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There's Something About Casey...

May 30, 2021
I need to see your eyes I want to be able to look at you too I can't look at you and look at the camera well, you don't have to look at the camera Look at me, I'm looking at you, okay, you're sitting too low. The exchange changes from inquisitive and challenging to understanding and loving, and each time her parents stop asking about the case and show that they still care about Casey herself. That's when the tears come, sure, it's okay, hey beautiful, how are you, I look like hell, well, you know


, you really need to keep your spirits up for all this that I have, I haven't been crying while I've been here, well you. know try to read books and do other things to keep your mind off things, well, you know, I want to be able to come up and hug you and give you the big daddy joe hug, but you know, we have to get that girl back any minute. the way we can and we are doing everything we can.
there s something about casey
My only concern. I gave Leah's statement. I want you to talk to whoever in the media. Give you a statement specifically from me. He'll give you an exact quote every time Casey's parents mention that. they're willing to help with a search


dismisses his credibility and even attacks some of his characters while he's at it tara tara from michigan you mean mark's psycho ex wife tara yeah listen to people like tara people like jesse who might be trying to help even christina god bless her i don't know what the hell they're talking about i want you to know i want to take away your pain so you can tell me anything i know daddy i miss you baby i know i miss you too i wish i could have been a better father and a best grandfather You know you have been a great father and you have been the best grandfather.
there s something about casey

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there s something about casey...

Don't think for a second otherwise. Grandparents. Kaylee has been very lucky. Kaitlyn is so lucky to have both of them. you, I can't even put into words how happy I am that she had them both and that she still has them both. You know, it goes without saying, you know our house is empty without you two there, it's empty all the little things we took for granted we miss him so much that's exactly how I feel all your little things and all his little things it just hurts we're not there Mom and I are just going through the motions you know I had coleslaw today, tell me Coleslaw, well you probably eat a lot of things that you never used to eat before because when you're hungry you'll eat.
there s something about casey
I hated bologna. I've been eating bologna and cheese from time to time. Semolina. I don't make grits at all. It's awful. Take another look at Casey's ability to fabricate information and her ability to weave in specific details to give some credibility to her lies. These little complexities are what would make her extremely compelling if we didn't know that she would otherwise never be searched for by her full name. eyes and neither fernandez nor zaneida gonzalez ever by his full name and it's z-e-n a z-e-n-a-i d a I don't think it's a middle name, there was never a middle name in anything I remember seeing and I know he used both last names, he's always had them since He was younger since his mom remarried so Flores incredible you don't know what I'm saying it's gonzales you don't know what fernández gonzalez is I think his father's first name is victor his stepfather or that could be his real father but I remember she said victor victor her parents victor and gloria are her parents but they are separated or divorced from now on yes, but I know she has a lot of money that's where she got the car from I only have one or two Um phone calls a day that you know aren't good phone calls, but I get many, many, many phone calls and a lot of people reach out and just believe in you, believe in us, we found Kaylee, okay, so keep your head on high, but if you think of anything that might help, don't be afraid, oh, I won't hesitate to let you know that you have to keep thinking about positive feelings,


, oh, I know, I've been staying as positive as possible, but do you think after?
there s something about casey
During this time she will still be local, there is a chance that your gut is telling you right now, well, you have time for her to be okay, she's okay, and your gut is telling you that she's close or


, she's hiding, no. It's far away, I know in my heart it's not. As far as I can tell, this was perhaps the first time that Casey told the truth when talking about her daughter's whereabouts, since in fact she was not that far away, her lawyer José Báez finally managed to obtain her bail and Casey was fitted with a electronic monitoring. and released on August 21, she had spent just over a month in custody.
Two months later, police received permission to arrest Casey on a charge of first-degree murder. They took her in for questioning, but she immediately requested her right to a lawyer. They kept her in the interview room while she waits for her lawyer and the footage released from that period is so bizarre to the point that it's almost comical that the detectives give off a passive but blatantly obvious vibe that lets Casey know exactly what they're thinking, since she is guilty of the probable murder of her daughter. death and a fundamentally terrible human being on every conceivable level, Casey's response to this is to essentially ignore it and act as if the discourse between them and the situation itself is an everyday occurrence that may not have to do with the disappearance of her daughter for whom Ella is being charged so you will notice that she effortlessly maintains the same confident and talkative disposition that she had in her previous interviews with the police.
