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Vieira: Rivalry with Keane, Wenger & Arsenal Career | Stick to Football EP 33

Jun 10, 2024
For two years I went through different departments and in the academy and then I went to New York. York, so the process was to ask myself if this is something I really wanted to do, so the whole response was positive, so I don't regret why you left the city group. I thought you would have stayed within the group. city ​​group in different jobs and different roles yes but you know I wanted to do it when I decided I really wanted to coach my goal was to coach at the highest level I wanted and I still want to coach teams that play the Champions League so do that I needed to challenge myself and I was in New York I was in a city group and everything was perfect for me it was a dream for someone who left their


and to find a place where you can learn where you can express yourself and the City really did everything possible to allow myself to choose what I really wanted to do, so after a couple of years with New York in the MLS, there was an opportunity to go back to Europe and go to Toise and Um and I wanted to challenge myself with more pressure uh and Returning to France was the next step because after that it allowed me to come to the Palace, where are you on the trip? as a coach do you feel that you are improving more experience yes, I think it is of course all those experiences that make me a better coach, without a doubt, but of course, success, winning, doing well will open the door to the biggest stage , I will say it, but at the moment yes, it has been really challenging, it has been a long journey, but I enjoy it and I really like what I am doing, what are the things that you think you could have done better in your first stage? few jobs make a better decision about the people you work with on your team, on your staff, er, staff, but above all choose the people you are going to work for and not the club you are going to work for.
vieira rivalry with keane wenger arsenal career stick to football ep 33
I think choosing people is very important because of course you will need support and you need support in a difficult period and people who can trust and believe in what you are trying to do, so I think I make a couple of mistakes. TR when choosing, you will not know. that Patrick until you're at work, you know it's easy to try but sometimes it's good to listen to people's advice and of course sometimes you want the job so bad because it's the Premier League or because he F and then you accept ? work and think that you will make it a success, but it is not that easy because you need a team around you to help you be successful, but I keep trying to get you to know people until you walk with them.
vieira rivalry with keane wenger arsenal career stick to football ep 33

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vieira rivalry with keane wenger arsenal career stick to football ep 33...

Yes, I think you know people for In an interview you think that everyone has big plans and that hopefully you will be successful at a club, but then in the difficult period you want people to say that we have your back, which is very, very difficult to anticipate. which people are going to support you and who aren't, yes, and we also live in an industry where everyone knows everyone, you know, we all know our reputation and maybe I needed to do a better job with the people at this


