accept that content. You know he can make a joke about his lack of basic human empathy. I know it would be really funny or a joke about how he dresses like a substitute gym teacher, those are just some suggestions, you don't have to do that because the content is bad, but those V-necks are even worse, and I know it. Obviously everyone has a different sense of humor and freedom of speech exists, but to like dying on that hill and having to constantly defend what you say because thousands of people hate what you're doing, I just can't imagine being like that. .
No, I'm right, you guys are just sensitive and it's a common conversation like the last few years, whenever I tell people I get up, the main response is like, oh, I don't know how you do it, you know? I can't say anything these days, you can't joke about anything and it's like, hey man, yeah, you can. There are so many things in the world that are infinite and if it is a challenge for you to write a joke that is not offensive, good challenge. yourself man it's so easy to just spit out offensive jokes that have been around for so long that our grandparents say at Christmas that makes everyone uncomfortable, anyone could do that, I'm not saying I'm perfect either, I've said things and made jokes about things from the past that they probably weren't the best at making jokes, but when someone calls me out, I don't sell, I don't tell that joke anymore, I go ahead and say, oh, I'm sorry, you're right, but I mean, who knows, maybe I was wrong about this black humor, maybe it's just an activated snowflake.
You know, there are people out there who have made successful careers telling offensive jokes, right? Think about yourself, just for example, Louis C.K, the right man, successful, he paved a way, everything was smooth sailing for him, definitely, there is no evidence that he did anything that shows a lack of empathy, it was that he passed it on very good throughout his career, I don't know, man. Think about if you only have the option of writing a joke that doesn't make people feel terrible or making a joke that does make people feel terrible, wouldn't you want to choose the former?
He's that short-sighted, he needs all the help he can get. I know this video isn't going to change anything and I'm sure Buzz will make videos about me, but I have a lot of thoughts on the topic and I just wanted to do it. Get it out of my head because there is a way to do dark humor correctly. I'm not saying that all dark humor is bad. I just think people confuse dark humor with just being a conclusion. I think ticking is cool. Creative outlet for people. I've laughed a lot and seen some really amazing content on the app, but like any platform, there will be toxic and sensitive people who will find a toxic and insensitive audience and the platform needs to do things about it. that's why that guy Chris got banned, that's why Buzz got banned the first time and it's the same thing that Leafy is here on YouTube, right, I think that's the big conclusion that I've come to, that it's going to change the world. , it's just that I try to be kind, you know, try to show a little empathy, like if thousands and thousands of people tell you what you're doing is wrong, maybe don't do it unless they're people telling you.
Cut your mullet because you know what they do. I'm just jealous and frankly it's pathetic. Okay, all that barking has really worn me out and worked up quite an appetite, so let's grab something to eat while we learn about today's sponsor. Hello, welcome back to the brand deal couch we're on. Back to it, so if you've been watching my videos for a while, you already know all about hellofresh, but I think it's time for a quick refresher. Okay, a review of Hello. Hellofresh is America's #1 meal kit. Do I need to say anything else? No, but I will guys, I get it, it's so easy to get stuck making the same three meals over and over again, but hello, Fresh offers so many recipes to choose from each week to help you finally get out of that recipe rut and don't worry. , there is something. for everyone, including low calorie vegetarian and family recipes, every week they have you covered, you know, I love trying new food, but it's always very difficult to find a good recipe, go to the supermarket, buy all the ingredients and maybe that store no.
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Hello, new for sponsoring another of my videos. I love you, goodbye, give it back to me. Okay, thanks for watching me. Leave a comment. Let me know what you think. about this whole situation, let me know what you think, let me know what you think about offensive humor, dark humor, in general, it's an interesting topic, maybe I'm wrong about some things, but you know, that's just my opinion and no It's not like sending hate to these people or anything that's not my intention. At the end of the day, these people will do what they want. I'm just trying to create a conversation about it and if you don't agree with some of my opinions, stop being that way. a snowflake guy here comes the blizzard yeah if you enjoyed the video hit the like button it really helps me and believe it or not a like on this video equals a joke I'll tell on the darkness, so be careful when you turn. your lights out hit the subscribe button if you want because as soon as you hit the subscribe button you become a valued citizen of Curtis Town if you didn't know Curtis Town is the best place to live in the whole world and I'm the mayor like that you have to be nice to me okay, it's the law because I'm a snowflake want to see other things I do you can check the description I have my podcast weekly podcast is great, very, very good I have my merch down there twitter Instagram move all that nonsense , but yeah, that's the video, thanks for watching, I would stay, but I actually have to go, I have to grab some scissors and turn all my shirts into V-necks, so I'll see you around, okay?

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