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This M1A Destroys! - Escape From Tarkov

Jun 02, 2021
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. I know people always like to see tacos. I loved playing


game. It's always fun to go back and play it so


footage I'm going to show you isn't in the current patch because they recently added a weight system patch so I thought I'd let you know but this m1a is what I'm going to use instead and I thought it was pretty decent and I pulled it off a dead guy I found on a different beat and I finally pulled it with and it's not too bad it's got a little bit of midrange a little bit of clothes I didn't change much so here are the mods yeah Are you interested in building it yourselves the only thing I really changed was the laser and the switch grip which I personally prefer when using a big gun like this.
this m1a destroys   escape from tarkov
I like being able to do ATS a little faster and it adds economy so I thought it would be a little helpful but yeah. This is the weapon if you want to build it yourself. I love that this is the shooting range in their hideout. It's great because I can go in and they can test their weapons a little bit, waste ammo and all that to see if they can. I like the recoil, yes, but this is the gunner here, he doesn't have too much recoil, he's built. I like the view and let me tell you, it hurts anyone.
this m1a destroys   escape from tarkov

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this m1a destroys escape from tarkov...

Oh yeah, I saw a guy at the last second. There he looked. A little dirty, he had a helmet on. I realized I see something on this map. It's very nice outside, but as soon as you walk in it's very dark. Sometimes I feel like you need night vision. Well, that guy was very far away. outside, but I know there's another spawn a little closer, yeah, I just saw that you didn't cross, it looks like it was trapped in the matrix, you can die immediately, I think it's just, now it saw a crossing, it will never do lacrosse, but will run here.
this m1a destroys   escape from tarkov
The guy shot him in the head, it's okay, I just took a little bit of him to die, that's all, he's the Terminator, wait, he didn't bring any medicine, what are you doing man, how are you supposed to heal if you get sick? Do they shoot? Let's see if we can go look for it. murderer I want revenge on him you killed me a few raids ago just a top for me immediately I don't know maybe he there likes to hide in dark corners sometimes you're not Killa just a normal scab yeah I don't know I think he's here unless he wandered back to the front, no joke, although when he killed me a few raids ago, he killed me running down the escalator sliding around a corner while throwing a grenade at me and then just left me lying like a couple of You see, it's probably the most epic thing I've ever seen in my life and also the most unfair thing about it soon in my life.
this m1a destroys   escape from tarkov
I guess he backed out. Someone recanted. No, not for me. They were locked in it. It does not worth for anything. Run an axe. I love it. They added that change, yeah, huh, now I'll chase you if you don't have a gun. I think it's really fun, oh people breaking glass, so if you're wondering why I brought this, a vs platform that I can't shoot through. That's right, I actually had a car, shoot it with a gun through the kibble windows, they're supposed to be bulletproof. I think he still got a headshot through them and that's what he did with a gun.
I just don't care. TT, no bigger loop: okay, but this ABS kit costs too much to repair and then sell, so I think it's better to use it to save space, yeah, you can't shoot through these, oh, there's more than one, okay? ? I haven't done that, yeah, I just think there's three, oh, I shot him in the head, no, he's like, oh, okay, so I do one of two things because this isn't going to go well, that's behind me. , in any way, to be pushed, no. I have to go now back up that was exactly what I needed one down I think there are at least two more I think the guy fouled Yeah, there are two more for sure Well, they took off his helmet and stuff, so they already charged him his friend.
I'm just afraid of this right hole. I think they're going to get rid of his friend's sneak attack, he knows he must have seen it and we get blue flashbangs if that doesn't get the heart pumping. I don't know, Jesus. That was horrible, that was a horrible situation if that guy on the right confronted me right away, oh my god they destroyed a home run, yeah he should be dead, there's no reason for him to be alive right now, oh my god, so much loot to go , you already know. what I almost died in the fire I sewed, I stayed too close to him, I almost lost my arms, okay, now I'll die for someone sitting on top, I'm ready, that's how it always happens, okay guys, let's have some equipment, has a beta backpack.
Oh yeah, they should have taken his friends' equipment so they wouldn't abandon him using p90, okay, let's make the exception for the bag, okay, what did you have? Yeah, so it was BSS? Oh, that was a valve, oh yeah, do you like it too? I guess you know what this map really makes me want to use a flashlight or something especially for your viewing purposes, but it gives you away so much that your feet, the sky, some player scab walking around, oh yeah, that's a player from the that I just heard about. 80s I don't think I know where I am.
These tarps can be taped on the wall. I know you can shoot through them. I just don't know if I fight this or not because my armor is at 15, it won't take me long to get it. through that we have to do it we have to go for it greed is good okay there is a box or something buying this is a very good idea for his head and we will find out that we have it he doesn't want you right? Think, oh no, there's a lot to loot, what am I supposed to do now? Okay, I'm getting lost in this bag.
Exceptional helmets that are worth a decent amount. Gun accessories always have a military cable. Even the engines are pretty decent. Do you know what I do? I'm going to do I still have to like the other guy too I'm going to take the accessories and I'm going to grab the other ABS and I'm just going to fill both of them with their weapons. A monster man, he's so good. What did you do? Oh he was prepared for he was more prepared, he even brought me some juice, oh yeah, don't make this lunch box work. Tina doubles that I need to get out of here before someone comes up and kills me.
I still wonder if the guy I shot through the kibble windows if he knew it was there like he knew that's where it came from no, I have to deal with all these scabs and potential exit campers, guys are sneaky little bastards , sometimes they just appear out of nowhere, I swear. Look, they are so clever now to camp with extract, please, dear God, let no one be there. I don't want a decent run at another bingo to be ruined just in case, we haven't been shot at, yeah, so that's pretty good. Amen. This is a pretty good weapon.
I like how this guy built it, although a little long range. A bit closer. I didn't think I'd like this place as much as I do, but it's not bad at all. Pretty clean. and we went out, so we had the first guy and then what happened? Oh okay, they're pretty cool, so I killed the first guy that came in and then the other one after I left the tent to kill the tent that was the teammate, but they got taken. tag him and then the other guy killed in the second level the cow that had nothing but an ax running around, you know what I really like, it's fun to use though.

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