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Jun 27, 2024
I'm starting to feel supported now. What is


episode number six of


little series? I have a bad feeling about this one. You know it should taste good, even though it's a giant



, which I realize is like the most middle-class sound at EA and the


you could. thinking about should be laughing, although this is a place, the shuing cabin hello, how are you doing? I'm here for your giant




, yes I'm Darren, I'm the one who was talking to you Dar, nice to meet you. Man, nice to meet you, so the owner just told me he weighs 8 pounds, so this is going to be tough.
the hardest challenge i ve done this year the world s biggest lobster roll beardmeatsfood
It's like, I think the sandwich is 6 pounds and then it comes with 2 pounds of fries, so I hope I can do it. I don't know, it's interesting, I trust them, so it took Randy 48 minutes to do this. Oh, this is going to be strange. I think it's almost ready. I already saw it. It's an intimidating looking sandwich. This time, let me know. I think how it is. This is going to fit inside me and then it will we'll see, we'll see. I'm a little worried about this. This is a big sandwich. Do you think I can do it?
the hardest challenge i ve done this year the world s biggest lobster roll beardmeatsfood

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the hardest challenge i ve done this year the world s biggest lobster roll beardmeatsfood...

I think you can do it. It looks like you can. do it easily that's what I want easily I don't do it no it sounds good he basically does it r yes it's my job it's a hard job but no one really has to do it you know but I do it yes that's exactly what I was thinking yeah , I hope you're hungry. I'm pretty. I'm not really that hungry, but I hope I can do well. Today I'm at a place called The Shaking Shack, which is in Wilmington, and I'm assuming It has a weird name, the Gregor Mega Challenge, so it's 4 pounds of lobster, we have a pound and a half of French fries, we have a half pound of Co SLA, approximately half a pound of our GRE sauce.
the hardest challenge i ve done this year the world s biggest lobster roll beardmeatsfood
In case you want to dip a 22 inch French baguette, you drizzled some extra sauce on top because the little exra never hurt anyone, it looks delicious, check this out, you have 1 hour to finish, yes, if you can finish, it's free and get a t-shirt, that's right, if you don't finish it, it's $200 and you're going to the Wall of Shame, that's right, I can't lose, man, if Randy did it, it would be pretty embarrassing if he lost. Are you ready? I think so. I'm more ready than ever. Here we go, three, two, one. In fact, hold on to your OES people, this is no joke, today we are eating what I am reliably informed is the largest R lobster in the


the hardest challenge i ve done this year the world s biggest lobster roll beardmeatsfood
If £4 of lobster on a 24-inch loaf of bread isn't enough, you might as well finish the fries and co-law to win here. Do not misunderstand. I love lobster, but this is a lot of lobster, what's it like? So far it tastes fantastic, there's a lot of it, yeah you can say that again, the goal at this point is to eat enough so that we can start to see some of the bread underneath, how's it going man? Excellent, I wonder if that was um, this attempt at my catchphrase is at least in the video, now, okay, you're enjoying your oysters, yeah, I can see the bread, I can see the bread, thank goodness, yeah , the first step to victory, by the way, if you don't manage to smash the crust in an hour it costs $200 and on the wall of shame I can eat it now like a lobster we're supposed to be.
Yes, that means the hard work is about to begin, although this bread is not to be trifled with. crunchy and yes, that P is the intention of how you feel so far. I'm clearly feeling blue, it tastes better than the rest of your challenges, right, yeah, but it's $200 so yeah, they asked for that, I really think it would be tough for something like that. expensive, doesn't taste good, surely, oh, here we go rolling up our sleeves, it's time to do business. I must say that if you notice some strange scan lines on the screen, it's not my fault, I mean, it's my fault because I didn't compensate for the dodgy lights.
They're hanging from the ceiling, but you gotta give me a break, that's the least of our problems here, really the least of them, this is heavy, man, hey, we're celebrating our 41st anniversary, yeah, you can do it, congratulations on going to box. What do you say get a take out box? I could never get poisoned, yeah, sorry, sorry, if I smell seafood, it smells good, I say good luck, I don't know, hey, that might be the first time, you don't know if someone has taken a selfie. Halfway through a video before picking up your item right there, we're almost


with the LP batch, we're almost there, what the hell are you looking at?
Ah, you're okay, this is the part where I'm enjoying the goodness of lobster. I do not do it. I really want to eat fries, that's the problem, there are a lot of fries for me, the


