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Apr 10, 2020
Hey, apparently what team girls are all about these days is making




s. They look like this. They are drawn by hand. His handwriting is perfect. There are colors and stuff. And since I'm a team and you know a lot of people like. to say I'm actually a quirky teenager and I'm a team so it makes sense that I also make this




and check it off as the summer goes on and I'll have the best. Summer is always good because I see everyone else doing it and now I want to do it.
completing my summer bucket list in one day
Here's the plan. Okay, game plan. Tonight I'll make a really cute and colorful summer wish list and get some ideas from the people in line. because there's no way I can come up with one on my own tomorrow I'm going to spend all day trying to do all the activities on my summer bucket list in one day because guess what I have no time to waste summer is almost over like this I'm going to do all the activities in one day, that's my entire summer wish list, okay, first thing we need, we have to get, we have a lot to do, I have my art supplies, I've been feeling like this all day. time.
completing my summer bucket list in one day

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completing my summer bucket list in one day...

Summer that really hasn't been summer has been making me very sad. I feel like doing this will help me feel better about the fact that I haven't done it this summer because I'm going to do a lot tomorrow and it will help me make up for lost time. The people who make this summer bucket list. Wait. I'm concentrating. Wait. I'm up there, that cube looks like it doesn't look too bad. Okay, I'm too good at this. Hello, I look. like everything wow I'm killing it okay okay before I get inspired online because there's no way I can come up with these activities on my own.
completing my summer bucket list in one day
I'm going to write some that I know I'm going to want to do, you know the first one. I'll write. Okay, why don't I have any ideas? Okay, we have to go, we have to investigate. I actually didn't come up with this on my own. go karting trip to the zoo rowing photo shoot beach volleyball um strawberry picking growing a garden hosting a big bonfire flying a kite I think you get the idea but that's really fun I'm always very critical I don't like cheesy things but sometimes do Cheesy stuff is fun first thing I do on my summer Regulus.
completing my summer bucket list in one day
I want to make ice pops. I used to do this when I was younger, it was a lot of fun, so let's bring it back. Oh, someone said roasted marshmallows, that's funny, oh my god, should I do that? making s'mores that's so summery I don't know if I want it mmm not cool you know what hiking might be good oh my gosh tie dye oh that's fun maybe I could paint something I shouldn't do a lot of shopping for this fight of water balloons, that's fun, how do you fill water balloons? I don't know, but I'll figure it out tomorrow.
I'll hit, oh my gosh, I'm already reading this and I'm doing it. I don't want to go on Heidi, okay, do you? Stop being negative, it's good for me to do things like that, make a pillow, that could be fun, do yoga, I'm taking polaroid photos, that could be fun. to add to the list, I don't know if I can do all this in one day, but that's the goal, to make a garden that would be nice, I will never water the plants, even if whatever that means, like making a garden the way I live in an apartment oh you know what could be nice if I try a new coffee shop I know, I literally just made a video called try all the coffee shops in LA, but I don't care, I haven't tried every coffee shop out there, so maybe Maybe tomorrow we will try a new summer buggy lane.
I'm going to rest early so tomorrow I can accomplish everything I'm trying to accomplish. See you tomorrow. I just found parking right in front. from the establishment this never happens in Los Angeles this is good luck I think we're going to have a great day I think it's a lot of luck I just broke my phone look this I was getting out of my car and my phone fell to the ground and crashed so I will add it to the wish list to get a new phone. Well, this place is good. Well. I don't usually find good coffee when I try new coffee shops, but you know why this place is great.
I must mark it. The Where's My Pen Wish List? Let's talk about this crack. Check your phone. Let's go home and get started. It makes an incredible transition. I'm already wearing sports clothes and doing yoga is one of your activities. So why don't we do some yoga? I don't even have a yoga mat I don't think I need a yoga mat, okay let's do yoga, lift the back of your body, put your arms forward, now let's move your hips back, that was enough. Yoga for me, that was it. five minutes of yoga I think we're good with that yoga ooh, you know what we should do next, we should make popsicles because they'll take like four hours to freeze, okay?
So today I had a little problem at the store. I was at Target and I asked three different staff members and they all told me different answers and a long search where I didn't find any so today we're going to have to DIY this situation but that's funny right I'm thinking about doing a small strawberry and banana popsicle that could spice up the taste that is sticky. Sorry, let's see if it tastes good, delicious, yes, I love what I made. Okay, so I was thinking I could. use these coffee cups hello, this will double as a tutorial, this is how to make homemade popsicles, although this could be ruined once you have the smoothie in the bowl, get all the air out, this is where the trick of DIY, take aluminum foil, put aluminum foil. about each one i'm a cooking channel now i'll grab some wooden forks don't ask me why i have these there oh my god this is stuck these are going to be such great popsicles we're going to have to go back to these because obviously you have to put them in the freezer, but then we'll eat them, it'll be our vibe, okay, I'm really excited about it, you know, see if that's why making cheesy lists is good because it inspired me to do something.
