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Loving this AK74N - Escape From Tarkov

Jun 07, 2021
If you look at the stairs I can go, I can look


way, but I swear I heard someone, yeah, yeah, I think it's in the basement two, three, yeah, definitely in the basement, maybe four, do that, one more, one more, I think maybe just three hits, that'll be it, I think. my gun jammed there otherwise I was going to go for the next guy myself others say what the hell is a moose - they are very small towns made here it's so nice yeah I loved doing headshots and you just don't even you It doesn't even damage the helmet or the best because it's a shot in the face, okay, I'm ready to extract, see you on the next raid.
loving this ak74n   escape from tarkov
I'm serious, I think I could easily extract them, those ridiculous ones I mean, and I guess I'm fully equipped,


problem I mean the val is a lot of fun, it's really good, maybe it's just all the weapons in this game. I don't know I'm out yeah I don't know we'll have to watch them look back because I think he damaged you too unless you got damaged asking a person yeah damaged by the previous player I eliminated I killed the guy just before, no, no, that's why I arrived so late at the time, because I stayed with a guy and then I thought I heard one in front of the checkpoint.
loving this ak74n   escape from tarkov

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loving this ak74n escape from tarkov...

I thought like he had you at that moment. You just didn't do it. You stopped listening to everything, even if you say it's okay, because sometimes I feel like there are too many. things I need to ignore things people say sometimes Adam, yeah, I'm pretty bad too so people start talking to me, they call me, I'm fine, what I really am, I'm playing my own game. I'm not listening at all, yeah, because how many times have you died too because people are talking and you're like, oh, it's like you should try this yourself, yeah, and you have to log off in the middle of a fight or whatever, okay, the bedrooms.
loving this ak74n   escape from tarkov
Yes, it's just in the bedroom area, there doesn't need to be any bedrooms in sight, by the way, yes, I think the areas are quite large, yes, because I think it was the same when I had to go to the factory and I had than kill them. in an office-like area, that area itself is huge. I like that mission sky bus. Maybe I do not know. I heard shotgun things that sounded like they were outside, not inside, yeah. Okay, towards the guys' bedrooms, do you want to go around it? Wow, yeah, I was um, new stories, yeah, balcony, sorry, let's do that, let's start fighting the wall, don't make sure there's no one up here first, okay, I think three stores, Claire, hey, I'm next to the wall right now and it seems like they're further away.
loving this ak74n   escape from tarkov
Go ahead, I don't think you're going to have a picture here, are you straight into the excerpt or what? Yeah, you see me down here, yeah, no, ahead, a little bit further, guy one dead, okay, I'll let you go. steps and Silverdale, okay, how many do you need? I just completed it, sweet, my turn one was dead in the tree and then it got closer to the distance, yeah, yeah, I'm worried that you killed these guys, there's a lot of gunshots under grenades and things going off. so I think they might be Scouts. It just had a scab there.
I think they would have shot me by now. Well, there definitely is in Scouting. There is another player here. Should I take more marked space and can you? I just want to leave you like this. Looting if that's what you're doing, yeah, you can check Martin's boom inside, okay, and it's an ass, come on, hold on to our sadness, okay, I'm ready for my legs to pass out, here we go, oh, I love the crunchy sound. give me more of that sorry boss level 6 okay, I'm getting rid of this guy's equipment, it's good for the house, it would be nice to scab the inside again, I don't know if it doesn't have spaces because they normally don't move that much, right?
TRUE? in the dorms or if it was you, I'm Blaine right in front of the year, I lose, my father killed, you know, you didn't kill this guy, right? Yes, I thought, did you kill three players to kill? Well there's the dead place, check the tag I only saw two guys, they all manipulated it, the culprits, this guy was the ex who was moving, someone is moving, moving back, dead, he's already eating around the building, Oh, I see which one you're talking about. This is the era of the gap. Did you just kill? Yes, that's asking. a player that poor guy just got knocked down oh my god oh no no no no no no yeah I'm going to get rid of the swing guys yeah this was the guy I killed you know I didn't loot him yet it was 60 men oh me I take his things, but his friend and his friends get rid of the things.
I'm trying to be nicer to these newer players. I don't know why you're a good man, because when they use an AKM it's like no, it's not modified. whatever you need no, I'm having a Salwa, that's for sure. I don't mean letting them get their equipment back. Yes, the guy they killed was the holy decade. I heard


