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Infinite Craft was a Mistake..

Jun 16, 2024
160,000, we need 12,000 more, let's try this, oh my God, that doesn't add up. not at all oh wait 165 I mean when we get his there won't be a first discovery unfortunately because he already got it. What is this? That's 16 million Super Saiyan 16 million. Hopefully we can get to that number, I think if you add load numbers, oh we're so close we just finished, that's 173 172, wait, okay, this one's close, let's get rid of all of these, we're at 172, but the real number is 172,774 so we are missing 500 let's add something to this see if it works it doesn't work much the math is working here it's a shame mate I had to come and take it from you oh this one ended at four, we are 12 apart, can I add 12?
infinite craft was a mistake
I mean, they're 13 away, okay? We're one away, how do we get one more? If I had Super Saiyan, would he give me one more? No, how can I remove it and get one? Oh, there it is, oh my God, I have his number. Very sorry. Dude, but it looks like your Discovery isn't as cool as I made it myself, looks like I'm sorry I had to spoil your moment like that, anyway, that's off the board, thank goodness that took a long time, what a math, what a go on. Let's go to the Internet. That was exhausting, we are almost at 1,000 words and we have four of the 10 engines, rocket train, rocket bullet train.
infinite craft was a mistake

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infinite craft was a mistake...

I think I took this route before. I think the bullet train plus satellite gives me Internet or something. It's Internet St, let's do email on paper, okay, wait a minute, we have email from Hillary Clinton, press president, ah, email Scandal, don't tell me, this is all I need, email, politician, there should be enough, no, why is it always spam? Let's make the white house more email. that could be it, you know it gives us Phantom Scandal Scandal wait Farmville plus Political Scandal I don't know how that adds up Disney sex scandal Michael oh my god more squid Woods sex scandal oh my god wait Monica Lewinsky Why does he have an eggplant? next to his name is a woman, let's do Monica Lewinsky plus Scandal Clinton, wait, I forgot it was with him, oh my god, I'm so uneducated about American politics, wait, all we're going to do is send an email now or wait, maybe a scam.
infinite craft was a mistake
Hillary is so messed up that she pulled a scam on Clinton and gave Hillary the White House. Hillary prison, oh my god, prison. Hillary Justice, this game hates her. Hillary plus email. Now how do we get a full name? And Hill would just be the devil emoji, that is, her. I probably did something really bad, okay, I'm not aware, that's all I know, what I see on Twitter, oh my god, as soon as I said Twitter, it came up. I've been getting matches like that for a long time where I say something. and I hear it on the radio like if the word is said in the middle of the song, I'll be like well that's weird and the song will be like saying the word weird while I'm saying it and if they know I'm there, I know it. her to her father her emails whatever she did I forgot about the email scam Bill Clinton's divorce Hillary that's accurate or is it like this Dijon mixed with Hillary's mustard Bill Clinton's mustard Bill Barack Obama's mustard Clint Wow, okay Hillary Clinton we're good now she's gone of course We're not quite done here we have to do Michael Squidward more Hillary Clinton Billy Jean we have five out of 10 right now we need the doorknob Clifford the big dog red North Korea Cleveland Brown and Eminem let's go with North Korea we have president let me leave Get the country, that's all I really need here President of Hawaii Island Hawaii Land Island How do I get the country continent?
infinite craft was a mistake
Okay Washington continent America now we have to change the country wa I have I have the change button change America Trump there is no continent America wait North United States change Canada Canada Trump wall oh no, please don't build a wall between Canada and the United States that sounds unnecessary hockey change change wait change two words we can use car dog continent Asia wait how did that work angry China angry Asia light Asia Sun Asia Japan no, we have China, Japan, how did we get the Korean War, wait for the war, Asia, Korea, okay, I should laugh at this, guys, I shouldn't, but now we need North Korea, so let's go ahead and put Trump in there, war, Korean war, to the north, okay, we're done. that was easier than I thought North Korea is out of the way but while we're here we have to try some things like mixing Michael Squidward Kim Jong-un with Michael Squidward Kim Jong Squidward War North Korea peace wait try to tell us something North Korea truce peace okay if North Korea is seeing this right now ai is trying to send a message nuclear war Michael Squidward Squidward Tentacles North Korea Kim Jong-un doog sponge mixed with dog word give him a SpongeBob Kim Jong-un Kim Jong Bob Patrick Star Kim Jong Bob Kim Jong star now I don't want World War III to start here.