Normally I wouldn't have done it. I'm going to have to check make popsicles like I'm not going to do a drop check mark. I'm just going to half-check it so I can still feel like I accomplished something now because otherwise I wouldn't. I'm going to feel bad about myself. I haven't made a garden. I bought this succulent making kit so I could make myself a succulent and have great decoration in the house. First step. Well, that was easy. Oh, this is too easy. We will do it. I don't get instant results, that's a little sad, but anyway, yeah, I put the moss on it, wait and now I put it on a window and it will grow, guys, okay, let's find a window where this looks nice.
Here he looks a little uncomfortable in this. window here is like the one there, but I think it's nice, okay, success, do a check in the garden, make a pillow fort, okay, this is working very well, holy, I love this, wait, We need snacks, this might be my favorite activity, but I need some nuts. That's what she said, okay, let's debate what the best types of nuts are. I think almonds might be the best. Cashews are pretty good too, although you know, I think the best nut is all the ones you have in your mouth combined.
I just put a handful at random. -ass and nuts in mouth I think she's better than anyone no individually that's just my opinion I think I've spent enough time on this to get out of here although when I'm done filming this I'll be back here okay oh my god that's it childbirth, this is what childbirth looks like, like you crossed it out, make him a pillow, so okay, paint a picture, okay, my dad is an artist, in case you didn't know, that's not really It matters because I. I'm still very bad at painting, drawing all of the above.
I mean, I'm not the worst, but I'm definitely not as good as I should be. Spoiler alert. I am painting. I'm painting a plum because you know what these things are. too good, okay, plums are so good this year, plums have been killing it, it looks like a plum, what if I turn the plum into a super spicy and stupid one, ooh, that looks good. Wow, okay guys, ready for the big reveal, now I can check it out. outside, paint a picture, review, I'm going to go take a nap and then we'll finish the rest of this later today, how does that sound?
You have no choice, it's okay, I left, I came to continue, it's okay. sorry I look a little, looks like I took a nap okay let's see what we have to do next I wrote go hiking here but I'm not really going to do that so start a Polaroid wall okay this it's great. I can do this I think I have a Polaroid Okay, okay, wait, I definitely didn't lose my voucher, we'll use this one. You know, most people don't like whatever. Polaroid walls. They take a lot of photos with their friends or. take a lot of photos of your friends, the problem is that I'm alone so I'm only going to take Polaroid photos of myself, maybe all the sequins on my plums because they are so beautiful that's what they deserve.
I could take some photos in my fort, oh maybe I could take one by turning off the camera because I'm a savage, wait, let's find some cool backgrounds, spice things up, maybe like in front of my refrigerator. I definitely took enough Polaroids to feel like seven walls, so look. all this now let's hang them hold the wall walk time where am I going to put this? You're the front door and there's a blank wall right here, so I think this needs a little spice up anyway, so now I'm going to lie. the photos didn't turn out the best, some of them were good and then some of them went dark like that but you know what fun I had so I'm going to use them anyway ok here's my polaroid wall which isn't pretty ok , I've already decided I don't want to go on a hike, so I'll just mark it off as having done it, which defeats the whole purpose of a bucket list if you don't want to do it.
So why did you put it on your wish list? And that is the question I ask myself. Another thing. I put tie dye on it here. I really don't want to do that again, so we'll just mark that and act. as if it had happened although in reality it didn't. I wanted to be late but they didn't have tired eyes. I'm at Target and that's the only store I went to, so that's not happening. I live in an apartment, so I'm roasting marshmallows for myself. It means roasting them on a stove, which is a little worrying because I have a gas stove, so I don't know if that's not safe if I don't do that.
I'll try. A poisonous marshmallow won't kill you. Everything is ready. let's do this oh I'm never patient enough to fully Rose my marshmallows so I just like to burn them by accident oh my gosh it's summer look at that oh wow that was cool it would have been cooler if I had one bonfire of something like that, but you know what we were under, we have house 1 roasting marshmallows, check out the water balloon fight, how am I going to do a water balloon fight by myself? Umm, we'll find out, let's do it right, June 1, don't do that, no.
Have a water balloon fight with yourself, it's just disappointing and you'll be embarrassed to finish this video and complete our last bucket list item, let's eat my popsicle, oh it's not completely frozen, open, it's falling off the stick, no. oh wait, okay, that's better, you have to bookmark our last article, make them popsicles. Wow, making a summer bucket list is a little cheesy, though. I don't hate that you take something from this video, it's the number one thing to do. this smoothie almond milk peanut butter banana strawberry so good oh and it will definitely make a fort in your living room I'm just going to relax here for the rest of the day I literally feel so relaxed here anyway I'll shut up now okay thanks to you for watching, I hope you're having a great summer and if you live in Australia where it's like winter, I hope you're having a great winter, okay, I love you, see you later, okay, bye.

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