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The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER...

Jun 27, 2024
Oh my gosh guys, it's the Three-Headed Amethyst Ender Dragon, which is so rare. These are the



Minecraft speeduns


. This first speedrun starts and there is already something


in it, no it is not your inventory as it is completely empty with the first slot. selected and it's not even his game mode since he's on survival with zero XP, but look at speedrunner's difficulty when he opens his menu, it's set to normal. The problem is that we clearly saw that the fast runner had his difficulty set to easy when generating his world. means that the footage of him loading into the game and his appearance are actually two different clips edited together and the runner is using a set seed that will make more sense very soon, so the race starts with the runner mining some wood, making some tools and entering. the nearby village and the loot in this village chest is completely normal since they are all completely legitimate items that can appear here, but wait, did you catch that in this frame while the runner was looting the chest, he receives a Discord notification that contains a link to a YouTube Video and while it may seem innocent, let's take a closer look if we copy the exact same link and search for it on YouTube.
the funniest fake minecraft speedruns ever
We were taken to a video titled the five best speedrunning seeds for Minecraft and let's take a closer look at the first seed mentioned. In the video, look, the spawn is exactly the same with a Village v and cherry blossom biome and the loot in this Village chest is also completely identical. It's pretty obvious that the broker is using this established seed to gain an advantage, which is why he faked the world generation of it. At the beginning of the race, the runner continues breaking some beds, collecting some hay and starting to look for a nearby ruin portal and without using any speedrunning techniques, he seems to think that the ruin portal is under this random block.
the funniest fake minecraft speedruns ever

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the funniest fake minecraft speedruns ever...

Well, there's no way he's located here. Oh my gosh, it really worked, but how is that possible? Well, let's rewind the footage to just before the speedsters started digging up this whole patch of completely normal flowers. There is a flower that reveals that this is completely false, which is this Blue Orchid because it is specific. The flower can only spawn in a certain biome, a swamp biome, but as we can clearly see, this is not a swamp biome, meaning the only way it could be here is if the runner placed it outside themselves. of chamber, probably to remind him that the portal to the ruins was below. this patch of grass so the runner digs down to the portal and starts looting the chest and luckily finds all the normal items you would normally see here which actually allows them to use the obsidian to complete the nether portal.
the funniest fake minecraft speedruns ever
The only problem is he didn't remove the crying obsidian blocks and with crying obsidian in a portal it is impossible for it to light up properly the runner takes out his flint and steel anyway please don't tell me this works and actually lights it up I don't even want to know how he managed to make the runner turn on his portal and appear in The Nether and fortunately


