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Apr 10, 2020
Holy, I'm sweating, I need lawyers, yeah, what's up? Happy Monday, it won't be Monday when you're watching this, but it's Monday when I'm filming it, so happy day, starting right off when I moved to Los Angeles. One of the things I was most excited about was all the cool



s I was going to try. The sad thing is that I've literally been to probably five



s out of the hundreds here. I know I like them. The coffee shops I like are okay, so why would I try a new one? Do you see what I'm saying?
trying every coffee shop in la
It's 2:00 p.m. m. I have nothing to do and I thought, you know? I'm going to spend all day going to all the coffee shops I've ever wanted to try and I'm going to try them all and I'm going to do this all day. I'm going to go from one to the next, to the next, to the next, to the next and try them all. I don't know where we go first, so leave us. I go and yell, okay, this looks nice, so the first place I go to is called a coffee shop, it looks nice.
trying every coffee shop in la

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trying every coffee shop in la...

Now I don't really care, I actually do care and the reason I'm doing this is. that I want to find new coffee places that I like because you know I have some that I like and that's great, but I want to try to find another faith. I haven't actually been looking at my maps, so I don't really know. If I'm on the right track, let's see how it goes, oh, wait before you try this. Wait, well guys, I have some great news. I have a new Air Force One. There is nothing better than a new, clean Air Force One, but gentlemen.
trying every coffee shop in la
I've been having a hard time finding the first ones recently because they're always out of stock. I'm not kidding, they always sell out


time I try to buy them, so the only place I've been able to buy Air Force Ones is Go Goat. The most trusted sneaker marketplace where you can get shoes you know are real because Goat authenticates


pair of shoes they sell on the app. Make sure you don't get ripped off and that you get really good shoes that make your outfits look amazing, you know? not to mention the goat has amazing prices I'm not kidding the prices are great if you want a new pair of Air Force Ones or want any pair of shoes that literally exist there is a link in my description and you can go check it out.
trying every coffee shop in la
Well, I almost forgot too. There is another big advantage of Go. I know it's crazy. Everything is great. You can pay with After Pay. Go After Pay allows you to pay in installments instead of all at once when you visit a website. Which is great. basically for anyone, so yeah, watch the goats wear after you pay, do the damn thing, get a new pair of shoes, do what you have to do. The link is in the description, go check it out, monster, yeah, okay, now let's try this. Do you know what this place is? Good commissary coffee.
I'm going to give it a 7 out of 10. It tastes good. I mean, it's not the best coffee I've ever had. The espresso itself is not very robust. It was fun. Now let's move on to the next place. The place we go to is called coffee dose, it looks nice at the end of this video. I'm going to be freaking out, oh my god these candies hit me, oh I'm going to have so much caffeine in my system. try not to drink there is no way I am going to drink all the coffee I drink today as if I wasn't going to finish each one if I did it would permanently damage me.
Deep down I hope I eat one of the coffees I Drink Like It Sucks because I think it would be fun and entertaining. I've had shitty coffee in LA, so it's definitely unfathomable. We'll see. It's a sliding shit hello. First impression is that this is so cute. Look at all this. anti Irama thing okay let's try it oh it has a really good aftertaste but it's so watery this is like a six out of ten oh my god some guys are staring at me they think I'm a psycho let me act like if I was doing facetime. yeah, no, I know, yeah, I've been to two coffee jobs that I've been filming for about an hour.
Okay, my goal is to reach ten coffee shops today. I can do the next place we go to is called Carrera I think. I've gone to pee at this place before, but I've never had their coffee, so not to mention I really have to pee because I'm out of ideas. I have to go to the bathroom. I will also look around while driving. Like if I see a nice coffee shop I'm just going to walk in, you know what I mean, 'cause I have nothing to lose today, oh my gosh, I see one right there, okay, I can't stop in the middle of the road, sorry though .
I love when there is parking and it's right next to Melrose's infamous pink wall. Are you ready for this? As you can see, we are next to the pink wall. There is a group of tourists taking photos. I don't know why the pink wall is so big. deal, okay, let's try coffee number three, let's see it, come on guys, come on, I guess let's go, come on guys, okay, sorry, I'll shut up three coffees, it might be time to make some moves, okay, because my body, my body is confused. he's in pain I can't tell if I have to poop or pee so let's go out thanks guys ok ok at the next cafe I walked in and was planning on having an iced latte like usual but then I saw that .
They make monogrammed lattes, you see, he's got a Louie Vuitton, come on, come on, oh my gosh, I need to take a snapshot of these two things together, holy shit, this is so funny, oh wait, maybe it's Niall Aires, It could be an oh my god, I have. I've never been so superficial. You can see? That's as bad as it can be. Well, let's try coffee number three. Is it three? I don't know, oh no, no, okay, keep in mind that the coffee itself tastes a little soapy and I also hate hot coffee. Anyway, this drink isn't really my thing.
I'm going to give it a decent rating because the fact that they do this cool monogram on the foam, as you can see, I don't know, can you see? Can you see that? So you see, I'm going to give them a 10 out of 10 for each degree of mobility, I'm going to give them a four, I'm not going to give them a three out of ten just because that wasn't delicious at all, let's see where we go next, my God, this one. person is