the same way. I see this gap. I have killed this gift. Well, you bet. Scalping, but I killed a little in front, I killed a scam, that's right, I'm like you, I don't like it, oh come on, lab key card, hell, yeah, I'm going to leave a little in front of you for true, outdoors.
Okay, I'll use it to close this gap, oh well, so let's check out the other hiding places, I'm sure this one is buying us some wood logs over here, but that's a good target, oh yeah, are you at the station? bus, yes, on the other side? - Hey, no, that's on the right side, that's not a gas station, no, I heard like he was running, but I don't know if it was you or not, I probably know that someone is in the forest with me. Whatever I found with the mustache, that's me. talking fill them near rocks little nothing I have no idea what was okay photo he is in a bus station yes, on the wall of a bus station I think where is the wall of the bus station oh, I'm in the hole I'm at the bus station Hayes over there with you somewhere he ran back somewhere that's all I know worth how many guesses right now from the blessing you should know he went to me though how close are you to the wall in this moment I'm on the divot okay, I'm leading this guy I think I heard it on the long wall, right?
He wasn't moving me. I think he fell back into the bus. You know, the bus in the middle of the road. OK yes. I'm looking at it and I see it. I'm in the back. mister Oh, tell them okay, okay, mate, okay, mate, okay, because I was moving things, oh, you know what I can do, make you run, that was me, but okay, make my sister try to see you begging for this Somehow like Jen, for me, there's no space, oh that's it. Why stack bags? I'll have some milk and they shot us. It was noisy milk before you justify what oh, I thought it was weight and I have to leave a helmet.
Well, hurry up, buddy, we're getting lost. Actually, say it. Movin no I'm behind the guy so he looked identical to you that's why I had to ask him that welcome yeah he's a good friend and let me loot this guy first unless you want to go for him no no take your The time I'm attentive I had to ask you to get the same backpack you would like. It's usually not something you see much before tea. Yeah, let's put my helmet down and listen to that guy. Everyone needs it. Yeah, I didn't really hold back on Shani either. how big is this I can't carry it can I oh here's a Bush listen to me I think at the bus station maybe I'll do it now bushes definitely bushes that was a return flight yeah cute yeah that's my boyfriend who made it Mudara, not that Oh hey, show me a little, let's scalp, just a scary little player, what the hell am I listening to someone loot on what no, no, but he was behind me, oh my God, look, I want to get out of This server?
You're driving me crazy, you're unloading, boy, not yet, yet, okay, here's a bug toward storms. I want to see if I can handle him, please take him. He is dead. I'm triple stacking these backpacks. Are you the pipe? Dorms no, I'm in dorms, he's dead, just tell me it was this game, pretty sure, there was this guy, it was definitely Scout, play like Hi, can I have a moment and just loot? You know what I mean, let's take it out and listen, yeah, what are you, yeah, this office inside. away, Owens, oh, I've gone dumb, man, no, are you serious?
I'm kidding a little, was it a disaster? um I can't tell you, let me know for his Oh, I think it was yeah. They asked me for a beautiful place all my life. Come on dude, sniper scam, how long is it? Lucknow sniper Steph is down. Maybe he has to leave your team, that's right, yeah, whatever. Alright. I can't even get your tag on at home, oh my god, the sniper staff is crazy, no, oh, it's. one player, oh I make more sense there's like four or five of them, I'm really just that guy hmm, yeah, they're all dead, go for it, okay, what are the odds man?
Just you know what I think, I think they might have been from a different one, she was going to say like big, they all had scabs from the previous raid like they were on a team before, I would say yeah, look for it to get key cards quick, it doesn't work, Renee, you know what, although it's a good thing I went after them because they probably would have found your equipment if that were the case. Oh yeah, like he was on the hill and he killed me. What other keys recover it? I get it back. I mean, I had a lot of booty on me too, he can fit into anything.
I'm afraid to climb the hill to be real, to fit in some more things. I just wasn't lucky tonight, that's how I've been that honest with God, like when I was playing with him. why was I playing with you the other day and that's what happened yeah how it happens every once in a while it's Tyco that's


some days he's good some days he's just the worst yeah okay there's no way out campers, Perfect, get me out of this. raid which was crazy only eleven kxb for that made these two players start with more scavs.
I think these were just me or two players after that, then I know five of the players after that, we are scavs players, okay now we have three. to two three more of those big bags, which is good, pretty decent, so I'm going to repair my armor. I thought I'd leave this party and I'll show you because I know some people are interested in what's going on. after raids and I guess how you set up and things that are understandable especially if you've never played the game before so basically after a run I'll actually prepare my gear, restock on ammo, grenades, meds. and all that stuff and then I'll sell everything else that I have or I keep a little bit of stuff these access cards these lab access cards work like 189 now on the market which is good so I repair what I can if I can I took out the players or repaired it a little and then I sell it all to the therapist because she gives you more for some medicines, dog tags, rare items and all that kind of stuff and then the armor that I repaired and some accessories that were I'll sell it to the skier because you get more for that kind of stuff and then I sell the rest to the mechanic and he takes it and then he blows it up properly if I have extra grenades or things like leftovers, but I made a mistake in this race.
I didn't realize when I was playing that armor killing armor you just sold, it was too damaged to even repair to the point where I could sell it for a decent amount of money, so I should leave that behind. and I grabbed a few more weapons, well that's it and then I go back to getting ready and back to another read, I hope you liked it.

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