Maybe I have to stop before I get ahead of myself. We have five more words. I think we need the doorknob. Clifford Eminem Cleveland Brown. I have an idea. yes this Griffin this would be crazy look at this ah I thought maybe since Peter Griffin you never know how to quig I forgot we have Cleveland Brown so let's eliminate him Quagmire SpongeBob I should do something no Goku Quagmire Dr Ball Z Dragon Ball Z Quagmire Dragon Quagmire collaborations you never thought possible until now Quagmire, that has to work Simpson Peter, okay, wait Peter plus Griffin, let's see if it works now Peter Griffin, okay, wait a minute.
I can get Brown doing the color change. We need Cleveland Brown because he's the last one. the name is brown back color off black ok we have black now let's change it to a lighter shade we build our base colors black plus white gray black mixed with orange Halloween MJ black MJ white changed from black to Revolution Anarchy black white Hillary Clinton jail Trump wall Mexico oh my god that was a crazy rollercoaster right there let's make the doorknob because we have a house the door shouldn't be so hard the right wall we need as an entrance or something we need we have a window we have different things in the house house window glass glass window house house city glass window I just looked at the stopwatch, we're at 2 hours and 30 minutes, so we're halfway through, I can't say we're making the best progress, but I want to say , at this rate, finish at 5 hours we'll see if that's accurate, but how do I get the door?
I don't know what I'm doing Pikachu let's start from the beginning wall water damn let me understand the word metal because door knobs are usually metal and if I get the door I can probably turn, wait, I have a turn, I have a switch, yeah I can turn it somehow, maybe lever, wait, lever, switch, button, car lever, Jack, who is it, Jack button, Jack, jacket switch, car remote control, okay, garage remote, any door garage, remote control, Pegasus TV, wait This will bring us closer to Clifford and Cleveland Brown. In fact, the doorknob is much more difficult than I thought.
I won't lie, the person who commented said that and said it's impossible to get the doorknob. I'm still going to show you. bad you know what I'm capable of right now I'll spend all day all week if I have to Rick Ashley because I'm never going to give up on this I'm never going to let you down I'm never going to do it Give You Up, be it Rick Ashley's distributor , Rick Roll, if we get the metal genre, we could be good saxophone music, we have music, let's make angry music for metal, hopefully metal, okay, let's make a metal button key, a key, oh wait, a key, wall door, now we need the door knob. wait door more metal come on hinge wait door lock key key door door key nothing the knob part could be what is impossible unlock door open door open entrance oh lock entrance door door door double door open entrance outside closed ooh closed door closed wait how do we get there? the word turn we have change time close silence close silence secret shutdown time vacation I need a vacation from this game let's change Switch Road wait Switch Road is almost good could have been turn change road trip keyboard road trip car detour rally what race plus the switch is racist racist Fork Fork trying to turn right now so I'm on the road to the right.
I have an intersection. Change of road detour shortcut. I want to turn so I can do it. Door knob Street cut crosswalk okay door crosswalk door whoa door door open come at the door entrance donut crosswalk police jail bail am I doing? I'm already like slowly spiraling into madness it's because these these combos don't even make sense anymore dilemma dilemma key solution oh wait solution door give me the door the solution to the door is the doorknob, you have to turn that thing to open it, let me get rid of all these words and start from scratch.
I hate to be doing this because there are so many good words on there, my board looked ugly, who knew the door would be Rob? so hard now almost 3 1/2 hours in and I can't seem to make any progress Unicron heart Loyalty Dog that's all we need to do dog reflection cat cat turn off Do cats have an off switch? I feel like the switch is so close to turning on. i have the word Link Link in BIO guys chain of rage link of rage Zelda story link Zelda Fable link Zelda Quagmire link Zelda Maroon 5 link Zelda light link more Zelda Swan link Zelda more metal link Can't give us to Zelda, there's no way Zelda is funny, party, comedy, fun laugh Carnival link clown Zelda Zelda Zelda why toly doesn't it have oh yeah let's go for the doorknob yeah wait let's get the Music Plus trash .