club to know what I can wait when I get there, but sometimes the desire to be a coach in the Premier League or the French league is above what you expect to think and you always think that you can change people and you trust them. but you really learn about people when you are in a difficult period, yes, looking at yourself as a coach, it is easy for me to say this, but is it the city group and Pep Guardiola's style of play that has influenced you the most as a coach? , no no?
vieira rivalry with keane wenger arsenal career stick to football ep 33
No, no, because when you look at Pep and what he achieved and the team he achieved, those trophies that he won with the players he had, not all of us have those players, so it will be impossible to play or try to play like that. He does it because he has quality players to do it and who influences Patrick the most as a coach. I think I'd say maybe arson because I spent nine years with arson as a coach and the way he coached. and the way he was behaving with the players, I will say that he is the coach that has the most influence on me today as a coach and what I want to say specifically, obviously, we know Ason Wengers, one of the great manes that we were speaking before.
vieira rivalry with keane wenger arsenal career stick to football ep 33
But what specific things do you remember? That arson you think I like that, but it's about the confidence and self-belief that he has in the players and especially the young players. The mistakes you are making and he doesn't give you that confidence. Anyway, he is a very good communicator and he always managed to find the right words to motivate you to cheat on your potential. Be really ambitious, it's never negative and I think that's positive, especially as a coach when you're surrounded by a young player. but on the other side I had Mourinho at Inter and the U was ruthless because it's about competing, it's about winning, so I took some of that as well, if you want to win I think you need a bit of that.
The ceiling is to make a decision about your performances because with Arsen you will play one or two games, you will not play at your best level, but he will still play the next game. Mourinho if you don't play well in the first game but in the second. You might not be playing so you're still under pressure to perform and I think it's very important to be on top as well because it's about the competition. You feel it? Because he obviously said that he did very well at City. and the other jobs that you had, obviously, Palace is Palace specifically that you feel disappointed because you feel like at that time you should have been supported, yes, but I don't feel sorry for myself because this is the industry and this is the world.
What we are experiencing is about trying to make the right decision and, of course, that experience will make me a better manager. When I sat down with the people from Strasbourg, I also had a lot of questions about the direction of the club they want to go to, what will happen in these types of circumstances and of course that experience at Palace helped me to have a better structure, when I feel with the people of Strasbourg about how I can handle the massage. them my contract and I think part of that is also about managing and building this kind of relationship with the people at the top and maybe I didn't do that well enough at Palace to allow me to stay longer in the job. and that's something I have to learn about you, you say it's the hardest part of management, managing upward whatever with the group of players, but having good relationships with the president, the CEOs, yes, no it's easy, do you mean when you say about your contract when structuring your contract with Strasburg, do you mean that there is a bigger penalty for them to make the decision to fire him in some way?
No, it's not just about the money, it's about how you structure the relationship you'll want to qualify. The people who run the