ything seems normal. He is still in survival mode with the same items in his inventory and doesn't have any strange potion effects. Well, let's see if. that's true because let's play this part of the footage and tell me, if you noticed what just happened, did you catch that the runner clearly touched this lava but suffered no damage at all and it clearly doesn't have a fire resistance effect?
the funniest fake minecraft speedruns ever
The top right corner of his screen is completely empty, so I'll be honest, I have no idea how that happened anyway, the runner finally locates The Fortress and starts fighting off some flames, but now the runner has suddenly acquired a fire. resistance effect, but first, we clearly never saw him drink one and, second, he didn't even have one in his inventory. Well, let's slow down this part of the footage and look a little closer, because when the runner appears to be looking at this wall, you can actually notice the slightest cut in his recording and in this exact frame we can see the faintest message of a command that gives the player a fire resistance effect.
It's pretty obvious that he gave himself fire resistance with a command and tried to cut it off so we wouldn't notice. With the fire resistance effect, it's easy enough for the runner to collect seven fire rods when he then heads to a nearby Bastion where, luckily, when trading with piglins, each of his trades is completely legitimate, but I think the runner He got tired of the exchanges. taking too long because he randomly decides to grab a piglin and now it's in his inventory what the piglin did to deserve that, so after literally stealing a piglin the runner collects his pearls and needs to return to the Overworld, the only problem is that he doesn't I don't have enough obsidian to build a nether portal.
Well, the runner takes out some extra wool from his inventory and starts making the shape of a portal. Okay, this has to be a joke. What am I looking at? No way that actually worked. The runner returns to the Overworld where a normal speedrunner would begin searching for the fortress using His Eyes of Ender, but this speedrunner has a slightly different idea of ​​SL because instead he heads to a nearby village, specifically this house. of the village and on the surface to it. The house seems to be pretty normal, but would you be wrong? Because the speedster looks at this completely normal wooden plank and opens it, revealing a staircase leading down to the fortress.
I'm not even going to question it anymore, so after somehow making their way to the fortress, the runner finds the final portal room and appears at the end where they find something incredibly strange, a pig with a saddle. Well, the runner must think it's some kind of magical pig because he starts talking to it. pig you can fly you can fly high in the sky okay if that really works oh my god he's on a flying pig and he literally flies all over the end that's actually so cool the racer flies right into the Ender Dragon, but his Pig dies and he. falls to his death, this next speedon starts with the runner appearing directly in front of a village where he is in survival mode, he has no items in his inventory and is looking completely straight, but look closer at the corner of the screen where you can see a singular piece of wool, this reveals that he has already been playing in the world and forgot to pick up the item after killing sheep, but giving him the benefit of the doubt, the race is on with him.
He gathers materials for some tools, collects beds, and gets something from Hay, all completely legit until the runner runs into the Dreamhouse. Did I miss an update? No way guys oh my god we found the super ultra rare dream house so the runner enters the Dreamhouse and inside is the real dream guys oh my god. I'm very lucky, well, right next to the dream there is a chest with all the items you would need to enter the abyss, but I think the speedster is more focused on the fact that he found the dream in his world.
Oh my god, I dream, can I get an autograph? I love you, this guy is out of control, so after collecting all the Dreamhouse items, the runner creates his nether portal and makes his way to the nether. Now it seems that the runner gets very lucky and appears directly in front of a fortress, but let's rewind the footage to see what really happened. If we play the clip frame by frame, we can see that the runner appeared in a completely different location, but he edited his footage to make it look like he appeared in front of a fortress, so the runner enters the Fortress and goes to loot this chest of the Fortress and inside are all the normal items you would expect to appear here.
A saddle. Nether Warts Iron Ingots. a complete family tree of llamas, the runner collects seven rods and begins to search for a Bastion, but on his way he once again sees the dream, the dream, oh my God, you are back, well, the dream actually begins to lead to the speed runner to this strange wall. You're kidding me buddy, well, he pulls out a torch from his inventory and places it on this specific block and when he clicks on the torch, it reveals a secret passage to the Bastion, so after summoning a secret tunnel, the runner makes his way . in the Bastion, but let's take a very close look at the loot in this Bastion chest, find some golden obsidian and even some arrows, but also find this slow fall potion and although it may look innocent, this item cannot appear in A Bastion Chest remembers this for later, so the broker locates some gold bars and begins trading with nearby piglins, and while all the items he gets from the trades are completely normal, the amount of each item he you get is completely false because first you get three obsidian blocks even though the maximum per drop is only one, you also get six ender pearls from a single trade even though the maximum is four and you even get two fire resistance potions Even though there is a maximum of one, the broker clearly made a mistake. with the loot drops to give the piglins an advantage, so after collecting all the pearls he needs, the runner builds a portal and returns to the Overworld now, like the previous runners, this speed runner completely ignores and launches his salesman eyes like a real speed racer would.