to back into my car, so the next coffee I've decided on is called Paramount Coffee Project, literally, I'm not kidding, I hate LA right now, it's summer, everyone is outside. and everyone is driving I'm just


to film a video.
I get it, you know? I'm not the only person out there, although I'm not. I feel like I am and I wish I was. This is just a coffee. Number four, it's really crazy to me how so many people are just not that picky about their coffee, like so many people just drink shitty coffee and think it's okay with them. There are actually like three coffee shops near the main place I go. for you right now, so that's sick because I don't have to drive, I literally have to deal with four separate parking meters today, see you at the next place, okay, so I think I'm going to make some power moves and I'm going to take my third, fourth and fifth single scoop coffee, which just says coffee, so we'll call this place coffee again, get our fourth and fifth and then try them. in the car, okay, bye, okay, coffee number four and number five or is it number five and number six.
I need to take off my hat, but before I take it off completely let me remind you that this is for sale at the ATM Chamberlin dot com store. it has a coffee splatter on it please buy it so I can buy more coffee okay but let me take it off because it's literally 70 degrees oh my god and my hair is like touching my neck I need it off my neck look read my face. It's holy first, let's try the Paramount coffee this was this is coffee number four let's see if it's good this one tastes exactly the same as the first coffee I drank today literally exactly the same as I don't think there's anything different no actually this could be my favorite so far, so this is really a good primordial coffee, okay, I'll give this one a seven and a half out of ten.
I don't eat it, okay, now let's try coffee number five, this is from the coffee shop I just had coffee outside literally everyone is starting to taste the same to me this one is like it's six and a half out of ten it's good I mean I'm running out no adjectives like it's good when I get it again sure but I wouldn't look for it you know what I mean I wouldn't want to drive specifically to get this you know that's been the problem with all these places so far none of the cafes has been unique, so None of this has been something I would strive for.
I've been filming this for like two hours and I've only been to five places. My goal was to go to ten, but I'm really sorry, but no. I don't want to get to ten, maybe like seven, yeah, maybe we'll see two more. Cafes are going to start closing. Cafes are going to start closing. Are you kidding? Coffee shops are going to start closing soon, so not really. I have plenty of time anyway, but I'm having fun, even though this has been fun, even though I haven't found anything really worthwhile, I'm still having fun, so keep that in mind.
I actually don't know where I'm going to go next. Let me find out, why did I steam my face? There was no reason for that. Okay, you know what you think I'm going to do to liven things up a little? I'll just drive until I find a coffee shop. that looks good and then I'll stop and then I'll go in and then I'll try it instead of going to Yelp and premeditating where I'm going to go. I'm going to improvise and see what happens because that's part of life okay sometimes you make it so a place is okay wait maybe this is a danger because I'm not looking at the road at all I'm literally just looking at the shops, wait literally, why is there no coffee? the street what I might need to come back shout wait is that one oh my god I found one I found one I found one it's called Sunday morning it's today Sunday it's not Monday because in sales like wow that's so appropriate Coffee number six come on Go have a drink coffee number six, six, this DS is just like all the others, it's not strong enough for me, they don't have a strong enough US president, this is like a test under stress, none of these me wants, but none of them really. disappointing me and that's the problem with this video is that I'm understimulated okay, let's go to one more coffee shop let's go to one more coffee shop one more time I don't know what it will be yet, although it's okay, I know where I'm going, I know where I'm going, it's a surprise, prepare to be surprised in three two one, sorry, I got sales because you know what I wanted to have something that would get me excited and make me love my life again because You know today's coffee really wasn't very strong for me, so Let's try it ten out of ten.
Okay, this hit too look how big it is, it's literally the size of my head. Today I learned that I'm just going to keep going. the cafes I've been going to because apparently branching out hasn't really worked out for me, so it's okay. Cheers, bye guys, have an amazing week, have a great day, I hope you had fun watching the video, bye buddy, what's on my face? only agony is fine, goodbye

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