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The Stick to Football Quiz Hosted By Paddy McGuinness

May 04, 2024
trying to I can't remember um I'm trying to think with Emma omg the feeling is David M can we be here? Maybe Jo B Jo is Googling it I'm not Googling I'm not Googling there's a year between them what are you ringing a year between them I'm ringing ho hello Sav ho Sav wait a second Emma why don't you swear Emma you're on TV live not really em we're in we're in


em and the question was pat patty mcginness is here and he's asking a question. Can you ask the question so Emma can hear it?
the stick to football quiz hosted by paddy mcguinness
Who's tenure as coach was longest for his club? Yourself when you leave Chelsea at the end of the season 23 24 or David. myy at Everton oh that's a good question thank you how long would I be if I came in next year? It would be my twelfth season. I think that's what will help us. M. I think so, okay. M I love you, tell everyone to say goodbye Em, are you still doing this? This is a


thing. Are you still playing double? Emma, ​​yes, definitely double play. I love, I love, that they take it to the United States teams.
the stick to football quiz hosted by paddy mcguinness

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the stick to football quiz hosted by paddy mcguinness...

I love that fantastic M. I'll talk to you soon you're the best I love you I look brilliant that's my that's my friend I didn't know she was there so long so Emma Emma Hayes should correct Chelsea 11 years 11 years 11 years I say that It's two points in it's 108 108 but this is the final round where it's five points back and forth, yes, this is the final round, this is a back and forth. fast, just like that, in this round the teams will take turns to answer until one of you gets it wrong and the other team can win the five points if you both get them all right then you will get five points each yeah and that's it. correct question number one name each winner of the European Cup European Cup or Champions League oh so we say one and then they say another European Cup or Champions League it doesn't matter Liverpool C said United United sorry yes Real Madrid yes AC Milan yes Barcelona cha yes, nothing in Forest s yes, MH, yes, in Milan, yes, you saw AC Milan, yes, I told you Mil Porto, do you know what answer a pension should have had?
the stick to football quiz hosted by paddy mcguinness
I don't know how many millions we have. I am like. Oh my God, they just said Porto, right, Benfica, yeah, um, what has Marc stripped away from the only one of his? Are they stripped of the only Marc from him? Yeah, no, I didn't try it or it's official. Can we get it as a yes from above? Yes, they strive for that yes, stri, are you sure, yes, history, rest, I was saving that Bayern Munich, you said Bayern Munich, oh Marci was right too, oh look, we could have had St Bucharest, oh, why not I'm playing, no, I'm not playing Dortmund.
the stick to football quiz hosted by paddy mcguinness
Right, don't give up, right? I gave a good show to St. Aston Villa, yeah, um, Arsenal, do it right, Juventus, right, back to you guys, man city, right, M, yeah, back to you, come on, right, oh , it's on, now press the red star B, the big one. Wait three left give it 30 seconds 30 seconds oh come on come on Monaco no I don't think you're going to shoot shoot correctly no yeah two more wait they did it so back to us come back to us It's not, I think so, then. come on, then it comes, they just said that if we fail, when you come back to us, obviously, you will only get five points.
Jamie and Gary have the five points to sell me, that's r r yeah, who was the other one that PSV didn't win? Hur PSV Dutch teams, yes Hamburg, PSV is PSV, you should get five points for that, yes right, what's the score? 1310 Jam gar, we earn more, we have more answers, okay, yes, that's right, this is your start. Ian and Roy name the players. with over 100 goals in the Premier League oh Shar right Roy right Cole yes right Michael Owen F right Fowler right Kan K right Jesus I really wish I had a sharier some here skulls skulls yes Giggs Gerard yes thanks hry that's gone that's gone g lo He said First he did it, that was the first one, no, they said he didn't leave, they said he didn't leave, no, he didn't leave, no, he didn't, oh the cheater, now he said sh first, yeah, because he He's the best man, yeah, sure, okay, so who's going, who's going? that uh guys you did it yeah going Lampard Lampard yeah Lampard right yeah no I think you're on striker Z just three yeah Jimmy Floyd Asel Bank yeah right Jamie.
Jamie's whisper went like this. Look jmo um, that was ours, yeah, yeah. yes, continue emesi, yes, out Frank Lampard, we have done Lampard L yes, we said Lampard, we said Lampard, said Lampard, said Lampard 100 100% won, we won, said Lampard because we just talked about him, says Lampard L, yes, cool, right? one right now you won this you win this round go do it it's my I'm too excited it's my too excited it's my gift to you it's my gift I should take back the gift please jandao wrong you're going to make the first trophy oh god word we didn't shake hands we didn't shake hands Victoria all the best all the best next year all the best right you too friend yes I didn't want to say to myself I didn't want to say to myself I did it I don't want to do it right, I want a repeat of him saying Lampard Lampard, that was one of the ones that took L out right away.
In fact, I'm not sure I said lamp, come on gentlemen, who's going to take it home first. I think he is a captain. Fantastic, fantastic, excellent questioning. when in the end, although it just went away at the end, they had us, they had us, they had us the previous round, I think you like ARS, you just ran out of steam, two injuries, you were suspended, everyone mentions at Arsenal like that, the one to the other, well congratulations on being the winners of the football cup Gary, well done guys, one second, 50% sure, will they let it go or at least they are not competitive, is the main thing?
They have calmed down a lot since they retired, they are not competitive in the The slightest glimpse of that fantastic thank you thank you and them too and them not just me and Roy and them to come it was very good communication and I am taller than Gary w

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