Well, remember when the speedrunner found a slow fall potion from Bastion's chest, he drinks it and just watches what happens? Wow, he just broke through the floor and fell straight into the fortress. This guy is crazy, so the runner enters the fortress and uses a common speedrunning technique, he easily locates the final portal room, but there is just one small problem after placing all his eyes on the portal, he ends up having only one Be careful, then how is the runner supposed to illuminate the portal and head to the final dream? save me please okay no way this is going to work oh my god it's a dream so the dream comes out of the ground and looks at the speedster giving him the last Eye of Ender he needs and then disappears after picking up the last Eye of Ender. you need the runner to be able to enter the end now, when the runner appears there are already some problems first he doesn't get the achievement for entering the end second he appears directly on the surface instead of an OB platform and lastly he finds a chest.
With some extremely powerful items and with all this loot overpowered, the Ender Dragon doesn't last long. The next start begins with the runner logging some wood, crafting some tools, and locating a nearby village where he is selecting the first slot from his inventory. It's in survival mode and it's completely straight, but let's take a look at this specific blacksmith on the surface. It may look pretty normal, but take a closer look at this specific torch. In a real blacksmith, there is always a torch on this wooden board. but in this speedrun we can see that the torch is in this oak trunk.
This was clearly changed by the off-camera speedrunner as a way to mark this specific village house because the chest inside contains golden apples, a prismatic Reaper, wait what those poor villagers So, after destroying an entire family of villagers, the runner needs to find a nearby lava pool to create a Nether Portal. The problem is that the runner does not see a single pool of lava near his spawn location, so the runner decides to open his menu and navigate to the resource packs tab where he decides to place a very specific resource pack. It's that x-ray. This guy is literally cheating.
Well, the runner applies the X-ray texture pack and suddenly you can see every lava pool in the game. This guy isn't even trying to hide that this race is fake, so the runner digs down to the nearby lava pool and using his bucket of water begins to create the nether portal, but this guy must be new to speedrunning because clearly He has no idea how to do it. To build this nether portal right, the runner turns towards this wall and appears to be checking his inventory, but when the speedrunner returns the portal has magically been completed when clearly just a few seconds ago it was nowhere near done right if you play this part of the footage in slow motion, you can see these two items in his inventory change clearly, the speed runner cut the video, finished building the portal off camera and pretended nothing happened, so the speed runner turns on the portal and appears in The Nether and fortunately.
Things seem to be pretty normal as an SP is completely legit, has no potion effect and starts searching for a nearby Stronghold, but the runner must have gotten tired of running because he magically starts flying, but wait, we can see his health bar. quick access. clearly it isin survival mode, how is that possible? The runner then flies to the Fortress before locating the flame generator, but at first glance, doesn't it look like there are a lot more flames than would naturally be generated here if taken? If you look closer at this part of the Fortress you will notice this floating Blaze egg in the air and you will also be able to see these strange particles floating around that same egg and if you fast forward a few seconds until the runner leaves the Fortress you can see that A player holds this egg after his invisibility potion has run out.
It's pretty obvious that he's the one generating this unnatural amount of flames, so with all these flames it's pretty easy for the runner to collect seven flame rods where he can then start searching for a nearby Bastion and actually manages to find one. Normally, there's just one small problem: this Bastion is located on the complete opposite side of this huge lava pool and since the corridor has no Ender pearls, how is that supposed? To get there safely, the runner casually starts walking on the lava, it's even a feature of Minecraft, so the runner enters the Bastion and luckily his exchanges with the piglins seem to be quite normal as all the items he collects are completely legit. , but now is a good time to take a closer look at the stopwatch the sprinter has had on for the entire race, even though it may look innocent.
This is another way the sprinter cheats because let's compare 5 seconds on his timer with 5 seconds. From a real stopwatch, your stopwatch actually moves much slower, you are literally using a slower stopwatch to get a faster time for your speed run, so after collecting all the pearls you need, a normal speed runner he would probably build another portal and return to the Overworld. The problem is that the runner doesn't have enough obsidian to build a nether portal for himself. He starts running in a random direction until he stumbles upon a completely constructed nether portal, but he waits, if we rewind the footage, we can see this nether portal.
The portal is being built right before we get there, it was clearly built by the same friend we saw generating flames at the beginning of the race, so the runner enters the portal and returns to the Overworld and starts searching for the fortresses and uses a technique popular known as triangulation. He locates the fortresses and enters the final portal room, but this is where things get weird. The speedrunner finishes setting his eyes on the final portal, but for some reason it looks like a nether portal and when the speedrunner jumps, he is in the nether one. final, what am I looking at here?
He is literally at the bottom, but each block is like the bottom one. That portal must have been very cursed. Remember when earlier in the race the speedster got the Prismatic Reaper? Well he takes it out and the Ender Dragon doesn't last much longer subscribe for more fake Minecraft


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