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Jun 05, 2021
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night. I'm very tired now. Okay, it's 221 in the morning before we start. This video is sponsored by ha mr. I love Foster. I always loved working with them because when I was younger, Holster was my favorite store and I could tell my 13 year old self that I was working with Holster. They would be very excited, so it's always a pleasure that these jeans are from there. full outfits from there, so yeah, thanks also for sponsoring today's video link in the description to shop their Kollection jeans and all their other fun stuff. I think the cameras are crooked, it's 2:30 a.m. m.
the ultimate summer all nighter
I'm exhausted, but we're just getting started. Alright, we're just getting started. He used to stay all night frequently. I'm talking about once a week at least. When I used to pull all-


s, it was always for school or work of some kind, like I was always trying to finish. a task and that's why I was pulling an all-


but he was never fun but I wanted to spend an all-nighter fun today we're going to pull an all-nighter but we're going to do the most fun and An epic day that goes all night has something happened time and it's happening right now that I'm sleeping a good eight hours, well no, that's generous now that I'm sleeping a nice 16 hours a night.
the ultimate summer all nighter

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the ultimate summer all nighter...

I know you don't pull all-nighters anymore. There is no tolerance for saying it like it's 2:00 a.m. and I have lost my personality. I don't even know who I am anymore and this is going to be hard, but saving the Turtles isn't supposed to be fun. I speak as if I consider myself a night owl. I really don't think I'm a morning person. I'm a morning person when I wake up, but I don't usually wake up, so I use Marine Business Zoomers. I like the night. the vibe of the night I like that there's no one around I like how the world feels it feels like a different world you feel like I'm giving the world to yourself at night you know what I mean and I like that my goal is Do I want to stay awake?
the ultimate summer all nighter
Until the sun comes up, there are a lot of things that are open 24 hours a day, so I'm going to check all that out tonight. I hope I explained it well because if I didn't, that's all the guys will explain today.