It's almost surreal to watch given the circumstances and the visual element adds a whole new level to the absurdity of the first. The segment of footage shows the arresting officer waiting with Casey for the lead investigator to arrive. He starts the conversation by bringing up the topic of Casey's parents. He claims that he is worried about them, but the real message he conveys is that he essentially knows that Casey is guilty. and that she is not fooling anyone is an indirect but obvious accusation. I was afraid that something I told them would probably offend them because I told them that if I found out something they didn't want to hear, I'd go.
To tell you, honestly, they will respect it, that's just you know the type of people that are the same way, I know, I know they are, it was never my intention to upset anyone in your family, you know, I'm not in it for get a conviction, I don't get any of this, I get zero exactly, you have a job you're trying to do, I found some and I found some and it sucks both ways, yeah I agree, it's what it is that gets me on my side . Being sideways with people tends to be where lawyers get involved.
I've heard most people say they don't like lawyers very much. I have many family members who are lawyers. I have no problems with lawyers. What I have problems with is at some point us. We have to let go of the rules and we have to find kids and you know whatever, that's why I told you in the car, you know, if you tell me something now, yeah, I'll stand up and say, yeah, I heard it and she already. We invoke it, we can't use any of it, that's how it is, that's all I care about. The detective here has basically just asked Casey for the information he knows he has about her missing son instead of retaliating and refuting Casey's blatant accusation.
He continues with his gruff responses of agreement, as if to say that he agrees and knows exactly where the detective is coming from, although he apparently agrees, he offers no information or follow-up dialogue thereafter, it is incredibly awkward but equally intriguing to watch and , you already know. when we did the other case that I was involved in, you know they lost a confession and I sat there and looked directly at the guys we worked with I said that's not the important thing who cares we find it we find it and he's going to get it what just came to him that's not my job, you know, and in the end it works and in the end it works everywhere to be honest with you, it may not be comfortable for everyone, yeah, and I've done things.
Let them catch me because you are not going to be comfortable. I can tell you that this is life, you know, but it is not the end of the road either and that is what we have to keep in mind, it is not the end of the road. Along the way, you know, Casey then casually brings up the subject of the grand jury and the media surrounding his murder trial. He frames the questions as if she's talking about his favorite daytime television show, but if the subpoena itself is just a regular federal grand jury, that's public records. yes, it doesn't say what it's for, it doesn't say what case it's in, not only does it say that you are subpoenaed to appear before the grand jury, they announce that you know there will be a grand jury and, obviously, my name was discarded they knew who for it was the grand jury who threw out his name oh the media said it was from an inside source i mean here so that's where everyone says i can tell you when i talk about the media when i think about the people who make a list with the media, I think it's rubbish, yes, I agree, that's the name that doesn't make it any less necessary without it, I'll be very honest, without the media, we don't find a quarter of the children that Oh, I agree, helps, the exhibition has helped provide a lot of advice for my daughter, but at the same time what it creates is a monster that would not otherwise be necessary, exactly the advice is what it would be if it were a local.
Just in the media, it would be a lot easier to work, yeah, when you get to national media, then you come home and get thanks from Nancy the way you get that, where you also get the advice that comes from Hawaii that says that I saw Kaylee, oh, it's really okay, let it go. I call her, let me send them, let me do the ones that are a little bit, those are the ones that I consider local because the local stations will cover that, that is continuous until the state of Florida, it's not when people only get their information from nancy thanks or from Globe magazine or people or you know stuff like that are you kidding me?
You're not going to break up bad, okay, we'll call him on my cell phone, okay, I know this is, oh, yeah, that's not good. pull it back just slide your hand out no no I honestly can't so they're a little tight thanks for entertaining us like Corporal Edwards in fact if I could I would have done it for you you know he has his phone. number that comes to mind no, I don't have time to get the cell phone number or his number um, I know his office number, what is that 407? I have identified myself and you know why you are in custody, um, and you have Sign this, he wants his lawyer to be present.
Yeah, hey, I'm Casey. I'm with the corporal. I'm in the sheriff's department. If you would like to come and meet with us, thank you. Yes and answer your other question about that photo. I cut my hair, it was very short even last year. I started growing it out again this year, so that's almost okay, it's been a long day. That's how my dad was this morning. um in our time, yeah, honestly, my only cell phone from The media had the opportunity to hear him talking to my mom. I talked to him last night this morning for just a second before he left, so yeah, I talked to him this morning for a moment.
