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The Millennial Meltdown

May 21, 2024
Friends, okay, I've wanted to make this video for a while, but I've been putting it off because I didn't know if people would find it interesting or not, but then I remembered that I don't give a damn. he is cooking my food, why would I show him nerve? You know, the joke is rat ass, okay, I feel like humans like to categorize each other in a lot of ways, that's how their brain works. I say it like I'm not a human, I am, that's how our brain works. You see one of those videos of something fitting perfectly into something else.
the millennial meltdown
Our brains itch. We tend to do that with each other too. We like to put people where we think they should go. That's why horoscopes exist. Why waste the time? It's time to get to know someone and find out all the little details that make them unique when you could narrow it down to the month they were born, which is a little weird, I'll say it, oh you're a Libra so that means your parents probably had sex Unprotected sex in January is hot, but obviously humans are too complex to be simplified into one zodiac sign, so we have to be a little broader, right, we have to be much broader with categorization, that's why we have generation . you have the baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964.
the millennial meltdown

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the millennial meltdown...

Those are like our grandparents who just stepped out and immediately got a job as CEO of a duct tape company and used their hard-earned money to buy a house for 10 years. and now they sit back and use the remaining XP points to max out their casual racism skill tree and then you have generation x. I think the exhibition belongs to this generation, which is great. They were born between 1965 and 1980 and I couldn't describe the generation. x with four letters hgtv I think you get it and then we have


