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This Is The Worst Game I’ve Made

May 12, 2024
It has to work,


has to be what we have to do. Well, who wants to go first? I think I have worse luck, so I guess technically Patch has had better luck with Golems, I guess. so, oh, okay, throw patches, throw patches, okay, okay, I got


, this will go against the goal, let me show you how it's done, okay, sad face, I throw you in the room, I love you , you just come back smoky, no, oh, it's okay, it's okay, I'm fine. with this, okay, you give away three powers, take my strength, Chris, take my strength, I started to glow quickly, we did this together, really, you hurt to my friend, it was all me, okay, that'll be a win, I lent it to you, uh, okay, okay, that was Circle.
this is the worst game i ve made
You just said you're upstairs, it's going to be a Golem fight, oh god, these Golems are evil, this isn't someone who wants to come back and help, this isn't fair, you're on the steps of the boss's door. I just can't get in oh no oh my god, I'm not asking to be a patch back home, your turn, I'm killing this damn demon, it'll be a 31, that's all you need, that's all you need. 17% chance, look how big. look how big that blue area is oh not at all we're going to be here all day yeah okay that's going to be a bad turn of the wheel okay that's not my


show so fun guys, incredible, it can't be, oh my god, does anyone know?
this is the worst game i ve made

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this is the worst game i ve made...

I have money the name of the final boss I bet it's go back home it's going to be the demon's turn he's going to summon a Golem stop that's going to be a fight INF infinite mob generator over here oh my god oh my god oh my god if only yes Don't send me home please don't send me home they're going to send you home it's going to happen I've been good I've been good I swear I don't I don't even know which one is worse, it will be losing 10 power, I think it's okay, Uh, okay.
this is the worst game i ve made
Circle, it's your turn, you'll have to fight the Golem at the start of your turn, stupid Golem, this is big, I don't even see that I'm stronger. I'm stronger now, a wombat is more dangerous when he's cornered, okay, you're going to beat the Golem now, can I? I also attack the demon, yeah, I use my fireball, I use, I throw fireball, this is it, this is it guys. this is this has to be this has to be oh, it's, it's, we've done it myself, that's going to kill the demon and I'll keep my hat, but that was just the first phase, please don't say that. that please don't say this is Dark Souls H let's see don't say let's see there's nothing to see RPG Sprites for, for, no for, okay, it was a good idea to have a second phase for the boss.
this is the worst game i ve made
I like that idea, oh. I'm sorry, what's going to be 852 200 doesn't even matter, it doesn't matter look at this look at this because I learned the strategies I learned their attack patterns I actually learned their attack patterns oh my God, it's over, I have the eye frames, it's okay, you are going to kill the demon and the circle, that will be a victory for you, come on and I'll take the hat, so watch the whole video until the end so at least you don't completely hate it, will you? watch more like this we'll just hit my face with my left thumb to subscribe to the channel oh yeah or you can just click on this video here.

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