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Jun 11, 2024
I've got a guy rapping outside, literally, he could be anywhere in Bristol, but he's right outside, which happens to everyone. Welcome back to my channel, where we are today with Asheville Steak House in Bristol taking on their 96 or



. This


has been running for almost 4 years and today only one person has completed it. The goal of the game is to complete this in less than 1 hour. If I can do it, I'll climb their wall of fame and win the meal. free however if I fail it's £40 and today guys I don't want to fail in front of me I


the stay challenge in question which includes a 96 o te



, five sides of your choice and a mandatory massive side of triple cooked thick chips, so in front of me here I


what I have chosen, which is the mushrooms, the tomatoes, the seasonal vegetables with parmesan, I have a pepper sauce and also a Stilton sauce.
the ashville steakhouse 96oz t bone steak challenge that 50 people have failed leahshutkever
I'm excited to get into this, you know how much I love it. steak, if you have your guesses guys, leave them below in the comments; Otherwise, if you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up in the comments below if you have anything else to add and if you haven't subscribed or followed yet, please consider doing so. so before you go, wish me luck everyone, this is the 96 ounce state challenge at the Asheville state house in Bristol, let's get into it. Game I have I don't have any game plan I don't have any game plan Bri, so all in three two one let's go into this huge steak first, we choose a medium rare because it's huge.
the ashville steakhouse 96oz t bone steak challenge that 50 people have failed leahshutkever

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the ashville steakhouse 96oz t bone steak challenge that 50 people have failed leahshutkever...

Good morning steak lovers and welcome back to the channel where we find the meatiest food challenges the world has to offer and take them on to rank where I stand. At the top of the food chain today is no exception because we're at the Asheville Steakhouse in Bristol taking on this monstrous 96-ounce stay challenge; more than 99% of the


who have tried have


and I admit it. I've been avoiding this challenge for a long time and it was a good shout to go medium because we're actually pretty weird in the middle. I think the knife is going to be part of the problem.
the ashville steakhouse 96oz t bone steak challenge that 50 people have failed leahshutkever
Here to cut we have corn and pepper sauce. very spicy and delicious. I have to have the entire portion on my table also impeccable. It's not even a beautiful piece of meat. It really is incredibly difficult to navigate. I could use a sharper knife if you have one. one, oh, I'm over it. I think once I get it off the


I'll be a lot more confident. She says thank you. Give me the chef's knife. This is what we needed. How's the steak? Oh, the steak is. amazing it's amazing we're pretty rare in the middle so it was good it was good to do the uh medium well, are we happy with that really good, now I think you're happy with that?
the ashville steakhouse 96oz t bone steak challenge that 50 people have failed leahshutkever
Yes, yes, it's okay. I am satisfied. I'll clarify it. take it off my table, okay, yeah, okay, now the challenge begins, okay, let's take a moment to talk about that challenge. You get a 96 ounce ribeye, four servings of fries, five sides of your choice and I chose seasonal vegetables, mushrooms, tomatoes, pepper sauce. and a Stilton sauce, you have 1 hour to complete this monster to win the free meal and climb the wall of fame, however, fail and it's 140 L delicious for the pleasure of participating in these fries, by the way, and I . I'm not even a big fan of potato chips, these are really good, really really good, really really crispy, in a really good way.
I'm very confident now, there are no surprises. I just feel like this seems doable. Oh, it's a beautiful knife. Oh, look at that. is what you needed give me the chef's knife give me the blade give me Japanese grade steel to cut this meat you see that like butter like butter beautiful beautiful look why work so hard why work so hard work smart okay, we're doing well we are doing well, that's right, the sauce is thick, that's thick, you know that too, right? It's my face, oh my god, oh my god, it's like mashed potatoes, mmm, it makes it so much better, the flavors are really good, it just does it.
Much easier and by easier I mean as easy as a


a day challenge can be, but stay until the end of the video for the outtakes and some top tips on what to do to be successful in this challenge. Subscribe to the channel. before they leave so we can finally reach the next milestone and I'll see you on the next one, are you happy with that? Abely, yes, whatever you want. At 16 minutes, we're doing fine, the record is literally an hour, so I have a bit of a messy plate of food right now. I probably have about 8 to 10 ounces in here, four mushrooms, still plenty of chips, and whatever veggies I really want to eat.
I think this here is going to be like a good ending so that's the goal mhm small palette Penza vegetables small lb if you feel full there are no surprises scale from 1 to 10 how much do you want to eat steak? you want to eat that it doesn't matter what you're eating if someone else is watching you they definitely want something I'm being bullied I'm awake now ok full transparency I'm fighting ok I have a little carrot left a mushroom a lot of meat too much meat and about 10 chips I can do this under 30 I know we can the last chip you said get over the chip with confidence done I'm getting tested okay, I'm okay, everything's okay, I'm sweating, I'm hot last, greetings everyone, Jesus, I am I'm so full, um, that was lovely, although when you're that full, I don't think there's anything worse than trying to chew and swallow, finding gristle and fat, um, but how did you get started with the pet I started?
I have just started. outside and work my way in I was I didn't have T I don't have tactics I'm not very strategic at all my only strategy is to keep everything condensed and I just take as many things off my plate as I can as I go because psychologically it makes me think there's no a lot there. I think that's the best advice for anyone who comes here and tries this. You will get a huge portion of fries. Now the fries are very good, but don't leave them all for last because there is just no way for


to get through them, it's too much, then everyone, so that was the 96 or Stay challenge at the Asheville Steakhouse in Bristol , completed in a new record time of 28 minutes and 51 seconds, let's say 29 minutes in a new record. rest time of 29 minutes.
I'm absolutely delighted with that. I think I've impressed a few people here today. I have impressed myself. The accompaniments I chose were also delicious. I think they were perfect. Everything complemented each other very well. Obviously, I'm very glad I got into this, overall incredibly, incredibly enjoyable. I had a great time here. If you want to visit the Asheville Steakhouse, I'll leave links to them below in the description and if you finish. by visiting them, let them know that the t-shirts also sent you the best advice if you are going to try this challenge, place your order in advance, make sure you get the lighter side options, you can choose five starts on the tiles as soon as you start.
Accept the challenge and get into the meat as soon as possible. Also ask for that amazing chef's knife like you don't want to, yes, ask for the great chef's knife like we all need it in our lives. If you enjoyed this video, please like it. Comment below if you have anything else to add if you haven't subscribed or followed yet, consider doing so before you leave. It was an absolute pleasure. Thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one. I don't feel it? You like it you look bleeding you don't look no you're not it's not even unreal I even picked up the chips off the floor and ate them so it's a big throw away

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