I was with Mark and you know he was really struggling. I mean, I imagine he was going through a difficult time, you know, they were essentially calling him to give testimony to at least accuse you and he was really struggling with it, yeah, and I felt bad. I'll be honest with you. he really did well, I didn't tell him last night, I know they subpoenaed him and by law he had to answer every question they asked him and they told him to do what he had to do. Imagine you're Casey, but you haven't committed any crime, whatever your my daughter was kidnapped five weeks ago and now a detective who believes you are the culprit is broadcasting her father's dying moments providing information for her arrest, no.
No matter how stoic or self-controlled his nature is, he will most likely be crying or completely enraged. In the face of the overwhelming injustice of the situation, are you looking forward to today? um, I have been, I mean, this is something that we have honestly been preparing for from the beginning just because of the words that were spoken directly by Yuri Melich and also by Sergeant Allen. They were saying this is what they planned to do all along from day one, so they wrote me off in the first two hours, that was the only time they made any effort to try to talk to me in the first place and stuff. was a little difficult, that was a little difficult considering I'm considering it obviously in light of everything that's going on, the fact that you've been arrested for other things makes it a little harder to sit down and even talk to you, no is that.
We haven't wanted to, yes, I have a lawyer and that's something you know, my lawyer has always been a phone call away. Did his lawyer ever tell you that we would like to talk to you and we had agreed that he and I would do it together? We all sit together, him, me and you, and you know we consider any questions you have and there is no possible way for a defense attorney to actually sit down and, as Casey says, consider any questions the police have for them yet if they do. we would do. If we don't pay close attention, we would take him at his word because of the eloquenceof his dialogue and we would not realize that everything he says is complete.
We know we wanted to talk nonsense. I mean, obviously we can't come up to you and ask you. Yes, but it's understandable. I know I thought you knew that if you wanted to talk to someone all you had to do was just ask, yeah, well I know it goes both ways and I guess it would have to have come from me. I should have been the one to, I guess, introduce it, but you know, we opened that door to law enforcement before, when Sergeant Allen was making a big deal of saying well, we want to talk to her, when can we talk to her?
He's saying, well, the doors open. I don't think he ever told us the door was open. The fascinating thing is how instinctive and certain his statements are in any other circumstance or even without the knowledge we have now, you would have no reason not to believe everything he says. I have heard the words. It comes out of his mouth, even myself, directed at other people who maybe didn't convey the message or took it another way, so I don't know, I think the lack of communication has put people in opposite corners when everyone has the same goal is to find kaylee, we all still feel like a mom, I know deep down there is a feeling like a parent, you know certain things about your child, you can feel that connection and I still have that feeling of that presence, I know she is alive , whether you have a ton of evidence below that contradicts that and says the opposite or all you have is speculation or nothing at all, I mean, we have more than speculation like every clue and that's every clue.
Next, yes, we have more than speculation. We have a lot of people reaching this point. This was essentially a direct confrontation. The detective has just told Casey that they have enough evidence to prove her guilt. Casey doesn't refute or respond to the accusation, she instead goes back to her ridiculous dialogue once again hoping the confidence in her voice will mask the absurdity of what she's actually saying everything I've said I told them the same thing you know, they said we're at the end of a hallway and I'm thinking at the north end of the hallway there are two doors, which door are we going to go through or I guess this is what you know most at this point and we're at this point where the final step is why? door you walk.
They're way beyond where we were before, I mean, those problems are gone, okay, and when we mean we're at the end of the aisle, I think people know very well which aisle we're talking about, do you understand that? Well then. No question, I guess you can specify that at this point about what your perspective is, you have a second, absolutely, can we come right back? Yes, okay, you plan to run. I'm not going anywhere, I think I'll stretch out. a little unfortunate that just as the pressure was starting to build the second detective interrupts the exchange and they both leave the room shortly after Casey waits alone for about 40 minutes before her lawyer shows up, he's going to ask a question she doesn't know . say anything other than the answer okay casey based on our conversation today and I read you that form basically the same thing I told Mr.
