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The Try Guys Siblings Lie Detector Test

May 31, 2021
Thank you. - I am a songwriter. You listen to my music? - I do it, I do it. - TRUE. - Thank you. - You are welcome. - It's good to have a fan, you know? (laughing) - Are you proud of me? - Oh. - Sorry, I thought I was doing a good job asking that with a straight face. - No, you did it with a serious face. That was really good Whitney. Are you proud of me? (The woman laughs) Isn't that disgusting? - It's pretty disgusting. (the man laughs) - Do you think our parents are more proud of you or more proud of me? - I think they are more proud of me. - TRUE. - I'm not sure I expected this to work. (Laughs) It's easier to be like Brian, the super smart one.
the try guys siblings lie detector test
He's going to engineering school, so he doesn't surprise you. I went to school, theater and French horn, so you don't have much hope for financial security. - Do you think you are mom's favorite son? - Is not true. - Do not you believe it. (laughing) I think she loves me very strongly. (the woman laughs) - Mom thinks you're very special. She believes that she can talk to animals, so she wanted to ask you: do you think she can talk to animals? (laughing) - Good. I think I can talk to birds, birds and animals that have died. - TRUE. - I knew it. - Mom was the one who thinks I can talk to dead animals. - Sorry, sorry, very quickly.
the try guys siblings lie detector test

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How are you? When you say you can talk to animals, is it like you talk and they understand you or they tweet-tweet and you understand what they're saying, or is it more of a mental connection? Please explain it. - It's more like talking without talking. I only know what they feel. - Juan, what do you think? -He believes he can do it. (laughs) - Have you ever stolen something from a gift shop and then pretended to find it in the woods and pretended it was real? (laughing) - No, no, I never did that. - That is a lie. (laughing) - Yes. - Have I ever fallen in love with any of my friends? (man laughing) - No. - That's a lie. (woman gasps) - Who? - No!
the try guys siblings lie detector test
I mean, I haven't fallen in love with any of your friends. - That is a lie. - No! There were people who were prettier than others, of course. - We were in the Redwood forest in northern Cali and Ned says, Oh my God, wow! Look


! I just found this authentic Native American arrowhead! What could this be about, or some version of that? And we all thought, wow, my God, Ned is so cool! - Yes, yes, I stole it from a gift shop. - Have you ever kissed one of my friends? (laughs) - No. - That's a lie. - Have you kissed two of my friends? - No, that's not true. - It is?
the try guys siblings lie detector test
I remember one. No, it's worth two. If two. (laughing) - That's true. - You're right, she's right. - Do you think our family is a little crazy? - Yes. - True. - Do you think you're a little ruined by that? - I think I'm a little unnecessarily ambitious. - Do you believe? (the man laughs) - But it is the essence of who we are, so it is very difficult to overcome it. - What's your next happy question? (the woman laughs) - Do you know how much I have admired you all my life? - No. That's very sweet. - You were the best brother. - This is very sweet.
That means a lot for me. - I love you. - I love you too. - I didn't realize how traumatizing some of these things were. - These are big brother things. I'm glad you're my brother. (laughing) - See you later. - Bye bye. - Bye bye. - I don't really remember this incident about Barney, but he clearly remembers it. Now I'm trying to be like that. That's why we had so many fights because I got him in trouble for something that wasn't his fault, so he got upset. me for several years? That's possible. I always thought he just didn't like me and now we might have found out why.
Barney, the friendly dinosaur, really drove a wedge between my brother and me. -John, was Eugene more honest with his sister than with his friends? -He talks to dead cats. Most people talk to live cats. (man laughs) - I can't believe you brought up the dead animals, Whitney. (rock music) - Right here it says, wait, I'm reading this, Barney and Friends, an American children's television series aimed at children ages one to eight. - One to eight? - Yes. This is what the network says. - That's not a demographic. - Well, it's what they say you are, so I feel vindicated.

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