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The SA-58 Packs a Punch! - Escape from Tarkov

Jun 03, 2021
I have been used with one of these, always quite ornate and since the events are happening, everything is very cheap to buy. I'm going to try this one. I'm going to try it and the SA-58 apparently has a lot of recoil. That's a good idea, the most important thing about most of these weapons is the muzzle flash, so I'll buy where's the seven, six to one, see what you get, you only get 12% recoil reduction , which is really good, you would never see it. and I think with this I get 5% recoil and then the suppressor on top is ten so I lose 2% recoil and I lose a little bit of ergonomics.
the sa 58 packs a punch   escape from tarkov
I think it's where it is, although it's a big gun, look at the size of that one. Damn, that's beefy, okay, she's on auto, she made that mistake, wait, done today, hopefully we don't get a chance to psycho. I never really know where to go right away, so it's great because I have this place. I understand the angle. side to side for close up and then I bought this one for long range, I can see pretty far with it properly and then you can also sort of zoom in, although it seems to have a lot more recoil with that one so I tend not to do that , I can go fight the gas station, a lot of Raiders, is there another guy here?
the sa 58 packs a punch   escape from tarkov

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the sa 58 packs a punch escape from tarkov...

I think this is a guy here like yeah, he's shooting at anything, back up all the delay, look at that guy, but right? I think I just arrived. him with that, so he tops Singh on this map and now I'm not entirely sure I heard him. I heard a sound effect when the grenade exploded like in his body or something. I do not see it well. I think he's at the gas station. I have to see that guy. I got that guy down two. I'm going to back up real quick because I'm running towards him. I'm not necessarily running in a magazine, but I'd like to repackage.
the sa 58 packs a punch   escape from tarkov
Give it a second too if there is. What's more, it took me a second to realize what was happening, confusing them a little. His weapons are pretty sick, although he has a lot of recoil. I've noticed that I took them down almost immediately. I forget how many people. he can be on this map: it's like 12, I think it's up to 12, so we have two dead people there. I'm the third one, possibly nine or eight more, so I think someone at your gas station is shooting, yeah, there definitely is someone. at the gas station someone's there if they're trying to see their friend's dead body three down no come on you gotta let me go back don't do me like that I'm raiding the open there's no way you know how long I was gone 'cause I was gone so long time that's pretty crazy to see me die right now that would be horrible I was out for a good ten minutes wait there's a gun there someone walked past me you tried to hide it by hiding it from his friends HK so someone came this way maybe the other guy I killed before or how big the squad was oh my god I can see I can feel my frame rate slowing down and I look in that direction probably a lot of scans in that direction are pointless.
the sa 58 packs a punch   escape from tarkov
Looting what I'm going to do anyway to practice, ready for when the new patch comes out, but I had shot him, touch his helmet. I'm not very suitable, I like the fuselages, they are very good because they can block, they block. like 9 mil and stuff, however it seems like with 1080p it's a lot harder to see everything and anything, mainly on maps like this because when you lower the visor you can't see as far anymore. I have an ear frame also I'm going to take the site, yes, he looted his son, so I think there were three of them in the same group, well, how do I get out?
I'll probably take control of the smugglers' ship, the usual stuff, the characters are overweight now. I didn't even run for two seconds, I was the boss. It's taking me forever to get to the statement. just a scab, I don't think they were associated at all, it just happened that way, but he was a player, this guy was a player, he had a good run, so we didn't have a late spawn like a lot of other people. they are messing around with this event right now its like wasting your gear what a strange way to aim. I didn't know you could do that, but it would be very strange to do that.
I do not know if I like it. I'm honest with you he's trying to grab his gear and this thing has a kick when you don't have the recoil scale my lord hit me once probably in the arm if I had to guess no it was the interesting chest come on Look what's there passing here, two excited boys. I think I should actually start bringing the magnetic box back. It would be a bit faster, especially for factoring. I know it's a bit of a cheesy way of doing things, you just put all your magazines away, but everything is so cheap right now like it doesn't even matter, okay I think there's an m4 or something up here.
I'm super slow again, haters, where is this guy? I was in metal, oh, it's down, so I was just the Raider players gasp, oh, these things just recognize that this is so much damage that you'll just pick up some grenades and stuff and get out, there's no point in farming the Raiders. . I want to see some players get some practice. He's a Player there, no, that's a scav. I definitely need more ammo. I think I'll make a medbox if you're going to do factory runs right now, especially with all these scav bosses. You have to get two good kills early on. you were definitely there though, you're falling damn Rusty who has a HK I want to play aggressive here maybe I can sneak him he's probably leaving that's hot still doesn't do anything don't come this way don't come this way haters so he killed the guy in the hallway, just I heard it in HK so yeah I just wanted a good kill, it was a good kill, I actually think I had shot him, no I didn't shoot him in the head, you know what?
Let me take all this, this is not even like that. It has to be a player, right, oops, tell them, oh my god, I made one of these the other day, really cool build, but they're not that effective with the current form. I can do this now. I can't believe I forgot all about this. I get rid of that, they're not really like 9 Mills, they're not that good, I think this is just garbage, yeah god they keep coming but they're not that good right now because since everyone can buy the best team in the entire game and I only put on a face shield. 9 mil finds it very hard to get through the face shields so it's not the best to run right now they're fun yeah no no I headed into the tunnel so look at this I hit it good. in the eye, the right eye, that's crazy and since this thing has no eye protection, here it happened, I didn't even shoot him in the head, well, I shot him, but I didn't know that I didn't even touch the helmet.
This way you could run one of these things, these things are a lot of fun so sometimes playing fast works and other times playing slow and then playing fast trying to catch your targets off guard. Oops! You just have to find the balance. I'm still learning it, there's a lot to learn, it sounds really good, sorry though man why are you running with nogi right now? Another HK, I guess, oh, there at the other end, yeah, keep saying that enemy fight. Oh, I didn't check that one. Well, then I know where that guy is. The question is which side do I want to go first.
I really don't want to fight tunnels again. It almost sucks. I don't know if he is a player or a scav. Let me see here. So I heard in HK that I think there's an H and an M down in the tunnels and then a guy with an alias or something around here, you have to figure out where and when you're not looking, these Raiders really got you. a player that really hurt me a little, damn my thighs are 13 years old, I remember when I said I don't like this type of helmet, there is no way it will block an m99 with five bullets, so either he is using nine thousand, I can't.
I really think hmm, maybe I was just using bad ammo, but there's no reason because everything is so cheap right now. There is no reason not to use the best penetrating ammunition. There are so many raiders here right now. Well, there was another mugger to my right. I'd love to know what that guy was wearing, although I didn't even get a chance to check out those Raiders. It was endurance, so I couldn't even run back there.

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