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The Real Story of Paris Hilton | This Is Paris Official Documentary

Mar 18, 2024
your parents... Great. I want... I need to process it... It's not easy. We have to get to the point where we can be open. Do you have nightmares too? I have nightmares almost every night when they take me away. Since I was kidnapped when I was 16, every sound wakes me up. I have to check everything and I still take it with me to work or when I'm somewhere to see how I can escape. How about here? I feel exactly the same. Even with love and relationships, I can never fully open up... I don't even know how to do it.
the real story of paris hilton this is paris official documentary
Yes, what I see with Provo survivors is that the line between tough love and abuse is so blurred that many don't see when there is abuse in a relationship. If you attended Provo, you don't know what love is or how a relationship works. I look disgusting. I've been in many relationships where people wanted to control me and got so angry it became physical. How many? One, two, three, four... Five men. We got into an argument. I tried to leave his house and he got very angry and started throwing me. I don't remember most of it because I've been through worse.
the real story of paris hilton this is paris official documentary

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the real story of paris hilton this is paris official documentary...

They strangled me and threw phones and computers at me. I accept it. Because I almost thought it was normal. I thought, he loves me so much that he's going crazy. He wanted to feel love so much that I accepted being hit, yelled at, or strangled. Many things. Even that tape. That wouldn't have happened without Provo. I was lost and crying for love and that's why I found the worst possible person. After attending that school, I didn't want anyone to know and I didn't want to feel embarrassed. I was so obsessed with looking perfect. I wanted to create that perfect image that I thought the public expected of me.
the real story of paris hilton this is paris official documentary
And now I even see ten or nine year old girls trying to take the perfect selfie. They turn on the filters. They can't see themselves without those filters. I can't even imagine what a 13-year-old girl is like now. Do you feel responsible? People say you are the architect. I feel responsible. -Hello? -Hello. ON THE PHONE -How are you? With Catherine. -Good. And with you? I received your mail. Ready for tomorrow? Yes, I'm looking forward to it. I am nervous. Yes, you will not be alone. Yes. The photos I sent you are of girls from other shows, but I think


is the best way to get attention on social media.
the real story of paris hilton this is paris official documentary


is great. Very good. This campaign will break the silence. The girls say, 'This happened to me.' And it gives strength to others, even if they don't dare to talk about it. I've never talked about this publicly... I think so. It will definitely surprise people. -Nobody knows. -Of course, but it's to help the children. Sure. I can't imagine there are nine year olds there now. Even eight year old children. -Eight? -Eight-year-old children. And those parents have no idea. OCTOBER 2019 I don't see them. They come. Yes, we do this. This is crazy. -How weird. -I tried to find you for years and she found you in ten minutes. -Yes, we... -Those two.
Does matters? It's only been 20 years. Why would anyone want to contact me? -Hello girls. -Hey. Come on. It was so long ago. -You are still the same. -You too. -Hello darling. -Hello how are you? -Yeah. -Hey, kitten. -How's everybody? -I'm a little shy. Me too. That place made me shy. My brain has blocked out a lot of this. One of the things I remember most is that we talked about our dreams. What would we do if we went out. That was an evasion. -Thanks for that. -Naturally. You were always so kind. You too, roommate. The simple life made me laugh.
I thought, that's not


. That was stupid, especially when she said, "I can't mop." -'I never cleaned.' That's something like that too. After how we were forced to clean up, you could


ly use a sponge. You know how to wash a dish. But, as far as I know, you didn't have a very high voice either. -Did I have it then? -No, I remember you in class. I don't. In Bev's class we had economics. You surprised me that day because you were often silent and once you said, "It's actually like that," and you were explaining an economic theory.
She was very clear and very intelligent and I thought: Jesus, that girl is a genius. This is an example of other girls who participated in this campaign. Like, 'Hey, I'm so-and-so' and this is... 'I'm a survivor of Provo Canyon School,' where they took away my rights.' "Provo Canyon School." What are we going to write now? -Put below... -The year? -Yeah. -Our years and: 'Give me...' -Issues of trust. -Fear of domination. Post-traumatic stress disorder. Not everything fits. People will say: "Paris has a lot of problems." Don't worry. Me too. -'It's not my fault.' -The point is that you didn't suddenly decide to create these problems and run with them, you know?
Why should you be ashamed? It's not your shame or mine. -It's your shame. -Yeah. -We have to use it. -Amen. My name is Katherine McNamara and I am a survivor of Provo Canyon School. They force fed me. I was separated from friends and family. I saw girls being physically, emotionally and sexually abused. The staff emotionally abused me. What is it? I may not be able to do it. -There is no pressure. -Well. I understand. Thank you. I'm sorry. I saw and experienced physical violence, restraint, and emotional and mental abuse. They forced me to take medication. I learned that everything that happened to me was my fault.
I speak now because no child deserves punishment for expressing feelings. Especially if that punishment means more torture and more trauma. I'm ready. That was incredible. I'm just here to process it. I am not alone. And it's not my fault. Sometimes I feel so many things, but sometimes I am a robot and a character that I play and now that I talk to them, I remember who I was before. And that... I don't know. It saddens me that that was taken away from me. I am so confused. But it's... It's refreshing and new. I don't really know anyone other than my family members and a very small group of people who knew me before all this happened and before I became this thing, this mask that I put on and who I am and this extravagance. and the photos of me. .
All of this comes from that place. When I look around me, my life seems like a cartoon. I made a cartoon of a fantasy world. But I don't care about any of this. I hardly wore these shoes. I like chilling in my tracksuit and my socks and being at home and all those other things are just part of the character. -Hey. -Hey. You look like the boss. I feel like that's the best photo of 'f... you, Provo.' -Yeah. You are a warrior. It's all of us, all the survivors. We are all warriors. And I don't want anyone to have to feel the way we do.
This has brought up many things. Incredible. BY PHONE It's strange. I'm so glad we're all connected again. Yes me too. I think it'll probably help you process things you haven't processed yet. -And I hope it helps you. -Me too. You should be free and I don't mean free without people recognizing you. I mean free in your head and heart. Yes. About things that have happened in your life. Ever. You have to explain what it is. What are you showing me? I fear that. No, it's not scary. I'm in touch again with some Provo girls. Well. Katie is one of them.
And Katie leads a movement called "Break Code Silence." It means that the survivors of these schools are talking about this. My old roommates. And they all made a sign and it says what the school did to them. And now everyone talks about it because they realize that many of the things in their lives happened because of school. "Panic disorder, nightmares, insomnia, trust issues." TRUST ISSUES - FEARS VERBAL, EMOTIONAL, PHYSICAL VIOLENCE We are going to publish it so that everyone is aware of this. 'Verbal, emotional and physical abuse'? -They were screaming all the time... -It's okay. ...and he strangled me and locked me in a room.
I know this is something we've never discussed before. They were constantly offensive in one way or another. But I couldn't tell you. Otherwise, he would be punished. Or they said, 'Let's tell your parents you're lying.' "They won't believe you anyway." They repeated it so many times that I was afraid to say anything. If I had known this, Dad and I would have been there right away. Oh darling. I love you mom. I am so proud of you. Thank you. Know? Yes. I have reached the best moment of my life so far. We were really talking about our lives and the things that have affected us and making a change.
Something to change. Now I know I'm not alone. I worked very hard to build my brand and it was all about having a perfect and happy life. And this


has never been part of that. Can you separate yourself from your brand now? No. That is an expensive divorce. You can't keep your brand forever. You are getting older too. No. I will always be like that. PROVO CANYON SCHOOL DID NOT RESPONSE TO THE FILM'S ACCUSATIONS.

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