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The Most I've LAUGHED In Years

May 29, 2021
okay, I'm going to try down-up, it works to be working No, down, down, down, yes, mark, go, mark, go. Gaber, oh my god, video games pick you guys, oh my god, holy Frick, it works. Wow, I really can't. I think this is happening, that's crazy. I like any grass right now. This is grabbing the deck, my friends, down, but you know one of us is dumber than we should have died. I didn't want to hold his hand. They need help? Here you have to let it go, it was the beer and it was holding me back, oh, that's a new state record, that's a new what.
the most i ve laughed in years
Oh, what happened, okay, give me your hand, oh God, oh God, oh, those are my armpits. I'm not well, so I leave it. go left, yeah, oh garlic, gotta grab it, you got it, yeah, I'm driving when it was too hard, okay, here we go, ready, yeah, yeah, ouchis, yeah, you can't swing too hard, okay, stop playing, yeah I got it, yeah it's okay. okay, now let it sit, let it sit, yeah, ah, yeah, we're still working on the door, teamwork, oh my god, really wait, can we just give a shout real quick, priestess team, real quick, because this is taupe that's right I'm still literally buzzing in life right now somehow it's your two right hands that's so confusing yeah check to make sure we need to pause for a second and explain to the people looking at why this is so awesome, okay, that's it, that's a good point, okay, well. listen to steam steam, I don't know, man, listen to steam, what you've done is nothing short of a dime, you haven't even taken anything, the reason this is driving us crazy, or at least me, It's because this game is only for local cooperative audience, oh.
the most i ve laughed in years

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the most i ve laughed in years...

Sorry this is not online, which does not support online multiplayer, the game itself has no features that allow staff, but through some kind of magic house goal, all of Steam has made it happen where we are, basically, I'm playing. Game and Jacket Mark are watching a stream of my game, yes, and they also control my game through their Steam client, which I don't even understand how that's possible. Oh, I've made some really awesome friends. Actually, I don't understand why I'm going, friend. don't worry I'm coming it's basically real magic and it's amazing oh okay there we go okay I'm in the middle once again I'm fine with my left just don't let go of your left okay okay , we.
the most i ve laughed in years
I'm getting the coin, give me the coin, yeah, it's perfect, it's perfect, okay, let it go, we're going to have to eat carefully, oh, yeah, yeah, oh, okay, so no, now we'll swing down and then everyone will like the option. Oh, turn me up. There we are so close like he just doesn't want to be a part of this, so that's great, this is a little thing for the market, he gives it like a cheater, oh please let me go, don't include me in this, hey, are you. Go back up there I don't want anywhere okay, wait, wait, we could catch him, wait, I could come help him with that dirt on him, okay, let me, let me pull this handle for you, okay, mark, if you could, you left me. okay, okay, I got that, now let's go back to killing each other, actually grab me, okay, red, well, here we go, okay, Bob, okay, baby, ready, wait, okay, no How did we do that?
the most i ve laughed in years
Load it Bob, let me pull me. Me in Polly, sweet Jesus, good job, boy with the little delay of him as he is, I know, yes, I think you should catch the coin with your left hand. I think you should let go of your left hand and let Mark hold you and then. try to snatch the coin i will see it okay yaagh okay then my right arm my right arm and my left arm are available for coin purposes we will see how it works oh no wait guys this is free someone grab this half, okay, no.
I'm going for it, here we go, you guys are just an orgy of disaster, can we go down a notch? Okay, things are happening. Okay, I'll let go of his left hand, there's the cane. Okay, come on, oh God. I wish we could grab that. Okay, yeah. we get to the mark i used to be an engineer i found out what this engineering is alright constantly i keep it right i like to steal the wrong one oh there's no gold oh and then bring it this game is so upbeat all you do is just like the guys on the new record , what makes this angry with each other?
I know how to fix these guys. I'm really going to need this hand, so we're going to have to oh, that was close, you see, oh yeah, can we? just throw it there okay, way to go with time Oh God, okay, I don't like it, okay, I'll be back, I'll be back, grab this again, can you maybe grab the bottom and just so we don't have to? make a dangerous reposition well, it would be good if you went up a little, okay, move it well, perfect only for a professional player, but try to let go a little, oh, how professional, I think we are still missing, oh yes, my ball, wait , let me grab the thing and see if you guys can reposition yourself, you like each other, okay, okay, oh, let's get out of here.
Good job, go, then friend, bring me with you. Well, well, no, happy dating, yes, I like money, okay, I would. Like some money, no, that's basically how I feel about it, okay, when you get us, okay, okay, wait, what's this here? I've got the coin, take my coin in your hand, let's be friends, buddy, I'm so glad you brought us all. together guys I just want I would have made it on my own he had to grab I did this I did all this I would like all the credit please thank you so much I think you know we have to do it now oh sweet lord okay wait, wait inside your pen.
I'm glad I'm not holding on to anything. I can't get out of the heat either. I can not leave you. Oh God, we're trapped. See you, whatever. Comes back. I'm fine, Bob. I'm going to get you, come back here, mark, I'll roll to go to anyone here, I'm here guys what do you want to do with the coin, yeah I'll make the coin. I love it, I love money. I did it on my own. Whatever I don't need, friends disappoint me. I'm like


school projects where you don't work but you get all the credit anyway.
We're good, we're good, let's get in there. here give me a hand and get in there get in there weak friend who tried to do it alone before anyone else and then just cut it too high right? I was the best. Bob the key or the coin I married for your right, oh you did that, but Bob did it too, yeah, that was on purpose, right, I'm not going to do anything, take that with you, oh, I'm going to look The sweet grip, okay, to the chain of life, yeah, I got it. Got it, I cheer Minh, that's it, oh, I'm just holding on for dear life, okay, here we go, I can't reach it, wait, wait, don't let go, now we're going to turn now.
Okay, yeah, we're getting. I still think there will be a problem here, but wait, no, I'm just observing the circus that's going on. Alright. Are you OK. Are you OK. You have both of us like it. It's okay, it's okay, I can, I can pull you to me, oh. Oh my god, try world records, there is no absolutely new record, that was an adventure, oh no, the spikes drop whatever you touch, no, no mark has to appear like, oh man, no, you're right, you're right , wait, which hand do I let go? okay, okay, wait, yeah, I won't let you swing, okay, suddenly swing the one closest to the spikes, let's lift him up, okay, okay, get up and you will grab the wall with your right hand with your right hand , okay, okay, Viet, see move, I got the pole, no, wait, I can come here, buddy, I can, I can get to you, that's okay, I don't think that's good, yeah, hold on, hold on, hold on , I have to I think I have to move first, okay?
I'm going to let it go, okay, wait, I think I should hold this hand position and I think Jack should come over and take your left hand and then see if we can crawl over here very interesting interesting interesting interesting okay okay okay okay front what regular brands do we need, we need to get to the good path that we could have achieved through you two, let me go back. Going through here would have been the rudest move in the history of more. I think this is the movement that a person has to go through. on hand okay, got it, that's what Stryker was saying I don't understand, I'm sure he has this, no problem, I did it, that was good, good teamwork, everyone, excellent teamwork, I think .

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