s born between 1981 and 1996. I was born in 94 so that would make me a good try


the millennial meltdown
I was honestly hungry dude, millennials have been left absolutely 360 behind. Last year's back slam dunk don seemingly came out of nowhere so in this video I wanted to go over why that is happening, why millennials are made fun of so much and see what I can do to stop it and obviously we know the generation . after millennials is generation z but did you know I just discovered this but the generation after generation z is called generation alpha are you so unfair that babies just go out lifting weights and being mean to women so soon how is the baby born?
the millennial meltdown
Like God, mom, you have a vagina, yeah, real quick, I gotta yell at my boy, Eddie, real quick. A while back he made a really good video about millennials versus Gen Z when there was that big fight with the ticking for no reason other than that. The dispute was just the beginning, it was the lighting of this bonfire of hate towards millennials, and honestly, man, we probably deserved it. Millennials were born in a really interesting time. I think the main thing that shaped Millennials and how we behave and how. interact with each other was the Internet or just the growth of the Internet and technology in general, technological growth has been exponential and we grew just when I was starting to really like speeding up, as I remember when I was a kid and using a chat connection on the family computer to go to I remember my dad had a pager and to this day I still don't know what it was for and I had to watch SpongeBob in black and white on my video now okay then fast When I was a teenager I got my own computer laptop, I saw the introduction of tablets and smartphones and then, fast forward to my 20s, we have self-driving cars, metaverse vibrating briefs that you control with an app, whatever, oh no, no, you thought the app would tell me He says my underpants have a low battery, so I feel like millennials are the way they are because so many things were happening at once and everything was changing so fast it felt like we fell from a tall tree. and we were just trying to hold on to any branches so we just didn't die and it didn't go well, some of us did but a lot of us survived but at what cost, for this video I thought we would break.
We will break it down into three parts that really illustrate the mind of a millennial. First, we'll take a look at Millennials' style and then talk about Millennials' hobbies. Finally, we will talk about the humor of Millennials. By the time this video is over, you might already know. like millennials or chances are you'll hate them even more than before so sorry everyone okay style now I'm not a fashionista okay I think I dressed pretty normal back east but I like to think that I know how to dress well I think I can put together an outfit I think I know when things look good, but compared to these Gen Z kids, I dress like a substitute teacher, bro, these brats could wear a ghillie suit, big shoes and thick Osiris hats and a top hat and still looking cooler than me in some ways it's just because younger people are cooler than me and I don't care about that, that's fine, but it's very interesting to see how You see people my age sometimes, I can't really talk. "About women's fashion so much because what do I know about that?
But I can immerse myself in boys' fashion all day, obviously, everyone's different, everyone's style is different, but I feel like a lot of it has to do with with your friends, your occupation, just the environment. We are here every day because, just like the millennial guys who work in banking or investments, they dress like the most idiots, the thing about their fashion is that five days a week they only wear suits, so when they go out weekends. They're like what do I wear so they end up wearing the longest shirt you've ever seen? You know, you know what I'm talking about, you run into one of these guys at the bar and you're like, Who let the literal ski hill into this bar?
That's a legit ski hill standing in front of me in long white jeans and dude, and then they got the jeans with lines like at the knee and tied them with the black yeezys because 2016 was so sick, this could be a thing Toronto, but 80 percent of millennial dudes dress like the bad guys in a break dancing movie. I feel like, as a millennial guy, you either dressed like that or you were a hipster. In high school there are two wolves inside you, one is a hipster and the other is a ski hill. I don't think that term is used much anymore, but the resurgence of the word hipster in the early 2010s changed my life and like many other millennials, the ironic t-shirts, the hipster mustaches, I hardly know it, but in Seriously, what was up with that?
Why was everyone obsessed with huge mustaches back then? That's what mustaches and bacon were. on literally everything, um, this epic mustache is unicorn bacon style like a boss, that's why we make fun of guys, that's why we suck so hard, okay, what were we doing, hipsters, you know, and I I fell in love, friend, do I remember it in class? I used to strictly listen to Fleet Foxes and Vampire Weekend on my iPod Touch and keep the screen open face up on my desk so people would walk by and say, "This guy, this is great music, but after the lumberjack." The barista trend died out, I feel like it was replaced by the tumblr era of 2013.
Get black and white clothing, leather jackets, big boots and even bigger hats, and I'm guilty too. I used to wear huge hats. I used to have. He used to wear the biggest hats in the world. This was also interesting because I feel like you can still see remnants of this era in today's fashion, like this iconic photo. I'm sure you've all seen this look on this guy. I feel like I saw that guy like that. last week, okay, actually I think I could talk about women's fashion for a second, was it this or the fall girl inside you are two wolves aesthetic, okay, oh wow, yeah, this style is bringing me come back friend, okay, let me leave a comment. let me know if you want a video like that.
I live like a billionaire for a week, but that's how it will be. I live like an early 2010s millennial for a week. I don't even know what that would be, but in general, millennial style was it. A bit embarrassing looking back and I know most people would say: well, every generation remembers the things they used when they were younger and makes fun of it. Right times change, trends change, true, but no, okay, that's not true for millennials, we're the outliers because we made this mermaid hashtag, what seriously, dude, if I saw someone wearing this shirt and I look below his waist and I see two normal old human legs instead of a fish butt, I'm going crazy, but Also, if I look up and there's an upside down mermaid like a fish head sticking out of the top, too It would scare me, but for a different reason, friend, and on Fridays we have another shitty millennial shirt, we would be like team goals, what does your shirt mean?
On Fridays, we are definitely team goals, don't get caught on Thursday, although between you and me we are insufferable. on Thursdays we go to the beach and steal people's food on Thursdays we're like seagulls to finish, I think the millennial trend was very ironic, you know, very self-conscious, but it gets old pretty quickly, you know, you can just be self-aware to a certain extent until it's a bit annoying instead of a tongue. on the cheek, it should have been a shirt in the fire, burn it now, let's move on. I think in the future I want to clarify something when I make fun of millennials, I'm basically making fun of white millennials, we are the worst part of everything. the whole story because we don't bring anything new to the table, you know what I mean, we just eat the leftovers of the things that were already there, but then we turn around and tell everyone that we made them and even if we bring something new. at the table it's not good for people of color to share their delicious food, creative music, their beautiful fashion, movies and literature, and then white people say, hey, did you meet my girlfriend?
