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The Try Guys Try Not To Die Alone

Jun 03, 2021
welcome mr. Marvel training gentlemen, my name is Thomas Coyne and for the next 24 hours I will be training you and if you don't perform you will die, why are we here? So just the new History Channel show challenged us to try to survive in the forest without outside help we will be


no, I always tell people that you don't fail until you give up or leave and dying is just the body giving up, You can think about it, we could experience an apocalyptic event at any time. Who is the cutest being? I think Keith is going to be smarter about this.
the try guys try not to die alone
I have a shoe but it has a hole in it, so I see you have a cook tonight. We're not going to need things like that lace, that backpack tune that my Boy Scout troop would need. always bring bacon, that's the boy scout motto, be prepared, that's great here. I'll be your boy scout manual and I'm not prepared for this at all. I'm worried about finding food. I'm excited to kill something, maybe I'll get good at carving. What worries me the most are the other kids in the tribe because I never know what's going to happen when everyone is away.
the try guys try not to die alone

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the try guys try not to die alone...

The first thing is the fire. There are many ways to make fire. This is by far the most difficult. Now I want to refresh the fire. This ass I'm going to save a good ass what I'm going to do the number one killer and carry a survival is to expose being too hot or too cold for too long so you're making a bed not for comfort but so that the floor doesn't get you freeze to death first we want to size this. I want it at hip height, it's the most important point where you stick the head of a prized animal to protect yourself from other survivors.
the try guys try not to die alone
Other survivors. You're not like hell. Yes, something bad. yeah let's do it sticks on sticks this is where we go like a cooking show and it's like ding and now it's bad that looks pretty good


from there we'll do water purification and the locations you're already in Cryptosporidium are both more common. diseases in water in nature man Giardia true this is operated very simply I would like you to be urinating that is fun what do I do when I have to defecate? Yes, that's the right thing to do, start developing yourself, monkey, but get that monkey, but get that monkey. but we have pools like this, that is the best place to find fish in these mountain rivers.
the try guys try not to die alone
Hey, you know, not all streams have fish. These vegetables are not necessarily high in calories but they are high in nutrients. This tastes like a plant. Ants are always edible. great protein, very tasty, still lively, we did it, yeah, crawling into your mouth instantly when I cross them three, two, one, okay so I guess it's okay


it's time for the real thing so my prediction is that Keith and Zag will die. Because? We're doing this and then and maybe I have to harvest their bodies to eat. I really thought about continuing. I think it's tastier.
She'll kill us, so I have some packages here for you, basically everything you need and maybe even a few things you don't. I'm going to give you all of this and I just want you to get a tan in her pocket now. I was planning on calling my wife, that's okay, that's okay, this is it, yeah, how many cookies do you have? So no, we will each give you a small camera to film your experiences, okay, yes, we really don't want you to help each other and give each other moral support so that you know what it's like to feel