part of this challenge would be in the COA, why remember, you didn't have to remind me, yeah, you know, I'm not a big fan of either. Co law, fortunately, this actually turned out to be pretty good, fresh. I would say it is not too thick. The problem with lobsters isn't really going anywhere. I mean, it's not like a normal meat that breaks it down. it just sticks inside you, yeah, lobsters, prawns, oysters, they all seem very hard to move through the old feeding tube, nothing, the mixture won't be REM, although, oh, thank you, thank you very much, man, yeah, it is They may call me a little, but I think deep down they want to.
May I win, may they keep me well supplied with liquids. Any look, we'll have a Diet Coke on the table at any time. Lord knows it's incredibly likely that he needs it for this many fries. How long have I been going? 19 Oh my gosh, that gives me four 40 minutes, sure, yeah, so we have plenty of time, yeah, but this isn't a question of time, buddy, it's whether you can fit another 2 pounds of food into your belly. It's been a long journey. and right now nobody knows, I'm slowing down, man, look at this, get this happy, give me a break, 2 seconds to go, like that Cas, he's


six, now he's at 20 minutes, 20 parts, just one pound and a half, you know, I don't want to eat the fries, I love them, that was enough.
I don't want to do it, but you know I have it. I have it now. Psychological warfare at this point. You know, I'm just going to try to make it look as small as possible. car W, yes, my God, it's almost all done. I'm definitely not old, yes, although I wish I was there, there is somewhere to go, trust me, luckily you don't need to eat the mustard sauce they give you, but you do need to. eat co law I thought it might be tactically quite clever of me to use that to freshen up the potatoes a little bit, yes a little bit, so I'm going to start with the second goow and bring it out, this is a tough job to start with a I'm sorry about this now, yes, thank you very much, cheers, you don't have to cry, we know it tastes good, we know it tastes good, God, help me, come on, Old School, we're balling up the fries and everything, a cheap tactic just to make one for free. in life there is less food to eat than there really is that's all the positive side the COA is delicious normally I'm not a big fan of the COA but that's really sweet how yeah come on make this ready yeah I'm just trying of squeezing them so it looks like there's less food than there really is, you know, I already said that sucker seems to be working, although we're getting there very slowly, but I haven't stopped yet and my elbows aren't on the table. which is, uh, that's always a very good sign, that face is not a good sign, it's that the COA ended, yeah, no, you got the B, yeah, I'm not a dog lover, I even have limits, a few months to go, now look, these are skinny jeans, man.
You won't be able to get into my pockets when this is over, yeah, I mean, you can try. I think I could single-handedly keep the skinny jean trend alive, it's actually about to make a comeback eventually, right, it has two. Randy took like 42 minutes, right, Randy took 48 minutes, that punk, no, I'm kidding, I don't want to eat like that, there's no other way to do it, I really think it's two, two bites, I'd say I could try to do it. in one, but it will be a little messy. I think so, I'm proud that you did it.
Anyway, this was pretty clean by your standards. I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next one. I didn't think it would be like this. This is tough, okay, this is meat food and that was the Shook and Shacks. Mega Gregor loves the roll challenge and it was really really really really hard, congratulations Jesus Christ, sorry for the explosion to me, do you have a dessert menu? Yes, have a Snicker doodle. Snicker doodle cookie. Go ahead, I'll get one of those people who never let me live it up if I don't get dessert.
Now we're at the brewery looking at your stuff at our lunch. Thanks, they were excited. I sent that picture and they said get out of here, there's no way this is coming straight out of the oven so Snick doodle is cinnamon, cinnamon and sugar, yeah, cinnamon and sugar, cinnamon and sugar, yeah, so there's nothing to it see with Snickers like the chocolate bar, okay, okay, I'm actually surprised I have room for dessert after that, oh that's cool, no shars given, no shars given, yeah, it's funny because in It's not really right, here we go, Randy did it in 48 minutes. 35 seconds, the only good, is 40 minutes and 6 seconds, in case you were wondering, it earns a normal one. 18, it was 18 servings, yes, yes.
I'm glad you told me after and not before, happy anniversary to you and your wife, thanks for watching, supporting everything, thanks to all the staff, we really appreciate it, the food was great, man, I don't want to share too much but This is really one of those times where I'm really close to needing Sprite underwear. I think we have one more. More episodes of this trip and it's tomorrow which is too soon naturally now I feel tired man that was the


of the trip so far by a mile oh it felt like over 8 pounds.

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