club will want to have a conversation with them to find out where we are and where the club wants to go and what they will implement to allow it to get to where they want to go, because sometimes you have a really good idea, you have a really big plan, but sometimes Sometimes you don't want the fans to reach that goal then it became really difficult so you wanted him to be transparent around the transfer budget, his plans and objectives for the next two or three years and as a young coach sometimes you don't get involved. really into it because you just want to focus on training and work, but you have to get involved and it's important for me to be aware of that. because that will also at the same time dictate success because today if there is no investment it is difficult to be successful like at Palace there was a case where there would surely be people in the club who would try to dictate which players would come and go would be something as simple as that of what they wouldn't even talk to you, no that was a problem, one of the most challenging challenges of course at Palace is that they were trying to dictate to the players when to come and go. coming and going and I think that, as a coach, I should have responsibility for that because at the end of the day I am the one who is on the field training at the same time, I am the one who is going to face the press like Well, receive the consequences and it is difficult to have people who want to make all the decisions but then don't take the consequences or don't sit in front of the fans or the press to explain what's going on, so it became really difficult, I think at that point it's okay, uh.
I mean the best players, they have had challenges at Chelsea, the main goal ownership group, but actually the season ended well for them. What was it like when you sat with them? Is Tod B specifically that man who obviously owns Strasbourg, but is it him specifically? that you sat down with what to do to be interviewed for the job no, um, the guy I sat down with was Mark ker, uh, he's still the president of uh of Strasbourg and he's the one I was talking to, uh, doing all the interview. but of course the blue team had someone who made the final decision so of course we are in contact and I'm talking to them and the relationship with Rel has been very positive so far and of course it's the first year who are in Strasbourg with all the difficulties we face this year.
They have supported us a lot. Now, are you ready for a break or are you going to do some summer TV? I'm not. ready for the break I need I need a break it's been a really challenging season uh challenging and um but I'll be really close so I'll go watch the games but I won't do any TV work. It's not that I'm not enjoying Royal Companion, but I'd rather be relaxing with the family, it's the hardest part. Patrick has to talk to the media three times a week before and after games, especially if you're on a rough patch. that one of the most challenging things is having a job or finding that you don't.
I find it. I don't find it really difficult. I think it's about knowing what you want to say and then just trying to repeat it. The same answer and giving the same answer all the time, but I can't quite find it. Ah, that's not the hardest part of the job. Okay, let's go to Arsenal, let's go back in time. You joined at a time when Arsenal, well, hadn't been successful for a number of years. What did you find when you first went to Arsenal? Listen come to England, go to Arsenal. I really didn't know what to expect.
I had no idea about the Premier. League because in France the biggest league was the U, the Italian league, the Ser, the Syrian was the most followed league in France, so at that time I didn't know anything about Arsenal, so when I got there I was really impressed by how unprofessional you were. players impressed by the lack of professionalism, yes, because I come from um, I came from AC Milan, yes, and AC Milan was like um players who arrived there 1 hour, two hours before training, uh, well dressed, uh, Costa CA came to training every day with his suit on.
They were as if they were having lunch after training and some of them were sleeping on the training ground before returning home. He was really very professional and this is where I really learn, I really learn the job and coming to Arsenal and he was really um the complete opposite, he was uh, he was yeah, he was different, tell us about that, well, he didn't have, we weren't going to introduce ourselves. to training in a suit and tie, that's what you showed up with. At that time, Tony Adams, the mentality was completely different, completely different, and I got very comfortable with it and I loved it, it was quite, really, relaxed, relaxed, it was all about what was happening on the field and uh, and he was about the passion and uh and not thinking about tomorrow it's about we're training we give 100% we can train well we can train badly there were some mistakes there were some technical mistakes but always given 100% And that's that's completely different from uh from the Italian culture that I learned before the players at that time would probably still have gone out for a drink after the game, no yes, yes of course we are in the Christmas period, yes, TJ's Fridays in uh , London Fridays.
In London, straight after training, but we French players were going to dinner, yes, but the lads gathered straight after training, so they beat them eating, eating and drinking until we got there, and that's when it was. It was time for them to go home and that's where we started celebrating, he was just talking to us about how I'm always obviously being a defender, the defense you obviously had behind you, I know you and Emanuel petite played a brilliant role up front. but just tell us about those five Winterburn Dixon Keon Adams and obviously um bold bold and um and Seaman to be honest.