I'll be here in the morning to pick them up. or your body outside just remember that nature hates you and wants you dead three two one see yes, it's okay, you, Eugene, I have a husband, I didn't die, I care, I'll see you or your body in the morning, okay , goodbye, Keith, my team. It's silly, do I have to go this way? yeah okay this is stupid and here we go welcome to paradise oh let's die. I found a good place here. I think I'm going to achieve this. I want to do it. This is the worst.
I could definitely live here for a long time. I don't know how I got here. I don't need fire lighters. I have a rope. I don't think they gave me wind. How am I going to make something clear? This someone already did my Work, what idiot is going to build a completely new tipi when you already found one. I am the best survivor. I guess I could use my shoelaces. Imagine if you work with Velcro today I will be dead. I have one more thing here, pup. stickers okay there are cats there - kazoos for days if you need to save me I will be surrounded by festive colors I will call her Stacey the elephant what do you think we should do first T-rex the fire?
I know I should I'll probably be working a fire first, but I'm going to look at these stickers and I'm going to go poop, get ready, thank you, oh, oh, I'm ready, it's like cutting, that's the shelter. Stacey, it's good to know you're here. I'm going to go hunting, I'm going to go and poop. Goodbye, oh yes, pretty trees. I forgot to get something to clean. I wish my wife was here. No, that's really hard. That's bad. But I have this sleeping area. I could change gears. and I go to the fire I have it or I got hit I have no idea if I'm doing this wrong rocket even in the wild I'm taking off my clothes when it's wet inside It was like a wet wipe, I have a great time wiping myself The butt with the plants generates very afraid and then kill fish with spears blades.
Not a good way to wipe your butt. A phishing attempt failed because there weren't many fish, it's not too hard to get water and so on top of this, but I just want to scream. I played to my strengths, pretty successful poop and a pretty nice place to do it, no one actually told me how boring it was going to be, so fishing with the bus, can I still be a shelter? Yes, I have my cool camp, this is where I am. I'm going to make a home, maybe I'll try again after drinking some water. The first thing is I don't want the bears to attack me, so I'm just going to make a perimeter to pee.
The only victory so far is squeezing water into my mouth. I haven't accomplished anything, time to build a shelter, there's a dam on the river and I just have a bunch of sticks, all the things they told us to make a bed by the river and I'm nowhere near a River Ned is probably running out there shouting what's wrong with the plants. Oh, what do you want? What you saw at this moment has to be stripped naked and try to become nature. Come play a game of Can I Eat You? God. I just hope Zach isn't dead, yeah, it's pretty awkward.
It is also just a sheet of metal bandage. I miss my wife, dinosaur. I know the cat starts and the puffy stickers are worthless, too bad. I used them as duct tape. I'm crushing this, a building in a junkyard right in front of everyone. Zack, did you throw the hell out of the badass shelter? yes, you wanted some tasty treat, some water, yes, yes, today I am free, this is great, nature is amazing, that is disgusting. Oh, exactly, save a day, make sure you cut your hand immediately on the plant, oh, I thought about it. It was mint I was wrong and I gave myself a boo-boo on my finger I thought I would make it through dinner this is all humans were designed to do but it's actually very difficult but you have to keep your chin up 'cause I put the camera up there It seems like the sun is about to set.
Fire time is a lot harder than it looks on TV. So close. I tried to make this wooden crane, but I lost the rope. So it's OK. I have this flint. When you touch it, it produces a spark. It's already been good, oh my God, take this cube and cut it up and it looks like a little pile of cocaine. The cube appears to be burning in the package. It does not work. Well what I do, I turn on the baby light, for me it could be a It's important to mention that I've never used flint before I don't know what's up, you got this Oh, oh, that's a fire, yeah, fire, the fire, Cuba has surpassed, I built that fire, this is the best day of my life, no matter what happens. life will prevail with pure fire no one will stop me with my little bucket of potential fire the night i will be strong i will not give up the fight it feels amazing those are those satisfying things i have ever done i don't know i am so proud of myself.
I would say I am this video survivor. Everything would be much better if others helped me. My friends are not dead. I just woke up. Three chords and this coffee. I just want to go home I don't really know the right way to distinguish fire it was like I have to do it right if I had to do this for another day I would lose my how many kazoos can you play once I found this beetle? it's what I absolutely didn't want to eat yesterday I found a gun time to try to find the other people and I still found a gun let's go back, let's go back together we are one with nicotine never let it break what it is my name is Keith oh that's it here right now right here cheer on the Knicks are you sure this is the way back?
Which means if we go back we should go in this direction, so tell me how do you think it went first? you're unlucky, that's Kate, the point is I prefer bad luck over skill any time, the opposite end of that spectrum, critical thinking, is the key to this, how would I keep it dead, what I would say is hypothermia. Oh, seek training to use it, that's exceptional. that's exactly what I want to see, yes an emotional intensity can be great here, however once in the negative range it may be that in the end what gets you off the UPS is giving everything you have all the time until succeed, however, when you are here alone, the acceptability of the risks changes if you had slipped and hit your head, that risk could be the end of your stab, your mother was in front of a motor canal, so once you find yourself lost in the woods The best thing to do is stop thinking, look at the plan and prioritize who's hygiene.
It's a big deal if you're going to be there for a while. How could the accumulation of urine and fecal matter at camp cause illness? that literally sleeping in a ring of my own urine is not the best idea, what we learned here today was survival when it comes down to it, if there was an apocalypse and there were zombies it wouldn't be, maybe if there were in these. pack cookies at least pack cookies I guess Ned was right, the Boy Scout motto of being prepared is probably the best thing you can do, people shy away from me, but yeah, it's a lot harder than it seems in the Boy Scouts if your life depends on it, you really master your Salah technique.
I have total respect for the survivors. I think what they do is amazing and the skills that they have are skills that probably everyone would try so coin, you would have coffee with us, but you would. You'll be stranded with us, oh definitely, I could push it to work. I'm ready to try showering, now I'm saying.

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