Baez on the phone if there have been numerous requests or requests or opportunities, requests for opportunities to talk to us and come. to a resolution here, that's why we brought him here instead of jail, right, yeah, okay, now per his request that we call him and bring him here, he's here, so what we're going to try to do is to give her a few minutes somewhere that is unregistered there are no secrets I told you these rooms are tidy I have to be able to approach my chain and explain why the detective now bravely accepts Casey on her previous offer where she insisted that they were willing to sit down with the police and answer questions, but first I needed you to tell him in your own words, if you like, that you would like to take the opportunity to deal with us as if you had made that request in the past.
So is this something you want to tell him? I told him the same. What we talked about before is that we would consider any questions they had, we would listen to them and discuss them and if we have something to answer, we will answer. Do you want to talk to me in private? Yes, so we can clear this up. Yes. It was no surprise that no conference was held. Instead, Casey was taken to the county jail, where she would remain for two and a half years awaiting trial. Once this footage was made public, the consensus was that Casey was a cold at best. kind mother and, at worst, a horrible, despicable killer, but the funny thing is that while these opinions may be accurate, they come from a completely misguided notion that her behavior in the footage was completely genuine.
In all likelihood, Casey was being completely fake this whole time, so you might be curious as to why a person would feign such a calm temperament when it would be much more appropriate to feign sadness and despair. We all have aspects of ourselves that are not genuine to some extent. The way we act at a business dinner won't change. Not the way we are at home with our close friends or family, the more comfortable the environment, the more we can be ourselves. Those educated about Casey's past would claim that she was rarely sad, rarely angry, but she always had that happy and pleasant personality, even when she didn't.
She doesn't adapt to the situation, she was one of those people where something just seemed off but you couldn't put your finger on it. The evidence presented suggests that Casey was disingenuous in every setting and with every person, all the time. trait that might go unnoticed in everyday life but would stand out clearly when she was put under the microscope of a criminal case study. Casey had become so accustomed to this fraudulent way of being that it even became natural behavior for her in the extraordinary environment we see. here and the claim is that because Casey knew how well he could fabricate this persona, she thought she could use it to mask her anxiety and thus hide guilty behavior.
In all likelihood, Casey had little to no respect for her daughter, that's not even an argument anymore. but her true temperament here would probably be much more apprehensive due to her concern for her own well-being whenever the detective hinted at an accusation. Casey maintained the same tone, the same demeanor and the same confident and cheerful disposition. If you took her out of this interrogative environment and placed her in the mall with her friends, it would seem completely normal that she was faking her personality in both environments, however, we can only tell In one this type of mentality is linked to sociopathy whatever the situation or circumstance they need to have an advantage over you, so how do they do this?
They lie and also calculate how they will feel and react to a certain situation before it happens. Her attention was completely focused on looking good instead of worrying about the actual quality of her. Simply put, Casey's character was an inauthentic person long before she gave birth to her unfortunate daughter and her ability to deceive along with her fabricated persona is possibly the scariest part of this entire December 11, 2008 case, just under five months since she was reported missing. Kaylie's skeletal remains were discovered in a swamp less than a mile away from Anthony's home. They wrapped her in a Winnie the Pooh blanket and then placed her in a canvas laundry bag.
Duct tape was discovered around her nose and mouth area. her skull and her death were ruled a homicide. Prosecutors in the case later announced they would seek the death penalty. A multitude of discoveries were made in the lead up to the trial and many believed it was an open and shut case due to the damning nature of the evidence on the last day Kaylee was seen alive by anyone other than her mother and the day many they believed she was murdered casey anthony did the following internet searches at 7:54 pm that same afternoon casey and her boyfriend tony were seen at a successful video store kaylee was nowhere to be seen and many assumed she was already dead and decomposing in the trunk of casey at this point in the following weeks casey went out partying most nights just three days after the alleged kidnapping of her daughter she was captured in several photos participating in a hot body contest twelve days after getting a tattoo on her back which said bella vita, an Italian motto that translates beautiful life, he also made an entry in his diary around the same time saying: I completely trust my own judgment and I knew I had made the right decision this is the happiest I have ever been in I long hope my happiness continues to grow.