I still don't understand how n and Lee managed to play at that level, no, but that's what it says about me. I'm going to rephrase that, no, we'll keep it, but what I mean is that in training they were like 20% of the two players who were like 20% of what they did on the weekend when they trained. During the week they said that they had back problems, knee problems, ankle problems, so they were always protecting themselves, yes, but when the weekend arrived I said that they were playing, but they were. It was incredible and for me, as a midfielder with Manu, at that moment we felt strong, it was easy for us to play knowing what was behind us because they were like competitors, they were like going to there are people you can go to fight. why do you knowa little better and then it's that you know how to do it once and then it became a habit, yes, what game you have achieved reminds you more of yourself none, none of them started said it's a hybrid, no one came before, no one came after from them. but I liked Jabbi at Arsenal, I think he was going to be even a better player because I think he was more complete, he was more technical, I think he was more offensive, he has more quality in the last 30 yards and, um, the injuries he had really they stopped his progression, but Jabbi was really good the last two before we did a little thing.
This could be difficult for you, Mbappé or HRI. God oh I never played with Mmbapp and I will. I'll go because I'll go apparently, I'll go for and lastly, how do you think he will do for France in the Euro Cup? I think France is our favorite, our favorite. I don't think I see any other nation that can beat France outside of England. I think England is the only nation that can beat France today and can they beat them? Will they beat them in a single game? Anything can happen, obviously they have the quality of talented players to do it because I'm amazed at what Phil Fen is.
I've been to Bingham, you've got quality, you've got talent there, so I think it all depends on Ken as well, how he'll be in the competition because obviously you're going to need someone up front who can score those goals that you're going to need, but I think England will. I have a good chance to be there with France. Okay, we're wrapping up with a six-question quiz. We are in the final. Whose question is, please, what are you doing? What's that? Take that Roy, he's a Roy V Patrick quiz. Pretty. let me see your picture, he's got a picture, you're taking it home, no, oh, you've got options, oh, you've got options, and there you have it, do you want to take this quiz, get on, I'll put this on top of my fire, stay away from the fire, well, are they voting too?
There are more of them there. Why you can vote too, but we don't care? Don't leave me and Jame out. It's not a good photo of me. The photo is not great. photo of both of them, but here we go, the budget, the right budget, okay, so let me go over here, who received the most yellow cards in the Premier League. Patrick or Roy, yellow cards, you got yellow cards, wait, obviously the person's face. That Ro was there longer, right? Yeah, no, I mean, I mean, Patrick, is it CLA? Is it like CLA? are you going or not?
Yeah, I'm trying to think because Patrick got quite a lot in the end, no, get a red I'm going with this one with this one Patrick Viera had 76 yellow cards in the Premier League no way I have that no way Roy Keane had 69 exactly wow well and se complained I'm all, we're back to the Same stuff, referees again, which I mean, you had a massive impact on those, you know something? You had a massive impact on the referee. I was going to pick you up on that. I was going to pick you up on that earlier because you know something?
Before the games we played against you, he used to tell us to avoid the referee because Vieira and Cole will be the referee in the game. He used to think that you were the referee in the game. Think that you are ours. Yeah, I'd think you don't have a chance. not against United against United ever, if you look back at all the games you played against United, you look at the players and the referees, it was United that you did, the quality of the referees in the league, you have to read the right game, interesting Who provided the most assists in the Premier League?
Patrick or Roy, that's tough. It's amazing, honestly, it's amazing, yes, it's close, although it's close to the numbers. It is very close. I will continue for five or six years. Patrick, I wouldn't because I just went. I just want to go with Roy. I started thinking about it. I made myself go with yourself. My King. Don't know. I'm trying to think of one or two assists for you to make and I don't have much, we'll soon find out who you go with Patrick. I'm also going for myself, maybe yes, maybe it's like that. Patrick had 34 assists, Roy had 33, oh one more, you see, I was a better player.
I tell you, you don't trust me, I tell you right, who scored the most goals in the Premier League. God, Patrick Oroy, to say this is the most fascinating thing I've ever had. It's like I've been there three times. be right one of them I think Roy has yes correct answer much more towards him it can't be it's impossible you if it is it would be Betic wow Roy Keane scored 39 goals Patrick scored 31 Look, we were right Jamie and I were right, yes, who ? I think this sounds like he's a better player than P. It's a great test that was organized for the first time.
I think this one is a little easier. Who had the most international caps? Patrick or Roy. Yes, that's easy. Easy, you qualified for more tournaments. Look, and I was never left without anything. They told me to say I left. I left the legs for someone to fill and he filled them right when I started, no lies, I said we bit again, right, um, Patrick had 107 caps and Roy had. 67 and I had cross injuries, yes I didn't play for two years after I had a fight with the coach, he qualified for more tournaments so I could have easily surpassed 100 and also Vex won, Vex won the World Cup World. also and we left it, so we have to throw it in there because it wasn't his, it's Mick McCarthy's, for whom he had more appearances in the Premier League, it must be, you must say a long time, there are no IDE injuries.
I'm going back Roy had 366 Patrick had 307 wow, that's still a lot and the last seven that won the PFA Player of the Year that won it yes, one or none no, you never won it I never won it ridiculous, yes, of course There you got it, it was a good exam it was a good exam really good exam I made them both feel good in what year did they win that Rio 2000 when no one turned who cares when no one showed up none of their teammates came they stayed with football ? more almost in Loop it's like a Peter K set just go back to the beginning no one came thank you very much incredible it's a pleasure to see you I love you so much Patrick are we taking a photo where everyone is? big picture with everyone, yeah let's do it Mery, I really enjoy it, it's the best, that's what happens when you get away from United, you get proper interviews, it's true, there are always United people there.
I've seen the show a few times and too many. United people on the street w

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