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The Try Guys Try To Survive A Major Earthquake

Jun 03, 2021
you're going to have electricity. - A crank flashlight. I always wanted one of these. - Oh, I had one of those. - How well do they work? - They work as long as you start them. (string noise) - It's not a toy, Zach. - I'm playing with it so it must be a toy. - Okay, let's try the radio now. AM has always... - Religion. (foreign voice on radio) - Help! Help us! - Help us. - What is this? - Oh, I think it's a solar charger... Charger? - Charger, it has a... - Great. - Chest runs. -UH Huh. - Juice in the veins. - It sure beats doing this.
the try guys try to survive a major earthquake
No, we don't want another call. (sirens) - Oh, no. - Taking a first aid course is not bad. Three hours of your life, learn some basic first aid. How to make a tourniquet, how to make a bandage, right. Simple things but that could save someone's life. - Now, the American Red Cross also gave us a first aid kit. (laughs) - Someone put away the first aid kit. - A pen. - A pen. To write love letters. - A, rubber gloves for, - Rectal examinations. - A whistle. (shrill whistle) Remember in Titanic where she said: Come back, come back. - Is anyone alive? - Out there.
the try guys try to survive a major earthquake

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the try guys try to survive a major earthquake...

I have seen Titanic many times. - Do you know what is it? - That? - A mouth-to-mouth protector - No. - They look really creepy, but they're probably pretty useful. Try to breathe in my mouth. - No. I can see this. I don't want to share breath right now. - La, la, la, la - Oh, a bottle of water with a purifying pill. - Eliminates more than 99.9% of giardia. - Dude, that's amazing, I hate giardia. - Oh yes, map, map. I can see my house right there. - Yes. - And here we go. This is how to use the map. - Oh, a blanket, of course. - Oh, it's like the Jewish shawl you


the try guys try to survive a major earthquake
The scarf that you use. - Ready for my bat mitzvah. - I remember I used this in a survival video, you get very hot. - Do you know they came up with this? - Oh? - The space program. - You can play as a Hershey's chocolate bar or you can pretend to be a Pop Tart. - So, it's like a makeshift tent. - I have never set up a tent. - Have you never set up a tent? - Not that way. - Gloves. - I do not need them. - I don't need them, these hands are made for grabbing. - I hope we really need wet wipes during an


. - Are you kidding?
the try guys try to survive a major earthquake
After all the Buffalo wings I'm going to eat. - So, this seems like, well, this is twice as many things on this table, but - But also, we're two people. If you are in a relationship, you need many things. - But this is still manageable, it fits in, you know, a closet. - Sure, and we took it apart, but - Yes. - It was quite compact. - It was like in several bags. - More or less, make your list, and every time you go to the supermarket, maybe get an extra popsicle of water. Maybe next time you'll get a first aid kit, you know?
Five dollars here, five dollars there and eventually you'll accumulate. Those are things you can do to reduce your risks. - My current plan of relying only on Ned isn't bad, he has one of these bags so it's fine, but I should get myself a bag so I can get to Ned's house. - And do it as much as possible, so that you can plan, say, 10 days, you can be self-sufficient, on your own. - If you want to see everything you need in emergency situations, just check the Red Cross app. It can give you all the information you need so you can verify everything we have presented here. - You and I are not ready. - But you know what, my dogs will be ready because I'm going to steal this. - Yeah, and I'm going to steal the rest of this, especially this bucket of poop. - Poop bucket. (music) - Who should we eat first? - You probably know better. - Do you believe that? - It's a joke? - I have more seasoning. - No way. - Too skinny. - I'm definitely going to eat Keith. - Just the taste. - I would be happy to do a taste test. - Fat is flavor.
I used to be fat and now I exercise, that means I'm marble, honey.

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