nights 2019 not to mention I haven't done it this summer, I haven't felt like summer for a second this entire summer but dummy I'm ready to feel some summer vibes okay okay where are we going ? You know, I kind of want to check some things off the bucket list, there are some places I've always wanted to go, but never had a reason to go, one of them is this donut-shaped coffee shop called Winchell's.
the ultimate summer all nighter
I don't know why I'm so in love with this donut shop but I walk past it all the time, it's open 24 hours and I never have a reason to go in there because there's just no reason to go in there. I'm not really the biggest fan of donuts, but I probably have something there. I can eat, oh, maybe I'll get a donut. Being in stores or restaurants that are open 24 hours a night is like a whole new level of what I'm talking about. I'm literally losing my mind. Restaurants and shops that are open 24 hours have one of the most unique vibes and feels out there and I love it, it's crazy to me how empty the roads are right now, like you've never seen this in Los Angeles in no other time, there is a car and a human being.
Oh, okay, I actually really like the energy that was there. He was very calm, very relaxed. I had my donut and bought myself a nice hot black coffee. Let's try the coffee and see if it works. Burn my tongue. Too bad, it's not bad, you know? I wanted to sit there and have fun, you know, and enjoy the atmosphere, but there are some people there having some kind of meeting and I'm not going to lie, I was a little intimidated because I was like, "Okay, it's 3:00." And why do these people have a meeting inside this donut shop at 3:00?
I thought something felt weird, so I wanted to get out. I want to go to some tourist stops in Los Angeles that I normally don't do. go because they are usually too busy, one of them is the legendary pink wall. Now, if you don't know what the legendary pink wall is basically, in Los Angeles there is a wall called the pink wall that many tourists take photos of. in front of it when they are in Los Angeles because it has good lighting and it's pretty because it's like a pink mural, so it's very popular to go from one place to another at this time it's too easy.
I want to hate this. I want to hate him. But it tastes so good, would you look where we are? It's the pink wall, honey, okay, so I'm here and I really don't know what to do now that I'm here. I can also hear the crickets, they hear well. We were on the pink wall, let's celebrate. I don't even know if I could literally call the police. I don't think I should have a skateboard here. I don't care about the pink wall. We had fun. I love being outside alone right now and they're like, wow, okay, the pink wall was really fun and really exciting because you know, I got to see the pink wall in an unusual way.
I want to do more activities like that, so guess what we're up to. going to the next Rodeo Drive Rodeo Drive is where all the luxury stores in Los Angeles are, like they're all in a row. I tend to avoid the area, but it's 3:30 a.m. m. and I have nothing to lose, so "Come on, it would be very convenient if half the world was only awake at night and half the earth and half the population were only allowed to be awake during the day. If I I'm running for president, that'll be my Quinn sell and I'll probably win." They don't pick me, how come Rodeo Drive literally looks so beautiful at night?
Let's get out of the car. This is strangely so serene. Okay, it's 3:00 a.m. m., but it is super bright. It's something I like. It's such a strange feeling. I'm really enjoying this. You know, next time I have a mental breakdown I'll bring a friend here and talk it over with him while I walk down Rodeo Drive. Why do I like to have the best time, okay, I don't know what the point of that was. I did it because I can, so every time I burp it tastes like a donut. I dont complain. I think I'll get used to this.
This will be my new late night hangout spot. Oh my gosh, not to mention the weather is amazing right now, it's like a perfect 70 degrees, beautiful, we're off to our next place, okay, I need some things, I need water and I need lipstick. I'm pretty sure Rite Aid is open. 24 hours until we can meet up with a Rite Aid, one of my favorite things to do, this is way off topic, but one of my favorite things to do during the holidays is go to Rite Aid, Target, Walmart or one of those places. and just go shopping because I don't need it.
I haven't been on vacation in a while and let me tell you. I need a drink? Comment below where I should go. We're on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles. I do not do it. I don't know why I keep saying we're in Los Angeles, obviously we're in Los Angeles. I'm definitely being cautious right now with my surroundings. Okay, to say the least, what am I here for again? I need water and I need water with lipstick. and lipstick Hey guys, six cents, not at all. I have smart water. Oh, I have to wait. They literally forgot to remove me.
What am I supposed to do with these? I have two chopsticks. Oh how good, this one has a very vanilla and cocoa butter flavor it could be. delicious, oh that's a nice smell, this one is great too, in fact, I like both chopsticks equally, so holy, I'm tired, okay, I only have an hour and a half until the sun comes up. I've done a lot of all this. Actually, it's been a lot of fun. I'm definitely ready to go to sleep. I mean, as it should be. I'm glad I'm tired because it means my days of staying up late are over because I used to be able to do that.
I spent the whole night easily and now I can't so it's okay so I'm actually at the supermarket right now because this is what makes grocery shopping such a pain in LA the lines are too much long, it's too much. It's so exhausting that it's literally 4:30 a.m. m. right now if people are buying groceries right now that's crazy even though I'm exhausted and like shopping doesn't seem too appealing to me right now I feel like it would be a productive thing to do Well let's get this over with okay , I'm actually really glad I was able to do this because I'd rather do this one, it's not busy than when it's busy, so I would do it again for sure.
I really had a great time. I'm not going to lie, I enjoyed it, I had a great time, I thought it was AI. I think this whole experience has been absolutely amazing and I've had a lot of fun, but I can taste the raisins in my bed. They've really gotten into the tea. I like drinking tea, which is weird because I'm like coffee, you know, everyone knows me as coffee, but I'm really into tea lately, so I didn't make myself some tea now while I'm waiting for the sun to come up. . Come on, I use this detox tea because I think it helps me poop, so yeah, it's good.
I think it's good. I also like to add lemon juice. I think putting lemon in your tea makes it taste so much better as you can see it's 5:35 the sun will start to rise in 15-20 minutes and I'm literally staying here until it does so I did unfortunately there's no beautiful sunrise at this time because it is foggy, it is 6:00 a. m. we did it. spending quality time with myself, something I've been needing recently. I've actually been feeling a little lonely recently, but it was still nice. I could see some fun. Crossing a few things off my bucket list.
I recommend you try it. If you want, if it sounds like fun, do it later with your friends, you know, it's a good summer activity. I really need to go to bed, so thanks for watching, cheers, thanks to Hollister for sponsoring this video in the creation of these. jeans I love them and they are a great color try to make sure you drink water and sleep seven hours that's the golden point right there and I love them so much thank you for hanging out with me 6 a. m. I love you guys, okay peace I'm going to go to bed

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