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Not Even 8 People Can Finish Smokey Moo's $375 "Mighty Moo" BBQ Platter Challenge!

Jun 13, 2024
oh okay yeah this will make me say moo that's for sure oh but wait there's more wow and more is this table big enough? What's happening? Kilo team and welcome to today's video. I'm super excited but also very nervous. This is crazy. amount of food and it's also my latest food


here in Australia, but today I'm at Smokey moo in Brisbane's New Stead neighborhood where I'm about to take on their new Mighty Moo


. Now I have an hour to


. An incredible number of lollipops, but they all look very tasty. I have 500 grams of their breast which looks delicious.
not even 8 people can finish smokey moo s 375 mighty moo bbq platter challenge
I love me some brisket. 500 grams of pastrami. 500 grams of boneless beef ribs, which is really great because they boned it. me because I'm a disaster at eating off the bone and then also 500 grams of his beef cheeks, which I'm excited to try and taste. I don't usually get beef cheeks, but along the way I also have to


a big old side of their coleslaw which I hear is pretty delicious, a side of their French fries or French fries, a side of their Cobb salad that looks super healthy but also intimidating and is covered in a delicious sauce and then I also have a big old side dish.
not even 8 people can finish smokey moo s 375 mighty moo bbq platter challenge

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not even 8 people can finish smokey moo s 375 mighty moo bbq platter challenge...

Lots and lots of their garlic bread too, this doesn't


fit on the tray but an hour to finish all of this . If I lose, I'll be washing dishes, it'll be 375 Australian dollars, but if I win, I'll get my meal for free, a cool t-shirt to add to my collection and my name and photo here on the Smokey Moose Wall of Fame, so without further delay , let's get ready and start this challenge. I am nervous. I haven't


started eating and I already have meat sweats, but there are a lot of


here who don't want to disappoint, thanks guys, one, two, three, let's have some meats, here we go, solid brisket, oh right, wow, that's sweet, meat sweet, that's right.
not even 8 people can finish smokey moo s 375 mighty moo bbq platter challenge
I'm not sure I've ever met a brisket that I didn't like, but I'm also pretty easy to please when it comes to chumps, which is legendary, the Muju they served as a side was also pretty delicious and sort of. I helped the meat slide down a little easier. Final bite of the breast. Let's try some pastrami. Oh, that's red. That's very good. I guess this pastrami was basically their wagyu brisket that had been soaked for 13 weeks in a salt solution. This is delicious, but bring. friends and share there is a lot of food, as delicious as it is to eat wagyu beef, it is very heavy, very tasty and quickly becomes very tiring to eat, that was amazing, now let's move on to the boat short ribs oh let's do it oh mom , okay, I have never had ribs this way and I must say it was much more fun, KY filling.
not even 8 people can finish smokey moo s 375 mighty moo bbq platter challenge
Not only was it a lot for me to digest and overcome, it was also a very hot day. in the greater Brisbane area so it was warm this was a big cow this was a very big cow if my response to Randy sounded a little sarcastic it's because there was a lot of food and I wasn't feeling entirely confident in myself I was definitely going to be unbuttoning my shorts for this really amazing, this was definitely a tough finish to the whole Australian Series so what better way than to come out with a big final bite of smoked barbecue and a prime rib okay.
Half a kilo left to celebrate. Let's try some coleslaw. I have heard good things. By the way, this is a small side dish. I like it. Oh yeah, I really like it better outside than inside, as Shrek would say, but this was a very, very creamy coleslaw, so it was quite a bit. A delicious change from all the fatty meat. Admittedly, I couldn't eat this as quickly as I had anticipated, but hey, I was still grateful to be eating something cold side down, let's dig into some of this delicious sounding beef cheek. Very smoky, let's just say the sounds of that baby crying were exactly how I felt right now, as delicious as all of this.
The smoky flavor of the meat was really starting to get to me, they still look scary even on the plate, try a Pareja, I don't know what seasoning these fries have but it's good. I know this is going to sound strange, but eating the fries was a welcome break from the smoky flavor of these beef cheeks and in fact, these fries have a really nice seasoning to them. Well, I think it says on the menu that it feeds six to eight


, but today it's feeding a Katina and in fact, while I was doing this challenge, a family of eight came and ordered the exact same dish and let's just say no.
I didn't finish and that didn't give me much hope. We unbutton the top button. Oh yes, that's enough. Katina rolls up her sleeves and rolls up her sleeves. There is work to do and people to entertain. And there's definitely some barbecue. Randy was a great help during all of this and I asked him for a Diet Coke to help break the taste fatigue which is tender right? Okay, it may have been my fault for letting them cool, but come on. just say the beef cheeks weren't my favorite part of the dish so yeah I was definitely struggling and shouldn't have left them for last oh I don't care how delicious two kilos are on You'll Wish You Were Vegan.
I can't remember a time when I really wanted to eat fries before and, yes, I really wanted to eat carbs and salad right now, whoever brought the dog that was barking earlier and you want to put them under the table, oh, Your girl will be full, but she is delicious. I'm going to go ahead and add some of the crowd cheering here, as low as my confidence was, the crowd really helped keep my spirits up. Stop, hallelujah, let me get rid of the tray, yeah. yes the last bits are chips and all set thank you oh this seems a lot more manageable now hi yes oh she's 40 minutes and 51 seconds.
I don't know how to explain it, but to me this garlic bread was almost like a dessert. happy to eat it and it was really delicious the grand finale of the australian tour can't be an easy dessert or not, your girl was feeling some kind of way. I was so full and really the only thing that kept me going was this absolutely amazing thing. crowd of followers I'm pretending this is a big bowl of ice cream look at that, there's a look of pure determination and determination just fighting for every bite I could squeeze out I was so full, so full, but you have to end a journey with a big victory oh this is not a plate of vegetables this is a plate of ice cream uh last bite oh there are red onions here everyone knows how I feel oh there are many well, we are going hard in the paint at the end and without the absolutely enthusiastic support of the public, let them I'll let you see the rest of this nail-biter.
Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you all in Bali, Indonesia. I'm about to do something I've never done. and I'm going to pass it to my Max in front of everyone. I am very sorry that the worst has happened. Oh, it's a lifetime. You have this in case you can turn it off. C'mon darling. You already have it. Here we go. She's just going to swallow, this should be fine, good job, baby, okay, oh, my clock keeps ticking, I haven't even had time to breathe, bro, there was a lot of food, it was so delicious, I'm not proud of the fact that the chipmunks were okay, but I'm thankful that the chipmunks were okay.
What a great finale here in Australia. Many thanks to Smokey Moo. Thank you very much to everyone who encouraged me. Remember, again, I'm not proud of chipmunks, but they have to do what they have to do. That was a lot of food. I dare you to try it, but I'm sorry, that was bold. Sincerely, thank you very much. If they weren't cheering me on, they wouldn't have even tried so hard. Thank you so much. I won't have it easy, that's for sure, but luckily I don't have to wash dishes here for that $375 meal and I get a really cool t-shirt to hang over my unbuttoned jeans because this isn't cute right now, but I have nothing to say besides Thank you, I'll see you in Bali, okay, peace, bye, sorry, it was so disgusting, thank you.

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