Yeah she's on the other end of this leash and she walks like a dog and I get nervous about it yeah I'm ashamed of the king if you bring those things out in public we can make fun of you although I don't do that how are we? ? What do millennials like? Honestly, it's quite controversial. I don't think millennials and their hobbies are that different from Gen Z and their hobbies, how are my peers doing? I personally did a lot of the same things that Gen Z teens do. I think I played video games. I went out skateboarding. with my friends that I posted on social media, you know I would drink alcohol and smoke marijuana.
Millennials have the same hobbies as generation z, but I think we do them wrong, and this tick here illustrates it perfectly and I'm proud to be a millennial with my side parting and skinny jeans and they won't tell me what to wear or how to use emojis , could you be so kind as to shut your mouth? Anyway, no one asked you for your opinion. Here's a message from millennials to patriotic nationalist propaganda and propaganda. make it even worse take that to the propaganda ministry talk to the propaganda minister i don't know if that song is propaganda i just wanted to use that propaganda video why would you do this? she actually wrote this, she recorded it, she posted it and she thought it was a service on second thought I think it was good this is this is camp, Carly Claus, that guy, she's looking Camp right in the eyes, we just do everything a little wrong , like a little too much, you know, we can't just like harry potter and leave it at that, you have to go to harry potter trivia nights and then you have to put your Hogwarts house in your Instagram bio and then you get stickers on the bumpers that say sippy cup and then you get a tattoo of the deathly hallows. the back of the head for some reason and then you do like this we defended the stone we found the chamber we rescued the prisoner we were chosen by the cup we joined the order we learned from the prince and mastered the gaps we are harry generation potter, you didn't do any of those things, this is what what did you do, you guys are treating this like it's a religion, it's books, imagine if someone started an entire religion based on a book, it would be crazy and dude, this graph is just It looks so ugly, which is a big deal. transition to millennial interior design, which is a great hobby for millennials.
You know, we're getting to the age where we're starting to become homeowners, which gives people a lot of artistic freedom in decorating their home. My girlfriend is amazing at interior design and made our house look great, but there are a lot of millennials who just fill their homes with very questionable things. Chugi, as you could say, you never heard the term chugi, it basically describes things that people I went to high school with really like girl boss memes merch, anything that has features that keep calm, design from disney, things for adults, disney with class, there is a lot of overlap with thechugi and millennial style, but the only thing at the top where these two things meet is a brand called Ray Dunn.
I'm sure you've seen her before. It's like it's ceramic, like cups and pots, and where it has the thinnest font, so thin you have to squint to read it, it's going to be a jar and it just says coffee, like that's where you put the coffee, which, honestly , it's a little restrictive, that's a little annoying, right, if I want, if I buy a jar, I want to put whatever I want in there, don't limit me. just drink coffee, it's also probably blasphemy to put anything in the coffee jar other than coffee, people like a flower in there and a little demon shows up like, oh so you've chosen death, consider your time in the earth, millennials go crazy for this.
They go on all fours, they bark like a dog and their boyfriend has a leash around his neck, I have a friend, there is a video I must find, my first part-time job was at Marshalls and Marshalls is owned by the TJX corporation that owns the group of marshals tj maxx home goods from those stores and they all carry these ray done brand things shown in the video so the first time i did an opening shift for marshalls my manager told me to be careful around women by Ray Dunn and I thought: what is a Ray woman?
They basically told me that it was this group of women who would go to the home goods store across the highway from our marshals and then our marshals every morning and buy all the Ray Dunn stuff we had, the millennials , man, if you put the word Potter on anything, they'll go wild about it. It's Wednesday at a home goods store where a group of women are waiting for a shipment. from ray dunn pottery and friend ray dunn isn't the only one to blame for this weird trend of just putting whatever words you want on anything let's take a look at some here yes jesus christ i can read them sometimes i open my mouth and my mother.
It turns out well, what do you mean hey, you're my son, I love you, what does that mean every time he opens his mouth, his mother comes out like he's out of the closet, sometimes I have it in my mouth and my mom tells me it's gay? I was born to be wild, but only until 9 p.m. m., more or less, you have drunk too much wine. Me neither, that's also another thing with being a millennial. I think we're all like functional alcoholics and it's like it's promoted with those things too. here's a wine a wine glass the size of a wine bottle you're going to drink it all right now in front of me like I said before millennial hobbies are like anyone else okay we just do it they incorrectly okay and finally humor, I could talk about this for hours first let me ask you a question when you think of millennial humor, what do you think of the office friends big bang theory?
And that's fair, but people of all ages watch those shows. millennial humor which i think is like tumblr adult turtle sense of humor you know what i mean here are some examples you know when you're uh you're doing a little bit with your friend you're joking around and then another person comes into the conversation just when it's getting very very strange and then that other person says, “um, what did I just walk into?” or when something weird happens to a group of people and then one person says, that just happened like it really pissed me off.
What are some other examples? Well, like in the early days of the Internet, like when someone saw content that they really liked, it's like on Tumblr or Reddit or something, they would respond and write. You, sir, have just won the Internet, but. I got it back then, internet memes and humor, it was so simple, Steve bastard, we get it, tough luck Brian, easy to set up in the punchline of the top text in the bottom text and that was easy for the people. I think nowadays you have to be like that. like connecting to the internet and meme culture to even begin to understand modern memes.
I guess, for example, here's a tick that showed up on my page for you the other day, man, you show it to me when I was 15, I probably would have done it. I still laughed, but you know, the point I'm trying to get across with that video is like referencing other memes, other formats and other sounds too and reworking them into one and it's also like self-referencing, it's a mess, man, but it made me laugh. really difficult, so I totally understand why many millennials still cling to that old style of internet humor, while other millennials my age went to college to get their degrees while I stayed home practicing my shadow puppetry. bunny, obviously they don't.
They have time to keep up with memes and they like tick tock trends, I guess they're busy being adults, but it's my job to watch videos and talk about them all day, so that's why I like to think I'm a cool millennial, but Still, while I understand why millennials act like this and post sync stuff like this, it's still really funny to me, like when I see a selfie of a 30 year old guy who's super excited about something and it's one of these or my personal favorite when like a 30 year old guy cuts his hair and he's one of those guys, it's so funny I don't know if I could go on with this all day, but I think every generation goes through this, We're not the cool kids anymore and that's okay, we have to let it go, that's okay, but at the same time, when I'm 40 and watching generation z go through what we're going through right now, I'm not going to lie, this is going to happen. a I know, honestly, even though it doesn't matter what generation you belong to, you have to eat, which brings us to today's sponsor.
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