The trial began on May 24, 2011. The gist of the prosecution's argument was that Casey suffocated her daughter with duct tape and then placed her in a trunk for a few days before getting rid of her daughter. body in the swamp the motive for the murder was the main focus during her opening statement this is not just a case about casey marie anthony it is a story about kaylee anthony also kaylee anthony was born on august 9, 2005. it was tuesday and kaylee lived almost Every day of her life on a quiet residential street in Orlando called Esperanza Springdraw Casey, Anthony's mother Kaylee seemed to all outside observers to be what her parents thought was a loving mother who works hard to support her daughter, but as The evidence in this case and the background investigation of Casey Anthony will prove it, that was an illusion on Monday, June 16, Cindy Anthony is going to work as I have described sometime between 7 and 8 AM. m. she and she is out of the house until late at night. george anthony specifically remembers that at 12:50 p.m. m. on June 16, 2008 her daughter Casey left the residence on Hope Spring Drive with Kaylee Marie Anthony Kaylee was wearing a shirt, jean shorts, sunglasses and a backpack and Jojo George Anthony kissed her granddaughter goodbye , I never saw her again, in fact, no one other than Casey Anthony ever saw Haley or Anthony alive again.
The evidence in this case will establish that there is no other reason for the placement of multiple pieces of duct tape on this child's face. , mouth and nose, aside from the specific intent to end that child's life, no one other than Casey Anthony had access to all the evidence in this case, the duct tape, the laundry bag, the blanket, the shorts, the shirt, the car, no one else. they lied to their friends their family to investigators no one else benefited from kaylee marie anthony haley's death the death allowed casey anthony to live a good life at least for those 31 days, although direct physical evidence linking the defendant to After her daughter's death, the evidence the state actually had still seemed overwhelming and they understandably thought that relying on the facts alone would easily secure a conviction;
The defense, on the other hand, was dealing with it, so they didn't just use charm and appeal to divert the jury's attention. From the evidence, they dropped an absolute bombshell in their opening statements to create as much doubt as humanly possible on behalf of the defense. I want to thank her for the sacrifice she has made in her jury service and for coming here and helping us see justice. We know it is not an easy task and we are sure that both parties intend to get you home as quickly as possible once you have all the information you need.
Everyone wants to know what happened. How the hell can a mother wait 30 days early? ever report your child missing is crazy it's strange something just isn't right about it well the answer is actually relatively simple she was never missing kaylee anthony died on june 16, 2008 when she drowned in her pool family the reason we are all here is because not of the commonality of this tragedy but of the uniqueness of the family that happened to you will hear about ugly things secret things things that people don't talk about things that Casey never talked about the June 16, 2008 after Kaylee's death Casey did what she has been doing all her life or for most of it hiding her pain, going to that dark corner and pretending that she doesn't live in the situation that she is living, This family must keep their secrets quiet and it all started when Casey was eight years old. and her father came into her room and started touching her inappropriately this girl at eight years old learned to lie immediately she could be 13 years old have her father's penis in her mouth and then go to school and play with the other children as if nothing Has anything ever happened that will help you understand why no one knew your child was dead?
The trial would last six weeks with an indictment that would expose the truly dark and deceptive nature of Casey's character while the state relied on facts and the defense clung to theory. and she proposed every conspiracy under the sun in the hope that they would create enoughskepticism and confusion. One of the most notable details of the trial was the presence of José Báez in the courtroom. He had an exceptional capacity for narrative control and storytelling and the ability for him to create a connection. With a jury it seemed much more adequate than the state's this was recognized and mentioned several times in the media, however, the overwhelming majority of those who followed the case were almost certain that it would not be enough to save the defendant.
The final arguments were presented. On Sunday the third of July, when you have a child, that child becomes your life. This case is about the clash between that responsibility and the expectations that come with it and the life Casey Anthony wanted to have. Casey meets Tony. Tony has this life and he is free. He is a club promoter, he goes out at night with loud music and dancing and it is a great free life, so she has the option to choose between a life tied to a child or a free life to be 22 years old and no matter how difficult it is.
Let it be for anyone to imagine. He had to choose between two, sacrifice two things, the first was his dreams and the life he wanted and the second was his son and we present to you the evidence in this case shows that the choice he made was his son here we are at the end of our journey and I have to tell you that I probably think you have more questions than answers and if you remember in the opening statements, the first and the last thing I said to you at the end of the day, when everything is said and done. the only question will never be answered the key question in this case will never be answered it can never be proven and that is how kaylee died.