I think this gives us rap, yeah, I remember that from last time, so now if I'm going to get Eminem, I'm sure. this will be very easy from hip hop to car rapper okay we are very close to Eminem wait I have white can I get the white rapper right here? Eminem, okay, that was by far the easiest one after Peter Pan, I probably should have gone for it sooner. i got it out of the way real quick we're still on the hunt for dornob how can we move? we have open open lever that's elevator switch lift up okay lift is like a good word here open link in bio no Zelda Open link Zelda we need up or down let's make lift more turn on the elevator finally up lever down how do we get the switch to turn down switch up down update down download no how to turn Drive uphill close shut up shut up I knew it was going to happen let's try this intersection change Crossroads reverse turn turns turn turn up upside down up right side up we have the word right left side up how can I just turn lever turn let's mix door with lever turn we go right there turning door door U turn portal no, turn left down turn left wait change turn right okay, we're very close to the knob from the door now that we have turn left turn to the door please there is no more door turn left exit lift lever left left oh my god okay let's do the opposite of left it should be right left and right let's organize this better ok we have to figure out how to open the door if only i could understand the word turn somehow left door right entry door exit portal left down right south up north door We never got there, we have, we have Narnia, maybe key, key, left turn, wait, wait, key, right turn, Maybe I'm not sure which way you're supposed to turn the key, right, key, right, wait, key, left door, key, left lock, left key, come on, Keyhole.
Keyhole I think we're almost there Keyhole Keyhole key door door Keyhole no where is the word up key lock safe lock Keyhole security lock door key key lock door door Keyhole not open Eye of lock how to wait I think I have the word turn right, oh I never understood the word turn, if I can understand the word, just turn like turn key, that kind of thing you know, turn right, door, door , turn, wait right here, they always make it so hard, let's get the metal back here, metal door, turn. doorknob, oh my god, there it's metal and the door twist was the doorknob, we finally did it, let's get that off my screen, finally the doorknob is gone.
I was locked out of my house for so long that I was trying to figure out how to get in. but I could I didn't know what the doorknob was so I got stuck outside thank god for AI 1,600 wordsso far we need Clifford the Big Red Dog and Cleveland Brown two colors brown and red we're in the home stretch let's get Cleveland Brown First though, do we have Family Guy? Somehow we don't have Family Guy. I don't know how we have a television show. She only works for both of them. There is no wrong Simpsons show.
We're going to touch on these last two TV shows here. I loved it. Cleveland Show and Clifford, but that was a long time ago. I heard they made a live action version of Clifford where they actually found a big red dog and chose it. Okay, quag Meer. Television program. Surely that's Family Guy, okay? and now Family Guy, how? Do we have Cleveland Brown plus Family Guy? Wow, Racist Family Guy, no, we have Washington, maybe we get Cleveland, no, or we get to Cleveland or brown, and I think it will be easier to get to brown, we get black, right? tell me I can just oh my god this isn't the route I wanted to take but oh god damn what's going on here we don't want blacks we want Brown for Cleveland Brown what's going on H Eminem if he's black , so shady?
I've been here in silence for the last 30 minutes just trying Peter Griffin Peter Griffin black boy Cleveland oh my god I had a feeling that would be the only way oh man why did I have to do that? this game this game is just something else man okay last but not least we have Clifford the Big Red Dog live for over 4 hours. Can we get Clifford the Big Red Dog? Yes we can, TV show, dog, let's go here, no, I think they're TV. shows and movies so I'll put both on let's do Red Dog what's that again angry angry TV show damn bad dog give me that big red dog we got up and down but we ain't got nothing we like , make big or small, let's keep it upside down here here upside down dog God it's upside down I even noticed that religion Christianity red dwarf dog that would make sense Big Bang, let's get this out here big crunch dog big crunch big bark we're getting better wait red big bark there is no giant wait we We are coming giant dog, how is that?
Isn't that right, red giant, big red, Clifford the big red dog, let's end this on a good note? Clifford, oh my God, we got you. Clifford Big Red, Big Red Dog, Clifford, Clifford, the big red. Dog that's 10 oh my gosh we did it and there we have it 10 words this only took 4 hours that's nothing guys subscribe if you aren't already check out below there's a chance no and that wouldn't be very epic. If you weren't subscribed, I would be very angry with you. Yes, I hope you enjoyed this video. Be sure to leave a like and I'll see you next time.
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