I'm going to start with my biggest fear. I'm going to tell you right up front what I fear might happen in this case and I want to talk to you about it and explain why I feel that way. This case deals with so much emotion. I know there have been times when every person here felt something very deep within your rules of deliberation what the law is is that this case should not be decided for or against anyone because you feel sorry for someone or you are angry with someone. . You will notice that Mr. Baez blocks the jury's focus on this while he subtly obscures it.
He presents the argument that the prosecution has deliberately emotionally involved the jury in the case in the hopes that it will move them toward a guilty verdict, but in this exact same statement he himself is emotionally involving the jury for the exact opposite reason while refuting the alleged attempt by the prosecution to attract anger, subtly attempts to evoke empathy, say what you will about this lawyer on the ethics of his conduct, but what you are about to witness is expertly done and what many believed saved the life of casey anthony and that's because obviously we want your verdict to be based on evidence, not emotion, and it's my biggest fear because it's very hard for you to let go of kaylee anthony was a beautiful, sweet, innocent girl who she died too soon, there is no doubt about it and no one questions it, except parading her here to invoke her emotions would be improper, it is improper according to the law and it is improper in terms of the rules of her deliberation, he continued for a long time talking about this beautiful girl, not based on your evidence, not on the evidence that was presented before you was to create the excitement of what was to come and that is exactly how this case was presented.
They didn't come out directly and show him the evidence. They gave her two weeks of testimony that was completely irrelevant and served only one purpose and that was to paint Casey Anthony as a lying party girl and had absolutely nothing to do with how Kaylee died and this accusation was oriented that way. way that was deliberate, it was methodical. was exhaustive and detailed Mr. Báez then focuses on the fact that the State has the burden of proof and then continues to intertwine the two essential characteristics of his argument empathy and doubt do not speculate do not guess that it has to be proven to you beyond of the exclusion of all reasonable doubt if you don't know what happened, it wasn't proven, we don't want you to tell us what you think happened, we want you to tell us what was proven, happened and that's the difference. here because you know what we can go on and speculate all day about the different theories that were put forward about the different possibilities, but the truth of the matter is that it must be what was proven, there are no mysteries to solve here.
There should be no mystery before you at this point, if you have questions then it wasn't tested and that's as simple as going back to what I was saying with your initial setup, the way the case was presented the first few weeks, you see the strategy. Behind that is that if you hate her, if you think she's lying, she's no good, then you're going to start seeing this evidence from a different perspective, you're going to start to oh, wait a minute, maybe I'm seeing something that's not there and start discriminating against her. instead of giving you the standard that is given to each and every citizen of our country and that is for the government to come here and prove their case beyond and to the exclusion of all reasonable doubt, except you.
We can get away with getting a jury to hate you, but you are here to fulfill an oath that you have worked extremely hard on during this trip and we are going to ask you to return a verdict of not guilty on these charges because they simply are not proven. and are simply not true for the 9th judicial circuit in and for orange county, florida, state of florida versus casey marie anthony as to case number 2008 cf-156 as to the charge of first degree murder verdict as to first charge, we, the jury, found the defendant not guilty, so let's say we all came out in Orange County, Florida, on this fifth day of July 2011, signed by the person as to the charge of aggravated child abuse.
The verdict corresponds to the second count, the jury declares the accused innocent. Let's say we all did it in Orlando Orange County, Florida, on this fifth day of July 2011 we signed four people for the charge of aggravated murder of a child the verdict is three of us the jury finds the defendant not guilty so let's say we all we went out in orlando orange county, florida, this fifth day of july 2011 signed for person and dirt number 12, were these your turn correct verdicts yes, thank you, okay, the council and the defendant approach the podium, I hope Let this be a lesson to those of you who have been engaged in media murder for three years with bias and prejudice and incompetent talking heads telling you what to be and how to be.
I am disgusted with some of the lawyers who have done this and I can tell you that my colleagues from coast to coast and border to border have condemned this entire process of lawyers going on television and talking about cases that they know nothing about and do not you have the experience to back up your words or the law to do so now that you have learned a lesson and we appreciate the jury those of you who have been objective and professional we like others we are going to talk to you again thank you very much casey did not murder kaylee it is that way simple and today our justice system has not disgraced his memory for a false conviction

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